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Dragons,heroes,quests and more.Insane characters. The dark one wreaks havoc. |
Hunting the brothers. Podder leads the dejected party from the entrance to the mine. Standing before them and not looking too happy was the entire dwarf village. The elder’s looked at the two and the anger on their faces indicated somebody was in for big trouble. Before they could utter a word Dame Brundle ran forward to greet the pair, pie still clenched in her hands. “My poor boys where have you been I’ve been worried sick wondering and waiting.” Erruel just stood there with the sack on his shoulders and shrugged. Oriins eyes were glued to the cold pie in the little old lady’s arms. His mouth watered as he swallowed loud enough for all present to hear. “We’ve been looking for treasure and we got ourselves lost. Podder came and found us in one piece no harm done.”Erruel said sheepishly. “And we found treasure tell them Erruel, show them the treasure”Oriin added wrestling the pie clear of the little lady’s grip. Erruel lifted the sack from his shoulders and placed it on the ground for all to see. His excitement threatened to overwhelm him at that point. He was sure once the elders saw the treasure they would be jubilant. He produced a sharp hunting knife and bent down to cut the bindings that secured the sack. He paused for a moment to savour the excited expressions on the faces staring down at him. His big moment had at long last arrived. Oriin just stood watching his mouth crammed with pie. “What is in the sack?” Someone in the crowd shouted out. Erruel furled his eyebrows and said to himself what’s in the bag ill show them what’s in the bag all right! With that, he flung open the sack up ending it so all could see the gold. Instead of a king’s, treasure a large black cat scrambled clear as it meowed frantically. It spat, hissed, and with an evil fang filled screech disappeared into the gloom of the dawn. Soldier barked furiously and gave chase. His barking soon faded into the distance to leave the gathering almost silent. The two dwarf explorers were speechless. Oriin choked and gagged on his pie. He spat and coughed furiously spraying delicious morsels of food in every direction. Erruel squeezed his eyes shut and hung his head in shame. The laughter started as a single chuckle or two. It quickly escalated till the whole village was caught up in the humour of the situation the noise was so disheartening. Podder looked at the boys. His eyes showed what he was feeling but his face softened as he embraced the two like a father. The gatherer smiled as the laughter eventually died down and the crowd began to dwindle. The elder’s gave a last angry glance meant as a warning to the boys. They would be dealt with, and then they departed to discuss matters of elder significance. Dame Brundle just smiled at the two boys. Her face was positively beaming. They were back in one piece and that was all she had hoped for. “My oh my is that the time” she exclaimed as she glanced at the rising suns. “I’ve got pies to bake! You boys make sure you call around!” She said as she hugged the two again. Then she turned to Podder and kissed him on the cheek. She hurried off as fast as her ancient bones would allow. The morning’s rays grew more intense as a new day graced Trilling Brook.Erruel and Oriin looked about as shadows disappeared from the scene. “Well I never!” Exclaimed Oriin as he saw the broken wood strewn about the vacant pedestals. “What in blazes happened the Brothers?” Soldier made a return. His tail was hidden between his legs. A look of disappointment resided on his face. The dog resorted to sniffing the ground about where the brothers had stood for generations. His tail sprang erect and started to wag excitedly. The hunting dog’s head came up pointing in the direction of a large gap in the trees ahead of them. Soldier barked energetically. “What do you thinks got into him?”Erreul asked no one in particular. “God only knows” Oriin replied shoving all that was left of the pie into his rucksack. Podder Moone walked over to his dog and patted him on the back. The dog kept facing in the one direction and would not budge even when Podder tried to turn him. Finally, Podder faced the dwarfs. He pointed in the direction of the village then back at the two boys. He put his fingers to his eyes and pointed in the direction of the trees indicating he was going to take a look. Following in the direction the dog had indicated he set off at a slow run. Soldier barked and then followed. The deserted dwarfs looked at one another. ” I’m not going back to the village as a loser Oriin.They are going to make fun of us for years to come our lives are over!” “What’s got into your mind? I know that look.” “Lets follow Podder he may need our help and if anybody’s going to find treasure I’ll wager that he’s the lucky man, lets go!” With that, he raced off in pursuit. Oriin shrugged his shoulders and before he could think better he followed suit like an automaton. The giant footprints were easy follow and to make it even easier they were still relatively fresh. Tiny beads of dew still glistened in the indentations caused by heavy feet. Podder smiled this was altogether too easy. Soldier with the scent fresh in his nose forces the pace. Behind them at a safe distance, the boys employed their considerable hunting skills remaining unnoticed by all except for Podder and his dog and probably anything else that bothered to look in their direction. They trotted behind the tireless hunter. The quick pace set was taxing on the already weary dwarfs. At this point Oriin realized they were probably making another mistake. “Why exactly are we doing this. Would I be correct in thinking we must be mad. Gods knows what the elders have got in store for us as things lie. Now we go running off again before they can even get their hands on us. I think our days are numbered. You’ll be my downfall Erruel Brindlesfoot.” “Oriin sometimes a dwarfs gotta do what a dwarfs gotta do. There’s a big world out there and we aint seen none of it yet. If we wait to think about it, we will never leave. In fifty years, we will be too fat to do anything. We’ve got to make a break from those pies. Besides I don’t think we will be going that far haven’t you noticed Podder aint got no supplies?” As luck would have it, the little hunter paused beside a dead oak with a hollowed out inside. He pulled a heavy rucksack from within then looked about with a big arrogant grin on his face. He then continued after Soldier. The two boys looked at each other. That was unexpected. They ran over to the same oak. Erruel being the taller reached inside and rummaged about. “Well you feel anything?” “Yea, I think I feel a tent and wait a minute there’s a pot of hot soup. Onion I think mmmmm! my favourite and two warm beds and hold on if I’m not mistaken…a horse!” Oriin was not amused as Erruel pulled his empty hand free and turned about. Erruel just looked at him and said,” What did you expect?” “Nothing I guess, I’m tired, let’s turn back while we still can.” “We rest when he rests! We eat when he eats”Erruel stated. “Eat what?” “We are hunters fool act like one! Now come on!” With that, he left in pursuit of the resourceful little man. Forest gave way to woodlands. The trees thinned out changing from evergreen to deciduous. The contrast was extraordinary .One minute they were trekking through dense green pines that huddled close together in an almost half-light. Then it became noticeably brighter as pine gave way to Ash and Oak. The trees here had started to lose their summer colours and in another month, the contrast would be extraordinary. They scared small game along the way. Occasionally they stopped to gather mushrooms and berries while they had the opportunity. Some they ate and the rest they packed away in their backpack. “Does he ever grow weary then?”Oriin asked the panting Erruel. “Why do you think he’s the best Oriin? Ill wager Podder can out run his dog and Soldiers not just any old dog!” “Well then I hope Soldier gets tired right about now my legs are worn to two little stumps. What’s all the hurry?”Oriin asked. “Podder knows something. He is also tracking something if you have not noticed. Have you even wondered why we are running beside foot prints ten times bigger than ours then?” “No, you’re the hunter I’m just tagging along to make sure you and Podder Moone stay safe.”Oriin chuckled. “Well then I guess your stumps are going to get stumpier my friend”Erruels replied. Lunchtime came and passed. The only food to grace the two dwarfs bellies was nuts and berries eaten while they ran. Podder was still some distance ahead of the two stragglers. The tracks he was following unfortunately are not as fresh now as he would have liked. However, grim determination was one of the building blocks making up this man. He had been on longer hunts before with less success and besides he was enjoying himself. Soldier as always was tireless. He constantly looked back to check on his masters whereabouts. Podder smiled for he does the same for the two boys following him. He wondered what that made him in the eyes of his dog. He was comfortable here alone in a quiet world with just his trusty friend and his imagination for company. A big part of him longed to find out what was really out there? With a wife and kids at home, this was going to be the best excuse he would ever have to at the very least try and find out. He shared the boy’s enthusiasm for the unknown that was why he was concerned enough by the mere sight of an uneaten pie to go check on them. He was an adventurer at heart. The only piece of the puzzle missing was adventure! He stopped to examine the tracks before him. They appeared to be taking an easterly direction. He was coming to the limits of his experience. The open country before him now and its dangers were completely unknown to him or his dog. “So Erruel do you think its time we had a chat about the cat?” “Oriin how can you be so cruel? What would you have me say? Something like I was wrong and worse, again you were right? The cat as far as I’m concerned needed to be rescued and I for one rescue cats, dogs or whatever else needs a rescuing!” “Ok lets put it another way shall we then? I told you so Erruel!”Oriin soaked up this blissful moment. His friend was absolutely livid and no response was forth coming. This for once made a rare change” The ground got a little rockier and the going got a little harder. Both dwarfs marvelled at Podder and his ability, he was truly a legend. The tracks became a harder to make out. From what Erruel could tell, the tracks headed eastwards but Oriin interjected insisting he was mistaken. The tracks headed west. A heated discussion threatened to break out until Oriin pointed out the fact that names weren’t important just follow the footprints. Erruel reluctantly agreed even though his friend had made an excellent point. They unanimously head in an easterly direction. The day started to deteriorate. The light had begun to fail as clouds had gathered during their argument .A light drizzle started to fall. “Thank god we remembered to bring overcoats at least that was a good decision. Let’s stop to put them on?“Oriin asked his companion. Erruel ground to a halt casually taking the time to grab a quick respite unknown to Oriin. “Please stop I give up! You win. I can’t take your pickiness any longer! You have worn me out more than keeping up with Podder was doing. Please, please stop or just kill me I won’t struggle!” “I’m only messing with you Erruel don’t be like that!” Erruel turned and smiled weakly to his friend. Upon seeing the possibility of forgiveness in his eyes, Oriin continued. “A couple of horses would have been handy too!” Erruel finally laughed and the camaraderie slowly returned. Darkness fell soon after and everything changed for the worse. Decisions had to be made. Do they make camp or risk carrying on to bump in to Podder by mistake? It was not a dwarf that provided the solution to their predicament. Angry booming voices drifted down to the bewildered pair from somewhere up the trail. It was not possible to hear what it was the voices were saying but one thing was for sure somebody was sure not happy. The smell of wood smoke and roasting meat floated invitingly about the dwarfs. The delightful aroma clung to their clothes making promises to taste buds that were by now redundant. Erruel turned to Oriin. ” Before you ask the answer is food and a hot fire. Not horses or overcoats or good ideas. I’m off to meet the cook! You stay here keep the forest safe and ill gladly have your share.” “I was just about to say the same thing mind reader, lets go!” As they made their way closer to the arguing voices they started to make out some of what was being said. “How are we supposed to make it to the gathering now then brother?” “Lets just get that far. We can decide then!” “The wizard is going to be very unhappy when you tell him that you lost his precious stone. I knew it was a bad idea to open the bag I told you but you would not listen!” “Please don’t go down that road. We have been prisoners for what seems like an eternity and I know it’s my fault the stone is gone. I’ve had enough time to think and come to terms with that fact.” “Sshaska e var is a master of trickery. He has fooled everyone. We know even the great Aldoran is not beyond his meddlesome powers.” “That doesn’t make me feel any better” “Lets look at it this way, by the way turn that meat it’s starting to burn. We did our best. We used and lost the stone, so what? We will find it. First though we must make our way to the gathering and tell the others what those fool dwarfs have done. Then we make a plan like before, many heads will be better than two.” The dwarfs hid within perfect hearing distance. An uneasy feeling displaced hunger for the time being. The two conversationalists responsible for the raised voices, wood smoke and the delicious smell of cooking meat sat barely thirty paces away. Erruel turned to Oriin and whispered. “They can’t be” Oriin replied. ”Oh yes they can or maybe we have just shrunk from starvation!” “Who would have guessed he had changed into a cat?” “We should that’s who. In addition, while you wrestled with a cat he spirited Aldorans precious stone away before we completed the magic. If not for those dwarfs we would be lost for eternity. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” “Lets eat I can’t tell you how hungry I am. I hope one deer is going to be enough. I’m not sure how long it’s been since we last ate something.” With that, the two men tucked in slicing huge juicy chunks from the cooked animal. The dwarf’s mouths watered. The two brothers were massive creatures both stood at the very least three times as tall as Trilling Brooks tallest man Erruel Brindlesfoot. Tonight Erruel did not feel so tall. They each sported long beards and were dressed in simple tunics of homespun wool. Muscular arms were exposed to the night chill but neither seemed to care much. Buckskin leggings ended with huge bare feet as the mud squelched between their wriggling toes. They carried small knives tucked into leather belts. Otherwise, they seemed to be unarmed. Each spoke little enough during the meal that saw most of the deer consumed quickly, much to the hungry watchers dismay. “Get some real sleep we will continue first thing in the morning. Good night brother it is still good to see you safe again.” The other giant looked across the fire and smiled. “Yes it is.” he said goodnight returning the sentiment with a sly wink. Both giants settled down and soon fell asleep. The deep rich sound of their snoring would undoubtedly keep predators from entering the camp unless they were of the insane kind. Oriins stomach gave a loud long rumble .The taste of acid in his mouth reminded him that there were serious matters at hand. Erruel lying flat on his belly had his head buried in his hands. Without looking, he mumbled. “I’m not going to last the night Oriin if I die you have my consent to eat me as long as you let me eat you if you die first!” ”Shussh! I have a plan!” Erruels head comes up and he stared hopefully at his friend. It was Oriins plans that always got them the pies. If nothing else his friend bordered on pure genius when it came concocting plans for pilfering food. He came up with the most outrageous schemes and they always worked. Erruel was all ears. He quietly sat up and asked what the plan was. Oriin’s reply astounded his companion. “I’m going to sneak over there and get some of that meat. See you in a bit!” This was the brilliant plan. Before Erruel even had time to object, his friend crawled on his belly towards the sleeping giants. “The gods help us,” Erruel said quietly to himself. A hand came from out of nowhere and clamped about the mouth of the startled dwarf. He struggled but his assailant pinned him firmly to the ground. Slowly the hand released its grip just enough to let Erruel turn to face his assailant. Podder Moone silent as always just peered into Erruels frightened eyes. He put finger to lips indicating silence then released his hold on his little friend. Erruel looked back over his shoulder to see how Oriin was fairing. This was probably the only time that Erruel would ever admit that they were genuinely making a big mistake. However, this sentiment was wasted with out having his friend by his side to debate the matter further. He turned back to face Podder whose gaze was firmly fixed on the skulking balding dwarf crawling towards the roasted meat. Oriin by now was within a few places of the snoring giants. There were a few joints of succulent venison conveniently left to one side of cook fire. He decided this was the target and ever so slowly and quietly, he wormed a little closer. Podder nudged Erruels shoulder to catch the others attention from the scene unfolding about the campfire. Erruel looked at the little silent hunter. Podders concern was obvious as he shook his head slowly indicating by grabbing his own collars in both hands that it was a trap. The colour drained out of Erruels face and a feeling akin to the one that precedes vomiting grabbed the pit of his stomach. Why hadn’t they thrown themselves upon the mercy of Podder, this on the other hand was pure madness. Oriin sneaked between the snoring giants and placed a trembling hand on the awaiting meat. A feeling of tremendous excitement flooded his little body. He tried to subdue these early celebrations. Carefully he stuffed the venison joints into his jacket and turned ever so slowly about. Both giants were still snoring loudly as Oriin peered into their faces. The little thief’s mouth dropped in horror as his bladder relieved itself without his leave to do so. The snoring sounds continued from both giants, as they lay in their sleeping positions. Their large black eyes were wide open and alert. Smiles split their frightening faces as one reached out to lift the terrified thief clean off his feet. King Virag The tiny King broke for cover. What was left of his raiders was already far ahead sprinting through the trees. He cradled his ribs in his arms. The pain was now unbearable. The big oaf nearly killed him when he kicked him high into the trees. Oh how the little king would make him pay. Ahead of him, he could still hear the frightened grunts coming from what was left of his band. Never mind! He thought to himself. Hobgoblins bred like rats he would replace those idiots with better! The biggest problem now was replacing Virago. The power needed to create such a monster was enormous but he must be replaced at all costs. His hold on the others was at stake. He searched about in his little pouch that hung as always by his side. The stone he had been carrying for lifetimes was now the size of a pea. It was no longer the size it had been when he had first found it. Back then it was the size of an apple. Well no matter, where he found one he was sure to find another. Think positive! He told himself as he walked into the dark clearing hidden far away from the victorious travellers. “A ta bouleg larrutha”-Start a fire Within minutes, the larger Hobgoblins pulled firewood from the dense vegetation surrounding them. They crudely stacked it in the centre of the clearing. When this was done, they stood back and looked expectantly at the little king. Virag hated using his powers on such wasteful tasks as this but it demonstrated to the others that he was still very much in charge. He will provide for his faithful! He mumbled a bit and removed the tiny stone from its hiding place. In his mind, he envisaged a flame dancing about the deadwood the others had collected. Immediately the timbers burst in to flame and even though they had seen it many times before the Hobgoblin survivors collectively let out aloud-appreciative gasp. Most of the time when he used magic, he mumbled incoherently. Virag used strange words and gestures as he waved his scrawny arms about in a theatrical fashion. This make it seem more than it was. He just had to think with the stone in his hands and that was all it took. He did not want his little secret to become known. Some of these Goblins were as devious as himself. Virag had been born in the wintertime as freezing snows and icy winds thrashed their mountain homeland. Food was always scarce for these isolated nomadic creatures. Nothing went to waste. They raided and scavenged among the smaller creatures in their domain. All considered them cruel and untrustworthy. The hobgoblins were despised and hunted down in return. Virag had been born prematurely. His mother had died in the lee of a rock face whilst giving birth to the little monster. Snow and biting cold soon started to stiffen the body as Virag’s father arrived to investigate. He sniffed about the carcass looking to Virag who lay sprawled in the freezing snow. A hairy bloody ball wriggled whilst still attached by cord to its dead mother. More creatures gathered around. Virag’s father grunted over the deafening sound of the howling wind. An old female made her way to the pup. Snow lashed about the little group their coarse shaggy hair protected them somewhat from the worst of the swirling death. The old female grabbed the cord and clamped what remained of her teeth down pulling and tearing at it till it parted. A dozen patches of blood bloomed briefly on the snow underneath her feet. She lifted the newborn pup into her arms and turned to return to their temporary shelter. The rest followed behind dragging the stiff carcass Virag’s mother through the deep and deadly white desert. This was how the little king had come into being several hundred winters before. The memories as always were still a painful reminder that this world preyed on the weak. He was determined to stay strong. As always in times of distress, he needed to focus on matters at hand. He usually did this by remembering how his father had fed him pieces of his mother that night. The others sat about and devoured her precious remains before Virag had even gleamed one loving memory from her. It roiled his blood. He jumped up and screamed into the night. His eyes shot wide open. He looked about the clearing. Some of the Hobgoblins were injured. Some worse than others. He needed food. This was not a problem. Virag walked over to the most critically injured. The poor creature looked pitiful lying there on the ground before him. Its hands frantically sought to keep the contents of its stomach from rushing out amongst the hungry Goblins that had by now gathered about. With the stone still clenched in one hand the king took a club from a bystander and shouted out loudly for all to hear! “Muathra”-Mother Repeatedly he clubbed the injured warrior to death missing one in every two strokes but eventually he got the job done. He flung the club aside as the others pounced on the victim to secure their share. Virag walked back to his place at the fire and sat looking at the feasting horde. His face and arms were covered in blood but he would not eat. Virag does not consume meat. He ate the eggs of others, fish when he was lucky and roots, berries and the like. He had his father Virago to thank for that. The sounds of animals feeding broke the silence of the forest as gobbets of hot steaming gore were physically pulled by claw and fang free from the carcass that lay pitifully sprawled in a bloody heap. Virag watched as the monsters fought over the previously jealousy guarded entrails. Grabbing hands stretched them tight and they made an audible twanging snap when they finally parted. Without thinking as he stared transfixed, the little king rubbed some of the congealing blood from his face with the hand he still held the stone in. Upon realizing this, he quickly took his hand away cursing himself angrily for messing his precious secret up. As he went to wipe it clean, he noticed tiny droplets of blood defy gravity. They were attracted to the pea-sized stone. The stone glowed faintly and grew a little warmer. Virag’s eyes popped in their sockets. What was this? He thought to himself quickly. He closed his hand about the warm pebble. Looking around him all seemed too busy to have noticed they were caught up in feasting. Virag smiled viciously. He became lost in dreams that he for now can only see. How fortunes could change, he pondered. While he was wasting the stones magic, he had never thought for a moment that it could be replenished. He supposed that was because its previous owner never had the chance to tell him. “Curse that fool” he blurted out. Hobgoblins looked in his direction a questioning look about them. “Animals the lot of them.” he said behind their backs.” What am I king of then? Nothing just a mangy pack of useless flea infested animals,” he said quietly. Virag did not just look like a different species he felt like one two. All through his young life, he had been kicked about and bullied by bigger Hobgoblins. On a few occasions, he had come close to being eaten by these unreliable and unpredictable mangy dogs. He remembered back to the day when several chased him with that thought foremost on his mind. They hurled clubs and rocks; some struck hard and knocked him to the ground. They chased him so far in to the mountains that he became hopelessly lost. He wandered about starved and beaten ranting and raving at the cruel world. The sounds of his pursuers died out in the back round. He was so lost in his own misery that he never thought to follow the cruel beasts back to the den. Hours passed and at last, Virag collapsed on the ground beside a pile of boulders. He had given up. Cold dirt clung to spittle as it oozed from his mouth. “Virag?” a sibilant voice invaded his mind. “Virag you are dying!” the voice repeated. ”Virag don’t die!” “Virag if you die now you will end up like your mother!” the sibilant voice probed the pathetic creature to gain access to its most vulnerable thoughts. “Virag your are meant for greater things. I see this in your heart for you are indeed different. Virag you are special!” There was no reaction. Virag eyes just stared at a dark hole two paces in front of him. His eyes slowly started to lose focus. “Virag being different is good. You are destined to change the world in which you feel chained too. The others are there for you to use. They are barely more the animals, but you Virag have hopes and dreams these must not go to waste!” “Do you wish to end up like your mother? Defiled by her own! Consumed then passed as foul droppings. Is this all there is to ones life?” One of Virag’s pupils narrowed ever so slightly to be followed slowly by the other one. “Virag I will be your friend for all time, but first I have a gift. I want you to take it for I have no longer any need of it. I am being hunted and cannot escape my pursuers. Nevertheless, I will return you may be sure of this and when I do, we will be friends I swear! Take my gift and use it to your hearts content. My name is Sshaska e var remember it well and for now just follow the cat!” the voice disappeared. Virag slowly propped his tiny hungry body on one elbow and looked about. Shadows lengthened encouraged by the approaching darkness. The voice had vanished and he wondered was it just hunger and fear that had spoken instead? He heard a purring sound close to his ear as a black smooth hairy body lovingly rubbed off the side of his head. The noise sounded friendly a constant puuuuuuurrrrrr! The beast licked Virag’s face. He was dying his first reaction was to catch and kill the cat but the memory of the voice came to mind follow the cat! If a cat had not appeared, this would be proof of his madness but there it was right in front of him now. This was all the proof he needed so he crawled after the animal. It vanished in to a tiny gap in the rocks that only a Hobgoblin of his particular size could pass through. He was lost in darkness so he closed his eyes giving them time to adjust. Being a goblin had its advantages one of these being excellent night vision. The cat was now nowhere to be seen. He was sure of this but the little cave he had found would give him shelter till the morning. He had a good look around and saw nothing of note. At the back of the cave, he curled up in a ball and slept peacefully dreaming of food and warmth the way hungry cold things did. While he slept a stone, the size of an apple kept rolling against him. He pushed it a way subconsciously. It rolled free once more and came to rest beneath him again. Everytime he pushed it away it somehow returned to its original position. Eventually he gave up. He held it in his hand and slumbered lost in a world of tasty smells. Many hours later Virag woke up and could not move a muscle. All about the cave packed tightly together was all the foods he had been dreaming of. He sat up to take in this wonderful sight. His hand still held the apple-sized rock that was hidden beneath a warm woollen blanket. Realization slowly sank in. His mind raced as he stuffed exotic foods into his mouth. Succulent tastes drowned him in pure joy as he gorged on all within reach. A feast for the dying it seemed. He laughed out loud. ”Dying no longer!” He shouted out to no one in particular. “This is the best day of my miserable life”. He swaggered back to the camp of the Hobgoblins. Mostly he swaggered from over feeding but a large part of it was his newfound pride. He made his way to his father’s ramshackle shelter and climbed in side. No one was there. He looked about and thought to himself what a pitiful existence, this will not do for a king! With that, he looked for possessions he needed to take but decided that nothing was worth taking. He climbed back out of the shelter. His intentions were to leave and make a better life for himself but on seeing his pathetic father in a huddle around a smouldering miserable fire he grew angry. This bad tempered hobgoblin had beaten him continuously for no reason at all. Virag had virtually been left to fend for himself in the absence of his real mother. If it had not been for the old female that had carried him back from the freezing mountain, he was certain he would never have survived for so long. Now she was gone too. One day she fell while out foraging with the rest and broke her leg. Virag went to her aid while the rest stood about staring. The old goblin writhed in agony on the ground her screams were pitiful. They were made even more pitiful when Virag’s father crushed her skull with a rock. Virag had tried to make him stop. They could have helped her, for even he knew broken bones could be mended. Unfortunately, his father had other ideas that day. When her skull finally gave way, the big hobgoblin simply grabbed her by the hair and dragged her back to their makeshift campsite. They had fed on the remains of Virag’s second mother for many days even though the carcass had long since turned foul. Virag had another reason to hate his father as he stood there glowering at his back. The scavenging members of the group began to return to the camp. Each carried pitiful handfuls of nuts and berries. Virag’s father let out a roar as he lurched to his feet. He kicked and beat his underachieving followers showing no mercy. Virag snapped. He had finally had enough. His father was nothing more than a remorseless ghoul and he screamed at him to stop. The Hobgoblin chief was just about to club another member of the camp to death but he hesitated. Turning around slowly, his eyes mirrored his madness the hobgoblin was in the grip of a murdering frenzy. Virago threw the other hobgoblin to the ground contemptuously and advanced on his son brandishing a weapon. Virag was paralysed with fear .His only wish was to run. He thought to himself why should I run from this miserable wretch? It should be the other way around! The chieftain advanced a few more paces as Virag held up his hand and shouted. ”Come no further you piece of filth. You have terrorized me and the others for long enough. If you want to act like a monster then you shall live as one from this day onwards”. The rest of the group all took a backward step for they knew what was to come having seen it happen so many times before. How many of their young did they struggle to raise only to be killed and consumed by this creature? No body made a move to intervene, with luck, the chief could fall and break his wretched neck but that was a little too much to hope for. Before Virago could take another menacing step Virag closed his eyes and thought of the worst kind of creature his vivid imagination could conjure. He placed his hand inside the pouch hanging by his side and his fist closed around the stone. It grew warm to the touch and then grew warmer still. Virag’s father fell to his knees. His filthy hands clutched at his head as he screamed like the stricken animal he was. Only the purest agonising screams could escape the beast’s mouth as it thrashed about wantonly. Animal grunts and other alarmed sounds escaped from those surrounding the scene. All gazes centred on the stricken king. Slowly Virag’s father began to physically change. His body twisted into impossible positions as bones rearranged themselves with loud cracking noises. His head swelled to an enormous size as Virago’s body struggled to match this accelerated growth rate. Again, Virago thrashed about the clearing parting the onlookers smashing into their ramshackle huts till finally he collapsed hidden among the ruins of his own shack. The stone in Virag’s hand became too hot to hold so he let go. From the ruins of his former home came the pathetic whimpering of something unknown. It sounded large. Deep bellowing noises emit from where the shelter had stood but moments before. Two huge hairy hands gripped the last remaining uprights left standing in the ruin of Virag’s home. An enormous beast raised its ugly head into clear view for all to gawp at. The other Hobgoblins screamed with fear and bolt for safety leaving the grinning Virag to face the beast alone! The camp had been destroyed. Virag took a quick look around and said out loud. “Good for we shall rebuild, this time as befitting a king” The creature in front of him stumbled clear of the wreckage and came to halt before the King. It had a gormless expression on its face. “Ah Virago or should I call you father? Please kneel before your rightful king!” With that, the hulking brute complied. The feeling Virag experienced at that time was like nothing he could ever have dreamed of. The fleeing hobgoblins make there way back after some time to see a small village stand in place of their old settlement. Well-crafted dwellings stood there for all to see. Each home had its own smoking chimney. The smells of delightful foods drowned the hungry mob. In the middle of the village stood Virag shadowed by the hulking Virago. The little king welcomed all with open arms for now and the feasting began. The Harridan The masochistic rock trolls regularly beat the tired and dejected prisoners. Every time the troll leader called a halt to make camp for the evening, the horrors began again. The r’aaeghoul was regularly paraded by its enormous minder to be bullied up and down the prisoner holding area. The chain at the beast’s neck strained as he repeatedly lunged at desirable prey but the handler yanked it mercilessly from its feet before it could actually make the kill. Scores of prisoners it held by its magic. So tantalizingly close, it came to feasting on human flesh. Its every waking moment was consumed by those thoughts. They buried themselves like maggots deep into its brain reducing it to begging and all to no avail. The last human’s blood it had tasted had been the guards it had killed over a week ago. They procession had relentlessly marched for the last week through impossibly rough terrain. The weather had become progressively worse the closer they got to the doomed wastes of the Harridion. The rich greenery of Halfway seemed a distant memory to Amy as she sat huddled on the cold ground. The heat from the only fire they were permitted was too far away to heat Ned’s, Sam’s or even her freezing bones. It had been a living hell and all were deeply traumatized. Days filled with brutal treatments ended in nights of brutal killings. They had been given raw horseflesh to do with what they pleased. Most just ate it as presented but Amy waited patiently for her time at the fire to at least singe her portions, before carrying them back to the others. Was this the new life Thomas who seemed but a memory now and she had been planning? How could it have turned into this waking nightmare, she cried silently to herself. Sam was still healthy for now she thanked the divine for this small mercy. Even through the hardships, she was surprised by how much he had grown. He now walked barefooted. His shoes had been discarded for they were much even too small to fit even uncomfortably. Sam now looked like a boy of seven rather than a child of two. Ned had long since stopped commenting on this peculiarity. Amy just kept replying. “He’s special don’t let it worry you Ned.” Then there were the times when the trolls came to weed out the sick and infirm. These brought the worst memories. Trolls just appeared from between their sentries and dispersed among the frantic. Most hid their faces especially the ones that fitted the requirements handed out by their leader. All the same, hair was pulled roughly to reveal the category of prisoner beneath and if acceptable it was then dragged by the hair kicking and screaming to the outside of the group. Once there the rest was best forgotten. Troll bulls twice as tall as their victims pulled the heads off the unlucky just for sport. Very often, they would kick and drag them about the compound displaying ferociously to one another. This was the living nightmare. Surely, where they were headed for would prove to be much worse if the rumours were anything to go by. “How are you doing my dear?” Ned asked for the thousandth time. “I’m doing ok Ned. Thomas will be here soon!” Ned always gave the same reaction. The camp fell silent as deep night approached quietly. The pitiful campfire the prisoners were again allowed smouldered minutes from dying out. Amy lay shivering on the ground clutching Sam for precious warmth as much as out of motherly love. Every now and then, a horse snorted to break the peace and remind them that the nightmare was for real. Amy half asleep listened to the animals not realizing that they snorted more frequently than usual tonight. The first troll to die was one of the sentries standing watch over the slaves. Its death throes filled the night as it stumbled about and fell to the dirt a huge hunting spear skewered its chest. A horn filled the night. Long soulful bursts echoed throughout the invisible mountains. The entire camp was transformed into a battlefield as dozens of shapes mounted on animals no one could identify charged from the edge of nothingness. Trolls screamed orders in guttural confusion bringing the camp to organized disarray. Troll bulls gathered clubs to charge amongst the attackers in a furious but tardy counterattack. As the raiders came into view, the prisoners finally got to catch a glimpse of their saviours they hoped. The riders of the strange animals were humanoid but much larger than ordinary men and much hairier but thankfully similar in many respects. They rode huge beasts that looked a little like a horse but instead of hooves, they had claws. Horse like snouts were home to fangs. They screamed as they approached, moving like great cats they bounded in great leaps rather than galloped. Trolls swung their deadly clubs as the two groups collided. Spears decimated the leading trolls but their following comrades instantly smashed the invaders from their mounts. Hundreds of warriors swarmed from the darkness to impale and behead trolls. Unmounted individuals battled with axe and sword they butchered by the touch. Savage screaming rock trolls crushed and mutilated with bare hands any enemy unfortunate enough to fall foul of the repulsive crazed beasts. Sentries started to drift towards the conflict as Amy grabbed her charges close. ”Don’t say a word you two just follow me!” Amy crawled on her stomach towards the perimeter of the holding area. The light here was little or none as she made her way forward in the dark. She pushed by startled prisoners some seemed close to having the same idea as she had. She looked behind both Sam and Ned followed her closely Ned to their rear. The sounds of the nearly killed terrified her. She made it to the edge of the camp where trolls had already deserted their stations. Many were already dead. She silently turned to guide her two companions to the cover of the brush near by and seeing the way was clear she ran for cover herself. They found themselves in total blackness. So dark it was that Amy had to touch the dirt to orientate herself. “Lets go! Stay close now and do not look back. This way and hurry and do not get separated.” They travelled only a few paces when Amy stopped dead in her tracks. She thought that she heard a faint singing barely audible over the din of battle. It got louder and strangely hypnotic. She was unable to concentrate on anything else but that captivating sound. From out of the dark shone two luminous lupine yellow eyes. Pure delight was evident on the eyes face even in the dark. Something sniffed loudly the alluring sent of victim’s .The eyes flared even wider. A hungry growl escaped a mouth as its owner approached. The sound of a chain being dragged followed it. It had hungered for this exact moment .It had dreamed of this exact moment. The time for blood had finally arrived. Primordial hunger gripped the r’aaeghoul as its hungry stare settled mercilessly on Amy. The scent of her vitality overwhelmed the beast as it sang excitedly for its supper. Its hot breath shrouded the succulent female. She stood there motionless in waiting. The time had finally arrived. It moved to feed. A small hand encircled a claw. The r’aaeghoul faltered. A voice with a power greater than its own magic stopped it dead in its tracks. A childlike whisper seized his thoughts the beast joined the transfixed. Then a beautiful wondrous peace flooded it’s being to the core. A peace it had never experienced before sought to calm the beast. A voice whispered across its soul. “I am Shameul! Son of Shauul. Will you be my friend?” The r’aaeghoul felt an icy touch leave its body and with it, the creature shuddered. For reasons unknown, it lifted its own spell and the life returned slowly to its captive’s radiant eyes. Ned was the first to recover quick enough to see the r’aaeghoul towering above Amy with little Sam holding its claw. He was paralysed for the second time by fear but the sight of his charges in such peril unhinged the normally quiet man. He lunged with outstretched arms in a desperate attempt to come to their aid. He did not know why or what he could do but he tried selflessly all the same. The r’aaeghoul turns its head to face the charging innkeeper. A peaceful look lived on its face, as if it was stepping from out of a dream. Sam screamed out. “No Ned don’t do it!” It happened too quickly for Ned as his body came to a jarring halt even though he had not tried to stop himself. A crushing grip ripped him from his feet lifting him into the air. He flailed about helplessly but the grip was unbreakable as he was brought face to face with a familiar set of cruel hungry eyes. “Whragga!”-Dog meat! To Ned’s horror, he came face to face with the big handler responsible for the R’aaeghoul well being. The troll bully laughed out loud and shook the little man like a rag doll taunting him with open maw. Its foul breath made the little man vomit uncontrollably. The troll lumbered over to the r’aaeghoul holding the little man out like some sort of incentive. It became obvious to Ned as to what would happen next. The r’aaeghoul’s eyes narrowed murderously as it released a slow controlled growl from the pit of its stomach. This delighted the huge troll. The r’aaeghoul made ready to tear a long awaited victim to pieces. Nobody would know in all the confusion how a couple of prisoners got killed whilst trying to escape he might as well enjoy himself! The trolls attention jumped to Amy he would let the r’aaeghoul have the man that had fouled itself in his grip. He shook him violently and cast him to the feet of the monstrous wolf. The r’aaeghoul looked at Sam and Ned then returned his look to the careless handler that approached the female. The rock troll does not realize that he had misread the situation to the degree that it had. The r’aaeghoul stood motionless snarling and growling furiously. The troll casually picked up the animals chain and yanked it the way he had done on countless occasions before. This time however its pet had other ideas. As the abusive monster yanked the chain as viciously as he could the drooling r’aaeghoul sprang forward fangs first towards the troll’s exposed throat. Huge teeth sank into troll flesh as it attacked with a rabid fury. The Troll was taken by complete surprise as it tripped over the heavy trailing chain. The r’aaeghoul ripped with tooth and claw like the supreme killer it was designed to be. Huge hands pummelled and scraped at the wolf managing to finally grip it in a bear hug but all to no avail. A gaping wound appeared in the troll’s throat as the r’aaeghoul feverously ripped mouthfuls of steaming flesh free from the struggling troll. Its crushing grip loosened as its blood escaped in a river through the damage. Troll screams are muted to be come loud gurgling noises as the wolf creature continued to pull sinew and tendon from the neck of its tormentor. Finally, the troll gave a few massive convulsive kicks with its legs. With hands no longer able, to stem the flow from its ruined throat the handler choked on its own blood. The r’aaeghoul clenched its fangs around the troll’s windpipe and victoriously wrenches it free. A murderous triumphant howl charged the night. Amy and the two others huddled together as the exhausted animal left its kill to stand in front of them. It stood unsteadily shaking. Great breaths wracked its body as it fights to regain its breath. The wolf’s chest was matted with troll gore. A huge tear in its shoulder bled profusely a signs that the battle could have turned at any point. The fire in its eyes died down as it dropped to its haunches and whimpered like an overgrown dog. It licked its lips and started to clean the foul blood from its fur the heavy chain still encircled the beast noisily. Amy though frightened to death felts tremendous pity for the creature. Though it was a vicious killer, it killed for food unlike its victim tonight. Sam walked over to it and placed his arms around its neck. The little boy gave it a big hug saying. “Good fellah! Good boy!” The creature just whimpered in return. This reminded Amy of Fluffy back in Halfway. Ned just said.” Well I never!” Sam ran over to the dead troll and came back with a bunch of large keys. With the help of Amy, he managed to get the huge chain free of the r’aaeghoul. “There you go Fluffy!” Sam said releasing the beast. In the darkness, the monster sat motionless. The chain that had always been there was no longer there. It felt strange it almost missed it. The wolf looks about for long moments eventually it turns back to face Sam. A huge tongue reached out and literally soaked the boy in a pale full of spittle. “Looks like it’s trying to say thanks, but it still frightens me to the core just to look at it! “Ned said ever so quietly. The r’aaeghoul lets out an eerie howl and it lopes away to the sound of approaching riders. The sound catches the little party by surprise as they turned to face four large warriors mounted on those peculiar mounts. The largest of them raised his burning torch to shed light on the dead troll. The damage inflicted to its neck was now clearly visible. He dismounted and approached the little party. He was head and shoulders taller than Thomas Little. Hugely muscled and clearly a warrior he had a face that was accustomed to being friendly too. He looked at Amy and said in broken words. “I am Horal of the Harridan. I have been sent by a friend to find you. It appears we were almost too late. If you are Amy please come with me.” All around the small group combatant’s battled as humans raced about. It appears that it was each one for themselves. Trolls now fought the attacking harridan with better organization and the battle swung in their favour. Amy’s group made their way over and around mutilated bodies some exhaled hot dying clouds of breath into the night sky as they agonizingly waited for the end to come. Horal guided them clear of the camp to reach the foothills of Trolls Reach the furthest boundary under Erruels direct rule. Very little was said as they turned about to face the destruction now at a point below them. One of the warriors produced a horn and blew a single clear note that lasted only for a few seconds. Its effect was immediate and widespread. The harridans break from the battle. The wounded still able to climb upon retreating warriors mounts were rescued all others were left behind. Trolls ran amongst the fallen clubbing anything that showed any signs of life. Angry defiant roars were hurled after the retreating harridan but no one bothered to reply. Immediately any fleeing humans were rounded up. Their break for freedom came much too late. From where Amy stood many horses appeared to have broken free .The surviving trolls did not give chase. Horal signalled to two of his warriors giving them orders in a language unknown to the humans. The two-harridan race off into the night. Amy hugged Sam close then turned to include Ned. She then faced their saviour and said. ” We thank you for sacrificing so many to rescue us. We are eternally grateful for what you have done here and will remain always in debt to your people! Horal smiled, though the death of so many clearly affected him. He replied. ”We live and die to rid this land of Troll. They are the blight that consumes our beautiful home. If we do not control their numbers they will soon over run and enslave us all! My warriors die for the safety of loved ones and to preserve our way of life. Your thanks are not needed but your sentiments will not go unheeded. We have tracked these monsters for days. A dear friend of the harridan warned us of their intent so we waited in ambush. The Shepard is revered and trusted by all and thinks you are vital to the balance of this world.” When he finished, he just stared pensively into the night waiting for something or someone. A little while later the two warriors reappeared from out of nowhere leading three of the escaped horses. Each wore a hastily made rope bridle about their heads. They saluted their leader with obvious respect apparent on their hairy faces. Both warriors then stood dutifully to attention awaiting further commands. Horal dismounts and helped the three refugees mount the captured animals. When everything was ready, he resumed the lead disappearing into the night to be followed by the rest. Torsi Sunrise and the bustling noises of an awakened forest soon roused the two sleeping men. Thomas was the first to rise. He stood beside the small campfire and stretched his aching body. He took a good look around. Aldoran was nowhere to be seen. Thomas glanced over to the horses. The Wizard’s horse was missing too. Magnus and Hellfire gave him a busy look and continued to crop the grass contentedly. “Morning Little.” The blacksmith mumbled. “Morning Hicks. It seems our friend has taken his horse and left us.” “Why do you think he did that?” asked Hicks. “God only knows, a man like him is liable to do lots of strange stuff. I’d say we haven’t seen nothing yet. You check on the horses Will and I’ll see what I can find for breakfast.” “Sounds good to me. I could eat a horse!” A loud snort came from the direction of Hellfire as he stared indignantly in Will’s direction. A bunch of grass clenched and unchewed hung from his mouth. “That animal never ceases to amaze me Thomas. Sometimes when it looks at you there seems more than just a horse lurking behind those eyes of his!” Thomas chuckled then gathered his bow strapping his sword securely across his shoulders. “I shouldn’t be too long I hope, try and get that fire going.” With that, he walked in the direction of the trees and quickly vanished from sight. Willam got to his feet and stretched himself. He walked over to the undergrowth scratching his groin and then relieved himself with an audible content sigh. “Charming I’m sure!” Willam popped his head out from behind the tree; a look of surprise had hijacked his face. “Make sure you wash your hands in the brook blacksmith!” Sitting by the fire was a woman. She rekindled the fire expertly paying scant attention to him other than to humiliate. Dressed in a doeskin jacket and leggings, both a snug fit giving her a very feminine look. Across her back perched a longbow and a quiver containing a full compliment of arrows. By her side hung a long sword and two hunting knives secured by a heavy leather belt. Her face was the most captivating thing about her. An extraordinarily beautiful smile complimented a perfect pert little nose. Almond shaped eyes of the deepest black vied for the opportunity to peer in to his soul. Long black hair tied into a ponytail revealed the strangest little ears Willam had ever seen. They were pointed at the tips but for some reason they only enhanced this lady’s captivating beauty. She looked no more than sixteen but the wizened look in her eyes gave him reason to guess again. The visitor turned to face him the pale skin of her neck and face complimented the morning suns radiance as they climbed in unison above the tree line behind the encampment. Perfectly formed down turned eyebrows knitted together above a small frown. This reminded him that he was approaching the fire forgetting something important. He remembered to his embarrassment that he had yet to wash his hands. Her smile returned as soon as he diverted to the brook to do so. Upon returning, he was surprised to see a brace of freshly prepared fish all of impressive size lying on bark shards waiting to be placed on the rekindled fire. When the blaze had died down suitably, she spitted several of the fish expertly and placed them above but not in contact with the flames. The visitor jumped to her feet startling the captivated blacksmith. She was tall for a woman her head would come close to Willams shoulders, but the most dominant thoughts in the mans head were indecent. What a body! Long and slender, an athletic air clung to her as she gracefully walked about the clearing picking plants and dried leaves but not at random. She returned to her seat at the fire. Her perfumed scent of rose drifted towards Willam. He was totally captivated. She threw a handful of the herbs and leaves into the flames and a billowing cloud of smoke engulfed the stricken blacksmith. He coughed uncontrollably and finally managed to say. ”Thanks for warning me!” “If you are lucky it might help you to hide your own captivating scent!” Willam was again caught off guard –a mind reader two he said to himself. I had better be careful with this one. “Yes you had better!” came the reply. “Pardon me miss! My name is Willam Hicks but my friends call me Bull.” “I already know your name! What kind of guide do you take me for then Will?” “I’d best sit here and say nothing so far I haven’t made sense.” “Let’s see if your friend does better for he approaches.” Willam looked about expecting to see Thomas arrive back but nothing stirred. One of Hellfire’s ears sprang alert to be followed by the second moments later. He nickered in welcome as the weapons master moments later walked into the clearing. Willam Hicks was totally impressed. The lady had uncanny hearing. Thomas walked up to the fire with an armful of wild mushrooms, roots and some sort of wild vegetable. He dropped them carefully to the ground. “My god did you shoot all that with your bow Thomas?”Willam smiled the joke seemed finally on the great Thomas Little. “No Willam I came across some tracks up stream. It appeared some body had been fishing with a bow. When I smelled the fire I knew we had a visitor so I thought these may come in handy and unless our friend can shoot them with a bow I just picked them the old way, by hand.” The Bull was speechless. Every day this man astounded him. His obvious knowledge of wood lore even seemed to impress the visitor though she also looked a little angry. “I did not leave any tracks! That was just a lucky guess! Do not listen to him!” She was clearly unhappy about being tracked. “Enough” said Thomas. “And who might you be? I’m sure my name you already know!” “What a pleasant man you are!” “I’m sorry dear. Sometimes I don’t make good first impressions but I do make lasting ones and that what counts!” “Has the wizard returned?” Thomas looked over to Willam. The blacksmith nodded his head. “I wonder what could have happened to him I hope he is all right!” “The Shepard will be just fine Mr. Little he has a way of looking after himself don’t you worry. He asked me to be your guide. My name is Torsi. I am of the northern elves.” “Elves you say and what my darling is an elves?”Willam asked. “The singular of elves blacksmith is elf! We are one of the many races to call Eirith our home. If you are lucky you may meet more elves one day!” “Well my dear if they all look like you I hope it’s today!”Willam said with a big grin on his face. Torsi seemed to ignore the compliment but a little smile touched her lips all the same. Thomas passed the mushrooms and roots he had collected to her. She took them and prepared them with an expert hand. Within minutes, the smell of cooking brought loud rumbles from the bellies of both men. A little while later the three of them consumed enough to bring a satisfied silence to the campfire. Torsi offered her buckskin water bottle each man took a long draught. So many questions needed answering that neither man knew where to begin. Torsi got the conversation started as the others listened eagerly hoping to learn something useful. I have a message from Aldoran for you Thomas. He wishes me to tell you that Amy and Shameul are safe. Northern friends known to us as the Harridan rescued them along with another human. They ambushed the trolls late last night at the foot of Trolls Reach. They are safe so you must no longer worry! Thomas Little smiled and his face lit up upon hearing the news. He silently celebrated as he sat and grinned whilst lost in thoughts he dared not think about earlier. ”What has happened Aldoran? Why did he leave and where is he headed?” “Firstly, let me tell you that our friend Aldoran is a strange man .You will get used to his ways in time. He is also a busy man and is known and loved by many throughout Eirith.He has stood beside elves and dwarfs and many others during the great wars against the germ. When all seemed doomed, he fought beside our nations his efforts were the difference between success and failure. Eirith has a long history gentlemen some will be imparted to you in time I for one can tell you only so much. I am a hunter and no more. I do not possess powers like Aldoran. My powers are limited to mere bow and sword. Like the great Shepard I wont let you down. Before you ask again I am to guide you to the gathering. Evil has been loosed upon us and much has to be discussed. You are formally invited to attend as representatives of the newborn! Do you accept your invitation?” Nothing was said. Thomas had not listened to a word as Willam nudged him roughly. “Well this is unexpected! Two days ago, I was a contented blacksmith happy to go about an honest days work. Now I am to meet a whole bunch of strange folk as a representative of the human race. Are you sure you shouldn’t be asking a town elder?” “Let me ask you this Willam Hicks did any elders fight and kill trolls? Did any battle King Virag and Virago saving the Shepard’s life along the way? No, it appears not! I think the both of you will do just fine!” She paused a moment. “We are all here today and that is all that counts. Whatever is to be decided you two will decide it. When perils abound and danger’s unknown Eirith needs men of action not debaters. Like honey to the bee, they entangle their victims with sweet promise. We have no time for fools. Talkers will always talk gentlemen! I much prefer men of action. Besides! Men that have little to lose make honest choices! I sense a power in you Thomas Little you have Mother Eiriths blessing. It appears you do to Willam! We will travel quickly to the place of gathering. There will be dangers and a lot more unpleasant surprises before we get there .I will take this time to instruct and teach you some of the ways of this world if you prove to be willing students.” Morning had passed into mid morning as the small party gathered their possessions and prepared to leave. The fire was dutifully doused and buried beneath dirt for safety reasons. The elf made it clear that trees were sacred to her and her people. Both men mounted their impatient horses letting Torsi take the lead. She set a steady graceful pace and Willam found that he could not take his eyes from her even to pay attention as to where he was going. Thomas passed by a long over hanging branch that caught his shoulder. It bent forward till it sprung free like a whip. Thomas shouted a warning but the trailing blacksmith did not even notice. The branch caught Willam him under the chin with such force it catapulted him backwards out of the saddle. He landed heavily with a pained grunt cursing himself. Both Thomas and Torsi stop and turn to face the empty Magnus and burst into laughter. The blacksmith although winded saw the funny side of things and just lay there staring at the heavens taking the time to catch his breath. Magnus walked over to him and licked his face a poor substitution for the real thing. Willam sighed. He slowly got to his feet rubbing his throat he was determined not to be made a fool of again. They set at a brisk pace for several hours; Torsi did not tire much to the surprise of both men. However, the trails led through dense forest and thick undergrowth .The elf selected the easiest of routes, never needing to stop and take stock of where she was headed. The bright suns passed enough of their life-giving rays through the canopy to allow many different types of plants to flourish. Though it was approaching autumn flowers, all of them late bloomers added a cheerful air to the woods. “How far will we be travelling to get to this gathering then?” Thomas asked. Without turning Torsi replied. “For as long as it takes to cover one hundred leagues from Halfway, you work it out.” The two men had almost forgotten about the town in all the confusion. Thomas and Willam reckoned they were at the very most ten leagues from Hallfway.A good man on a good horse given easy country could cover this in a day but realistically speaking they were one good horse short so six was more likely. “Fifteen days I reckon.” shouted Willam. “I should hope not.’ Torsi shouted back over her shoulder all the time maintaining the steady pace she had set. For the rest of the day she ran at the same pace resting only to water the horses when it was convenient to do so. They took these opportunities to refill their only water skin as well. The afternoon passed uneventfully into evening when suddenly Torsi pulled up short of a clearing and gave a signal to the others to stop. A chill breeze blew from a southwesterly direction. It soon made the riders uncomfortable for the sweat of their efforts started to dry dropping their body temperatures in doing so. Torsi on the other hand still looked fresh. The smell of stale sweat in the air seemed to be confined to the two men and their mounts. “We must remain quiet. This is the border of the Silver forest. What we now enter has it’s own dangers for unwary travellers.” “Aldoran said that we would see how the Silver forest got its name. I didn’t see anything!”Willam stated in a disappointed tone. “What time did you rise this morning then?” asked the elf. “Long after sunrise I’m ashamed to say.” replied Thomas. “If you had risen before sunrise you would have seen how the woodland got its name. For a few minutes before sunrise, the forest is bathed in a thick silver fog that covers it completely hiding it from view like a great silver blanket. My people say the gods create this to hide the work they accomplish during the night. They conceal it as one would a painting or a gift. Upon lifting the fog the world can rejoice every day!” “Now that I would like to have seen,” said Thomas. The light started to fade quickly due to the lateness of the season. “You may yet get to see it gentlemen for I dare go no further tonight!” They spend the next few minutes selecting a campsite hidden among the trees, far enough from the clearing to remain invisible to any would be passers by. “We can light no fire for fear of being seen. There may be company just beyond the trees the like of which should be avoided if possible.” Return of the germ! Soldier relentlessly pursued the fleeing black cat as it raced for its life just beyond the grip of the dog’s snapping jaws. If anyone had witnessed the chase, it would not seem overly out of the ordinary. Dogs chased cats that it is one of the things dogs just do. Nobody can tell why these animals had such a peculiar relationship. It seemed the answer to that puzzle would outlive the short lives of the chasers and chasee’s. Sshaska e var was far from concerned about the possibility of being caught. He ran for the pure thrill of it rather than by any fear instilled in him by the beast pursuing. He had remained cooped up in that sack for so long that simple things like running free were agonizing imprisoned thoughts in a thoroughly bored mind. Today he was going to enjoy this moment. The gremlin even slowed down enough to let the tiring hound snap a few times at Sshaska’s dancing tail. Out of the forest, they emerged to skirt the village. It was deserted. Over the bridge, the cat ran followed by the howling dog to the very outskirts of Trilling Brook Rise. The morning suns feel like the kiss of the gods on the gremlins face as he silently swore never to be enslaved again. With a last quick glance at the dog, he transformed in to a falcon taking to the air with a shrill cry of joy. Soldier pulled up short to be left with a few silver feathers a token from its owner as they fell from the sky to land like snowflakes all about him. He sniffed at them in disgust as they disappeared into thin air one by one. The dog barked loudly into the sky above then turned about triumphantly to trot back and rejoin the others. Eiriths wind ruffled Sshaska’s feathers as the germ stirred within him bringing his precious moments of happiness to an abrupt end. Suddenly a pigeon burst from the cover of a tree. The falcon with rapier like reflexes ripped it cruelly from the sky. Falcon and prey hit the ground as talons crushed and stabbed the life from the innocent bird. Sshaska was no longer in control as the germ seized upon his will with painful ease. The pigeon was not consumed it was merely shredded and mutilated beyond the normal rules of nature. It seemed the germ was eager to be free the way Sshaska had been but moments before. The black cat reappeared the falcon a memory. Sshaska was gripped by a vision as the germ struggles for release. What is this? He asked himself out loud as the image of his little friend Virag entered his mind. The Little Hobgoblin sat alone and dejected in a forest clearing. All about him, hobgoblins were standing silently, waiting. There appeared to have been conflict. Sshaska sensed great loss in the little beast. The other hobgoblins gathered wood as Virag pulled the tiny stone from his pouch. With it, he willed a spark into existence and the woodpile burst into flame. Sshaska sensed hunger about the clearing. The dying and wounded moaned pitifully. Sounds he had heard many times before. “A Virag my little friend how fare thee? You have used my gift well for I see you are still alive today. My my! How small the stone has become. Soon it will be no more and you will follow suit.” He shuddered in pain as the germ invaded his mind and thoughts devouring memories voraciously. Suddenly there was nothing for it simply vanished. The gremlin searched for its presence in vain. He dared to hope he was finally free of its torment as Virags image came to mind once again. The little beast stood over one of his fallen. A crude club was raised above its head. An evil grin stole the hobgoblins smile as he viciously butchered one of his own. This was something Virag had vowed never to do since that day he had changed his father into the monster Virago. This was a dark day for the little hobgoblin. In seven hundred years, he had never turned on one of his own like this. The germ had indeed found its host. Sshaska was shocked to see the blood on the murderers hands soaked up by the stone. He was horrified to see it pulse with renewed vigour. The natural laws had been thwarted. The Bloodstone should have come to the end of its lifecycle but this did not appear to be the case. “Nooooo!”Shouted the gremlin. “Virag remember your mothers!” The realization came much too late. Another gift given in good faith ended in disaster. Sshaska knew what would soon follow for he had experienced the taint of the germ. He had already witnessed countless horrors during the great wars. The gremlin did not want to be part of that again. Virag was dead! His time had passed. What was left was the foulest of creatures. A defiler worse than troll. A butcher of the worst kind and worse still! Master of the other world. Today the humble germ divided in two. Virag’s head rose in the night. His irises appeared as narrow islands afloat in yellow orbs of evil. Sshaska was helpless to intervene whilst his former master went about his work. The Vision of Virag started to falter the last words of the little hobgoblin were. ” Errugel.”Then nothing. Sshaska e var returned to the living. Only he knew the full implications having experienced both minds. The black cat sat alone in the meadow. All about it the healthy sounds of life was deafening. It did not mind for it had much to consider as it licked its paws involuntarily. Somehow, this always seemed to help it relax. It made a mental note to stop using the guise of a cat before it resorted to chasing mice. Oriins world is turned upside down! Oriins new view of the world was very much different from the old world he once knew. For one he had grown up believing that the ground belonged under his feet and the sky was made to stay far above his head. Right at that moment in time, his beliefs were turned on their head, as was he. The ground was now above him as one of the giant brothers shook him by the legs. He had the indignity of seeing all his personal possessions fall from out his many pockets. The last thing to fall was Dame Brundles pie as it slipped free of his backpack to fall splat in the mud. All this was of little consequence for he was surely to be eaten. Giants were legends in dwarf culture. Both races were complete opposites. They fought alongside one another in the great wars .The huge alongside the tiny. Both gave an equal measure of themselves and since the wars several hundred years ago contact had been lost. Therefore, the giants in the dwarf’s minds were memories fading into obscurity. This particular obscurity had got Oriin firmly gripped by the ankles. His captor and his companion were delighted with themselves for a plan well executed. “I told you there was somebody out there.” “Aye that’s why I couldn’t sleep when I saw you wink” “What will we do with the little snack? Skin him and boil him up for breakfast?” Oriin had enough and screamed out. ”Don’t eat me. I am all fat and me hairs fallen out. I think I’m diseased. Please don’t eat me!” Erruel watched from the undergrowth. The unfolding drama horrified him. His companion was dangling inches from a cook fire and he was doing nothing about it. Oriin was his best friend! He would walk through Hell for this little bald man. The sounds of Oriins helpless pleas triggered a rage that drove the tall dwarf to his feet. Erruel shouted. ”Oriin I’m coming don’t you fear now! You take the one your leg has got by the hand. I’ll tackle the other one!” He rushed toward the clearing fearfully prepared to knock the remaining giant from his feet. Podder not being able to hear had missed most of the important things that had been said but he sure hadn’t missed Erruel jump up to rush to Oriins aid. He had wanted adventure. He now had a belly full. The little man clicked his fingers and Soldier silently rose from his concealment among the long grass. Podder gave the forward signal with his hand. Soldier quickly sized up the situation and lunged the giants his teeth bared. The little hunter grabbed his axe and followed suit expecting to meet his doom this very night. The brother’s turned to see the charging trio close the distance between them. The joke had gone far enough and by the look of the approaching fangs and sharp axes, it may have already gone too far. “Enough.” Came a loud angry voice. Everyone but Soldier faltered. Even Podder slowed sensing the urgency in the huge creature before him. The hunting dog’s fear was non-existent. Loyalty was the fuel that empowered it. Just as the hound readied to launch its attack one of the giants lowered himself to one knee. The huge man extended a hand, and at the same time, he whistled in a very peculiar way. The eerie sound had an immediate effect on the closing beast. Soldier pulled up short to skid in the dirt. He stopped two paces in front of the whistling giant. For some reason the dogs rage subsided to be replaced by bewilderment. Soldier did not understand why he had ceased in his attack but as a hunter, he relied solely on pure instinct alone. The ferocious hound no longer feared or wanted to hurt the owner of the hand held out in friendship before him. The outstretched oversized hand offered the brute no threat and the soothing encouragement from its owner was all it took for the dog to make the necessary few steps to diffuse the situation. “Good boy!” The giant said as he ruffled the dog’s fur and rubbed behind its ears. “Who’s a good boy then!” He quickly added. Soldier wagged his tail with gusto and this simple action alone-restored calm to the near deadly misunderstanding. Oriin was immediately right ended and set upon the ground by the other giant. Podder and Erruel lowered their axes and gawked as the drama unfolded before them. “I’m sorry little man. My brother and I were just fooling around. It looks like we took the joke too far. As giants, we would never willingly hurt a dwarf for we have been friends and allies for generations. Please accept my most humble apology.” Oriin stood between the two monsters. He was still visibly shivering. Slowly he looked into both sets of eyes above him and saw no malice there. “I suppose I have no right to steal into your camp in the first place. It’s just that me an Erruel, that’s the big one over there holding the axe. We were cold and hungry. Seeing and smelling your campfire got the better of me. If it helps I’m sorry!” He said in as disarming a voice as he could manage. “Lets us begin again then as friends, shall we? Would you and your rather little party like to join us as our guests? What is ours is yours!” The giant gave them a theatrical bow. Oriin looked over to the other dwarves. Sheer relief was evident on their faces too .He turned to the giant and said. ”Little over done perhaps but yes we will be honoured, brothers!” This was how the dwarves came to meet the Two Brothers after admiring their spellbound forms for so long back in the woods of Trilling Brook Rise. The three small men made themselves at home around the warm fire. Soldier stretched out amongst them. The atmosphere took on a more peaceful tone after the recent harrowing events. Roasted venison met with everyone’s approval and soon the carcass was picked clean of its succulent meat. Podder as always remained silent. Erruel was the first to speak out. “So you two are really the brothers?” “Yes my little friend unfortunately we are.” “What happened? Why did you leave the mine? What were you doing there in the first pace and where are you going to now?” The tall dwarf asked in an excited tone. “First things first. I think introductions are in order before we can proceed.” One of the giants pointed out. “My name is Jail Fairweather and this despicable creature is my brother Kais.” Oriin immediately warmed to the two Giants. He could not for sure say why he just did on a subconscious level. “My name is Oriin Tarrinforde and these are my good friends Erruel Brindlesfoot and Podder Moone.”He proudly announced as he pointed towards his two companions. ”And lastly this brute is known to all as Soldier. A better dog you won’t find.” The brothers were hard to tell apart from one another. They looked so alike. Still there were so many questions to be asked Jail decided to save time by giving a brief insight as to what was happening about them. “There is much to tell without the time to match I am afraid to say. Though sharing a little knowledge should not hurt our cause too much. As for what we were doing guarding the mines that is a very long story indeed. I shall only tell you parts of that mystery for we have to travel quickly to an appointed place to share what we know with the others. Kais and I lived during the great wars. Evil ravaged the lands to the point where no one could hide any longer. A darkness stalked the realm of the living its wars stripped the lands of its life sustaining magic. Ultimately he became known to us as the dark lord. Evil creatures roamed and be spoilt everything they came into contact with. We were part of the resistance who battled these invaders. All the peoples of Eirith were joined in common purpose. To simply survive and nothing more became our only concern. We fought uncountable losing battles against this shadow. Many of our own in time were turned against us but we held fast all the same. An ideal worth fighting for kept this devil from ensnaring us all. Soon with the help of the gods, we finally managed to turn the tide of conflict. Evil lost not at first but slowly from that point onwards. We chipped away little by little destroying the hordes that the dark one sent to annihilate us. We fought desperately to preserve the order of things, as they should be. The darkness gave ground ever so slowly as the years passed but the conflicts unfortunately did not. Thankfully, we had by then grown in strength and numbers. Shauul and his mighty father managed to turn this tide of pestilence. The madness dwindled in the end. The taint of evil was hunted remorselessly till it became close to no more. What remained of the dark lord and his vile magic fled in fear of its very existence! In the end, the dark one sought refuge reduced by now to a lowly germ. A parasite! Its host was to be the gremlin Sshaska e var. Sshaska the gremlin! A creature born to trickery and treachery made an ideal hiding place for this destroyer of worlds. It seemed like the perfect hiding place but who can hide from the gods for long? Fortunately, we discovered the dark one’s secret by mere chance. With the aid of the Mother stone, we eventually managed to imprison it. That was the greatest moment of our lives let me tell you! After that, it all went wrong. Kais my younger brother unfortunately has a curious nature. His curiosity allowed Sshaska to spirit away the magic stone before the spell we were to perform was fully completed. As a result, we were imprisoned alongside the gremlin for a very long time. Someone or something broke that spell. It seems it was a someone after all. When the spell binding us was finally lifted, we no longer possessed the stone. We could not prevent Sshaska’s escape. This was our primary duty. Of all the simple tasks we were pledged to uphold we failed utterly in this one. Now, we seek the gathering. An island lies waiting to the east of where we are. Upon Sshaska’s release the peoples of Eirith are to meet and resolve yet again Eiriths troubles a new!” Erruel looked at Oriin. The east v west reference was a welcome reminder to an earlier disagreement. Oriin returned the sly look. His eyes slowly narrowed to meet his friend’s challenge. “So how did you actually lose this Mother stone thing then?”Erruel asked out smugly. Kais at length decided to answer this question. “The fault was mine alone and not Jails for I will have it known. The wizard subdued Sshaska the shape shifter. He placed the gremlin inside a heavy sack and delivered him safely into our incapable hands. We were to bind him using the Mother stones magic. As luck would have it, curiosity got the better of me. Before we had completed the spell of banishment, I peeped into the sack. A black cat sprang free and as I grabbed for it the stone simply vanished. The two of us wrestled Sshaska back into the bag and cast him into Ural Muthrate but the spell remained incomplete he did not pass through the gateway. We were imprisoned as a result of this. Jail and I had to guard over the gremlin for a very along time. However, it seems he somehow managed to free himself and the spell that almost held him is now broken. The two dwarfs took a long hard look at one another. Black cat, sack and mine. It was all too much for them and the explorers went to pieces. Meanwhile Podder Moone just sat there totally oblivious as to what was going on. He was busy scratching Soldier in all the right places! Erruel was the one to break the news to the giants. “I am the one that took the sack from the hole. Oriin had nothing to do with it he just came along to make sure I stayed safe. I am always getting him into trouble so it is my entire fault. We saw dead dwarves throw the sack into the hole and we thought it might be treasure. See I want to buy a horse and go on adventures and Orrin well he likes to eat pies. Anyway, I kept pushing and insisting till Oriin gave in. I went down the hole and fetched it. We did not look in the sack till we got outside and we probably would not have made it if Podder had not saved us. The whole village just stood there and laughed when I let the cat out of the bag. I was so ashamed when the cat ran off. Podder went looking for you two and we decided that life would not be worth living in Trilling Brook for a while. Again it was me that decided to tag along and as usual Oriin followed, but it was his idea to steal the meat I’m not taking the blame for that!” Both the giants gave a friendly smile as he finished his account of what had happened. “The two of you remind us of us. We spent our youth as you have getting into one fix after another. It is the way of the young and I hope it will never change. That is how we become wizened in our old age. We are ultimately just a collection of experiences some good some not so good. There will be those that may judge you harshly for what you have done. I say let them. I will speak in your defence. The germ as we sit here tonight will seek to multiply for it strives to gain dominance over Eirith.Sooner or later this would have happened. There is never going to be the right time for such as this. The gathering in their arrogance should have known better but such is the way with all committees of wise men. Kais has already messed things up as he normally does so we are all in for a rough time in the hands of our betters. It is healthier to face the gathering as four than two. Do not worry for now Aldoran will have the answers.” “You mean we can go to the gathering with the brothers?” “I don’t see why not.” “What about Podder and Soldier. We cannot just walk off and leave them. Podder is the best tracker and hunter in all the Dwarf nation and he’s a friend, we trust him with our lives.” “He may come too. The gathering is no secret there are no rules of acceptance save that evil will not gain entry for the gathering is also home to Shauul.” At the mention of such an impressive word like Shauul, the dwarf’s curiosity rekindled. Oriin could not resist the temptation. “Tell us what is a Shauul?” Both the big men found this question extremely funny and booming laughter erupted scaring the dwarfs that could hear it half to death. Podder just sat and stared thoughtfully with those piercing blue eyes at the unfolding scene. He saw two massive men holding their sides whilst they contorted their faces to gulp madly at the air as if for some reason they had become short of breath. He knew this for what it was but every now and again, he liked to let his imagination run wild. Kais finally gathered his wits about him and turned to face Podder.His laughter quickly faded. He then makes several curious gestures with his huge fingers and hands much to Podders utter surprise. The little hunter understood and even replied with gestures of his own and after a few moments, a big smile broke out on his little face. He enthusiastically nodded his head in agreement. Orrin was amazed by the giant’s actions and had to ask. ”What were you doing just there? How did you know that Podder is deaf?” Jail answered this question. ”We have deaf people among the giants too. Our mother for one. It is not difficult to recognize disabilities in others if you view the world as we do. Your little hunter friend has the mark of greatness about him be forewarned. We are honoured to have such as he for a companion. The gathering will be pleased, some good may yet come of our misfortunes to date.” Kais added. ”Journeys are best undertaken in the company of friends. It will not be the first time giants and dwarves travelled together with common purpose and it will not be the last either.” The little party talked amongst themselves for many hours sharing stories and imparting knowledge. Erruel and Oriin were filled with excitement and even Podder joined in occasionally making signs to both Jail and Kais. They seemed content to engage him in this activity. With the promise of adventure, looming over them the party of six retired for the night. An early start was needed for a long journey lay ahead. Each curled up beside the campfire and silent thoughts threatened restless sleep. Thankfully all drifted into a peaceful restful slumber as the night sounds closed about their silent forms. Dawn arrived sooner rather than later for the little group of travellers. With more than a little effort, Erruel and Oriin roused themselves into a sitting position to be greeted by a rekindled fire. It crackled loudly occasionally sending orange sparks into the brightening early morning sky. The two brothers were busy roasting a large selection of wild nuts in the ashes about the flames. It became obvious to the others that the giants were early risers for piles of berries were evident too. Wild fruits lay stacked in a pile before them they looked tasty. “Pitch in my friends, a light breakfast and then we shall break camp. It looks like it will be a fine day so we shall cover good ground.” said Jail. The ever-hungry dwarfs did not need to be told twice as they picked roasting nuts from out of the ashes of the fire. These they juggled from hand to hand until they grew cool enough to be handled properly. Podder Moone took out his hunting knife and selected a few by simply rolling them to one side with the tip of his pointed blade. Their little feast was well received no matter what techniques were employed to consume the meal. Wild berries complimented the roasted nuts as each sat back and licked clean very sticky fingers. Soldier lay beside them gnawing on last night’s bones with enthusiasm and for now he was quite contented. Jail eyed Erruel and Oriin for a moment then asked. ”Has either of you boys ever seen the sea before?” Erruel is the quickest to respond.” What do you mean by the sea?” “The oceans, the seas, they surround Eirith. It is said that our world floats like a ship upon the great seas as we voyage into the unknown. The sea is like a salty lake only infinitely bigger. It possesses a life unto its own. Its depths hide many wonders and many horrors but it is still truly magnificent to behold.” Oriins imagination was captured. “I would like to meet this sea it sounds wonderful Jail.” The giant laughed out loud to be joined by his brother Kais. The joke was lost on the dwarfs and they just sat there looking puzzled. Podder he just looked at the two giants with a look of appreciation clearly reflected in his deep blue eyes. “Never mind all will be revealed in good time. Let us start the journey. I hope you boys are in good shape. For though we walk I am afraid you will have to run all the way just to keep up.” “We will manage for we are hunters don’t you worry about us.”Erruel replied proudly. They broke camp quickly for the celebrations were by now over. Issues that are more serious were at hand. The two brothers took the lead. The pace they coupled with their huge ground gobbling strides brought a look of dismay from the Erruel and his companion. Podder passed them by as they threw worried looks at one another. Soldier trotted easily at his heals. Threatened by the realities of being abandoned the two little adventurers quickly bring up the rear. A chill wind sprang up but neither dwarf noticed. Body temperature rose from the strain of having to keep up. The trail spiralled downward bringing welcome respite to stiff legs as the dwarfs trundled on. Jail and Kais remained far to the front of the group but well within sight of the two rearguards. Gradually Erruel and Oriin got their second wind and coped with the pace a little better. All about them trees hugged the trail making it easy to follow the path the others left behind. Forest thinned to scrubland as they crested the rise of a grassy knoll. Birdsong filled the air about them as they day proved as fine as the Jail had predicted. Their journey became easier as they descended upon empty grasslands and save for a few grazing beasts they travelled unobserved. Little was said for the two dwarfs were hard pressed to keep up. Podder and Soldier seemed to be enjoying themselves. The older dwarf even sprinted occasionally to be chased playfully by the big hound. Late afternoon approached as Kais shouted out loud without turning around. ”Smell the air my little friends our destination finally approaches.” A feeling akin to relief settled on the trailing pair as they greeted this news with hopeful enthusiasm. To the tiring followers it sounded like the giants were considering a much-earned breather. This was not the case however and the pace slowed not one bit, much to the dismay of the unfit dwarfs, Podder Moone excluded. Twilight slides into moons light as the long awaited halt was finally called. Erruel and Oriin fell to the ground as soon as they caught up to the leaders. They lay squirming on the ground as they tried in vain to regain control over their exhausted bodies. Strange birds called out in the night sky as a faint thunderous sound replaced the sounds of heavy breathing. “What’s making that sound and what are those creatures squawking above us?” Oriin asked from where he was lying on his back facing the stars. Silhouettes swirled above him. Kais offered an explanation. ”They are gulls Oriin. They are seabirds because they are birds that live close to the sea. That thundering noise you hear in the distance is made by the waters of the ocean breaking against the shoreline.” The brother’s disappeared while the two downed men caught their breaths. Kais and Jail return a few moments later dragging the best part of a tree with them. “We will camp here for tonight. Tomorrow will come soon enough!” Jail said as he ripped whole branches from the dead tree. The dwarfs sat and watched as the two giants break up the old dead tree. Branches that most normal folk would take an axe to were snapped by huge pairs of hands without even a grunt to show that they were having a hard time of it. Erruel and Oriin just looked at each other until Erruel shouted out. ”Would you boys like a hand?” Kais turned around. ”No thank you but thanks all the same we can manage.” The sound of cracking and snapping timber was cut short as the task was quickly completed. The giants piled a small portion of seasoned timber in front of the group and Kais leaned over and passed his hand over the pile whilst saying a single word. “Laruth.” Instantly a flame danced amongst the dried timbers as the fire sprang to life. “How did you do that Kais?”Oriin asked. A look of astonishment broke out on his cheerful little face. Kais turned from the fire and sat back on one of the large logs that now littered the campsite. “That is easy Oriin for we are giants,” he replied. “Oh I see. Well that explains everything down to the tiniest detail thanks for that!”Erruel interrupted. “What my brother means is that our people have certain abilities that other folk do not have or at least some of them do not have. We are one of the oldest races of this world even older than the elves and they have been here for a very long time indeed. We have a special relationship with the great mother and in return, she has given us many gifts to help us get by. All our people can perform small amounts of this magic but Kais and I have been blessed further still. This is one of the reasons we offered to imprison Sshaska in the first place, but that is another story. Our magic comes from the very lifeblood of this world. Earth, wind, fire are but a few of the elements we can manipulate to a small degree. The forces that make life possible often pass to the world of the living through us. It is very difficult to explain and I seem to be adding confusing twists and turns to this account and for this I am truly sorry. I shall put it a different way if I may. We are gardeners, carers of a world that radiates great magic like the suns radiate heat. We help maintain the order of things, as one would weed a vegetable patch. Our reward? A small part of this magic is available for us to wield for ourselves, it is our payment for generations of faithful service. “Wow.“ Oriin was captivated. ”You can do magic! Can you teach us?” The brothers laughed out loud together. “What is so funny then?”Oriin asked. Kais replied. ”Teaching magic that is a good one little man. If everybody could be taught magic, the world would descend into chaos. Magic is no more than a balance in the order of things. To manipulate theses forces there are rules to be followed the rest are just guidelines. For one we cannot draw upon all the powers that surround us for Eirith will suffer and life may perish. When I called forth the fire a moment ago I borrowed a tiny piece of the life force that is present in you Oriin and you Erruel and even a little bit from Podder and his dog. Do I make myself a little clearer? The tiny bit of magic performed was undetectable because all of you are healthy and will recover. If I was to destroy a forest, with fire, I would have to draw immense power from my surroundings and that is where things can turn ugly. I may even drain my own life force to the point of my demise or even Jails. My point is this; wielding magic is all about knowing how much your surroundings can spare. It comes from many many years of practice and thank the gods cannot be taught to others like one would teach simple card tricks. It is as a gift from the Mother herself she decides who are to be the worthy wielders of essence. Your friend Podder on the other hand is a different story altogether. Mother Eirith favours him but he does not realize this yet. When I look into his eyes I see the oceans calling to me it seems our little friend has two journeys ahead of him.” “I am not sure exactly what you are trying to say. It is difficult to listen and learn on an empty stomach.”Erruel commented expectantly. Podder sensing what his little friend was feeling reached into his backpack. He removed two tightly wrapped packs and set them before the others. He then handed his water skin to one of the giants who smiled in return and passed it on to the others. From the packs, he removed three loaves of unleavened travel bread. Unlike normal loaves, these were twice as dense and much heavier than was usual. This bread was designed to last and fill hungry bellies. From the other pack, he brought forth dried strips of meat cured almost to the point of becoming leather. Though the dwarfs were both hungry this poor fare did not look very appetizing. A look of disappointment replaced the expectant looks they had shown minutes before. Kais and Jail stood up together and turned to leave the campfire. Oriin asked out. ”Where are you two going are you not going to share our meal?” “Meal little one! That will barely feed you. We will look about and see what else the land has to offer two hungry giants.” Jail replied before vanishing into the night. The remaining companions decided to hold off their meal until the brothers returned. “Well what do you make of those two Oriin?” “I don’t rightly know as yet but one thing I do know is that I like them and in a funny kind of way I trust them, even though they haven’t told us everything! And you?” “Mmmm I haven’t made up my mind. Let’s wait and see what they can dig up for supper. It may help matters.” Podder sat silently puffing smoke from his pipe. Soldier rested by his side his short ears standing to attention indicating that something approached. Kais was the first to return carrying an armful of wild mushrooms and bulbous roots, which he deposited in a pile beside the fire. Followed closely behind Jail cleared the darkness carrying a medium sized wild pig. It had all ready been butchered and prepared for cooking. “Ah well done Kais. I see you have found wild potatoes my favourite. We will certainly feast tonight.” Podder Moone smiled as he neatly packed the dried meat away for another time but not before he threw one or two pieces to his hungry dog. Within forty minutes another feast, the second in two days was provided by their guides the brothers. Soon spitted pork sizzled and dripped fat into the flames as potatoes roasted in the ashes. The dwarfs held the delicious looking mushrooms just out of flames reach by using several pointed sticks salvaged from the woodpile. Though the night was chilling, the fire gave off enough heat to almost make them feel comfortable. Sea gulls attracted by the fires bright light squawked erratically from somewhere high above overhead. “Where are we Jail?”Erruel asked. Jail takes a brief respite from turning the slabs of pork and looked at the others through the flames of the campfire. “We are some where east of Trilling Brook I would guess ten leagues distant. We stand high to the north in the grasslands of Llanore Ni Vane. The sea lies directly ahead a half a league distant and in the morning we will search for the Old One. It is there we must wait for the others. We should be able to see Dragon’s Isle if the weather holds clear and that my friends will be a sight worth walking the length of Eirith for believe you me.” “I second that” Kais added. “Who is the old one?”Oriin questioned. Kais replied. ”Eat first then talk later little man.” They all shared in the bounty before them as succulent smells were bested only by the tastes that followed. The pork was delicious. The potatoes curiously filling and the mushrooms tasted divine. Oriin finished first and leaned back as he opened his belt to relieve the built up pressure that threatened to overwhelm him. He let out a satisfied groan and flopped backwards to stare at the black gulls circling hungrily overhead. From where he lay, he repeated the question about the old one again. Kais finished his meal and licked his fingers clean in a satisfied manner. ”The Old One I have spoken of is now a large column of rock that has been eroded by the sea for centuries. It looks somewhat like an old man from a distance and legend has it that it is the petrified remains of a powerful being from the other world!” “A god?” Both dwarfs gasped together. “No one knows for sure as I have said it’s a legend and legends tend to grow and change in the telling over the years. Mind you, they usually spring from a grain of truth. It is said that the evil that ravaged this land created this creature to defeat the great slayer Shauul at a time when the dark one was at his deadliest. From within Ural Muthrate the master of the Netherworld dragged this demon kicking and screaming from beyond the shadows into this world. It was also said to have dark powers beyond mortal understanding. Its magic worked the very opposite to Eirith’s. It consumed magic with a hunger and unleashed the opposite to what the wielder intended back in return. This legend brings us much pain for the one responsible for breathing life into the abomination was one of our very own. Our greatest king fell foul of the germ for we are not immune my friends it shames me to say, in fact nothing is. Our great leader used the powers of darkness to release this monster upon us when we least expected it.” “What was the kings name?” Asked Erruel. “Not was friend, is. For our king is still alive today and dwells deep within the bowels of Mount Veegore.His reward for his treachery is the magic he possesses. Like the demon he was linked to, his dark powers feed on the Mothers magic. He is now known as the Veegore and he shames us still.” “Yea but what is his real name tell us.”Oriin grew impatient at the roundabout way these two always seemed to employ when explaining even the simplest of things. “Very well little one his real name is LLanore Ni Vane.” The two dwarfs were speechless as they floundered unable to move after the feast. Podder took an interest in their reactions staring intently at the brothers. “Yes we know that is what the Great Plains are called we are getting to that bit don’t be so impatient. These great grassy plains were once the site of the greatest battle this land has ever witnessed. Two hundred thousand Elves, Dwarf, Giants, Harridan, Kolas and many more faced a foe that out numbered us five to one. Aldoran sent my brother and me on a different mission so what actually transpired is still a mystery to us. Before we could determine the outcome of the battle we had been ensnared by our own powers and the trickery of Sshaska e Var. Llanore Ni Vane led the demon through the defenders ranks decimating them till they reached a point facing Dragons Isle. The defenders had been routed and Vane turned his attentions to the Great Shaaul and his brother Raven determined to rip them from this world once and for all. Sshaska’s treachery saved Raven for he was transformed forever by the demon into the black stallion he is today and Shauul was saved purely by their mother’s selfless sacrifice. The demon with the aid of LLanore Ni Vane had but to cross on to Dragons Isle and all would have been lost but this thankfully did not come to pass. Loriann the Dragon Queen bound the demon where it now stands up to its waist amid the waters of the ocean as it waded towards their doom. Her life was the price requested as she pleaded with the gods to save her loved ones and the inhabitants of this beautiful land from the evil that approached. The demon still stands there today as the seas lash its trapped form slowly eroding it from existence little by little. The balance must be restored, poetic endings for the creature don’t you think?” The dwarfs were entranced. So many questions fought to be asked. What a story this had turned out to be. They were truly captivated. Erruel took the lead. ”I thought you said this is just legend. If that is true how come you know so much about what happened including the Veegore?” Jail took charge of the conversation as he eyed Erruel pensively. ”We saw nothing of the battle and knew nothing of its outcome. We became the guardians to Ural Muthrate by accident. Aldoran had entrusted us with the Mother stone by which we were to open the gates of Muthrate themselves and cast the gremlin and its infection back into the netherworld along with Vane and the demon. As you already heard, Sshaska spirited the stone away and fouled our plan. No one knows where the stone has gone. Aldoran is probably unaware of what actually happened that day so he must be informed as soon as possible. As for the Veegore, this we learned from Aldoran on one his many visits since we were imprisoned. We became good listeners but poor talkers my friends.” Silence descended the campsite only to be broken by the gull’s pleadings overhead. Kais threw firewood on the dying blaze. A melancholy look saddened his huge eyes as he rose and walked away into the night. “My little brother wishes to be left alone with his memories for now. Let us retire for we have an early start before us.” The others are speechless taking into account that Podder does not speak. Slowly each readied himself for sleep. The morale sinks to an all-time low as each in turn pondered silently the significance of what they had just been told. “Good night little friends.” Jail said softly as he rose to join his younger brother. “Good night.” came the dwarf’s reply. Those were the last words spoken that night. Erreul and Oriin lay awake listening to the distant crashing of the waves and the sounds of fading gulls that had by now grown tired of circling above their heads. They wanted adventure and now that it had been thrust upon them, they were not so sure right now. A little beyond where they lay Podder Moone slumbered on his back lost in thoughts of his own. The difference was he now slept with a big smile on his face hidden by the darkness that consumed the camp. The tall grasses of LLanore Ni Vane swayed gently in the night breeze about them. The rustling sounds of a healthy grassland whispered softly to the dreaming sleepers promising unimaginable dreams. |