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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #937454
Thinking is open to anybody, rich or poor. I do hope that my thinking makes you think.
#499539 added April 4, 2007 at 3:11pm
Restrictions: None
To Dare Or Not To Dare...........
To dare or not to dare? That is the question.

Once again I sit here in my living room at home in the UK. I have butterflies fluttering madly in my stomach but just like it says in the title of my new song 'Here Goes Nothing.'

When is it right to take a chance, to try something new and to perhaps open yourself up to ridicule?

I have just received the lowest rating, 1.5, I think that I have ever received on WDC. Should I take that as an indication that I am making a big mistake?

What is this daring thing that I am contemplating doing? Is it posting nude photographs of myself on an 18+ rating? No of course it's not! (more likely 70+)
only joking. However, it does involve my baring something, my soul!

I have only been writing publicly for three years. I write mostly poetry and now have written around 40 songs. Not just the lyrics but also the tunes are mine. Now I have a major problem. I post the lyrics to the site and many readers review and are encouraging and supportive. Often I receive a comment which states that someone wishes that they could hear the tune, that they like the words now they want to hear the music. What are my options? Well at my age they are limited!

I do not read or write music and furthermore I do not play any musical instrument. Neither unfortunately does any member of my family. The only way I have been able to capture a tune before I forget it, is to sing into a digital recorder. I then practice until I know the tune and then I record into the laptop using a microphone. The result I can then burn to a recordable CD.

Simple if you know how! I have had great fun trying to do this 40+ times. Of course then the next problem arises. I am not a performer and neither do I wish to be a performer and I can't sing. I last sang solo when I was fifteen in the school choir. I am now 61 so it is really laughable that I am still trying isn't it?

How do I then get friends and family to hear my songs? I wait until they are relaxed and friendly, and sometimes had a glass or two of wine or beer and then with my cheeks burning with embarrassment and my stomach in knots I have to let them listen. Thankfully most are very polite and hear the words and the tunes and do not notice the singing.

One very good friend has recorded five of my songs in a recording studio adapting each to his interpretation and therefore changing the tune slightly and the genre.

So now for the big gamble. I need people to hear the tunes as they are expressing an interest in hearing the songs as songs instead of poems. Therefore since I have found, by trial and error, how to upload audio files to my portfolio since upgrading to a professional member status that is what I am going to do. Let you hear my songs. I hope that you hear the words and the tunes. Perhaps someone with talent and a voice will hear one they like and contact me.....
and at least you can't see my burning cheeks.

So turn down the volume and "Here Goes Nothing (with audio)

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