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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
It's April at last. My kids and I have been looking forward to this month all year. In fact my daughter has asked about every week if it's April yet and she's so excited that I'm finally saying yes it is. Why? I hear you all asking. *eyes you all shiftly* You ARE interested stop pretending you aren't. Celebrations! Lots of them Wednesday is the last day of school for the first term. In Australia we have four terms of ten weeks each with two week breaks between them. So Thursday is the start of the first school holidays of the year. Tomorrow is the Tuesday before Easter so that means PANCAKES for breakfast! I'm too lazy to cook pancakes too often so this tradition is exciting. lol I'll have to get up early so that I have time to cook and eat the pancakes before we have to leave for school. I'll have to shop on Wednesday for Easter Treats for the kids. And then we have Easter on Sunday with a morning tea at my sisters and lots of chocolate to cause my potentially and actually diabetic family members some chaos. lol Easter for our family is more to do with the celebration of life and the rebirth of the earth. Technically since we're southern hemisphere we should be celebrating the Harvest Festival but it's a pain doing that when the rest of the world is celebrating rebirth and spring. Next Monday is baby boy's 3rd birthday!! YAY! My little man is growing up. He's so big and he really isn't a baby any more. He's starting to talk more and he's exploring drawing and numbers and patterns. Building, crafting, puzzles etc. I can't believe this time next year he'll be in full time kindergarten. I wonder what I'll do with myself when that happens... We're going to the Zoo the day after his birthday. Normally I'd go on either his birthday or his sisters but his falls on a public holiday Monday and public transport is a nightmare on public holidays so I figured we'd go the day after. Three weeks after baby boy's birthday is my daughter's birthday. She's turning 7 and is also growing fast. She's a petite tiny little thing and she doesn't seem to gain in pound/kgs but her shoe sizes and dress sizes keep going up. Her hair is getting longer again too. She's reading, I mean really truly big girl kind of reading and I'm so proud of her. The day after is my oldest sisters birthday and she's leaving to travel around Europe. She's been planning her trip for months now and is really looking forward to the escape. I, of course, am totally jealous. lol But I suppose I should content myself with California in October. It would be amazing to do what she's doing however, the works of Europe. You know it's strange, for someone who loves to travel and has the travel bug in her blood I've done very little in the way of exploring the world. The Tridly trip in October is a huge thing for me but at some point I'd love to be able to do more travelling. It's the sort of thing that sort of got pushed out of my mind, what with having kids and all, especially now I'm on my own with them. It's hard enough to keep up with the mortgage that vacations or travel, even having a car is so far out of my means at the moment I'd need a major life reshuffle to start thinking about those sorts of things. Meanwhile, I'll just look forward to all the fun we'll have in April. Expensive enough just that what with three birthdays and Easter to contend with. Not long till my own birthday either but way to early to start thinking about that. Got back to working out today. Had about two weeks with zero working out and today we had a lot of fun getting back to it. We spent an hour on Dance Revolution. ![]() Meanwhile, it's already late. I can't believe how busy today has been. It's good to be mostly healthy and back to normal moodswing wise. I wonder how long it'll last this time. Maybe I'll even start thinking about getting some manner of writing happening. FoT is waiting patiently but then my reviewing list is growing and waiting less patiently. Then again, don't have time and too tired tonight with an early morning tomorrow. Time for bed. *sneaks off before someone reminds me I should put writing higher on my priority list* |