Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/498806-Chapter-4
Rated: E · Book · Supernatural · #1231603
Ramyon Graille is the last "De Le Frayes"... Will he be able to fulfill his destiny?
#498806 added April 1, 2007 at 3:06am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 4

My Out of Heaven Angel
The Virgin Trinity

Chapter 4

Ramyon’s ears were on fire as he made his way to Vesta’s room. He couldn’t believe it was her who told Melfile that he was an arrogant, self-centered, whiny, crybaby jerk. This for Ramyon, wasn’t very much like him. At all. He felt his sight darken as he approached the mahogany door, designed with blue and yellow notes which said: “Don’t Disturb, On Going Experiment”.

“On going experiment? Yeah, right.” He cursed under his breath and knocked three times.

There was no response.

He cursed again and knocked even louder. But like his failed first attempt, the locked door remained… unlocked. The act only made him angrier, if it was even possible.

“Vesta! Come out right now!” he shouted, startling Vesta’s parents who was in the living room, and “I know you’re there! Come out!”

Mr. Frigg’s head popped from the living room, “Ramyon! What is the ruckus you’re making about?!”

It seemed like what Mr. Frigg had told him was just a blurry murmur in his hot head. But somehow, the original message stayed the same.

“Your daughter, Mr. Frigg! Your daughter is impossible!” he shouted at the old man.

The old man’s eyes widened as Ramyon continued his hissy fits against his daughter, “Ramyon! Come down here this instant!”

Ramyon cursed under his breath, it was stupid going against his friend and it was a lot stupider to go against his benefactor and surrogate parent. He trudged down the wooden staircase rather heavily that it seemed to irritate Mr. Frigg.

When Ramyon reached the living room, he first saw Mrs. Frigg was shaking her head as if someone’s being stupid. His eyes flew to the sofa where Mr. Frigg usually sits and reads the daily newspaper; well, except for that time. He looked gloomy and as if disturbed.

He should be.

“Sit.” Said the middle-aged man, and pointed at the other chair.

Ramyon nodded; he proceeded to go to the striped cushion and sat there, waiting for what kind of execution Mr. Frigg would do.

Mr. Frigg breathed deeply, “Explain yourself.”

Ramyon blinked, did he really need to explain further of his daughter’s impossibility? He rolled his eyes, almost involuntarily.

“Ramyon, my patience is stretching in impossible lengths. I hope you understand. You’ve been in this house, been under our care for ten years, but doing such… incredulous behavior, in my house, be careful or I’ll have to kick you out of here.” Said Mr. Frigg.

Though he was half-listening, what Mr. Frigg said unsettled Ramyon a bit, but the heck he cared. Would he care if he’s going to be kicked out of the house? Definitely not, he’d go and find a job for himself and have his own house and he’ll be rich and…

“Are you listening to me, Ramyon?” a stern tone escaped Mr. Frigg’s lips.

Ramyon took a deep breath and answered with “Yes sir.”

“You can go now.” Said Mr. Frigg, now a bit calmer.

Ramyon took another deep breath and stood up, and headed straight to his room. He glared at Vesta’s locked room and slammed the door shut. Downstairs, Mr. Frigg shook his head, while Mrs. Frigg gave him a sympathy smile.

It was hard raising teenagers.


Inside his room, Ramyon angrily slumped in his single bed, which was messier than any place in the house.

Dull gray wallpaper was used in his room, not that he didn’t like it, and in fact it was his favorite color. He had one cabinet with a mirror in its top, the cabinet’s drawers were strewn with his clothes and underwear and some other stuff like his books. In the cabinet’s flat surface was a stack of unused Arithmetic books that Nido had given him as birthday present, whenever he tried to open the books, he felt like it was draining dear life away from him. And they say that boys were better with math; he was a living proof that it was mere speculation. There were also 3 sets of playing cards on the cabinet, a comb, a wallet and a pair of unused socks.

Pasted at the back of his room’s door was a life-sized poster of his favorite basketball player, Mark Spark. There was also a small poster of Melissa Astern, his favorite actress who had just won the Golden Mythil Best Actress award. There was also a dilapidated dart board that had Eripd’s picture on it, which was as worn out as the former, if not more. There was also a stick-it note which said: “11:30, go to Mr. Lavhart”, which was unnoticed by the very person wrote it.

The window sills of his room was almost covered with dust, the gray wallpaper of his room seemed dirty as if nobody bothered to clean it for the past few weeks. His foot locker wasn’t even better. Socks and more clothes were creeping out of the forlorn locker, if not for more books (used, by the way) on top of its lid. His bed was a complete disaster too. The pillows were scattered all over the bed, its mattress seemed to be unwashed, and his blanket didn’t seem to be cleaned either.

But the person who “owned” the room wasn’t any better.

He clenched and unclenched his fists as he screwed his face thoughts were running inside his head both good and bad.

He didn’t understand why Mr. Frigg couldn’t understand him, had he ever been in-love to a girl and his date got screwed up by one of his best friends?! Mr. Frigg could’ve understood Ramyon’s feelings if he had! Grown-ups were such… stupid people! They claim that they know everything and yet it’s the exact opposite! They don’t know anything at all! How could they say things like that?! He was so biased with his daughter!

He felt so misunderstood.

He trashed around his bed, making a hell lot messier than before. He screwed his face again and felt a sting in his eyes.

No! He shouldn’t cry! A real man won’t cry!

He closed his eyes, and covered his head with the nearest pillow within reach. He felt his lungs heave the carbon dioxide and oxygen out of his body, along with it was phlegm and the act of showing how misunderstood he was.


Light was stinging his eyes as he slowly opened them.

How long has he been sleeping? An hour or two? Based from the length of his recovery from his deep sleep, it seemed like he had been sleeping for hours.

He gasped.

There was no way he could be in the Frigg’s. The place where he was that moment seemed like… paradise.

He looked up and saw the sky was ever so blue, almost like it was a bird’s eye view of the blue sea; he looked around, the grass were much greener in that place than in Mythil City. The trees seemed to dance with the cool breeze that seemed to caress his warm skin, bird and butterflies fluttered around and flowers were in bloom.

He felt calm and safe in the place.

He explored the place more, and saw that Faqar there were much more harmless than those in his place. Faqars and Kistas played together as if it was just as normal as breathing.

Then he heard the most beautiful voice in the world. It was merely humming, but to him it seemed like the voice was singing for him, making him wanting to find the owner of the voice. He walked into the forest where he did not feel a bit nervous or danger. The vines seemed to make way for him inside the forest, leading him to where the voice came from.

“There it is!” exclaimed Ramyon as he moved away the rose bush.

A young lady, with waist-long straight brown hair, streaked with orange strands was sitting gracefully amongst the company of white hares and bunnies. Her back was facing him, but at the moment he saw her, he knew it was her who was humming the lovely tune.

Seconds later, feathers had burst out of her back, scaring Ramyon out of his wits. He had expected her to be dead or murdered, but instead she had grown wings and rose from where she was sitting. She seemed to be like an Awdita in bloom… no, she was something else.

“A Ba-Baylan…” whispered Ramyon as his fixed gaze never left the woman.

He wanted to call her, but whenever he wanted to speak, he felt like his voice was failing him and he could say nothing more than what a gista could. He walked nearer, but every time he went near, she would only rise higher. But he couldn’t let something as trivial as that keep him from meeting a Ba-Baylan… his curiosity rose as he remembered what happened 50 years ago.

“This Ba-Baylan might know what happened…” muttered Ramyon.

He wanted to reach her, but he felt his knees would give in anytime. But, he might never have the chance again… he sprinted towards the Ba-Baylan, not minding the shaky feeling of his knees.

The cool breeze suddenly turned into a harsh wind, warning him that if he would be blown away had he come any closer. But his want to know more about his family’s history had always come first than anything else. He battled the freezing dagger-like wind that whipped his young skin. Curiously he didn’t feel anything as it lashed out at him through its billowing force.

“I could see her!” thought Ramyon, as a shadow of a winged woman grew from pint size to life size.

The wind suddenly gave up and slowly became the gentle breeze.

“Ye-?!” exclaimed Ramyon, but his right foot tripped and he stumbled down. He fell flat on his face, even though he had used both his hands as brakes; his hands were bloodied, and even got blood in his lips. How stupid could he get? Now he won’t be able to see the Ba-Baylan!

The hot sun seemed to cool down as he felt someone was right before him. He tried to look up, but the light seemed to be brighter than anything he’d seen; a pair of clean feet welcomed him. He could no longer feel anything… it seemed exaggerated. Could he die just because he tripped?!

He looked up and slightly saw a beautiful purple dress and a woman whom he could barely see her face. But somehow, he felt certain that this woman was the Ba-Baylan he tried to speak to.

“I…” he tried to speak, but the lady had put her finger before his lips.

She smiled sweetly, at least he thought.

“Do not speak anymore…” it was her. Her voice was so sweet, calm and serene.

She touched his face and he felt so lightheaded; her long brown hair was flowing freely and it was beautiful. He could barely see her as she went nearer…

He suddenly felt his left foot jerk, he woke up. Judging from the amount of liquid that seeped in his pillow, he could say that he had a very… deep sleep. Somehow, Ramyon felt like he had dreamt about something important but couldn’t remember what it was.

“Maybe it’s just nothing at all…” he yawned.

Somehow for Ramyon, sleeping did help him to calm, especially after what happened in the living room with Mr. Frigg.

He didn’t realize though, the fact that he had a fresh cut on his left knee…


During their recess, Nido sat in between Ramyon and Vesta. First, Nido had a row with Vesta, next it was Ramyon and Vesta fighting; the look on Nido’s face didn’t seem pleased about it at all. But at least, he knew that Nido would side with him.

Or so he thought as he ate his angel hair pasta.

“I’m tired of fighting.” Nido suddenly blurted out as he took a bite from his dry sandwich, “It’s tiring to be always fighting.”

Vesta raised her brow, while Ramyon looked like he was electrocuted. Nido had put down his half-finished corned beef filled sandwich on top of the stainless steel platter.

“I guess you don’t remember the first time we met… but I do. I guess that’s the reason why I just can’t leave you guys.” Muttered Nido, “You aren’t exactly the most mature people I know…”

“Look who’s the one to talk.” Snapped Vesta, who had put down her fork too, “You’re not a mature person either, and an insensitive one at that.”

Ramyon was expecting him to shout back with what Vesta had said, but it was quite the opposite.

“Yeah. I guess I am.” Said Nido, who was using the straw at that time to mix the thickened sediments of his orange juice, “But…”

A smile dawned on Nido’s face, as if he was reminiscing something, but it faded as a distraction made by a certain brunette brought a frown in his face. Gwen entered the cafeteria in a very… humiliating condition.

From where they sat, all they saw was people staring at Gwen but as she drew nearer to the Fifen, their eyes widened the moment she got there. Her brown hair was a mess, it had twigs and something that smelled awfully bad that Ramyon would rather not ask what it was. Her uniform (since she was still in high school) was no better, it was blotched with black ink and paint and other stuff that Ramyon could deduce came from the kitchen’s trash, there were even strands of banana peelings and shreds of cabbage that seemed to stick to Gwen’s skin and clothes.

She looked downright horrible.

Tear-stricken, she scowled at her brother, “I told you not to fight with the Seven Sinns! Now I look worse than Flaky Freyja!”

She burst into tears and left. Nido was still in shock of what happened, while Vesta and Ramyon shared glances. They knew there would be another war between the Lagauss and the Militia in the university, as if it wasn’t bad enough.

Nido’s eyes crossed, “That Eripd! He’ll pay for this!”

Vesta squeaked as he stormed out of the cafeteria, looking very angry as if ready to pounce on anyone who would block his way.

“Ramyon, we have to stop him-“

“From doing anything stupid.” Continued Ramyon, who took his messenger bag and they followed Nido.

They didn’t need to ask where he was going; there was only one person who seemed to have all the reasons to do such bullying and they knew perfectly well his gang was hanging out.


“Darn his adrenaline rush.” He heard Vesta murmur as they followed him to the Sinns’ Headquarters.

As Ramyon remembered was in the fifth floor, Tao Chi Wing, the farthest room with the black and red wallpaper for the interior color.

When they finally caught up with him, they were already at the Sinns’ HQ.

Vesta raised a brow, “So… what now?”

Nido, who seemed to be already in his right mind, stared at her and shrugged, he walked to the door and took a look inside, “Maybe they’re… Damn!”

Ramyon gawked at his friend, times like that were rare. Vesta’s eyes widened as she peeked too.

“Oh no!” she exclaimed almost forgetting that Ramyon was still there, “Nido, call an ambulance, quick!”

Nido’s paled face flustered as panic took over; he dropped to the floor with his knees, which Ramyon would bet that it felt like jelly. His shaking hands rummaged his black backpack, finding its way to the mobile phone; the moment he finally caught it swimming with the other contents of his bag he pushed the buttons 785, the emergency number of Mythil City.

In a corner, Vesta seemed to be paler than Nido. She sat on the floor, hugging herself as if what she saw was the worst thing that could happen. Ramyon gulped. For Vesta to be like that, what’s inside must be really bad and something so… complex she can’t answer it… and she seemed to have the answer to all the questions…

What he saw inside the room was things he thought he’d only see in movies. The seven Sinns… Tusl Mint, Tony Tulg, Veny Ilksten, Reged Usted, Tawrh Juol and Holts Mellon were all worst for the wear… no, they were in such horrible situation that the Fifen could only let the professional medical personnel handle the scene. No wonder Vesta slumped on the floor.

Tusl and Veny were huddled together, as if trying to protect Tawrh who was sandwiched between the two girls but apparently failed to do so for they were all covered with what Ramyon would rather think as red paint than what it really was. Tony lay flat on the floor on his back his mouth was frothing something that looked like red substance; while on his feet was Holts and Reged who seemed to be cut everywhere.

“Eripd?! Where’s Eripd?!” his mind raced. His eyes immediately scanned the bloody panorama, looking for the arrogant young blonde; and just when he spotted a streak of blonde from amongst the painted red room, he heard the siren of the MMT (Mythil Medical Team).

Men in white seemed to show out of nowhere, in big numbers, and rushed inside the room, pushing Ramyon out of the way in the process.

They had surgical masks on their faces, white robes and their hands wore surgical gloves. They were protector of the people, and yet, Ramyon felt awkwardly scared whenever they were near.

The carried the bloodied teens with their stretchers, one to one. Vesta paled even more as the MMT crossed the space before her, and Nido seemed like he was going to puke any moment. Ramyon, on the other hand, was more interested (as he would put that way…) with what happened to the bastard Eripd.

The last stretcher carried the blonde boy.

Ramyon’s eyes followed the seventh stretcher from the moment it left the room. He followed Eripd’s pale face as the stretcher passed by him. Even his unconscious face showed horror that Ramyon could not imagine what could make him do that.

The men in white vanished one by one, but before the last man left, he had put the “TAB” in front of the room. It seemed like they still had to investigate the situation and no one could enter the room until they would be finished with it.

The three students stared into nothingness as the last man left. They had questions to ask, that was something Ramyon was sure about, no matter how stupid the question might be, but couldn’t do so because of the shock that had overwhelmed their system.

It was Nido who broke the ice.

“What do we do now?”

Vesta looked at Ramyon, and so did Nido.

“I… don’t know.” He said, finally slumping on the floor with Vesta and Nido.



Faqar: lion
Gista: fish
Kista: deer
Uiok: crocodiles
Militia: poor



Artemis Moon (equivalent of January), DAYS: 29
Luna Kara (equivalent of February), DAYS: 34
Diana Ceres (equivalent of March), DAYS: 24
Hecate Astarte (equivalent of April), DAYS: 19
Cerridwen Ogma (equivalent of May), DAYS: 31
Pan Hera (equivalent of June), DAYS: 27
Sol Moon (equivalent of July), DAYS: 31
Janus Fortuna (equivalent of August), DAYS: 41
Venus Agni (equivalent of September), DAYS: 13
Persephone Moon (equivalent of October), DAYS: 31
Hades Moon (equivalent of November), DAYS: 30
Sol Gaia (equivalent of December), DAYS: 31

DAYS: Same as the RW


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