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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Ok, much to the disappointment of all those breathing a sigh of releif at my 5 day absense I'm back. To some degree. Right now I don't much WANT to be here. I'm dying, slowly, painfully, from the throat out. Energy is run down and I'm in agony, lots and lots of agony. It doesn't help that I feel like there is a pressure on to get so much done. I did however promise to return to blogging. In a way yesterday was my return although when I posted that entry I hadn't planned for it to be. I just dumped it because I felt like sharing but today the lovely Anyea ![]() ![]() I'll still take weekends off. I've enjoyed the break of having two nights a week when I don't feel like I HAVE to be here. Some nights entries come easily, others it's torture. Tonight for example I'd rather be in bed, or snuggled up on the couch with a big warm blanket and lots of TV/movies. All day I've been looking at what I want to get done and procrastinating. I feel like I've gotten very little accomplished so I really should reflect on what I have acheived today. I always feel better when I've acknowledged my accomplishments. I know there is still so much I want to do that didn't get done but I'm sure there are a lot of things that got done I can feel proud of. I did write a lengthy email that required a great deal of thought and ponderance. I've been talking with my new friend northernwrites and we seem to be pretty good at communicating and conversing with each other. Of course I feel it's a little one sided at times because northernwrites knows a great deal and I'm learning and experiencing so much thanks to our conversations/emails. I tossed out a bunch of GPs to reward reviewers and wrote a list of items I want to review. I had planned to spend today doing reviews but didn't actually get any done. That's most of what is eating away at me at the moment. The fact that I woke up planning to review and then didn't. I should dedicate tomorrow to ensuring some reviews get done. I wrote a poem. It was actually in relation to a question northernwrites asked me in an email. My response to the question came as poetry (of sorts) and I left it as poetry. *shrugs* It's no masterpeice but considering how little poetry I've written and the fact that I had resolved to write a poem a day it's something to congratulate myself for. ![]() I did some banking and caught up on a few errand-type things. I learnt a little more about shares and had a private little party about getting my first ever dividend cheque. ![]() Chatted with 6 different friends via messenger at some point today. Long chats with each about all different sorts of things. One just got home from a nightmare plane travel experience. Didn't particularly relish hearing the horrors of air travel when I'm planning my very first experience for October. Since settling on the decision to go for that dream I've seen nothing but horrors about air travel. Seriously, normally I'd go a year hearing about maybe 2 plane crashes, this past month alone I've heard of more like 4, two of the particularly serious, lots of dead people. Thousands of planes got grounded the other day in the US apparently. Terrorist threats. Lost luggage. Diversions. Unavailable seats even prebooked ones. Basically it's enough to make me paranoid. Should I be seeing these as signs that I shouldn't be planning this trip? Hopefully it's just like seeing pregnant women or newborn babies everywhere. I can tell when I'm ovulating because I suddenly start seeing them EVERYWHERE. I could walk through a shopping center on a normal day and notice maybe one pregnant woman and coo over one newborn baby but when I'm ripe I see half a dozen of both on the same sort of trip. lol Of course, no chance I am pregnant, unlike in Trid relations celibacy in rabbits equals zero procreation rate. Anyway, on that rather TMI I'm going to call it quits. Obviously I'm delirious from being ill. I should definately quit while I'm ahead. Alas, I still don't feel like I got much accomplished today. So I'll tote on the end getting up, showered, dressed, kids same, daughter to school, breakfast, lunch, dinner, laundry, daughter home from school, and a town full of villagers kept healthy and thriving. There we go, now I feel like today was productive. *collapses in exhaustion* ![]() |