Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life! |
March 15, 2007 Today has been a pretty good day...albeit a fairly non productive day...in regard to actual things getting done..but a good day anyway. Let me explain..Yes, I insist...if you didn't want to know you wouldn't be here. This morning a good friend of mine and I were on msn instant messenger and we were having a discussion about my writing, the comments I received yesterday and "Invalid Item" We takled through some of my problems, some of the gaps yet to be filled in the story and so on. It helped me make a decision...something I've been struggling to do. I want to write this story..need to write it...think God has a plan for it (not tooting my horn..actually scares me to death but...lol) it's a feeling deep within..and it may only be a plan for me and those immediately around me..that may be all that is affected (effected?) by it..though I suppose as most who create I hope many are touched by what I write. It was good to have someone to go back and forth about it with..get feedback one on one (though the reviews and comments are nice it helps to get someone's instant opinion or understanding (or non understanding). So I thank you Robyn! (yes, I actually used a name in my blog..I have permission...hehehehe) Robyn and I have been friends since elementary school. We've lost touch, come back together, lost touch again and she found me the other day..for which I am grateful. For all the differences in our lives, all the places we haven't been together...running deeper still is that bond from long ago. I am blessed to know her. Which brings me to the reminder of this ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** So often we get caught up in, at least I do...what has happened in the past-either where we've messed up or been hurt. The shoulda woulda coulda's. Or we get caught up in the future...how are we going to's..the bills, the kids, life in general and how we are going to get through it. We don't think about what we have within..at least not in the midst of chaos and stress...at least I've been known to be this way. We don't think about the love of our family and friends, the blessings God has given us, all we've learned and made it through...those things are stored within our very being. Christ is within us. We need to look up and within...instead of looking back or forwards...especially when times are tough. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying never look back...it can be fun, it can be useful, and it can be necessary. I'm not saying don't plan for the future...it's a necessary part of life..though we have little control over the future. What I am saying is if we spent more time realizing what we had inside..we wouldn't stress over the future or kick ourselves for the past...but be content with where we are.... Just a thought. Don't ask me where it came from...cause I"m one who dwellls..if you haven't noticed. Blessings Vicky |