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It's a mystery, a romance, a sister story, a novel. |
Dedicated especially to: Zaid, Zainab, Yazid, and Jessie. Thank you for your positive, and sensitivity of the plot, and characters. The streets were empty, the day cold. Gray skies showed no glimpse of sunlight. A moist, warm, rotten smell in the air gave the town a swampy effect. Gray water sloshed against the concrete sidewalk, bugs of every kind floating in it. Neat rows of house, with gently cleaned windows sat small and lifeless, the curtains were drawn tightly. A gust of wind blew though, scattering paper that littered the carefully clipped lawns. It was a ghost town. No one lived in the isolated place. A scream shattered the bleak, still silence, followed by the loud tapping of shoes on the hard pavement. A girl of about twelve appeared, her lips parted and blue eyes wide with pain, and fear. Her legs moved in a blur, the arms on her body pulling at the air wildly. Blonde hair trailed behind her, as the bone chilling wind blew through it. Tripping, she sprawled onto the ground helplessly. Inching herself down the street, she screamed again as a figure came pounding towards her. "You'll regret running my precious." a cold voice hissed. The girl struggled, pulling herself away, and attempting to get up. "No, no!" she cried, tears streaming down her pretty, reddened face. "I'm sorry lovely." the voice murmured, reaching out a pair of blood stained hands, so filthy with moist dirt. The arm of the hand was covered with a brown sleeve with buttons on the arm cuff. The girl let out another shriek as the hands reached around her slender throat. "What do you want from me?" she gasped, clutching her small fingers around the giant, cold hands. “I didn’t do anything. Where are my classmates?!” A mocking laugh sounded from the person standing before her. “What did you do with them, and what do you want from me?!” The little girl sobbed struggling to pull away from the tight hold around her neck. Her vision grew blurry, and the eyelids over her blue eyes drooped. “Tell me, what you want.” She winced. The two green eyes of the person, dull in color peered at her. For a moment, the eyes looked almost as if the person regretted hurting such a pretty person. Then, the wicked sense returned to them, and the dry, chapped lips on the face curled into a bitter smile. "You." the voice snarled sharply, releasing its grasp and knocking the girl unconscious with a balled fist. |