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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#493724 added March 9, 2007 at 5:10pm
Restrictions: None
First daffodil. Choirs of birds and bees. Non Sequitor
L'aura del campo

DEATH of WINTER: 8 'Ala (9 March) 65º and moist.

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

The first daffodils

I saw the first two daffodils (påskliljor) today. They are in a sheltered cluster of 16 of which 15 will bloom. Under the old redbud only a couple would bloom, but they cut the tree down and the clump is rejoicing in the extra sunshine. I miss the redbud; fortunately new saplings are arising from the stump. I like old trees; I like redbud.

Spring is my season. It cheers me up. The croscuses I saw blooming last week are fading, but that's okay. More are blooming elsewhere.

Had a great talk with John Lee last night. He mentioned how all of us should move and leave everything behind a few times in our life. That way we get to better know who-we-are and reinvent ourselves. Of course, that reminded me of my healing year in Oklahoma. John spent three months in Tibet out where there was nothing but stars and learned that there was much he could do without.

We also talked about people. He said that there are those we resonate with much like sound waves. If that's true, then I hope we keep in touch! His Czech, Cherokee, Cajun background is an attractive restful mix. And I told him of a dear friend who calms me, brings me joy, how I live to hear his laugh. Both he and John are Libras (So much for astrology. Libra~Aries is NOT a match. *Smile*)

I lost my original entry (all that work ... *Frown*) ... but I was listening to Seals and Croft's "Hummingbird" (inspiration for me, 'O Source of our being ...'), Brian Crain's "Song for Sienna" (very sunny) and Harry Chapin's "Taxi" (such a bittersweet lament).

WDC Writing Goals

Well, I copied 10 July of 2005 blog entries to my hard drive and deleted them here. That frees up space for continuing this blog as is.

I now need to do that with my portfolio so I can post 'new' items (like some of the poetic stuff I've put in my blog entries). I deleted a couple old quizzes. I forget where things are here, so Kraken through the Snow Author Icon showed me where I can find out about "item" storage space limits. For someone with an upgraded account (comme moi) it is 200k. This will help me with consolidation and rearrangement here.

I'll miss my yearly goal of 700 poetic sketches by March 20th; I have 600 now. I'm not too stressed by this as I did more editing and other writing this past year. The coming year's goal will be 1 1/2 per day or 500/year. I think that is more reasonable and keeping with where I'm at.


Thou seest me, O my God, holding to Thy Name, the Most Holy, the Most Luminous, the Most Mighty, the Most Great, the Most Exalted, the Most Glorious, and clinging to the hem of the robe to which have clung all in this world and in the world to come.

~ Bahá’u’lláh

An excerpt (the refrain) from a prayer for the Fast. Entire prayer found at:

Me, my friends and my family

Wednesday night was last bookmaking class. I'm sad. I really liked it. Georgette gifted me a whole pile of paper. Very generous of her. *Smile*

Had meatloaf and mac-and-cheese on Thursday. Comfort food. Did Tea. Saw Katie, Richard, Sam and Elizabeth.

Read last night and ate Lorna Doones. This morning? Coffee. Maybe I should go grab a banana?


Four trees (redbud, cedar, maple) and one yucca festooned with toilet paper. I told a passer-by, "It's looks like Spring". He replied, "Cherry blossoms in Japan."

Thought: Virginia, I know where the bluebells ring: pink and blue and silent.

Thought: There is a lot of change in six weeks for the living. The dead just rollover, mulling over the memories.

Thoughts from the Chrysalis: 'What pale light enters this crystal sarcophagous? For what purpose are this wings?'

Thought: Is a young child at Tea a tea toddler?


Sometimes comics are good for prompts or learning new words (like bulsheep). Sometimes they are just funny. Today's (March 9th) 'Non Sequitor' has a sharp political edge to it.


It mentions bulsheep. A.k.a Noneedus factus, a critter with a head of a bull and a body of a sheep; an aggressive leader and passive follower; known for obstinate absolutism leading to simplistic stampedes. Natural enemy? critical thinking! I immediately thought of someone who is probably just the opposite: Mavis Moog Author Icon.

The weather is warming; 62º on Thursday. But, only 23º at my mother's place; 47º in Missoula. A nice warm 72º in Tahlequah, though. *Smile*. No big storms in sight, just mild weather.

In six weeks everything will be hurting-eye green. The tulips and iris will be in bloom and winter will be a memory. Here that is. At my cousin's in zipcode 14701 they may still be shoveling. *Smile*

*Reading* READING *Reading*

Enjoying Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the shore.

I have looked at Noelle Kocot's surreal Poem for the End of Time but can't quite connect with the poems.

I think Nada Author Icon would find the section 'Notes from a Cruise' in Incredible good fortune by Ursula LeGuin amusing. She speaks of Aruba, of San Blas, of the whole on-board experience. They are 8 line rhymes, but the other sections are more diverse as to form, rhythm and wit.

I really like "Kaddish" in The Memory Theater Burned, Damon Krukowski's book of poetic prose. Need to read more.

I also need to read one of Roderick Townley's books before he gives a reading here on the 13th. I find it frustrating to see so few attend these things. Unless a class is told it must attend, I don't think they bother. The local writers don't show up neither. Of course the communication lines between writer's here sucks.


dragonfly~guess who's back? Author Icon entry: "Invalid EntryOpen in new Window. has this beautiful imagery:

We had a typical Utah early spring thunderstorm this morning--a gigantic echoing crash of thunder, followed by 3 1/2 minutes of hard rain. Since then there have been peeks of vivid blue sky, but mostly the clouds are pressing in--scudding across the sky until they hit the mountains, where they are piling. Looks like the peaks are getting more snow, in fact.

One can use other writers for inspiration. It's okay you know! I wrote:

Choirs of birds and bees

Between the peeks of vivid blue
the snow-clouds climbs to mountain tops
to cotton-blanket them anew.
The peaks embrace the puffy storm
that through the valley did not thunder long.
Now after the crash and clash of rain,
echoes caress a day of Utah-blue
that swells with Spring-time harmonies
as thankful ground sings Hallelujah songs
from choirs of birds and bees.


Late news: I really like the performance of Celia: http://www.celiaonline.com/. She just e-mailed me that she's going to be in Missoula! on Saint Paddy's Day! at the Liquid Planet Café. She gets to go to Montana and all I get are bloomin' daffodils *Frown*.

Also: 3/11 in Ashland, Oregon; 3/15 at P & G Speakeasy in Duvall, Washington; 3/16 at Soul Food in Redmond, Washington; then Missoula; 3/21 in Minneapolis; 3/31 in Madison. Too bad she couldn't book an event in Bismarck *Bigsmile*.


** Image ID #1134108 Unavailable **
 Kåre *Cool* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!
And I let the fish go. ~ Elizabeth Bishop, The Fish

© Copyright 2007 Kåre เลียม Enga (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre เลียม Enga has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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