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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1188034
Blog on writing; Poetry and short stories - comments, critiques et al.
#491766 added March 2, 2007 at 12:02pm
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Wintry Weather, Poetry, and N. E. Morons
Well, here I am still stuck in this "hell" of a part of the country...the commonly call New England. I know I've spouted off about this before, but we woke up this morning to a lovely mix of 3-4 inches of snow, magically mixed with snow, sleet, slush, freezing rain.....I don't know what could be better than this??? NOT!!!
I called a buddy of mine from Bradenton, Florida this morning to "brag" about our fantastic weather....he told me he was "suffering" too....had to put up with cold weather of about 72 degrees and sunny.....don't know how he can possible stand it.....lol.
I still think that anyone who lives here in the northeast (and likes it) is in dire need of "electro-shock therapy"......

Had quite a discussion with my Mom lately about New England in general...Massachusetts in particular...
I spouted off that Massachusetts is a communist/socialist State, where people are encouraged to "leech" off the system and live off of other peoples money...welfare! they get money and "food stamps" so that can make sure they have their BOOZE and CIGARETTES all stocked up so they can sit around and loaf all week while other people work and pay for them to be able to do this.....and maybe have another kid of two so the system can increase they welfare payments......Our "New Buddy" Governor Duval Patrick is well on his way to "sucking" even more taxes out of us to pay for all the loosers!!
Both "DeVille" Duval (nicknamed in his first 30 days in office for leasing a Cadillac for about $1500.00 a month on the taxpayers...never mind his spending spree to redecorate the Governor's residence, buying "drapes" for a mesley $10,000.00....what a "fu**king crook!!!) and the communist democrats (legislature) that run this state are hot into cooking up ways to suck more taxes out of the people....They continue to raise taxes on business and then they wonder why businesses are moving out of this state in groves...and taking jobs with them. They actually are such morons, that they express disbelief at why businesses (and people) are leaving this state as fast as they can....I think they are smoking crack!!! In three short years, I can retire and leave the "comrades" and their communist ways behind...look out Florida and or Texas, here I come!!!

And, a serious question...I argued with my Mom that the people here in New England (for the most part) are A-holes....there are some nice people but they are far and few between. I was born and raised here, and I've never seen such "cheap", "arrogant", "bad tempered", "selfish", etc...etc...etc.... people....
My experience is that people are much, much, much more friendly in other parts of the country.
Here in New England, they also still have the "antiquated" political system call "town meetings"...in theory, all the residents of a community get together for several evenings and pass budgets and make decisions on running the town for the following year. In reality, only about 2-3 percent of the population show up, and 99 percent of those are the MORONS!!! some of them actually have graduated from the 6th grade......the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
Now, my dear mother says that I've just been a cop too long (I'm a police chief in a small Mass. town for those of you who don't know me) and have dealt with all the "undesireables" and "low lifes" of society for too long.....while this may be true, I still think that most New Englanders are the biggest A-holes in the entire country.......anyone have any opinions on this???

Submitted my poem for the poetry league this week...had to write on a random topic: the color GREEN....I thought that it came out pretty good...got quite a few good reviews, and actually got the most votes this week to make it to the "hall of fame"....a first for me.......yipeeeeeee.

Still considering heading down to Providence, R.I. on Saturday to the Camping and RV show....it's only about an hours drive.......have to see if the weather and roads have cleared up by tomorrow......

Also going to a comedy show tomorrow night....it's being put on by a company that doing a fund raiser for my police officers.....supposed to be pretty good/funny....I give everyone a review after I see it.

Well, I'm at work now, and it's lunch time, baby...so I gotta run.....
Hope everyone has a great weekend......


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