Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/490165-Part-One
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1222792
This is a romance novel I'm working on, this is just what I've written so far.
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#490165 added April 4, 2007 at 9:45pm
Restrictions: None
Part One
Scene One

Enya Covington stood outside of the small office building. This was her new workplace. She’d had an interview over the phone and had been chosen to be another assistant. The man who worked in this office was really just a member of a large company. The company bought and sold property for people, helping them make money off of it. She wasn’t really clear on all the details, it wasn’t really anything she was interested in but she needed money because she couldn’t get a job at the moment in her chosen profession: acting. This job just required her to do a normal secretary’s work-answer phones, type out letters and notes, organize files, get coffee, pick up files from other offices, basically anything her boss needed. As far as she understood there was already another secretary that worked her, but Mr. Phillips, her new boss, wanted another one to keep up with all the work. She took a huge breath and reminded herself of what was basically her life motto: All she had to do was act, just act. She set her mind to in now, act confident. She tossed her thick red hair and walked through the glass doors. She reached a desk with two doors on either side of it. One had a sign on the outside that said “Mr. Phillips.” Sitting at the desk was a man, engaged in reading some papers. He looked somewhere around her age, twenty-five, or maybe a year older, she couldn’t tell. He had dark brown hair and dark, deep brown eyes. He looked…confident, aristocratic, and he gave off an air that was…arrogant. She could feel it in the room and in the way he didn’t even look up when the door had opened. Like he was too busy to be bothered with anyone else. Maybe he just didn’t hear me, she thought. She stepped up to the desk and cleared her throat. Nothing. I can see why Mr. Phillips needs another secretary! she thought.
“Excuse me.” She finally said. The man looked up. He blinked when he saw her and looked her over. She had luxurious, thick red hair (he’d always had a thing for hair). She had a delicate, petite nose, a small mouth, and bright, sparkling green eyes that reminded him of emeralds.
“Yes?” he asked.
“I’m supposed to report to Mr. Phillips.” He noticed her voice was clear and pure. He smiled.
“What if I am Mr. Phillips?” he asked.
“Then I would say it’s a good thing you hired me to be your secretary if your out here instead of you other one.” She knew this was not Mr. Phillips. This mans voice was deeper and stronger. Mr. Phillips had a voice that sounded like gravel. She had just implied that the man before her was bad at his job. He raised a brow.
“Do you have something against answering phones and greeting customers?”
“Surely not, since I applied for that job.” She turned to the door with the plaque for Mr. Phillips and put her hand on the knob. A large hand covered hers.
“What do you think you’re doing, going into my office?” he asked.
“The plaque says Mr. Phillips, so it can’t be your office. I think it’s quite obvious I’m going in to see him.”
“I’m his secretary, you have to have my permission.” His hand hadn’t left hers.
“Do I?” she asked impatiently. He just looked at her. He wouldn’t move his hand from the knob so naturally she couldn’t move hers. She kicked him in the shin. He gave a yelp and took his hand from the knob.
“Good enough for me.” she said as she slipped into the office. She saw an overweight man of about fifty, and trying to stop his head from balding by raking what little hair he had over the top of his head.
“Mr. Phillips, I assume?” she said in a polite, sweet voice. “I told your assistant I could wait if you were busy but he insisted that I could see you now.” she continued as she walked forward.
“Oh, yes, yes, of course.” he said dismissively. “I guess we sorted everything out on the phone so you know your hours and pay and what not. You will find a desk for you in the other office. Please take these notes and type them then bring them back to my office.”
“Yes, sir.” She left Mr. Phillips office. No one was in the outer office anymore so she went into the other office. It was large and modern looking. There were two desks, both silver metal and glass. There were large silver file cabinets behind one desk and the walls were stark white. The man from the front room (she guessed now he was the other secretary) was sitting at one desk. He leaned back in his chair and looked at her when she came in. Her distaste for the room must have shown on her face because he suddenly looked around the room and said,
“Not my taste either but Phillips decorated it.” Enya looked at him.
“Okay,” he said, “So I’ve decided to forgive you.” She blinked.
“You have decided to forgive me?” she asked in a dangerously quiet voice.
“Yes, I have.”
“My God, he’s serious.” she muttered under her breath. She tossed her hair, an action he would later recognize as something she did when she was about to get mad.
“Oh, well isn’t that nice.” she said in a voice sweet enough to be convincing but not overdone. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll let you know when I’ve decided to forgive you.”
“What!” he sputtered, “Forgive me for what!” he demanded.
“For lying to me and saying you were Mr. Phillips.”
“I said ’what if.’” he reminded her.
“Yes, and you also said that it was your office.”
“Maybe it is.”
“What, do you own the company?” she asked sarcastically. He just stared at her.
“Maybe we didn’t do this right, let’s start over.” She looked at him speculatively.
“Gavin McGivins.” he said, thrusting his hand out to her. She shook it.
“Enya Covington.” He nodded. She went to the desk in front of the file cabinets. She sat down, familiarizing herself with the computer, then started typing Mr. Phillips’ pages of handwritten notes. And as she looked around her new office, and at Gavin McGivins working at his desk across the room, somehow she knew that everything was changing. That after today everything would change. She just knew. But then again, maybe she was being dramatic. After all, she thought, I am an actress.

-----------------------------------Scene Two------------------------------------
Three months later
Enya walked into the building to see Gavin already sitting at the front desk.
“Enya, good. Phillips needs a bunch of notes typed and he has a few new files for you to enter into the computer. Oh, and-”
“Well, good morning to you too.” Enya interrupted.
“Oh, we’re being civil today? I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware of the change. Good morning.” She gave an irritated sigh and walked into their office to do the piles of dreaded paper work waiting for her.
“Oh why did I ever learn office work in school?” she moaned to herself. “I could’ve had a perfectly good excuse not to have to do this. I could be like Jamie.”
“Who’s Jamie?” Gavin’s voice behind her made her jump.
“My boyfriend.” Enya said absentmindedly as she began to work.
“You have a boyfriend?” Gavin asked.
“Wow! I’m surprised anyone would have you. Tell me, do you pay him to date you?”
“Shut up.”
Enya’s whole past month had been filled with angry exchanges like this one. She had decided she officially hated Gavin McGivins. He irritated her to no end. He was a large part of why she hated her job. Of course, she also didn’t really like any of the work she did. But she needed the money. Lately she could only get small parts in plays. Plus, she was helping Jamie out with some of his expenses. She did have an audition this afternoon though, and she really hoped she’d get the part. One of the well known local theatres was putting on Romeo and Juliet. Audition were that night and Enya was dying to get the part of Juliet. She’d played Juliet three years in a row in high school and she knew the part entirely by heart. She was still nervous though. When she left work she went straight to the L’ Amore Theatre. There were already people there auditioning. She put her name on the sign in sheet and sat down to watch. Her confidence grew as she watched the auditions. All the people auditioning for Juliet weren’t very good. Some were downright terrible and there were really only one or two that Enya considered competition. Finally Enya’s name was called. She walked up on the stage and instantly knew how to get the part. Instead of doing the famous balcony scene that all the other actresses had done she asked the director if she could do another scene instead.
“What scene?” the director asked her. She shrugged.
“Any at all, you choose one and I’ll do it.” With a thoughtful smile the Mr. Bates, the director, told her which scene he wanted and called up the other actors involved in it. They had to use their scripts but Enya didn’t. She really did know every bit of the play involving Juliet by heart. She acted the less known scene perfectly, even better than she had all those years in high school. As soon as her performance was done Mr. Bates burst into applause.
“You there, Miss…” he glanced at his sheet, “Miss Covington. That was marvelous, simply amazing! Wait a minute…” Even from the stage Enya could see his eyes widening. “Covington. Enya Covington. You played Juliet at Briardale three years in a row! I knew I recognized you! I went to see you every year in that play and you were the best Juliet Briardale had ever had. You turned those high school plays into real productions!” Enya grinned with pride. Briardale was the high school that she had went to that specialized in any kind of arts, particularly acting.
“I stopped going to Briardale plays when I heard you graduated.” Mr. Bates continued,
“I looked for your name in many plays but I could never find where you had acted in anything after that.” Enya frowned as she remembered the few years after she had graduated, working like crazy. She had moved out at sixteen because of differences with her grandmother over acting. Her grandmother had died and they had never made peace. She pushed the unpleasant thoughts away.
“You’ve got the part!” Mr. Bates announced suddenly. Enya was overjoyed.
“Thank you so much!” she said, excited.

-----------------------------------Scene Three------------------------------------

The next three weeks went by in a blur of rehearsals, fittings, endless practice, and of course, work. If Gavin noticed she was preoccupied or overtired he didn’t say anything. There were times when she absolutely hated him and then there were a few occasions when she’d actually get through a conversation with him and enjoy it. She didn’t know him very well, because he generally teased her and she never saw him any other way. But she thought that he probably didn’t act that way around other people. In fact, she had a strong suspicion that he purposely teased her to make her angry. She found it very annoying sometimes. But for the most part Gavin left Enya alone for those three weeks before the play and Enya was able to concentrate. She knew her part perfectly by opening night, her fellow cast members were all very good, and she was confident she’d do better than any of her performances at Briardale. And so the first night of the play came. As she was in her dressing room, getting ready, there was a knock on her door. When she opened it there was no one there. Just as she was about to close the door she looked down. On the floor was a red vase with two dozen red roses in it. She smiled softly. Red roses were her favorite flowers. Se took it into her dressing room and eagerly looked at the card.
Good Luck, though you won’t need it.
That was all it said. No name, nothing else. The handwriting looked slightly familiar, like she might have seen it before, but Enya decided it was just coincidence. That night the performance went off perfectly. There were tons of people there and there was a thunderous applause when a glowing Enya stepped forward to take her bow. The next day at work she was blissfully happy and even seeing Gavin there early again with no good morning couldn’t disrupt her wonderful mood.
“Hello.” she said as she walked through the room toward their office. He jerked his head up.
“Oh, hey Enya.” She laughed.
“Don’t sound so enthusiastic to see me!” she said with a grin and she went into the office. Gavin frowned at her back. He wasn’t about to tell her how he felt every day when he saw her walk through that door. When Gavin walked in and set paperwork on her desk she was staring off into space. He waved his hand in front of her face.
“Earth to Enya.” She blinked, startled. She had actually been reliving the play, from beginning to end. She wished that it hadn’t been just a one night showing. But L’Amore never showed a production more than one night, which seemed to draw unbelievably crowds.
“Huh? Oh, right, sorry Gavin, I’ll get right on these.”
“What, no flames today, Little Fire?” He asked with a smirk. Gavin had taken to calling her by that ridiculous nickname he’d come up with a month or two ago.
“Despite how amazingly irritating you are Gavin, nothing can ruin my mood today.” she informed him. Three hours later she wished she hadn’t said that. The day had gotten very bad very quickly. First she’d spilled coffee all over important paperwork. Then she’d cut her finger with the letter opener. Luckily Gavin had already left for the day when those two events occurred. And now she had to tell Mr. Phillips that one of his files was missing. She hadn’t seen him much at all since she’d come to work her. Mostly she’d been given directions through Gavin. She knocked lightly on Mr. Phillip’s office door. She heard a faint “come in.” She walked in.
“Mr. Phillips?”
“Yes, Miss Covington?” Enya decided to get straight to the point.
“I can’t seem to find one of the company’s most important files. Gavin, er, Mr. McGivins said that the company was going to review the accounts of one client because their money wasn’t all accounted for. A huge chunk, actually. Anyways, why am I telling you all this stuff you already know?” She rolled her eyes at herself.
“Yes, quite.” Mr. Phillips said quietly. Enya didn’t know what that meant.
“The point is, I can’t find the file anywhere. I know for a fact it was here yesterday morning.” Mr. Phillips frowned.
“That’s not good, Miss Covington. Were you the last to see it?”
“I suppose, Gavin asked me to have it out today.” she said, forgetting to use Gavin’s last name because in her mind he was always just Gavin.
“I’ll see what I can do. But Miss Covington,” Enya paused at the door with her hand on the knob. “This does not look good for you. I’m sure you had nothing to do with it, but you wouldn’t want to jeopardize your job. I’ll take care of Mr. McGivins, and I suggest you not say anything to anyone else. I wouldn’t want gossip about you to circulate about missing files or your involvement.” In mentioning her job, Mr. Phillips had inadvertently said the one thing that would make Enya shut up and forget the matter completely. Which is exactly what she did.

-------------------------------------Scene Four------------------------------------

“You are so annoying!” Enya snapped at Gavin. Over the past three and a half weeks they had been getting along fine. Well even. There had been the occasional teasing on both their parts, but lighter and more enjoyable, without the previous undercurrent of malice. Today, however, was not a good day for Enya. She was on edge. She was having money problems now. Jamie wasn’t helping and her nerves were shot. Gavin’s teasing this morning had been irritating and she’d made it obvious, but he hadn’t stopped. He’d finally pushed her to the limit with a half joking comment on how she did her job. She’d just finished verbally attacking him and had ended with the very lame sentence about him being annoying. The previous words had not been so lame, they had been mean and they had hit their mark. Gavin stared at her with an angry glint in his eyes.
“I’ll be in the outer office, Miss Covington.” he said coolly. All her anger faded with a rush of guilt. No matter what he’d never called her by her last name before, always Enya. She’d taken out all her stress on him. She had been really mean. Sure, there had been times before when she’d been justifiably angry with him, but now was not one of them. His recent teasing had been just that-simple, playful teasing. She could tell by the random, almost unnoticeable, complements spattered through his taunting that he didn’t really think she was bad at her job. She’d been wrong to take her stress out on him.
“Gavin-” she started to say.
“Mr. McGivins.” Gavin snapped, interrupting her.
“If I call you that will you stay to listen to my apology?” she asked meekly. Gavin paused hesitantly at the door. Enya opened her mouth to add a persuasive “please” then snapped it shut.
“Why do I care about apologizing to you?” she asked herself out loud, angry at herself for being willing to give in so easily. She sighed, she knew the answer. Gavin turned back to face her, apparently interested in her answer. She gave a frustrated sigh and threw up her hands in defeat.
“Because I have a horrible temper, comes with the hair, and I was wrong to suddenly get mad and take my stress out on you. I’m sorry. Apology accepted?” she asked. He pondered for a moment.
“Hmm…” he murmured, walking up till he was standing in front of her. “I guess I’ll be so kind as to accept your apology and grace you with my presence a while longer.” She had just thrust aside her pride long enough to apologize and now this egotistic man had the nerve to say all that? Her last nerve, already frayed beyond belief, finally snapped.
“You are everything I hate in a man!” she said randomly.
“Oh really?” was the mocking challenge.
“Yes! You are conceited, arrogant, and full of yourself.” Okay, so he wasn’t really any of those things, he just liked to tease, but Enya was so mad she didn’t care if what she said was true or not. Gavin infuriated her in a way she couldn’t understand.
“You act like you’re better then everyone else!” His face was so close to hers she could just barely fell his breath. She clinched her fists at her side.
“Maybe because I am.” he suggested lightly. It took every bit of her will-power not to punch him right then. Gavin could feel her energy, passion, anger…Life. Suddenly, he did the one thing he’d been dying to do since he’d first met her. He leaned forward and kissed her passionately, pushing her back against the wall behind her. She had been kissed before, but never quite like this. With Gavin it felt different. It felt, well, she hated to admit it but it just felt right. He broke past all her defenses. He gripped her shoulders and pushed her harder against the wall. Enya had never felt to alive before.
Suddenly the door to the outer office slammed shut. It startled Enya so bad that she jumped. She tried to gather her wits about her, catch her breath, get her brain functioning again. All of which was incredibly hard to do considering Gavin still had his hand resting lightly on one forearm, standing to the side instead of in front of her. Mr. Phillips strode into their office with a newspaper plastered to his face. He glanced up at them, then back down at the paper.
“Miss Covington,” he started.
“Yes?” she squeaked.
“I need the file on that company in Minnesota in about fifteen minutes. Also, do you have the papers for Rollington typed up yet?” Gavin was idly rubbing his fingers back and forth on her arm, except there was nothing idle about it, it was a carefully calculated distraction that left her mind fuddled.
“I, uh, I…yes sir!” Enya finally got out.
“Good.” And with that he left the office, shutting the door behind him with a bang.
“I am so fired!” Enya burst out as soon as he was gone. This could not happen to her!
“Oh God!” she was seriously worried now. “I cannot lose this job. What am I going to do? Who knows how long it would be till I could find another with as good a pay as this. I’ve got my apartment, Jamie’s, half of Jamie’s car payments, the other bills, oh God!” Enya’s voice faded as Gavin studied every inch of her. He liked what he saw. She was still standing with her back leaning against the wall. She looked startled, disheveled. Her unusual, striking red hair cascaded in its thick, wavy curls down her back over her shoulders. Her emerald green eyes were wide and she was babbling about something. Gavin realized she thought Mr. Phillips would fire her.
“You think he’ll fire you?” he asked her suddenly. She didn’t notice though.
“What in the world am I going to do? I cannot lose this job!”
“He’s not going to fire you. He’s the most oblivious boss in the world. He didn’t notice a thing. Besides, her can’t fire you for this.” Enya once again turned her anger on him.
“You!” she pointed a finger at him. “This is all your fault!”
“Hey! Hold up now, Little Fire.” he started.
“Hold up? Hold up!” Gavin decided that probably hadn’t been the right thing to say. Enya knew it wasn’t. Her anger lashed out at him.
“I do believe I’m the one who should have been telling you to hold up!” He wondered if the same trick he used to shut her up last time would work again. He stepped closer to her but before he could even consider the idea she grabbed him by the shoulders and turned them both till she could push him against the wall, which she did, channeling her anger into it, though he was stronger than her and it didn’t do much of anything, just a frustrated action. Gavin needed to turn the situation around. This time he grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her, and pushed her against the wall. He kissed her hard, pining her against the wall, simply because he couldn’t help himself. When he drew back for breath she glared at him, breathing hard.
“I hate you!” she hissed. Her words lost their affect when she suddenly kissed him, even though he still had her pined against the wall. He chuckled as she pulled back.
“Of course you do, Little Fire, of course.” Enya tried to move her hands from behind her back to push him away, she couldn’t think with him so close to her, but Gavin wouldn’t let her. He pushed her harder against the wall and kissed her with slow sweetness that made her melt. He let go of one shoulder and slipped a hand behind her neck. Enya was a mass of confused anger, passion, and a myriad of other emotions. She didn’t know what she was doing or why or how she felt about anything. She did know that Gavin was one good kisser. She was fighting liking Gavin’s kisses, because she had been fighting him since she started working here, but it was a losing battle. He started grinning as if he knew her thoughts. Releasing her other shoulder he wrapped his arms around her waist and, instead of pushing her against the wall, pulled her toward him. She leaned back but he had her around the waist and wouldn’t let go.
“Okay, okay, okay!” She pushed her hands firmly against his chest, ignoring how wonderful it felt, and pushed him away. She needed to think. What was she doing? She had a boyfriend! She was mad at herself and Gavin and ignored him the rest of the day, which wasn’t hard because Mr. Phillips sent him out soon after and he was gone the rest of the day. The time he had been there he had acted as if nothing at all had happened. Well, she thought, two can play at that game.

------------------------------------Scene Five------------------------------------

The next day Enya sat in the chair at her desk with a sigh. She didn’t have to try very hard to ignore the events of the day before. She was stressed to the max. For some reason she wasn’t happy and she couldn’t figure out why. Because, she thought, I’m having to do everything. And she realized that for some reason Jamie wasn’t seeming quite as appealing anymore. He let her do what she wanted, which was nice, but there was not spark between them. Not like there was between Gavin and I the other day. Furious with herself and determined not to break taboo again she turned her thoughts to that morning. She had gone over to Jamie’s apartment early to make him breakfast as a surprise before he woke up. She had kissed him for a long time before she left. But it hadn’t felt…interesting anymore. It had been boring. She also had been having some problems sorting out bills and rent payments. She was having to pay for much more than she could make, even working five days a week from eight to five. Suddenly Gavin came into their office with three coffees.
“Mr. Phillips wants his coffee in fifteen minutes, plenty of time for us to drink some first.” He handed her a cup and she, needing the caffeine to stay awake after a night of worrying, gulped the whole thing down in two breaths. Gavin shook his head at her.
“You look tense.” he commented.
“I’m absolutely fine.” she snapped.
“Ouch! You must stressed Little Fire, more bark then usual.” She rolled her eyes. Gavin walked over to her and started massaging her shoulders. She should have stopped him but it felt so good. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a massage. She closed her eyes and unconsciously leaned her head back slightly. Suddenly she found herself being kissed upside down.
“Gavin!” she cried, jumping out of her chair. He just grinned. He studied her, taking in what he could tell. She was startled, she was fighting herself on liking him, and at that moment she looked beautiful. She looked very uncomfortable and she started fidgeting with her hair, like she felt self-conscience. He guessed it was because he was staring at her so hard. Whatever her reason for pushing him away, he knew (whether she would admit it or not) that she had enjoyed that kiss. And the ones from the day before. Thinking about the day before and the obvious havoc he’d wreaked on her senses he grinned again.
“Stop that!” she exclaimed.
“Looking at me like that.” She looked away from him.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, like I have three heads or something!” He grinned broader. “Stop!”
“Is it my staring that bothers you? Or my grinning like I can read your mind?” She blushed, having been thinking about when they’d kissed the day before. Hah! he thought triumphantly. He knew she’d been disconcerted the day before after their kissing. The whole rest of yesterday that he was in the office she had avoided him, looking at him, talking to him. He thought she might be scared. He knew he would literally rather die than admit that, but he thought it was true. She felt as strongly attracted to him as he did to her, and it scared her. Pushing his thoughts onto the backburner he brought the coffee to Mr. Phillips. When he went back into their office, Enya wouldn’t look up at him. She looked preoccupied. She was sifting through several envelopes and their contents with a look of worried concern. He walked up behind her very quietly and read over her shoulder. There were two rent bills and she had a list beside them with monthly costs and what they were for. The first that he noticed read My Apartment. The next said Jamie’s Apartment.
“You’re paying for Jamie’s apartment!” he exclaimed. She jumped and gasped. Quickly she started to gather the bills but he snagged the list she had made of monthly costs. There was no way she made enough to pay for all of this.
“You pay for Jamie’s apartment?” he asked again, disgusted sounding when he said Jamie’s name. She reached out to snatch the list back but he was tall and held it up, just out of her reach. Now she was irritated, she didn’t have time for games at the moment.
“Give that to me.” Gavin laughed and held it higher when she tried to grab it. She chased him around the room for it, every time she’d almost be able to grab it he’d jerk it back again. He reached his desk and leaned back against it, holding the paper behind him. She leaned across him to try to reach around him. He was grinning and she realized the position she was in. He was leaning against his desk and she was leaning against him as she tried to reach the paper.
“You love taunting me like this.” she accused angrily. His grin just got bigger, and made him look boyish, younger.
“I never deny the truth.” he said. She quickly stepped away from him.
“Fine.” she muttered. As she turned to walk away she added, “Jerk.” He grabbed her by the arm. Not hard enough to hurt, just so she couldn’t get away
“Apologize.” he said playfully.
“Apologize. That was rude and I think you owe me an apology.”
“I don’t owe you anything.” she hissed, her voice and words, and eyes and even hair-in the sense of color-were like fire. He almost expected her to breath fire in his face. He had a sudden overcoming desire to kiss her gain. In one fluid motion he pulled her over, clamped an arm around her waist, and kissed her. If she thought yesterday’s kiss was…passionate, this one was unbelievable, on both their parts. Whoa was all she could think. When they broke off for some much needed air her furious mind thrashed her. How do you always start out fighting him and end up kissing him?
“I’m just irresistible.” he stated. He started kissing her neck. Normally she would have pulled away by now.
“Hmm…so are you.” he murmured. He looked at her, surprised that she wasn’t pushing him away. She started at him, disconcerted looking.
“No,” he said in an overly patient voice, “I can’t read everybody’s mind.” he leaned towards her and whispered, “Just yours.” This brought too many disconcerting thoughts to her mind to number. She tried to step back. Gavin’s had tightened around her waist.
“Hold on, not yet.” He turned her against his desk, it hit just above her waist.
“Now wait a minute.” she started, “I-” but as soon as she opened her mouth to begin a tirade against him he kissed her. She leaned back some. But she knocked over some pens and, not wanting to make to much noise and thus attract Mr. Phillips’ attention, she didn’t pull away again. And she had to admit she didn’t really want Gavin to stop. He cradled the back of her neck with his hand. He took his other arm from her waist and ran it through her thick red hair, which was loose around her shoulders. Suddenly he slipped the arm that had been running through her hair behind her knees and, picking her up, set her on his desk. She was better on level with him now. He broke off suddenly and stared at her. Enya knew she must look like an idiot. Eyes wide, face flushed, hair a mess. But man he’s a good kisser! It just gets better and better. She thought. Gavin grinned.
“Just wait.” he said. She blushed, feeling like an idiot for letting her face be read so easily. He grinned wider, as if he knew how many times in the past few minutes the words ‘oh my’ had run through her head.
“You look considerably more tense now, maybe we should try that again.” Enya jumped off his desk and hightailed it back to her own and sat down. She started to shuffle through her papers again but her mind wasn’t concentrating on much of anything. Silent as a feather he came up behind her. She stiffened when he put his hands on her shoulders, but couldn’t help but relax as his fingers worked magic with her tense shoulders. Gavin leaned down and kissed the side of her neck. Enya shivered. He was very distracting to what she was trying to get down. He kissed the other side of her neck, back and forth.
“You know what I think?” he whispered to her. “I think you’re scared of m-” Enya pushed herself out of her rolling chair so fast it slammed into Gavin standing behind her. She turned and before he knew what was happening took him by the shoulders and kissed him. It was steamy and convincing. Gavin was stunned by her initiative. When she broke away suddenly she hissed,
“I am not scared of anything, most especially you and any physical chemistry we happen to have.” With that she flounced out of the office to bring Mr. Phillips the mail. Gavin stared after her.
“What a way to prove a point.” he muttered into the empty air, then added “Not that I’m objecting.”

---------------------------------------Scene Six-----------------------------------

“Jamie, have you even tried to get a job yet?” Enya asked as she gave him the breakfast she had come over to make before work.
“Baby, these things take time.” She gave him a no-nonsense look.
“I’ll look today, I promise.” he pacified. Yeah, right, she thought.
“Oh” he stopped her before she left. “My rent is due today. You know I hate asking you, but…” he let the question trail off. She just looked at him. Shoot! She had enough cash for his rent but it wouldn’t leave her with any money ‘til she finished work and cashed her paycheck this evening because she wouldn’t have time to make it to her bank for a withdraw until after work. She shelled out the money, then left, slamming the door shut behind her. Irritated she dashed out of the apartment complex. Too lost in angry thoughts to pay attention to her surroundings she stared to walk across the street without hardly looking. A horn blared. She jumped back onto the sidewalk as the black BMW’s brakes squealed to keep from hitting her. The passenger window slid down. Gavin leaned across from the driver’s seat.
“God, Enya! You didn’t even look before you walked into the street!.” She rolled her eyes, then was irritated with herself. Why was she so rude to him all the time? Because he gets under my skin. She didn’t know why, but he did.
“Where’s your car parked? I’ll drive you to it.” Gavin offered.
“Don’t have one.”
“Oh,” Gavin was only deterred for a second though. “You need a ride to work?”
“I’ve got a bus pass.” Enya said, trying not to think about how stupid that sounded. Normally she’d take Jamie’s car but he’d said that if he was going to look for a job then he might need it. Enya started rummaging through her purse as she walked at a half run down the sidewalk. Gavin put his car in gear and drove slowly beside her. She couldn’t find her card and she’d already walked two blocks.
“You sure?” Gavin asked. She jumped, not having realized he was still following her.
“I’m looking for it!” she snapped. She couldn’t find it. “Shoot!” she cried suddenly. “I left it at Jamie’s. I’ll have to run back and grab it.”
“That’s too far to go all the way back.” He said. Enya looked back towards the apartment, unsure. “You’ll be late and Mr. Phillips will fire you.” That decided it for her. She sighed. Gavin grinned in that know-it-all way Enya was beginning to hate.
“Need a ride little fire?” Gavin asked again. She yanked the passenger side door open and slid in. As they sped down the street he suddenly turned.
“Where are you going?” Enya asked.
“I’m gonna go ahead and grab some coffee first.”
“Gavin! I’m gonna be late!”
“You’re not going to be late. I have this job too remember, I wouldn’t put my own job in jeopardy. We have twenty minutes, besides, a car is faster, no bus stops.” He parked the car.
“Do you want anything?”
“Come on,” he said, “It won’t make you any later.”
“No.” she replied again, although the idea of a strong cup of coffee sounded marvelous.
“My treat.” Gavin tried one last ploy. She shouldn’t. She didn’t want to owe him anything. You could pay him back later, the coffee lover in her prodded. Finally she sighed.
“Regular, black, large.” He grinned.
“No one, especially you, can resist coffee.” He jumped out of the car and ran in. After a few minutes he came back and handed her the to-go cup. She closed her eyes and smiled as she breathed in steam and the wonderful smell of fresh brewed coffee. It was a windy day, in the middle of November, close to winter, and the coffee tasted perfect. Enya waited but Gavin never started the car, he just sat there and drank his coffee. He turned to her after his second sip.
“Soooo, how come you don’t have any money right now?” he asked conversationally. Enya choked on her gulp of coffee.
"I have money, just no cash till the end of the day. I had to pay rent.” she said vaguely, treating it as casual as Gavin.
“Yours?” he prodded. She made another vague gesture and mumbled something as she busied herself with sipping her coffee.
“Jamie’s.” He said flatly. She ignored him. “He’s just using you, ya know.” Gavin set in angrily. He leaned on the consol between them. She opened her mouth to deny it but he talked first.
“You pay his rent. Let me guess, he doesn’t work.”
“He’s looking for a job.” Enya defended immediately.
“Uh huh, face it Enya, you’re being used. For God’s sake! You’re not his girlfriend you’re his mother. You pay his board, feed him, and he lazes around all day. I get that you think you want someone who’s not controlling, he doesn’t try to change you, but you’re taking care of him!” She tried to find something to say to defend Jamie and herself, she really did, but her mind just came up blank.
“He makes me so angry.” Gavin started in again. And his words surprised her. “He’s just using you, living off you, so he can have an easy, work free life.” She started to ask what it mattered to him, but she didn’t want to know, and so it was one of the rare occasions where she kept her mouth shut. Gavin stared at her. Finally, accepting that she wasn’t going to say anything, he sighed and shook his head as he started the car and pulled out. All day she kept thinking about what Gavin had said, and she felt more and more miserable. But misery quickly turned to anger, and she had a few questions of her own for Jamie. She was so distracted that she didn’t notice Gavin closely watching her changing emotions all day. Good, Little Fire, good. he thought with a satisfied smile.

--------------------------------------Scene Seven---------------------------------

By the end of the workday Enya had decided to confront Jamie that night. As she and Gavin walked out of the building he took her arm.
“Come on, I’m taking you home.” he said.
“No, I’m going to walk.” Enya replied, knowing she needed the time to think about exactly what she would say to Jamie.
“That’s ridiculous, you’re riding home with me. I don’t want you walking all the way home this late.” Her anger at Jamie got transferred to Gavin.
“Since when do I care what you think? I’m walking and that’s final. Last time I checked that was still my decision to make.”
“Well, too bad, I’m making it for you.”
“Oh, really?” Enya raised a brow, fed up with Jamie and Gavin and men in general. “I do not want a ride home from you. I am walking. Yes, I am talking to you slowly like you are an idiot because I’m beginning to believe all men are. Are we now clear?” She spoke the words slowly and insultingly. Gavin looked a little surprised but Enya was too mad to care at the moment. She yanked her arm out of his hand, he had taken it when she first declined his offer of a ride, and took off down the street, steaming mad. By the time she got to Jamie’s apartment it was after seven o’clock and Enya was ready to give him a peace of her mind. When she stepped into the building the landlord looked up at her, confused.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I came to talk to Jamie.”
“Didn’t he tell you? I had to evict him. He was six months behind on the rent. I told him this morning I was gonna have to evict him today.”
“What?” she said in a very quiet voice that they landlord, a skittish man, thought he wouldn’t want to encounter. “Where is he?”
“He said he was going out to Johnson Park for a while.” Enya stormed out of the building. But the time she got to Johnson Park it was 7:30 and pitch black outside. There was, however, plenty of street lights to light up Jamie, sleeping on a bench.
“Jamie!” He sat up. The sleep faded from his eyes as soon as he saw Enya though.
“Enya, baby, what are you doing here.”
“I’m not your baby Jamie, you’re the baby. You got evicted!” He had the decency to look slightly embarrassed.
“Oh, well…uh.”
“Your landlord said you were six months behind on your rent. What did you do with my money?”
“Well, I had some extra expenses, and-”
“Shut up, Jamie. Just in case it’s not obvious, we’re through. I don’t even want to know what you did with it, just be glad I’m not going to bother trying to get my money back.”
“Enya, honey! You can’t break up with me!”
“You’re right, I can’t. Because that’s what boyfriends and girlfriends do! I was never your girlfriend, I was your free ride. I can’t believe I wasted so many years on you. Goodbye, Jamie.” She walked away. By the time she reached her own apartment it was eight o’clock. I can’t wait to just fall into bed, she thought. What a crummy day. When she entered her building her landlord was waiting for her.
“You’re evicted.” he stated in a flat, no arguing voice.
“Pack your bags, you have to be out by tonight.”
“Bu-wha-why! I’ve always been a good tenant! I don’t make a lot of noise. I’ve only been late a few times and even then I’ve always paid my rent as soon as I had the money.” Her voice sounded desperate, even in her own ears. Her landlord wouldn’t budge on the matter though. It didn’t even connect-the obvious reason why-until she was on her way up to her apartment. Her landlord was Jamie’s uncle, of course. So no wonder he was kicking her out, Jamie had gotten her this apartment. He knew all kinds of landlords who owed him from back when he had been successful and his uncle had been one of them. The injustice of it all infuriated her. She was sure there was probably something she could do about it but she was to tired at the moment to bother. She packed her clothes, cosmetics, toiletries, shoes, and other possessions in three suitcases. She didn’t own any furniture because her apartment had come fully furnished, so she had gotten rid of everything she’d had before. She grabbed the phone book and, as quick as she could, wrote down every number for apartment buildings in town into her cell phone. She was glad that she’d gotten more prepaid minutes for her phone before she’d given money to Jamie. It was too late to deposit her paycheck into her account. She walked out the door of her apartment, resisting the urge to look back. She pulled her scarf over her ears and accustomed herself to the weight of her three suitcases, managing to sling two over her shoulders and roll the third. She called the first number and didn’t remember that it was Jamie’s brothers. That is, until he slammed the phone down after she gave her name. Strike one. she thought grimly.

-------------------------------------Scene Eight-----------------------------------

By eleven-thirty at night her earlier mood seemed almost sunny in comparison to her present one. She had just left the thirteenth apartment complex that had turned her down. There were only fourteen in town. It wasn’t until she had decided to just get a room, several hours ago, that she had learned to just what extent she had been played. Apparently Jamie’s father, whom she had never met, owned all five of the hotels in town. Jamie hadn’t wanted to work for his father, so he’d been kicked out, and told that he could come back when he’d decided to play by his father’s rules. She’d also learned that Jamie was actually a year younger than her, which meant he had lied about his age and told her he was five years older than he really was. It was too humiliating to contemplate. She’d learned all this from a gossipy manager at one of the hotels, who apparently had known the family forever. Jamie had also apparently come home, because he needed money. Yeah, she thought, because his most recent business venture finally clued in. To say she had been furious was and understatement. Now, though, her anger had abandoned her, and was replaced by frustration and weariness. Jamie had made it obvious that he didn’t take rejection well. Half the apartment complex owners were relatives of Jamie’s, who refused to let her in, and the other half owed him for one favor or another. She got off the bus in the middle of town and looked around. She liked this area, it was right by where she worked, just a few streets over. There was a park around here somewhere too, she knew. And it was only a few minutes from downtown. She let hope build as she walked up to the building and buzzed the land lord’s room. A sweet looking woman in her sixties came to the door. When Enya explained that she needed an apartment the woman smiled sadly.
“Jamie already called me, and frankly, I would give you a room anyways. I like you already, but the truth is I’m packed solid and all my renters are real good-I wouldn’t just kick one of them out now.” Enya sighed and thanked the woman, knowing she was right. She sat dejectedly on the front step of the building. She resisted the urge to burst into tears. Pull yourself together, she thought, you’re just tired. And it was true, she was tired. She hadn’t gotten hardly any sleep the night before and she was one who definitely needed her sleep. She looked at her phone, 12:45. She sighed. So tired. she thought. She felt her eyes sliding shut as she sat there, not knowing what to do next. The door behind her suddenly opened and she jumped up. The woman looked at her.
“The strangest thing just happened. Someone I used to know just called me. They have one of those huge mansion homes and they redid the whole third floor to be an apartment. They just asked if I could spread it around that they were looking for someone to rent it out to immediately. Here’s the address.”
“Oh, thank you!” Enya said gratefully. She took the address and started towards this mysterious destination.
Her “mysterious destination was only a few streets away and just happened to be directly in front of the nice park she had been thinking about. She could see the beautiful Tudor style mansion behind tall hedge that surrounded the entire front except for the driveway. There was a small grassy area in between the hedge and the road with a park bench on it. Wow. she thought. It reminded her a bit of the house her parents had owned before she’d lived with her grandmother. Which indicated that whoever owned this had money. She walked down the short drive and up the stairs, so tired she tripped over the last stair. Shaking her head at herself she smiled ruefully. She had never been able to do too much after twelve, her brain just sort of shut down. She rang the bell. When the large, beautiful double doors both opened she just stared, open mouthed. Gavin stared back. Aloud she said, to no one in particular, “Someone really hates me.”

-------------------------------------Scene Nine------------------------------------

“Enya?” Gavin stared at her, just as shocked as she was. There’s nothing I can do, she thought, I have to have a place to stay, for now at least. She decided to try and act like this was no big deal, like they didn’t already know each other.
“I’m looking for a new apartment and I heard there was a floor for rent at this house.” It was a good start but the effect was ruined when she couldn’t force back a yawn at the end. Gavin ignored her attempt at not knowing him completely.
“Enya, my word, it’s one-thirty in the morning.” She noticed he was still up and dressed. “Come inside, it’s freezing out here.” She stumbled when she crossed the thresh hold. Without a word Gavin scooped her up and carried her into a living room.
“Gavin, put me down! I can walk just fine!” she said, horrified. He ignored her protests and set her down on a couch.
“What happened? Why do you need a place to stay? Tell me briefly what happened and then you have to go to sleep.” She shook her head.
“No, if I’m going to do this we need to talk prices and how long and I-”
“Details in the morning.” Gavin interrupted. “I want to know what happened quickly and then you’re going to bed. I’m your new land lord and you have to do what I say.” She rolled her eyes and groaned at the way he’d issued the decree. As tired as she was she found some anger left for him.
“Don’t get mad, just tell me what happened. Last time I saw you, you were going to break up with Jamie.”
“No, I was just going to confront him, discuss-wait a minute! I never said anything about that.”
“It’s easy to read your thoughts when you don’t realize someone’s watching you. You have that whole expressive face thing going on. Tell me what happened when you went to brea-…confront Jamie.” Quickly she related what happened when she went to Jamie’s apartment and hen what happened when she found him in the park. Originally she left out what had been said in the park, but Gavin insisted that she tell him what exactly she had said and grudgingly she complied. He gave a satisfied grin.
“That’s the Little Fire I know.” Then she explained that when she had first met Jamie he had been rising on the local business scene and had a lot of connections. He’d gotten his whole family involved in apartments and hotels and whatnot. Then there had been the confrontation with his father and he’d gone broke. She explained how his relatives had taken a collective stand against her and how Jamie had managed to sway the other apartment owners. Incidentally, Gavin had enough clout to sway more than a few people to ignore Jamie’s orders but a very interesting opportunity had landed in his lap and he was going to take full advantage of it. By the time Enya had finished what had turned into a long story she was only half awake.
“I swear the next time I see him he’ll regret it.” She mumbled. Not as much as if I see him, Gavin thought. He was quiet a moment, then looked at Enya. She was asleep on his couch. Gavin hauled her two bags up to the master bedroom in the third floor apartment then went over to the couch. He halfheartedly tried to wake her up, but didn’t really want to disturb her. He looked at the time, two o’clock. He scooped her up and carried her to the third floor. He managed to throw back the blankets on the bed as best he could then gently laid her down. He took off her stylish boots and then her scarf, gloves, and coat. He looked down at her and let her hand drift over her cheek. In her sleep she turned her head to press her lips against his palm. He leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“Sleep well, Little Fire.” he whispered. This is a lucky coincidence, he thought, a very lucky coincidence.

-------------------------------------Scene Ten-------------------------------------

When Enya woke up in the morning she was on a bed in an unfamiliar room. She fought back a pinch of panic as she got her bearings. Slowly she recalled everything that had happened the night before. She looked around. Her new apartment. Curious she got out of bed and left the room. She explored the whole apartment and to her dismay she loved it. Staying was out of the question, she reminded herself, even as she explored every nook and cranny. The whole third floor had obviously been built jus to be an apartment. There were two small bedrooms and one bathroom. She next walked into a combined living room/study. It had a couch and two large, comfortable looking chairs with a coffee table in between. Against one wall was a large antique desk and a matching bookshelf lined the other wall. The whole space was very open, warm and inviting. The bedroom had been done in light tan walls and was very neutral with a beautiful bedspread that was brown embroidered with green vines and red poinsettia’s. The colors had been carried through the rest of the apartment with all the walls tan except for the extra bedroom, which was green. The couch was green and the two chairs were red. There was a beautiful rug in the living room, over the hardwood floors, that matched the bedspread. There was a small kitchen with a stove, refrigerator, microwave, and toaster. There was an island bar to eat at with two stools. When Enya opened the cabinets she found red and brown dishes, silverware, pots and pans and a coffeemaker. The coffeemaker looked a little worse for the wear but other than that everything else was new. It had all obviously been decorated by a woman. Further inspection of a nearby hall closet revealed green towels, extras sheets, and pillows and blankets. Keeping with the open atmosphere the living room/study and the kitchen were separated only by a dividing wall. The whole thing was hardwood floors except for the bathroom and laundry room (she had discovered it beside the guest room), which were both tile. Enya took a fortifying breath as she reached the last door. It was in the living room and she knew it led to the rest of the house. Gavin’s house. She opened the door to see a large landing and stairs. She slowly walked down the stairs. Somewhere along the way she noticed that Gavin kept his house extremely hot. She pushed the long sleeves of her sweater up glad that her apartment had it’s own temperature control. She could tell immediately the second floor was mostly all bedrooms. She found a huge study, all walls covered with bookshelves. It was decorated old world style with an old grandfather clock in one corner, tan walls, and leather chairs. She could tell it was Gavin’s room, one he belonged in, spent time in. She left feeling like she was invading his privacy and trying to convince herself that she wasn’t snooping. There was one closed door at the end of the long hallway that she assumed was Gavin’s room. She walked back down he hallway, to the next set of stairs, where she’d started. She walked down them, and the first thing she saw was the front door, easy access. She turned right and found an open door. She pushed it wider and raised a brow when she saw the room. It was a party room. It had cream walls and huge floor space. There was a large table that you could set up a buffet on. There was a piano in one corner. It was a humongous room, taking up close to half of the first floor. It was versatile and could be used for formal, corporate gatherings, or for smaller, more casual gatherings with friends. There was another door inside, and when Enya went through it (the door was open) she realized it was a connecting door to the kitchen. The house had a huge kitchen. It was nice, with an island bar with four stools, similar to the apartment kitchen upstairs. She left the kitchen to find a dining room, very formal, but pretty, with dark wood paneling and terra cotta colored walls. She left that room and found a half bath at the next door. She noticed the whole first floor was hard wood, just like the second floor and her apartment. When she came to the last door, right beside the front door, she instinctively knew Gavin was behind it. The door was cracked a bit. She pushed it open the rest of the was and noticed it didn’t even make the slightest creak when she opened it. She realized none of the doors in the house had. She quickly surveyed the room before her. She could instantly tell it was the most used room in the house. There was a large, soft couch with lots of fluffy pillows on it. There was an easy chair with an ottoman that looked wonderfully relaxing. There was a coffee table in front of the couch and than a television. It had a DVD/VCR player and she noticed a large collection of movies. There was another comfortable looking chair in another corner. Finally she looked to the last corner, knowing who would be there. Gavin was sitting in the last chair, reading a newspaper. He looked up.
“Well, good morning.”
“Work?” was the first thing Enya asked, concerned for her job.
“I told him you were sick, and I was taking the day off, he called a temp.”
“Thanks.” She walked into the room and sat down on the matching chair across from his.
“So,” she began, “you promised we’d talk prices and whatnot this morning, but first, now that I can think, I believe I’m owed a huge explanation.”
“About what?” Gavin asked, feigning confusion, even though he knew exactly what she meant.
“About how an average secretary could afford a house like this. Though I have the tiniest idea and I’m really hoping I’m wrong. Am I wrong? Please tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re wrong.” Gavin said solemnly, completely straight faced. “I didn’t make a fortune off modeling.” She burst out laughing, and Gavin grinned.
“The truth now, even though I’ve already guessed, and please tell me it’s not what I’m thinking.” He sighed. “You own the company.” she guessed flatly.
“Yes.” he admitted.
“Wow! Um, okay, well…give me a minute to let this sink in.” Finally she sighed. “This is going to take some getting used to. So, why do you work as a “lowly secretary” when you own the company?”
“I thought it’d be good to get to know the company before I take over.” He answered her too quickly and she could tell it was a lie. But she let it go for the moment.
“Technically, you work for me.” Gavin said off-handedly.
“Oh, God.” Enya groaned. “So did you hire me?” she asked.
“I read your resume, but Phillips did interview you on the phone and choose you.” She nodded, thinking back to the first day she’d met him.
“So that first day when I met you, when I flippantly asked if you owned the company?”
“I do.” She shook her head.
“This is weird.” she muttered. “Okay, let’s get down to business.”

Two hours later they finally came to an agreement they could both live with.
“It’s still too little,” Enya insisted.
“Enya, I know what you make.”
“I don’t want you to know what I make and I don’t want charity! I have other money besides what I make, the only reason I was having trouble was because I was having to support two people, now I’ll be absolutely fine. Besides, it’s not like this is the only work I do. I mean, I work in my chosen field too.”
“You mean, you get some acting parts, when you have the time.” Gavin said.
“How did you know I’m an actress?” she asked.
“It was on your resume, remember?”
“Oh, right. Wait a minute! That time when I played Juliet, I got a delivery of red roses, the only roses I got and it didn’t say who they were from. Was that…?”
“That was me.” he answered when she trailed off uncomfortably.
“Oh, well, thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So, did you see the play?” she asked nervously, not understanding her nerves herself. He grinned.
“You were incredible.” he assured her. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” She blushed.
“Thank you…Well, listen, I do get a lot of small acting jobs, so I could pay what the apartment is worth, easily.”
“You are paying what the apartment was worth, your old apartment was overpriced so you’re obviously unaware of how much you should pay. Who did you rent from before.” Enya flushed, angry.
“Jamie’s uncle. But listen, I should still-”
“My rent price is final.” Gavin said firmly. Enya sighed, in defeat.
“Fine, and I’ll leave it at the last week of every month. But listen, this is only temporary. I’ll be out and in a new apartment within a week.”

-------------------------------------Scene Eleven----------------------------------
Two Months Later
After the first three days Enya had started riding to work with Gavin, at his insistence. Now, Enya waited by the door, impatiently watching the time. She leaned up the stairs.
“Gavin!” she yelled. “Come on! We have got to go.” She checked the time again. “We’re both gonna get fired if you don’t get your butt down here and get me to work!”
“They can’t fire me, I own the company, so I won’t let them fire you either. Just hold on.” Gavin yelled down to her.
“That’s unethical, I don’t want you to keep them from firing me, it’s favoritism.”
“It isn’t unethical, it’s me not firing you because I caused you to be late and you unwillingly went along with that.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh come on! You’re taking forever and I’m the girl. It’s supposed to take me forever to get ready and it didn’t.” Gavin came trotting down the stairs. He grinned.
“That’s because you, my dear, are already beautiful. It doesn’t have to take you forever.” He chucked her chin and grabbed his coat, then held the door open.
“Well, you coming?” She rolled her eyes and dashed out the door. He threw the keys at her,
“Think fast.” She caught them.
“No way, Gavin! I drove all last week, it’s your turn this week.”
“Come on, Enya, I need to look over some extra, I-own-the-company-and-I’m-your-boss papers.” She groaned even as she slid into the driver’s seat. For the most part, they stuck to taking turns driving for a week at a time. Enya didn’t get another apartment, didn’t even look, just because it was working out ok. Gavin didn’t mention, scared if he said anything she’d remember and start looking. He was enjoying having her live in the apartment. He’d gotten to know her even better than he had when he was working with her. And the more he got to know her the better he liked her. He pushed his thoughts of Enya aside and focused on his work as she drove beside him, humming along with the radio.
Mr. Phillips stopped at Enya’s desk that day, after lunch break and before he left. She was finishing sorting files and Gavin was behind her searching through the cabinets.
“There’s a business party tonight, Enya. Gavin knows the details. As my two secretaries you are both, of course, invited. It’s a formal party, at seven o’clock.” Enya glanced up.
“Oh, okay, thank you, Mr. Phillips.” Enya turned back to her papers. She didn’t even consider going.
Someone knocked on Enya’s door at six. She opened it. Gavin looked at her.
“Do you want to ride with me to the party?” he asked.
“I’m not going.” she informed him.
“Not going!” he raised his hand in dramatic shock.
“And yet it’s true.” Enya said dryly. “Because I’m not going.”
“Why not?” Gavin asked.
“I’m not dressed for a party.” She said, exasperated. “Gavin, look at me!” She was wearing a black tank top and matching black jogging pants. Even though she had her own controls the heat that Gavin kept on so high downstairs still made her apartment hot. Gavin looked her up and down. She raised a brow, as if to say, see.
“I’m looking, I’m looking!” he said with a boyish grin. She shut the door in his face and walked over to her desk. He opened her door and walked in.
“You’re supposed to knock first.” Enya reminded him angrily.
“My house.” He reminded her.
“I’ve got to get a new apartment.” she muttered under her breath. Gavin ignored her. He looked around.
“Sonya decorated this apartment well.” he commented.
“Who’s Sonya?” Enya asked.
“My wife.” Enya whirled to looked at him. He grinned.
“Liar.” she said.
“She’s the interior decorator who did this apartment.” He told her, “So I could rent it out.”
“So why aren’t you going?” He asked again, doggedly pursuing the subject.
“I have nothing to wear.” She said.
“Wear a dress. This is neat.” He picked up a red glass dish full of green and brown marbles. She snatched it from his hands and set it back down on her desk.
“I don’t have a suitable dress at the moment.” He turned to her.
“Are you sure?” he asked, raising a brow and giving her that know-it-all grin she knew so well. She eyed him suspiciously and walked to her closet. She opened the door and stared. Hanging there was quite possibly the most beautiful dress she’d ever seen. It was the same color of green as her eyes. It was made out of crushed velvet. I looked like it would come down halfway below her knees. It had long tight fitting sleeves. It was v-neck with green beading along the neckline. It had a cinched waist some of the same green beads on it. It was unique and beautiful.
“I’ll be back in thirty minutes.” Gavin called as he left. She knew she shouldn’t even try it on. She should give it back immediately. But she knew just as strongly that she couldn’t make herself. She slipped it on. It looked amazing, perfect, on her. She wet her hair, then quickly blow-dried it, scrunching as she went so when it was dry it was masses of red curls. She piled it on her head with a green jeweled clip her best friend had given her and left a few ringlets handing around her face. She slipped on a pair of green velvet heels she “just happened” to find in her closet. She stood in front of the floor length mirror in her bedroom, beside her closet. The finished picture was amazing. She swished the soft velvet around. It was so pretty.
“Couldn’t resist, could ya?” She spun around. A grinning Gavin stood behind her looking incredibly nice in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. She hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Walking into my apartment is one thing, but don’t just walk into my room! I could have been getting dressed!” Gavin sighed dramatically.
“To be so lucky!”
“Shut up.” she said, rolling her eyes and pushing past him. She stopped at her apartment door. “Well, are you coming?” she asked.

They arrived at the party at 7:30. Enya looked at the large, imposing house, memories from her childhood rushing back. As she thought what she had given up she realized she didn’t miss any of it…except her grandmother. And now that she was reentering that world, she was slightly nervous.
“Who’s house is this?” Gavin looked at her.
“The mayors.”
“James Meroe?” she asked miserably, praying he wouldn’t remember her and ask where she’d been all these years. “Um, Gavin, I don’t know…”
“Oh,” Gavin shrugged. “If you’re too afraid to go in-” She threw her door open and walked up the drive. If Mr. Meroe remembered her she’d tell him the truth, that she’d walked out of it all at sixteen, because her grandmother was as stubborn as she was. When they got to the door Gavin rang the bell. The doorman opened. Enya hid behind Gavin, having recognized Porter immediately.
“Name please.” he said in a bored sounding voice.
“Gavin McGivins and Enya Covington.” Gavin said. Porter’s head shot up and he looked around Gavin.
“Miss Ennie?” he said in an unbelieving voice, his eyes warming. “Is that you miss?” She gave him brave smile.
“Hullo, Porter.”
“It’s been a long time, Miss Enya. You going back in there? After all these years?”
“Yes, I believe I am.”
“I suppose your grandmother’s the only reason you left in the first place. You look real nice Miss Enya, I heard about your latest at L’Amore Theatre, I’m glad things are going good for you, despite it all.”
“Thank you. Who all’s in there?” Enya ignored Gavin’s surprised stare.
“Only ones who knew you are Mr. Meroe and Mr. And Mrs. Rondell.”
“Thank you, Porter, it was good to see you.”
“Go knock ’em dead, Miss Enya.” She grinned and walked away. She walked forward, mentally taking in the changes to the house as she scanned the room. Porter had been right, she only recognized Mr. Meroe and the Rondell’s. She took a deep breath. Act, she told herself, it’s what you do. Just act. She followed Gavin up to greet the group with their host and the only other couple she knew in it, thankful that he hadn’t asked any questions yet.
“Gavin,” James said, “Wonderful to see you!” He looked over to her and his eyes widened.
“Oh my!” He looked her up and down, drawing the attention of the Rondell’s.
“Enya Covington?” She smiled.
“One and the same. Hello, Mr. Meroe.”
“Well, Miss Covington, I’m amazed to see you after all these years, my you haven’t changed a bit.” Enya smiled.
“I’ll choose to take that as a complement.”
“As well you should.” Henry Rondell said, stepping forward to take her hand. “It is wonderful to see you Enya, you look more beautiful than before, if possible.” She smiled warmly. She’d always liked Henry, he’d seemed sincere ten years ago and he seemed sincere now. His wife, on the other hand, was young and, in Enya’s opinion, evil. Fiona turned to look at Enya.
“Well, dear, has it really been ten years? It feels like yesterday. I must say, I was sad to see you never re-entered our circles, even after your grandmother died. Whatever did you do with all that money your grandmother had? Did you go someplace amazing? Some other country, perhaps?” Fiona went ungraciously to the only reason she’d even addressed Enya. Enya gave a charming smile.
“I think I spent it all on this dress!” she demurred. There were chuckles throughout the group. “This is the first time I’ve needed a dress like this in a while, and if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll start off with a drink.” She effectively dismissed herself from the conversation. But what she had feared had already occurred. Several had heard that she was Gloria Derren’s granddaughter and the news was circulating the room fast that she was the one who was supposed to have inherited the Covington/Derren money. There were murmurs as she walked through the room, she heard them. There is no money!!! she wanted to scream. Instead she walked to where the drinks were set up. It was a do-it-yourself sort of deal. Various recipes for different drinks were listed on a board, with the ingredients spread out on a table. She knew it had to be Mr. Meroe’s idea. He’d always liked to watch people be uncomfortable and she had no doubt that many of the people in this room had never made their own drink in their lives. She had. She choose the ingredients for a Fuzzy Navel-Vodka, peach schnapps, and orange juice. As she sifted through the ingredients for the ones the needed a man came up beside her.
“Can I fix you a drink?” She smiled politely.
“No thank you, I’m fine.” He walked away. Another man came up less than a minute later, Enya counted, estimating how long each would wait before they came up.
“May I fix you a drink?” The smile again.
“No thank you, I can do it myself.”
“Oh, well, my name is Joe, I don’t believe we’ve met.”
“Ten to one odds you already know my name.” Enya said, trying to hide her disgust.
“I could wager a guess.”
“Yes, and it’d be as much a 'guess' as me 'guessing' you’re a down on your luck once was wealthynaire.”
“My, you are straightforward, aren’t you?” She looked straight in his eyes.
“Yes, I am. Which is why I will tell you now, before you waste your time and mine that I’m not interested.” He walked away, apparently getting the hint. The last man who came was apparently very brave or very stupid, Enya rather thought the latter.
“If I understand my friends correctly you already know how to make your own drink so perhaps I can interest you in conversation instead.” Enya decided to give him a chance.
“Depends, what about?” Gavin watched and listened from a few feet away.
“Well, I’ll get straight to the point, did you really inherit your grandmother’s money?” He sounded overeager and Gavin shook his head in disgust.
“Are you really that stupid?” Enya asked dryly.
“Would a particular answer make you more likely to answer my question?”
“Oh, well, I just thought that it might be a bit refreshing to have someone be straightforward with you.” Enya stared.
“You thought it might be refreshing for someone to let me know straight out they have no interest in me whatsoever, only my money? My word, you really are an idiot. I think you’re quite a bit younger than me too. Please go tell your friends I’m not interested and that I‘m not fond of little boys who play gold digger.” The young man left in a huff and Enya was able to make her drink in peace. As she put the glass to her mouth someone whispered in her ear.
“Are you sure you don’t need a hand with that drink, Little Fire?” The nickname on the end didn’t register as she turned, careful not to spill her drink. Gavin gave her that trademark know-it-all grin.
“You look cute when you’re angry.” Enya gave him what he had come to call in his mind “The Look.” It wasn’t so much a look as a whole body stance. She put one hand on her hip, cocked her head, and raised one finely arched eyebrow. Gavin chuckled. “How about beautiful?” The other eyebrow was raised in addition to the first. “Stunning? Delicious? Amazing?” Just as she opened her mouth a man came up to talk to Gavin. She let his comments slide and walked away. All through the night the only thing Enya wanted to do was sit in some corner and watch and remember. Every time she finally got alone someone else would come up to her. Women suddenly wanted to be her best friend, men flirted endlessly. Most were so transparent in their motives that she was convinced there was no one with any acting ability left in the world. She wanted to be left alone. There is no money! she wanted to scream. Finally she got an idea. Most people here knew Gavin and he was unattached for the party. She could act like she was his date for the party. It would definitely be a good test on her acting skills, she thought. Then instantly was mad with herself. What had Gavin ever done to her that she was so rude and mean to him all the time? Determinedly she walked over to Gavin. Gavin watched her walk up, thinking something must be wrong. He knew something was up when she put her left arm through his right one. She subtly eased herself into the conversation he was having. For someone smart enough to own their own company it took him long enough to figure out that she was acting like his date. There was no question in his mind as to why. He’d watched with growing disgust as a steady stream of leeches made their way to her, hoping to find out if she really did have money. He pushed away his questions about that matter and removed his arm from her grasp. He slid it around her waist. He felt her stiffen, momentarily, but if she was going to keep the act up she couldn’t pull away or seem visibly surprised that her “date” was touching her. Gavin let his fingers slide back and forth at her waist. He pulled her a little closer to him and she moved, grudgingly, until their sides were brushing against each other. As soon as his conversation ended he excused them both and walked over to stand in an unnoticeable corner behind some tall plants. They stood there for a moment, watching the party. Finally, Gavin leaned down and whispered in her ear.
“I like the change in attitude.” She leaned up to him, the smile still carefully held on her face.
“If you think it’s for real you’re an idiot.” He turned her so she was facing him. Enya was know able to glare at him without anyone seeing. He pulled her too him and kissed her neck. Enya leaned up to his ear and murmured,
“You are very close to being physically injured, and so help me, if you don’t back off you will be.” He chuckled and pulled back, but kept one arm around her waist. She wished he would move it but if she wanted people to believe she was with him she could pull away.
“Would you please move your arm?” She asked quietly through a polite smile.
“Why?” he asked softly into her ear. “Can’t stand the temptation of being this close to me?” She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Again he rubbed his fingers slowly back and forth along her waist, just under her ribs. She shivered involuntarily. Gavin looked at her arm, she had goose bumps.
“Are you cold?” he asked. She ignored his question considering that was not the reason she had goose bumps. He leaned into her ear again as the walked away from their corner.
“I could give you lots of goose bumps.” he whispered. She stopped dead still. Her breathing slowed until she felt like she wasn’t getting enough air. She took a deep breath and ignored him. Abruptly she said.
“I believe I’m going to go talk to Henry Rondell. I haven’t seen him in so long.” She started across the room then stopped, frozen, when she saw Tommy Groban walk into the room. It made it all come rushing back, like no one else could make it come back to her. Sixteen years of memories. She stared. It seemed amazing to her that even now, ten years later, just seeing Tommy made her want to pummel him. She took a deep breath. Of all the people from her high society past he was the one she’d like to see least. She’d buried family memories behind pleasant ones from high school and now they were being pulled into her mind. Endless fights with her grandmother. Wishing with all her heart her parents were there instead. Trying to tell her grandmother what a spoiled little brat Tommy was, and never getting through to her. Being thrown out, at sixteen, with her luggage, and walking away head still high, without so much as a glance behind her. Enya pushed all unpleasant memories as far away as she could, knowing an encounter with Tommy was inevitable. She decided to get the upper hand by approaching him.
Gavin watched her and saw her tense when a man he didn’t recognize walked into the room. He saw the stricken look on her face, watched it fade to anger and then a sort of nervous confidence. When she started towards the man he followed at a few steps behind, ready to intervene in any way possible if Enya needed him.
Enya looked him straight in the eyes when she reached him. Tom looked shocked to see her, then quickly schooled his features into cool indifference, the only person in the room able to act well enough to hide his reactions. She frowned inwardly as she remembered how he’d always fooled everyone before.
“Hello Enya.” he said. She raised a mocking brow.
“Being civil are we? Is it possible you’ve changed?” He sneered.
“About as possible as you having changed over ten years.” He snapped. Suddenly his face smoothed out into a charming smile. “Come on now, Enya. We really did get along ok all those years ago.” She snorted. “I was always attracted to you.” he added. She put on a polite, uninterested face.
“Tom, I rejected your advances ten years ago and I’d do the same now. I also rejected marriage to you, which I would imagine relieved you a bit, you never were very good at commitment. Your poor girlfriend-excuse me, girlfriends-found that out.”
“I could be different now.” Tom suggested.
“Bull. You were a repulsive, irritating snake ten years ago and you are now. You stole from my grandmother then under everyone‘s noses but mine and you‘d do it again in a heartbeat if you thought I would let you get away with it. My grandmother wanted you to marry me, you wanted her money. And you still do, particularly considering, if I‘ve heard correctly, yours is about to run out. ” He glared and took the first shot by saying,
“So, I understand you went all the way through high school at that public school.” He said the word like it was evil.
“You mean Briardale, the best rated performing arts high school this side of the country? Why yes, I did. Have you graduated yet?” Tom frowned in confusion.
“From where?” Enya gave him her most innocent smile.
“High school.” Gavin choked back a laugh from behind her.
“You’re just the same Enya. The ice princess you always were.” Gavin choose that moment to walk up.
“Hey Little Fire, you almost ready?” His nickname made Tom’s last comment sound ridiculous, but Enya wanted to fight her own battles.
“You are still the same, Covington.” Tom sneered, looking at her with hatred.
“If you mean I’m still smarter, wittier, better looking, and have more class then you, why yes, you’re right. You know, Tom, I’m glad to see there’s still spoiled little rich kids out there who think they know everything. Good to see you, Tommy.” She backed up, ready to leave after her next parting shot. “Give my love to Marge, oh wait! That’s right! She divorced you.” Enya shrugged. “Guess you can’t keep ‘em all. Right, Tommy?” She turned to Gavin, done with this game. “Would you like to leave now?” She said politely.
“Who’s he?” Tom snapped out.
“Just a friend.” Enya refused to throw out Gavin’s name and position just to impress Tom. She wanted to win this on her own.
“He seems to know you pretty well.” Tommy said maliciously. Enya turned back.
“Better than you.” She said with a cold, appraising glance. Gavin stepped closer to her and looked at Tom.
“My name is Gavin McGivins. I own Givin Enterprises.” Tom’s eyes widened, but Enya didn’t want to see his expression, she was to mad at Gavin to care.
“I’d like to go, please.” She said politely, still putting on an act for Tommy.
“Of course.” They walked past Porter at the door.
“I’m sorry, Miss Enya, I didn’t realized Tommy was on the guest list or I would have warned you to stay away.” She smiled at him.
“Nonsense, Porter. I don’t run from anything, you know that.” He nodded, then said with admiration.
“That’s true, you didn’t even run from your grandmother, she pretty much pushed you.”
“Your supposed to be kind to the dead.” Enya said dryly. Porter paled.
“I’m sorry, Enya. I didn’t know she was, no one really kept up with her when she moved.”
“Neither did I, Porter, I was informed in a letter from her lawyers.”
“I hope you did something nice with that money, you deserved it.” he said kindly. Enya smiled and told her favorite doorman what she hadn’t told anyone.
“There is no money, Porter. It was wonderful to see you again.” She walked out the door, relishing in the numbing feeling of the air on her face. She rounded on Gavin as soon as they hit the sidewalk, walking towards home.
“I didn’t need you to throw your name around, I wanted to handle him on my own.”
“I was helping.”
“Well, I don’t need your help! Now or ever!” Porter’s bringing up her grandmother and thus forcing her to mention her death had bothered her greatly and she belatedly realized she was taking out stress on Gavin.
“Are you incapable of being nice?” Gavin snapped out, angry sounding. Enya stopped and looked at him in the lamplight. They were in the park by his house, their feet making no noise on the fluffy new snow on the ground.
“Excuse me?” she asked.
“I have been trying to help you, I’ve been friendly to you for the past while, since we’re technically living under the same roof, but you’ve been acting like a sulking brat.” Enya blinked, startled by his words, and how horrible they made her feel. “It’s like it’s impossible for you to be nice at all.”
“Hey,” she cut in. “I am too nice!” Gavin raised a brow.
“Yeah, right. I bet you that you couldn’t be nice to me for any time at all, even if you tried."
“Yes, I most certainly could!” She said, rising to grab his bait.
“All right, I bet you that you couldn’t be nice to me for…three months.”
“Done.” she said immediately.
“No being rude, no mean comments, you have to be nice, friendly even".
“What’s the catch?” she asked warily, belatedly realizing she knew him too well to be this stupid and blindly agree.
“Every mean thing you say to me earns me a kiss.” he said implacably. She blinked in disbelief. “You already agreed.” he reminded her, with that know-it-all grin she had learned to be wary of.
“Fine, it doesn’t matter, because I am going to be incredibly nice.” She turned on her heel and walked toward the house. A snowball smacked the back of her legs, right by her ankles.
“Man, I was hoping it’d make you fall over.” Gavin said boyishly. Enya opened her mouth to snap something to Gavin as she walked back to him, remembering just in time and snapping her mouth closed. She rolled her eyes instead. He stole a quick kiss, brushing his lips over hers before brushing past her.
“I say that counts.” He called behind him as he walked on. A snowball hit the back of his legs and tripped him up. He fell into the snow beside the path. Enya laughed, she was actually having fun. She grinned as she walked past him. Gavin’s arm shot out and grabbed her ankle, pulling. She landed on her butt in the snow. She laughed.
“Hey! You’ll mess up my pretty new dress! And while I’m being nice, thank you very much for the dress, it’s beautiful and I love it. I really do.” He grinned.
“Hmmm, well you can’t keep it.” he teased.
“What! You can’t do that! Girls get very attached to clothes, trust me, I would know.”
“No you wouldn’t, you’re not a girl.” He said, the old phrase all boys had some girl at some point in their childhood.
“Am too.” she said with a grin. Gavin let his eyes drift to the v-neck of her dress.
“Well, maybe you are.” He said. She stood up and briskly walked away. He caught up to her, thinking she was mad. She turned to him and he saw the twinkle in her eye despite her serious expression.
“You know, I think I’m going to take some of the fabric from the bottom of this dress and have the neck of it altered to a high neck mandarin collar like is so popular right now.” Enya said as they walked up the front steps. Gavin went in front of her and shut the door in her face to show what he thought of that idea. Enya stopped laughing when she tried to turn the doorknob. It was locked.

------------------------------------Scene Twelve----------------------------------

The next day Enya and Gavin rode to work in silence. Enya assumed that maybe Gavin just didn’t care about her past, and that was why they weren’t discussing everything that happened the night before. Part of her didn’t think that was it though. And it wasn’t. The truth was that Gavin was absolutely dying of curiosity. However, he could tell this all meant a lot to Enya and he wanted her to tell him on her own. As for his bet with her, that had been a split-second inspiration. He didn’t know if Enya would be able to bite her tounge or not, but it was going to be interesting finding out. The first several months he’d known her Gavin had been so hostile because he’d liked her. The intensity of how much he’d liked her had scared him, and he’d fought it. He knew that was what Enya was doing know, fighting it-fighting him. But Gavin had finally given up on fighting, because it didn’t work. He thought that maybe he could love her, that she might be it. Now, he was embracing the feelings he had for her. He was ready to try to win her, and excited about the challenge. And Enya, he knew, would be a huge challenge.

Mr. Phillips said that since there wasn’t a lot to do later that afternoon Gavin and Enya could both take an hour for lunch. He asked Gavin to stay for a moment to discuss something in his office. Enya took this opportunity to grab her purse and dash out of the building before Gavin came out. With a happy sigh at having evaded Gavin (the less time she spent around him the less she had to bite her tounge) she walked down the nearly deserted street. When someone from behind threw one hand over her mouth and one around her waist she rolled her eyes. She knew exactly who it was but she acted like she didn’t. She screamed into his hand and tried to run, despite the arm clenched around her waist. She flung her arms around as much as she could. She could feel Gavin laughing, silently, behind her. She allowed herself a small smile as she thought about the laugh she was going to have later. Gavin took his hand from her waist for less then a second and clamped it expertly around her again, pining her arms to her side. Shoot! She’d missed her chance to get away in that half second and now she was really trapped. She kicked her feet, then lifted them off the ground, thinking maybe Gavin would drop her, but he easily held her in one arm off the ground until she put her feet back down. She was about to bite her “attacker’s” hand when Gavin leaned forward and whispered,
“My, my, my, you are a Little Fire.” Enya stopped fighting, pretending she was just now realizing who he was. She was already irritated by his little practical joke so it didn’t take much to make her truly angry.
“Gavin!” She snapped out.
“Yes?” he cut her off in a sweet voice that reminded her of her bet. She took a deep breath, as deep as she could with his arm restricting her lungs and let it out slowly, calming herself down.
“Funny.” she said insincerely. Okay, so it had been a good idea if she hadn’t already known him enough to guess it was him. She waited for him to take his arm from her waist, where it was pining her arms to her sides, but he didn’t.
“Hello.” he whispered. She held as still as she could, willing her heart to stop beating so fast. It felt as if there was no way he couldn’t hear it. Abruptly he let her go and stood beside her. He started talking to her and, as it always did, it threw her off guard when he simply acted as if nothing had happened.
“Where are you going?” he asked in a curious tone.
“Out to lunch.”
“You always eat in.” he informed her, as if she didn’t already know.
“I know that, today I decided to go out.” she told him, in as friendly a tone as she could.
“What, you have enough money to afford that now?” he asked, trying to joke about it. She gave him her patented look, but he saw the hurt behind it before she walked away. She pushed past him to walk away. He grabbed her arm.
“Enya wait! I’m sorry.” he said sincerely. “I went to far that time, way to far. Can I please go to lunch with you?” Enya looked at him, he had never really asked something like that before, he usually just did what he wanted without asking her. Before he would have just joined her without asking. She smiled, a real smile this time, not fake.
“Okay.” He noticed the effect his asking and his sincere apology had had on her and filed the information away in his mind. They went to a little diner style restaraunt that sold mostly sandwiches and ice cream. They finished their food when a waitress brought over a small bowl of Strawberry ice cream and set in front of Enya. It was her favorite flavor, but she hadn’t ordered it.
“Oh, I didn’t order…” she started.
“From the man in the booth in the back.” Enya looked around Gavin to see a man sitting in a booth watching her. He smiled and the first thing Enya noticed was how handsome he was. She didn’t recognize him at all though, and she thought surely she’d remember a man who looked like that. She smiled back at the man and took a bite of her ice cream. The man got up and started to her table. He was tall, with blond hair and golden brown eyes. He also had a dazzling smile.
“Hello.” he said, extending a hand to her. She smiled and shook his hand. His voice sounded unbelievably familiar.
“Have I met you before?” she asked.
“Jamie introduced us at a party.” She dropped his hand, for two reasons. The first was a reaction to Jamie’s name. This was probably one of Jamie’s friends and she didn’t know if he was aware that she had broken up with Jamie. The second was she knew what he’d just said was a lie. She could swear she had never seen this man before. But his voice did sound familiar.
“Oh.” she said. He chuckled.
“Sorry I mentioned him.”
“So, um…” Enya tried to think of a way to ask. “How do you know Jamie?” She stared with that, hoping she could figure out along the way if he knew about Jamie and her.
“You mean am I one of his cronies or am I one of the people who knows what a piece of scum he is?”

Lionel “Lyon” Hadley watched as Enya Covington laughed with relief. He wanted to tell her he was both, an unwilling helper for Jamie who knew just how awful he was. But he couldn’t. Silently Lyon cursed the one trait in him that everyone loved. He wouldn’t break his word, once given. He’d met Jamie years before. Jamie was still just a rich kid then, and he’d helped Lyon out of a messy legal situation. Lyon hadn’t seen Jamie for what he was then, and in a rash act had sworn to help him, to be his sort of personal bodyguard/chauffeur. Jamie didn’t have the money or the limo now, but he’d still gotten Lyon to help him on many occasions. Lyon didn’t want to have to spy on Enya, he’d liked her so much. Now he looked at her.
“Glad you got free.” he said sincerely. Enya smiled, then looked down at her ice cream that was already almost gone.
“Thank you. Strawberry is my favorite flavor.”
“I know.” Lyon told her, before he thought. Enya blinked at him, confused, and he inwardly cringed at his blunder.
“You mentioned it, at the party.” she smiled,
“Oh, okay. I don’t really remember what party it was, I’m sorry.”
Of course not, Lyon thought dryly, because there was no party. But he just smiled.
“You were absolutely charming, in case you were worried.” Enya laughed at that. She hadn’t been worried, just confused. She was, however, aware of Gavin’s glare, which made her perfectly happy to continue the conversation. People didn’t usually overlook Gavin, but this man hadn’t so much as acknowledged him. She was enjoying Gavin’s irritated glare when the man looked at his watch.
“I have to go.” He told her, and there was something in his voice that confused her. Lyon had just made a decision. He would try to explain to Enya later, but not yet. He was going to do something he’d never done before, he was going to break his word. And as he looked at Enya, and remembered all the long, delightful conversations they’d had over the phone, when he’d called to talk to Jamie and gotten her instead, he knew it was worth it.
“I have something that requires my attention. It was wonderful meeting you again.”
“You too, and thank you again for the ice cream.” The handsome man nodded at Enya and left. Enya smiled triumphantly, he hadn’t said so much as a word to Gavin the whole time.
“You ready?” she asked him. They picked up their checks from the from the waitress and went to the front to pay. Enya let Gavin go in front of her, hiding a grin. It took all of Enya’s willpower to keep herself from laughing out loud already. The cashier rung up Gavin’s check. He reached into his front pocket, but his wallet wasn’t there. He checked his other pocket.
“Need to borrow some money?” Enya asked with a sweet smile. He didn’t say anything. He checked all his other pockets, nothing. Finally he looked at Enya. She was hiding a grin. It was almost worth him forgetting his wallet just to see her. He, of course, didn’t know the real reason for that grin. With a sigh he pushed away his pride and looked at her.
“Yes, may I borrow some money?”
“Oh, of course.” She stepped forward, obviously pleased. “Put his with mine.” she told the young cashier. When the cashier told Enya the total she pulled Gavin’s wallet out of her purse. She’d managed to snag it when he’d snuck up on her. A handy trick she’d learned from someone she‘d worked with in a play. She felt rather than saw Gavin’s shock. She took cash out of the wallet and gave it to the cashier. After she had paid-with Gavin’s money-Enya pulled Gavin’s arm and led him outside. Once they got outside Enya stopped n the sidewalk and pulled the wallet out of her purse. It was engraved with the initials G.M. She handed the wallet over with a grin. He grabbed it and opened looking at the driver’s license. It was his. He stared at her, confused.
“How in the world did you?” It was the first time Enya had seen the infallible Gavin McGivins look shocked. She loved every minute of it.
“Acting attracts all sorts of people who know all sorts of tricks, and sometimes they’ll pass some of those tricks off to other people. I rather like this one, though I suppose the people who had it used on them by the young man who taught me probably didn’t like it as much as I do. Did you seriously think I didn’t realize it was you? Give me some credit, I know you better than that.” So he was making headway, that was good at least. She had after all, just admitted that she knew him well. Finally Gavin smiled softly.
“Touche.” he conceded victory to her. They slowly started walking back to the office. Enya started thinking about the man she’d just met. That led to her thinking about the jealous way Gavin had acted. It had felt good. Jamie had never been jealous when another man acted interested in her. At the time she’d always assumed that he just trusted her, but now she knew he just hadn’t cared. Enya watched Gavin out of the corner of her eye.
“That man was very nice.” she started. Gavin’s jaw tightened.
“Handsome too.” she pressed. “And charming. I think he was very polite too.”
“Polite?” Gavin finally said, gritting his teeth. “He didn’t even acknowledge my existence, just stared at you.”
“Jealous?” Enya fired off. She was walking in front of him, so she didn’t see the understanding light his face as Gavin understood what she was doing.
“No, I don’t care.”
“Oh really?” Enya said, trying to sound uninterested.
“Yes, I don’t want you, so it doesn’t bother me.” She stopped walking. He stepped close behind her, and leaned forward and put his mouth right by her ear. They were cutting through a deserted parking lot and no one was around.
“If I want something I go after it until I get it. If I wanted you I’d find ways to get you. I’d run my hands through your hair.” He let his fingers just barely brush over her hair.
“I’ d kiss you.” Enya closed her eyes. He put his hands on her shoulders.
“I’d kiss your eyes, your neck, your nose, your hands. Your lips and your ears." He let his lips just barely brush her ear with a feather light kiss. She shivered under his hands.
“I’d buy you things and talk to you. I’d make you laugh.” He could have sworn she’d stopped breathing as his hands slowly caressed her bare arms.
“I’d make you crazy.” He whispered. Suddenly he stepped back.
“Good thing I don’t want you, I think I put you to sleep.” he said offhandedly. Her eyes fluttered open. She took a deep breath. His games were confusing her, his contradicting words and actions.
“I have to drop by one of the company’s other offices for a meeting. You, however, only have 4 minutes left until your hour is up.”
“What?” She cried. She checked her own watch.
“Shoot!” she said as she took off running across the parking lot. The only thing she could think on her way back to work is, You are driving me crazy! She made the five minute trip in three.

------------------------------------Scene Thirteen--------------------------------

Later that evening Enya was sitting in Gavin’s study reading a script for a play she was considering auditioning for. She had asked if she could use his computer to do some research and after she had ended up just staying there with him to read the script. Gavin had sat in one of the large leather chairs across from her, telling himself he was reading a book while he really just watched her. When she was completely occupied by the script he asked her.
“Do you know the name of that man?”
“Hmm?” she murmured distractedly. “What man?”
“That we met at lunch, you know, handsome, polite…”
“He wasn’t that polite.” She replied absentmindedly. “He ignored you altogether, which is pretty hard to do.” Gavin had thought that Enya would be the type of person to be completely engrossed in what she was reading and he was right. She could become intensely focused on something at work and she wouldn’t notice anything going on around her. One day on their lunch break Mr. Phillips had thrown someone out of the office. There was yelling and arguing. But Enya never even glanced up from the book she was reading while she ate. Gavin had noticed the way she became so focused on things and was now taking advantage of it.
“So, what’s his name? He was decent looking.”
“I don’t know his name. And I don’t really care. He was more than 'decent looking', he was drop dead gorgeous, I have a friend who would have been drooling. But I prefer darker looks-hair and eyes and all."
“I’ve got dark hair and dark eyes.” he informed her.
“Trust me, I know.” He bit back a laugh. “You acted funny around that man.”
“I liked watching you. You looked jealous, I’ve never had anyone act jealous over me.” He smiled and sat back.
“Besides,” she continued. “There was something weird about him. His voice was familiar. But I didn’t recognize him. And he would be hard to forget. That dark gold colored hair and golden eyes. He reminded me of a…” Enya stopped mid-sentence and held completely still. Gavin watched with growing alarm while her face turned pale.
“Lion.” She whispered. Gavin blinked, confused.
“Oh, God!” Enya threw down the papers and bolted out of her chair. She looked around wildly and spotted her purse in the corner. She grabbed her cell out.
“Please still be in here.” she mumbled as she searched her phone book. She was furious. “I can’t believe it. He sent Lyon after me. I can’t believe he went! Ugh!” She finally found Lyon’s number. She tapped her fingers impatiently while it rang.
“Where is he?”
“Enya, wait, please.”
“Tell me where he is!”
“Please, you’ve got to let me explain first.” She listened for a moment as he gave a quick recap of his decision to break his word to Jamie, and from all their hours of phone conversation she knew how important that was to him. She sighed.
“We’ll talk later. Now, where is he?”
“I, uh, I don’t know.”
“Don’t lie to me, Lyon! Tell me where he is.” With a sigh he gave an address.
Gavin listened to her side of the conversation and then watched as she hung up the phone. He was right behind her with his keys when she dashed out of the room.
“I’m driving.” he told her as she slammed out of the house. She didn’t even argue. He watched her nervously as she bit out directions. Slowly she calmed down, but he could see the embers burning dimly in her eyes, just waiting to flair up again.
“I can’t believe he sent Lyon after me. I can’t believe Lyon went!” She was quiet a moment then sighed. “Yes, I can.”
“Who’s Lyon?” Gavin finally dared to ask.
“A friend. He was a friend of Jamie’s first. Well, not so much a friend, more that he owed Jamie. His name is Lionel, but everyone calls him Lyon because he looks like one. At least, that’s what he’d told me. I had never seen him before. He called to talk to Jamie one day when I was at Jamie’s apartment and he wasn’t. He ended up talking to me for several hours. We had a lot in common and he was full of interesting stories. We talked about acting, musicals, all kinds of things. We ended up talking pretty regularly after that. That’s why I had his number. I like him a lot, I think you would too. I can’t believe Jamie sent Lyon to spy on me! Lyon’s like, his bodyguard, for heaven’s sake!” She fell silent as she thought of Jamie and her anger boiled.
“Turn here.” she said abruptly. Gavin turned into a driveway of a house. “Guess this is the house Daddy bought him.” Enya said scornfully as she threw her door opened and jumped out.
“Enya, wait a minute now, what are you-” She slammed the door. He jumped out of the car and ran up the walkway after her. She was impatiently ringing the doorbell for the second time. She pushed it again and held down.
“Come on, you’re not out. I know you’re home.” She pushed it again. Finally Jamie threw the door open.
“What the-”
“You sent Lyon after me?” Enya cut him off.
“Well, I-I mean…”
“Unbelievable! I didn’t think even you would stoop so low as to spy on me! We’re over Jamie, you get that, right? And you’ve already had your petty little revenge so back off!”
“I’m not an enemy you want to make, Enya.” He warned her.
“Neither am I!” She shouted. At that moment Lyon walked in. What he saw was Enya looking ready to take a swing at Jamie, and the man with her, who he recognized as the jealous one from the diner, looking ready to take it a step further and murder Jamie.
“What are you doing back here?” Jamie spat out at him. Lyon watched the dark man take a deep breath, then say,
“Enya, go outside and talk to Lyon.” She opened her mouth to argue. “Your friendship with Lionel’s more important then hurling words at Jamie.” She had been planning to do more than hurl words at him. But she wanted to clear things up with Lyon. She sent a murderous look to Jamie.
“Stay out of my life.” And she stormed out the door, Lyon following. Five minutes later he’d explained things better to Enya and patched things up.
“Why don’t you wait in the car for Gavin?” He told her. She’d mentioned Gavin, and given a sketchy outline of their landlord/tenant/co-worker’s situation. But Lyon had seen through that to what Gavin was really doing. When he walked back into the house Gavin was waiting by the front door.
“Where’s Jamie?”
“Getting ice.”
“For what?” Lyon asked.
“Either the black eye or the swollen lip.” Gavin said. Lyon grinned.
“You’ve been busy.”
“Any chance I could convince you not to tell Enya about this?” Lyon grinned.
“Not a chance, but I think I’ll wait till you’re married.” Gavin was unperturbed.
“Enya thinks highly of you.” Gavin said. On impulse he added, “Will you be my best man?” Lyon was slightly touched. Enya meant a lot to him, and he’d instantly liked Gavin a lot. The feeling was mutual, obviously.
“I’d be honored.” he said softly.
“Great, now all I have to do is convince Enya.” Gavin said dryly.
“How’s that going?” Lionel asked sympathetically. Gavin shrugged noncommittally.
“I’m working on it. Feels like it’s going slow, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I might lose her if I go to fast.” He looked at Lyon.
"Think I have a chance?” Lyon was glad that he’d asked his opinion, and he considered him for a moment before he smiled slightly and said with absolute confidence.
“You’ll win. There’s no point in me even trying.”
“You so much as touch her and you’re dead.” Gavin said in a friendly voice. Lionel shrugged.
“She’s not your wife.” he pointed out. “In fact, she’s not even your girlfriend.”
“Yet.” Gavin said. Lyon chuckled as they walked out the door.

------------------------------------Scene Fourteen--------------------------------

The next morning Enya was glad it was Saturday and she didn’t have to work. She slept in, trying to block out the party and then everything that had happened last night between her and Gavin and Jamie and Lyon.
“Too much drama!” she groaned aloud into her pillow. Sighing she got up and changed into a pair of jeans and a tee. She trudged downstairs to get coffee. She mumbled a incoherent hello to Gavin, who was sitting at the bar and poured herself a cup of coffee.
“Need. Coffee. Me.” She said.
“Why don’t you get coffee from your apartment?” Gavin asked her.
“The coffee maker’s broken. You’re my landlord, you’re supposed to buy me a new one.”
“No I’m not.” Enya groaned.
“Please, no arguments ‘til I’ve had at least one cup of coffee.” She took a huge gulp and sighed.
“Coffee’s not good for you.” Gavin told her, even as he drank some of his own. Enya raised a brow, a gesture he often made, and looked pointedly at his mug.
“Do as I say, not as I do.” He said with a shrug. She smiled and shook her head. She plunked down into the chair beside him.
“Long past two days.” She said with a sigh. Gavin nodded. Enya opened her mouth to say something more just as the doorbell rang.
“Who on earth comes by this early?” She groaned.
“Enya, it’s ten-thirty.” Gavin said, as they both got up. She followed him to the door. When he pulled it open she looked around him. A tall man of about sixty stood at the door in a suit.
“I’m looking for Enya Covington.” he said. Enya stepped forward carefully.
“That would be me.” The man looked relieved.
“Oh, thank goodness! You are incredibly hard to track down.” Enya narrowed her eyes warily. “My name is Ronald Morris. I was a lawyer for Gloria Derren, your grandmother…” His voice trailed on but Enya didn’t hear a word after the name. Her name. She bolted. She didn’t think, didn’t reason, just pushed past the man and ran, as hard and fast as she could. She couldn’t think straight and what thoughts she did have tumbled through her mind in a scattered way. All she knew was she had to get out of there, right that moment. She ran into the park across the street.
Gavin watched her run, then turned to the man.
“I’ll give the letter to her.” Mr. Morris frowned.
“I had very specific instructions to make sure I gave it to Miss Covington. Mrs. Derren herself made sure I knew to do that.”
“I will make sure she gets it. I’m going after her now.” Gavin assured him.
“Well, all right. Make sure she knows to contact my office, here’s my card, and then we can work out the legal matters.”
“I will.” Gavin assured him. As soon as Mr. Morris left Gavin jogged across the street and started searching. He found her sitting in a more secluded area of the park, her head between her knees. He sat down beside her. She pulled her head up and sat back. Gavin silently handed her the letter. Enya stared at it a long time before she finally reached out and took it with shaking hands. She ripped it open and pulled it out. With a deep breath she began to read.

Dear Enya,
If you’ve gotten this then I am no longer alive. I am going to be completely honest in this letter. I am just as stubborn as you and, again just like you, I am full of pride. Too full of it to find you while I’m alive and tell you this. I was wrong.
I am not going to lie and say I tried to find you while I was here, I didn’t. I don’t want you to have any false ideas about me. I am too full of pride and too stubborn to step forward and forgive you. And you too, are too stubborn to step forward and forgive me. Yes, I admit it now, I did something that would warrant me being forgiven. I’ve already said I’m wrong once, and I don’t fancy saying it again, so you’ll have to make do with just once.
I will admit, I never did things right with you. Your parents death affected me more than you ever knew. You looked so much like your mother, every time I saw you it broke my heart. Later, when you grew up to be a teenager, you were so much like me we didn’t get along. You were always so full of spirit.
But you were also all I had left. The idea of you going off and doing something like acting terrified me. I wanted to hold you back from the world. To keep you right there with me. I only agreed to send you to Briardale because I thought I could convince you to leave before you would graduate and we could hustle you into a nice private school.
I was wrong. There, I said it again. I am so sorry Enya, and I was wrong. I wish I had the strength to thrust away all else and contact you now, but I don’t. We all have our weaknesses and pride is mine. So be it.
But I won’t die without making sure there are things you will know after I’m gone.
I made arrangements for Ronald, my lawyer, to sell the house and all my assets after my death. I also told him to deliver this letter to you after you turned twenty-six, and you will inherit everything after that time. The money, all of it. Until then it will be safe with Ronald.
The doctors do not think I will make it another month, which is when you turn twenty-four. This is my goodbye, and my way of clearing my conscience. I am sorry I couldn’t contact you while I was alive.
Use the money, use it to act, use it for anything you want. Anything within reason, that is.
Don’t get caught up with that crowd you grew up with. They’re stuffy and greedy, I don’t want you around people like that. You were right about Tommy, I’m sorry about that too.
And remember, Enya, darling, I love you. I always have, no matter what. And I always will.

Enya pressed both fists to her mouth and fought it, fought it hard. The tears won out. She pressed her hands to her face and sobbed. Without a word Gavin pulled her to face him, and put his arms around her. Enya turned and buried her face in his chest, sobbing.
Gavin closed his eyes, wishing he could do something more to help her. Quicker than Gavin would have guessed Enya stopped and pulled herself together.
“Look at me, I’m a mess. I hear just my grandmother’s name and I freak out on you, run away, leaving you to get the letter then go and break down on you when you find me. I’m sorry.” Gavin shook his head.
“Hush, it’s okay.” Enya took a deep breath, then handed him the letter. Gavin looked up at her, surprised. She cast her eyes down and nodded. He read the letter, then gave it back to her. Enya took a deep breath.
“I lived with my grandmother from the time I was twelve. She was my mother’s mother, my father’s parents died before I was born. My parents died, that’s why I was living with her. We were so alike, we got along horribly. I wanted to act, even then. She was appalled by the idea. I went to Briardale, against her wishes. I didn’t like the high society crowd. That would include Mr. Meroe. I did like Henry Rondell. I was better friends with the servants though. The maids and butlers and chauffeurs. People like Porter. And then there was Tommy. I met him when I was fifteen. Everyone thought he was wonderful but I saw him for what he was.” Enya sighed and looked at the letter.
“My grandmother believed in planning my life out for me. She wanted to make plans for me to marry Tommy when I turned 19. Ha! They still do stuff like that in those crowds. You would know, I guess. Anyways, Tommy was after money, that was all. He stole from my grandmother and I caught him, but my grandmother wouldn’t believe me. All the arguments came to a head one day. I was sixteen and I refused to quit Briardale. I told my grandmother there was nothing she could do to make me quit pursuing acting. She told me to pack.” Enya looked off in the distance, silent for a moment.
“I think she truly thought that would break me, I don’t know if she really meant for me to leave. But I went upstairs, packed my most useful clothes, and left. I didn’t have a car, or a job, or anything. The clothes weren’t even mine, but I took them. I took the bus to my best friend Paige’s house and her parents let me stay. I got a job after school and bought a car. I finally settled down into doing bookwork for Paige’s father and was able to manage a bit of a social life, school, and the bookwork. As soon as I got out of high school I got a big acting part. I did a few more after that, and then when I turned twenty-four I got word that my grandmother had died. She had moved away years before. I didn’t go to the funeral and I never heard anything about an inheritance. I assumed the money was gone or else she’d left it to someone else.” Enya took a deep breath.
“When I was twenty-five I met Jamie, and you know most of the rest.” Gavin was silent for a moment, watching her stare off into the distance.
“There’s no way I’m buying you a coffee maker.” he joked, “You can buy your own now.” He was rewarded with a laugh from Enya.
“I guess you’re right. I wonder how much money she left me. It’d be so nice to be able to quit my job at your company. This is a huge city and there are lots of acting opportunities if you just have the time to become well known.” Enya thought back over what she had said.
“Oh! I’m sorry, that sounded horrible. I didn’t mean anything against your company or the way you run it or anything like that. I’m just not interested in that kind of work, you know?” Gavin laughed.
“That’s fine.” Enya nodded.
“I’ll work a little while longer though, until I find out how much she left and what the stipulations are and everything.”
“Alright.” Gavin said, “Let’s go back home. Then you are going to shower and put something nice on and I am going to take you to lunch.”
“But-” She started to protest.
“No.” he interrupted, holding up a hand. “That’s final, now come on.” He hauled her up off the bench and walked her back to the house. “I was serious about that coffee maker, you know. Do you know how much money you cost me in coffee?” Enya just laughed and shook her head.

-----------------------------------Scene Fifteen----------------------------------

Two days later it was the end of the month and Enya picked a time in the morning when Gavin wasn’t there to leave her check. She put more money in the envelope than the cost of her rent was. Because she wanted to pay him back for everything, and because she knew her rent was less then it should be. She had already seen her grandmother’s lawyer and worked out the details of her inheritance with surprising speed. Everything had been sold, and all Enya had to do was collect the money. The high six figure number had had her eyes bugging out when she first saw it. She had it transferred straight to her own account. Today was also her first day of not working for Gavin’s company. She’d quit the day before when he’d found a replacement. She was enjoying her first day off, but she decided that she would go out and talk to some directors she knew the next day, to find out if they had any productions coming up that they were planning on doing. That decided she left the house to spend a day shopping and in the park.

Gavin walked up to his front door that evening after a long day at work trying to train a secretary to replace Enya. The new secretary seemed incompetent to him but he wanted to give her a chance. He hoped that once he was done training her he could move on to inspect another of his company’s offices. This time, he decided, he wouldn’t go as a secretary, he’d go as the company’s owner. In a few weeks he would finally own all of Givin Enterprises. He already ran it, but his father’s will had been very specific that Gavin would not be sole owner until halfway through his 27th year. If his father could have seen what Gavin had done with the company in the years since his death he would have been amazed. His thoughts were interrupted when he reached for the door knob and the door opened before he could turn it.
“Hi!” Enya said, standing in the doorway.
“Hi.” Gavin replied. She pulled him inside and took off his coat, then hung it in the closet for him.
“How was your day?” she asked with a bright smile. Gavin watched her suspiciously.
“Frustrating.” he said with a sigh. “I was trying to train the new secretary and it’s frustrating. Especially when I want to get out of that office and move on.”
“Oh.” Enya looked worried for a moment, then flashed him a huge smile, as she led him into the living room. “Well, then it should be better now that you’re off work. You’ll own the company soon, right? I think you’ll do a really great job running it-you basically do already.” Gavin stared at her.
“If you’re trying to be overly nice because of our bet you don’t have to worry about it because I’m too tired to be interested in you right now anyways.” Enya blinked in surprise, then chuckled.
“Gee, thanks.” she said dryly. “But that wasn’t what I was worried about. Why don’t you sit down, you look horribly tired.”
“Gee thanks.” he echoed her earlier sarcastic comment. Gavin heard a dog bark that sounded close. Close enough to have come from his own backyard. “What was that?”
“I didn’t hear anything.” Enya said slowly, careful to sound uninterested. She cocked her head to the side, pretending to listen while she prayed there wouldn’t be anymore noise. There were a few seconds of silence. “You must have imagined it.” she said with a seemingly careless shrug, even as her mind raced ahead. “You’ve had a long day.” She pulled him out of the seat she’d sat him down in only moments before. “Let’s go out. I’ll buy you dinner.” She offered, pulling him to the front door. Gavin heard another bark, and this time he was positive it came from his own backyard.
“What was that?” he asked again, already heading for the back door.
“Gavin, wait now! I think I should talk to you for a second.” Ignoring her Gavin walked to the back of his house and out the back door. He stopped and stared at an excited golden retriever puppy. He had oversized paws and huge brown eyes. Enya pushed past him and scooped the puppy up.
“Hey, sweetie. You were supposed to be quiet for a while.” She crooned. The puppy licked her face and she laughed. Gavin crossed his arms and leaned back against his house.
“Enya, you remember when you insisted that we draw up a contract before you started to rent from me?”
“Mmm-hmm” She nodded, distracted by the puppy.
“And I finally decided it was a good idea?” he continued.
“Of course.”
“Do you also remember the part of the contract that specified no pets?” He asked.
“I remember no such thing!” she argued.
“Probably because you didn’t even read the contract.” he murmured distractedly. He was charmed in spite of himself by the sight of her laughing with the puppy in her arms.
“Probably.” she agreed with a grin. “Gavin, I am incredibly stubborn and obstinate. I also have a very selective memory and if you tell me to get rid of this poor, helpless, homeless, little puppy I will probably forget.” Gavin laughed and shook his head.
“What’s his name?” he asked her.
“I figured I’d wait and let you name him.” She said with a sly smile. Gavin groaned. He stared at her, then at the puppy. Enya bit her lip, waiting for an answer.
“Well?” she finally asked, impatiently.
“Abbot.” He said.
“His name is Abbot.” Gavin repeated slowly. Enya grinned, and hugged the puppy.
“You hear that Abbot? You have a name, yes you do!” She bent down to set the puppy down, then scratched him behind his ears, talking excitedly to him the whole time. Gavin walked over and pulled her up off the ground. He kissed her, long and sweet and slow.
“Hey, I’ve been very nice.” Enya said with a smile.
“That had absolutely nothing to do with our bet.” he told her with a smile. “That was just because I wanted to.” He threw an arm around her shoulders.
“I seem to remember you offering to buy me dinner.” he said.
“That was before you let me keep the puppy.”
“Ah, you were trying to bribe me.”
“Oh yes,” she grinned. “But we can go to dinner anyways.” She added. Gavin shook his head and laughed.
“You’re still paying.”
“Fine, just give me money for your meal before we go.” She said, still laughing as they walked out the door.

-------------------------------------Scene Sixteen--------------------------------

The next night Enya was awake reading, curled up in one of the large chairs in her living room. She kept thinking she heard muted voices on the first floor. She checked the clock, it was midnight. Assuming she was imagining it she turned back to her book. Suddenly she heard someone’s voice yelling, followed by a bark from Abbot. She started in her chair, she knew she had heard it that time. It was loud enough to carry up two flights of stairs. Quietly Enya set her book down and walked out of her apartment to the top of the stairs. She heard an unfamiliar voice talking, but not yelling. She crept down to the second floor, then slowly walked across the hall to the top of the last flight of stairs. She peeked down and saw Gavin standing by the front door with another man she didn’t recognize. The man was speaking furiously to Gavin, who replied in a calm enough voice but sounded irritated himself. Enya could just tell the man was dangerous. There was almost an aura about him that screamed danger. She shivered slightly at the man’s strong presence even as she tried to convince herself it was just because she was cold. Which was a lie considering Gavin always kept his house extremely warm. Something Gavin said next made the man furious and he started yelling again. Enya couldn’t make it all out but she caught snatches of conversation.
“money…you wouldn’t dare…think you can…have no idea what I can do.” Enya had no doubt he was threatening Gavin is some way. Gavin said something back at a half-shout and the man bristled more. Her mind formed a quick plan. She started to go down the stairs then stopped short when she remembered what she was wearing. It was a cotton sleep outfit she loved, but wasn’t about to walk downstairs in. It consisted of a pair of tiny shorts and a camisole. The hem of the cami just barely met the top of the shorts and every time she moved it rode up, showing her midriff. It was pale blue with dark blue lace trimming the shorts and cami. She quickly glanced behind her and spotted a white dress shirt of Gavin’s hanging on the door knob of his laundry room. A better plan formed in her mind and Enya slipped the shirt on, buttoning it. It fell to about halfway down her thigh. She took her hair out of it’s neat, smoothed down ponytail and shook it out. Finally she took a deep breath and started down the stairs. It had all taken a matter of seconds but the man had finished yelling and looked like he was about to take a swing at Gavin.
“Gavin.” Enya called in a soft, gentle voice as she came down the last few stairs. “Are you coming to bed yet?” The man looked surprised and Gavin jerked around to stair at her. Enya forced her gaze past him to the man by the door and acted as if she hadn’t known he was there. She tried to quickly set her thinking as if she were young and bubbly, very talkative, sweet, and slightly dumb. Her mind immediately registered the stereotype of a blond cheerleader.
“Oh! Hello. I don’t believe I know you. You must be one of Gavie’s many friends, I swear I’ll never get to meet them all! Did you just get in from being gone or something? A vacation maybe? Oh! I bet you just couldn’t wait to see Gavin. I know I wouldn’t be able to.” After this rapid-fire delivery she turned adoring eyes on Gavin, her ever present smile brightening purposely the moment her eyes hit his. He stared at her with a kind of stunned disbelief.
“And who are you?” As fast as he’d gotten angry the man had cooled off and now looked at her with a bemused smile.
“Oh, I’m Gavie’s wife, of course!” She lied beautifully, never blinking an eye.
“His wife?” the man asked, with a mixture of confusion and amusement.
“Oh, yes. Didn’t he tell you? I’m sure he did. Gavin would never forget something like that.” Gavin turned to the man.
“We’ll finish our discussion later.” he said, finally able to speak again.
“Oh!” Enya chimed in. “We simply must have you and your wife over for dinner sometime soon. What kinds of food does she like?”
“I’m not married.”
“Oh, then we must introduce you to my sister. She’s single and I’m sure you’d just adore her! We’ll have to have you both here sometime.” she pushed, playing her part to the full. “It was simply wonderful meeting you!” She finished.
“Yes, you too.” The man said slowly. “I’ll talk to you later,…Gavie.” he added with a smirk. As soon as the door shut Gavin turned to Enya.
“Wife?” he taunted with a grin.
“Gavie.” She shot back. He cringed visibly. Enya sighed, tired suddenly. “I’m going to bed. But tomorrow you and I are going to have a long talk. An honest talk about who that man was, what he wanted, and what the real reason is that you’re working as a secretary when you own the company.” Gavin didn’t bother to argue, he had something else in mind.
“Fine. But I want my shirt back.”
“You can have it back tomorrow.” she said.
“I want it back now.” he said. He was blocking her way up the stairs. He took the lapel’s of the shirt in his hands and pulled her closer. She slapped his hands away and unbuttoned the shirt, glaring at him. She pulled it off and threw it in his face. He stared at her. His face was slightly pale. Enya gave the tiniest of smiles suddenly.
“Somehow I think I ended up winning that round.” she said softly. She pushed to go around him. Gavin gathered her to him in one swoop. All thoughts were driven out of her mind as he drove his tongue into her mouth. There was only now and him. He kissed her senseless then let her go abruptly. She stumbled backward.
“Not quite.” He told her then turned and walked up the stairs. She was still standing there when she heard his door shut, her trembling fingers pressed to her lips.

-------------------------------------Scene Seventeen-----------------------------

The next morning Gavin woke to the smells of bacon and eggs. Following his nose blindly he made his way to the kitchen before his eyes had even truly cleared of sleep.
“Please, dear God, tell me that’s bacon and eggs I smell.” Enya smiled slightly. Gavin looked around. There was bacon, still sizzling, on a plate and Enya stood at his glass stovetop scrambling eggs. I could get used to this he thought.
“Coffee’s made.” she told him. He poured himself a glass and made to snag a piece of bacon. Enya slapped his hand away.
“There’s a price.” she told him. He groaned.
“Come on!” She shook her head.
“No negotiations.” she told him. He sighed. “You tell me everything in exchange for breakfast.” she demanded.
“That’s negotiating, honey.” Gavin said, using the endearment with careless ease. Enya tried to ignore it.
“Whatever. Deal?” Gavin nodded. She picked up a piece of bacon and handed it to him. He took a bite.
“Mmm…” he closed his eyes. Enya shook her head at him.
“Insane.” she muttered as she turned back to the eggs. Gavin watched as she turned off the burner, then opened his cabinet to pull out two plates. He smiled at the way she moved around his kitchen, knowing exactly where things were without having to ask. Did she even realize how at home she acted here? he wondered. She set the plates and silverwear at the bar, then sat down with a cup of coffee. Enya looked up to find Gavin staring at her.
“Are you gonna sit down? A moment ago you were acting like you were starving.”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah.” Gavin piled eggs and bacon on his plate then sat down with his coffee. They ate in silence for a moment. Enya heard Abbot whining from outside. She got up and walked to the back of the house, letting him in. He raced beside her into the kitchen, where he planted himself down in front of Gavin and watched him eat. Enya sat down and Gavin raised a brow at her.
“Oh relax,” she said. “I’ll put him back out after we’re done eating.” She broke a small piece of bacon off and fed it to Abbot. She barely heard Gavin mutter something about ’spoiling the stupid dog.’ Enya laughed out loud and went back to her food.
“You know you love him.” she said with a grin. She bent down and put her nose to Abbot’s. She turned her face and Abbot’s to Gavin and grinned. “Now look, how can you resist a face like that?”
Gavin knew she was referring to Abbot. But it wasn’t the dog’s face he was thinking was beautiful as he smiled softly and said, “I can’t.” Enya shifted, uncomfortable suddenly because she had the feeling she and Gavin weren’t on the same page.
“So talk.” she said straightening and going back to her food. Gavin took a breath.
“Someone’s been stealing from my company. The man you met last night was a private detective who’s been on the case for a while. He wanted more money to continue his investigation and a price had already been settled on. Normally I wouldn’t have a problem with giving him more but I don’t believe he’s still investigating. I think he’s cooling his heels and telling us he can’t find anything.” He paused for a moment and Enya leaped in.
“You mean stealing…like how?” she asked.
“They’ve set up phony companies. We invest in them and it turns out they’re not real. We sponsor so many companies a year, some come out on top, some fizzle out. Over the past year there have been a handful of companies that I’ve found that we invested in that aren’t going anywhere. On closer inspection it turns out they were never real companies. But I can’t find the source. That’s why I’ve been working in this building. Mr. Phillips has been with this company since my father started it, he’s been trying to help me find out who it is that’s doing this.” Enya let it settle in her mind, then thought on it more.
“You said this has been going on for the past year, right?” she asked. Gavin nodded. “And whoever’s been doing this must have a lot of power in the company, right? I mean, wouldn’t more than one person have to be in on this?”
“Not necessarily, no. It could just be one person, they’d just have to be able to cover their tracks well. Whoever’s behind this has put a lot of time into this. They doctored the companies up well, came up with names for them and everything. Then they let funds slip into them but never showed any progress reports or anything after that. I’d say whoever’s behind this has a bank account in another country with all this money just waiting for when they can get away.” Something pricked at the back of Enya’s mind and she tried to remember what it was. She had a feeling it was something important.
“Wait a minute. You said Phillips was helping you look, right?”
“Yes, he’s known about the investigation since the beginning. He helped my father start this company. He’s been putting in a lot of extra time to help me investigate. He’s actually up for retirement within the next year.”
“Did you investigate him?” she asked. Gavin laughed.
“Enya, he may not be my favorite person but I trust him. He wouldn’t do something like this. Anyways, don’t worry about it, I’m sure I’ll work it out soon.” Gavin got up and put the plates in the sink. Enya idly stroked Abbot’s fur, thinking. Something wasn’t right. There was something right on the tip of her memory that she couldn’t quite pull out.
“Are you going in to work today?” Enya asked Gavin. He looked up.
“In just an hour or so, yeah. Why?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing. Um,…I’m going to go work on some stuff. I’ll see you later.” She got up and walked up the two flights of stairs to her apartment. She rummaged through her purse and finally found her cell phone. She chewed her bottom lip as it rang.
“Hey, Lyon. This is Enya.”
“Oh, hey Enya. How are you?”
“I’m fine. Listen, you busy?”
Lyon’s voice turned wary. “That depends. Why?”
“I got a quick job for you.”
“Oh boy. I guess…I guess I might have some time.”
Enya grinned. “Thanks, Lyon, I owe you. Look, let’s have lunch today and I’ll fill you in on what I want you to check out for me. Or who rather.”
“Okay. Lunch is on you though. I heard you’re rich now.” Enya laughed as she hung up. She started downstairs, then paused. On second thought she went back into her apartment, deciding to keep her plans secret from Gavin. She’d let him know if she found out what she was looking for.

----------------------------------Scene Eighteen----------------------------------

Three days later Gavin sat in his office. It was the one he’d used before he’d decided to play secretary and see if he could find anything out for himself. It was decorated much like his office at home. Camel colored walls. Thick aged brown leather furnature. His desk was an antique he’d picked up himself at an auction. It was comfortable and made him feel like he could have been at home working. His phone rang and his next appointment canceled. He was considering going out for lunch now that he had a free hour when his door opened. He looked up to see Enya slipping inside.
“Enya. What are you doing here?”
“Well, hello to you too.” She glanced around his office. “Looks just like your office at home, but without all the books.”
“Did my secretary let you in?” Gavin asked.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah, I convinced her I was your next appointment, you might want to clear that up.”
“Well, my next appointment just canceled so your in luck. Why are you here? I’m really sort of busy right now and-”
“Shut-up.” She interrupted. She slapped two manila envelopes onto Gavin’s desk. He frowned.
“What’s this?” He asked. She pulled up and chair in front of his desk, sat down and opened the first envelope.
“First off, your private investigator hasn’t been working on your case for the past month. He closed his office a month ago and has been continuing to collect money from you and a handful of others since then.”
Gavin shifted through the papers, surprised at what he saw. Enya opened the next envelope and handed him the papers.
“Mr. Phillips.” She said.
“What about him?” Gavin asked, frowning.
“Six hundred thousand dollars.”
“Enya what are you talking about?” Gavin asked.
“Something wasn’t sitting right with me. I finally remembered the other day why I don’t like Mr. Phillips. When I was first working as his secretary, before I knew you owned the company, a file on one of the companies disappeared. I told Phillips and he didn’t want me to tell you. Did a bunch of beating around the bush about how it would look bad for me since I was the last one to handle the file. I had put it out of my mind. But then yesterday I remembered and I remembered the name of the company. On a hunch I had Lyon look into it, along with Mr. Phillips. It seems he made some bad investments about five years back. He’s flat broke for four years, then all the sudden he buys a new car for his kid. He’s got a bank account in Switzerland-why is it always Switzerland?-and it’s got your money in it. Any evidence you’d need is in that folder.” She sat back in her chair. Gavin stared at her.
“It was all Lyon. This is the kind of stuff he does. If he can’t find it, it’s not there to be found. It was just a lucky coincidence that I happened to notice that file was missing.”
Gavin stared at the papers in front of him and let it settle in his mind. Mr. Phillips. Under the dull shock he was aware of a fury pulsing and just waiting to surface. He wasn’t one to give his trust easily and all he could think was that Mr. Phillips had been with the company forever. Had supported Gavin when he made decisions. Had stole from him.
Enya watched Gavin work to get his anger under control and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I know this has got to be hard.”
“And what gives you the right to go and do this?” Gavin voice was quiet laced with steel. Enya frowned. “What? I thought you’d want to know, I mean-”
“This wasn’t any of your business.” Enya’s quick temper flared.
“Well, excuse me, but I think it kind of became my business when your angry P.I., who was cheating you, by the by, disturbed my sleep!”
“That wasn’t the point and it still wasn’t your business!”
“Gavin! You told me that someone was stealing from your company!”
“You wouldn’t let me eat!”
“Oh my God! I can’t believe this! I can’t believe you’re acting this way. This is ridiculous! I know Mr. Phillips has been with your company forever, but for God’s sakes he was stealing from you and there’s nothing you can do to change that fact! That’s not my fault or anyone else’s but his own. You know what I think? I think you’re just too upset to handle the truth and you can’t fess up to the fact that you trusted the wrong person!”
“Apparently I did, though I think I’m thinking of someone different than you.” Enya took a step back. She felt like she’d been slapped, and it took the wind out of her sails. She pushed her chair back and stood up, fighting to get the anger back.
“This is crazy. I thought you’d want to know. I guess I was wrong.” She threw up her hands. “Whatever. Now I know how you feel. You know, I didn’t think you’d be the type of person who wouldn’t be able to handle something like this.” Gavin stood up also and stood in front of her.
“You should know better than to go poking around in other people’s business. You don’t work for this company anymore, remember?”
“You were absolutely fine with me quitting, and you understood the reasons behind it!” She shouted back, furious.
“The reasons? Oh, that’s right, so you can go off looking for the acting job you think you can get. Ha! Because you have money now, well, money can‘t buy talent.”
“ You jerk! I’ve got the talent! And I don’t have to prove that to you!”
She turned then and walked out the door, letting it slam behind her.

© Copyright 2007 Gemma Wiskorski (UN: nyc_grl_2004 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Gemma Wiskorski has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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