Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/489657-Wednesday-22107
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1207566
Musings from my mind
#489657 added February 21, 2007 at 7:30pm
Restrictions: None
Wednesday 2/21/07
One more day at work, then I'm on medical leave for a couple weeks. Boy, I got a bunch done today. I like coming home knowing I put in a good hearty day at work. I'm not too tired, but don't feel like a lazy bum either. Good day!

I don't really have much to say today, so I'm gonna "cheat" a little bit. I posted this comment on another website that I enjoy and I thought I'd post it here to see what kind of trouble I can stir up!! lol

I have some thoughts regarding marriage, whether it be man to man, woman to woman, man to woman or man to 3 eyed billygoat, I don't care....here's what I think....

Based on the fact that very few marriages nowadays last a lifetime, I'd be in support marriage contracts. When the contract expires, they can either be renewed and celebrated in similar fashion to anniversaries, or they can be allowed to simply expire. This would relieve the court from a lot of the legal burden it has from divorce settlements. There would still need to be items worked out in court when children and property are involved, of course. Simply put, I'd like to see it become extremely costly and difficult to obtain a marriage license and very easy to get un-married, a polar opposite of how it works in our society today.

I'd change the licensing fee structure, so that a first time marriage is $500, and each additional trip to the altar is an additional $500. A first time marriage license request would require a one year waiting period, a 2nd marriage, a 2 yr waiting period, etc. This would hopefully prevent the "oh shit, what have I done??!!" syndrome and the "I wasn't thinking" excuses.

What do ya'll think? I'll respect your opinion even if I don't agree. Please do the same with me....

My quote for today is: Marriage is grand...Divorce is a hundred grand.

Thanks for stopping by,

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