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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Ok, yesterday I took a semi-humorous approach to various lifestyle choices that involved foul milk and pizza for breakfast but today I figure, since I'm lacking a better topic that doesn't involve torturing people I would resort to this topic. Sure, it might torture a few people but then again, maybe there are some out there like me who need to be reminded of this sort of thing from time to time. The waistlines of the world's population have been growing in the last few generations. There was a time when girth was encouraged by culture because it was a sign of wealth and nutrition but these days it's more commonly an indication of the reverse. In today's world it's so very easy to look for the cheap, fast alternatives that involve less movement to meet our needs. The trend toward instant gratification has given the world a fatter outlook on life. Now I'm not trying to kid myself here. I'm most certainly amongst those who are in the higher dress size bracket. But I've reached a point in my life where I've stopped blaming everything else and put the responsibility of not only MY health but the health and well being of my children on my own shoulders. Being healthy is something you have control over. It happens in your attitude and your outlook more than anywhere else. We all know the 'shoulds' for losing weight. There are a number of programs and 'diets' but the only successful technique involves ONE rule. That's right, just ONE! The Rule: BALANCE! Balance in EVERYTHING! You can eat anything at all you like so long as it's balanced. And I don't mean you need a donut in both hands. I mean you can have a donut during the day but you counter it by having a lighter meal later. If you want something high in sugar balance it by lowering your sugar intake the rest of the day or even week. If you're going to indulge in a few drinks with the boys balance it with equal quantities of water. Being healthy is about balance. The balance doesn't only extend to your diet however. Balance also relates to movement. You can eat nothing but rabbit food for months on end and you will lose weight but you won't get healthy. Being healthy involves movement, momentum. You have to balance your sitting/resting time with your active/movement time. The wonderful thing about getting fit is that we exercise every day without even knowing it. SEX for example is FANTASTIC exercise! But for those of us who aren't getting in on that action folding laundry, sweeping/mopping floors, playing with the kids, walking to the shop/school, playing a game of soccer, etc. are all ways to exercise. I've found over the past weeks that exercise doesn't have to be painful. These days I actually REALLY ENJOY working up a sweat. I go out for my hour walk each week morning full of energy. I enjoy the walk talking with my kids or listening/singing songs as we walk. I keep a moderate pace and pad the pavement to a beat in my head pushing the pram with strong arms. The strangest thing is that the walk is no longer enough to satisfy me. I really look forward to getting to my mother's and getting on the gym equipment she has. I crank up the intensity until I'm really feeling the energy moving. I pump up the heartrate which for me is pretty challenging since my heart does a really good job. I've found I can cycle as fast as a car would drive on most roads. It builds up a nice burn to do it and I wouldn't maintain that speed for long but it's exhilarating to pump up the level like that. As I'm building up a good sweat I have a smile on my face because these days I really love doing it. I feel fantastic. This is all related to a change of state. I used to dread the idea of working out. It was a waste of time and it hurt too much and it wouldn't do any good anyway. But I realized these were the excuses I told myself. They weren't really true but I let myself believe them because I wasn't motivated enough. I didn't respect or love myself enough to want to be the woman I believe I am. I let my body represent the idleness of my mind instead of aspiring to greater things. When I really looked at myself and realized that I'm not the woman I deserve to be, that my body doesn't reflect the incredible mind and spirit of the woman within I knew there was something I had to change. I now go into exercise feeling my spirit soar because every moment I treat my body with that kind of honor and respect makes me a powerful person. Physical appearance is nothing against the momentum of reflecting yourself inside and out. I'd had a mental picture of myself for so many years that never equated to the actuality of myself and now that's the image I strive for. She's who I really am and always have been. She hides behind these excess pounds but I'm no longer afraid to let her come out and to introduce her to the world. She's a remarkable woman. Getting fit and healthy isn't about depriving yourself of the things you love or sacrificing yourself on an alter of pain. It's about going to another level. It's about understanding that you deserve so much more than you give yourself. It's about respecting your body because it's the only one you'll ever have and it's housing your very miraculous soul. It's about giving yourself the kind of love you deserve and creating an outside that reflects the beautiful person you are inside. What's even better, is when you take on all that belief, you realize that every step towards it is a journey and that your beauty is already ten million times more radiant then before you knew the wonder of yourself. Just having the courage to face everything about yourself that is fabulous creates momentum for a fantastic life. |