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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/489066-The-Date
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#489066 added February 19, 2007 at 10:54am
Restrictions: None
The Date
On Thursday Kevin (I finally found out his name) and I exchanged voice mails, but never actually talked. He called first and said he'd like to take me out on Friday to get something to eat or have a drink. I called back and left a message saying Friday would be perfect. Okay, maybe not those words exactly, but that is what I meant! *Smile*

All day Friday I kept watching my phone to make sure I wouldn't miss his call, even though I told him I'd be working until 4pm, I wasn't sure if he'd try calling during the day. It must have been about 4:15 as I was on my way home and he called. *Bigsmile* I could tell he was still at work from the noise in the background, but he wanted to see if Friday would still work and make some plans if it did. Although prior to the conversation I had it in my head I would not allow him to come to my place, while talking it seemed like the easiest thing to do. So I gave him directions to my apartment and we agreed for him to be there by 7:30pm. What I did do was give him directions to my parking lot, but didn't tell him which apartment, so he'd have to call when he got there. He arrived around 7:40 (not bad since he had to drive 25 or so minutes to get there) and as he parked I walked out my door so he still didn't know which one I lived in. Smart thinking, eh?! *Smile* It was sweet though, while he was trying to park he was trying to find a spot I wouldn't have to walk through the snow to get in the door...how thoughtful is that?! I told him not to use up all his niceness right in the beginning! *Laugh*

He greeted me with a hug and then opened my door for me. Hmm, I guess there are guys that do this that aren't only on the big screen...I may be able to get use to that!!

As we started driving our conversation just flowed. No nerves, at least on my part and if he did he hid it very well. I found out he is an only child; however, he has a very large family and he is very close to all his cousins...sounds familiar...and his parents. He was working at a tech for a automotive supplier; however, with the way the automotive industry is turning for the worst lately, he lost his contract two weeks ago, so he has only been working at the restaurant. He did have an interview and is suppose to start a job with a large investment/insurance company on Tuesday.

We finally found a place to eat. It was a bar/restaurant, but wasn't overly packed or too smokey so we agreed to try it. He chose a larger table to sit at, which I was confused on where to sit. Either I'd be sitting next to him on one of the stools or I'd sit across the table, which we'd be yelling to talk to each other. I had a moment of stress going on and resolved it by taking a stool and moving it to the corner of the table and he moved in so we were sitting around the corner from each other...perfect!! *Smile*

Our conversation through dinner still went great. We talked comfortably and laughed most of the evening. There were things I'd catch myself after I said them thinking it probably wasn't the best thing to say on a first date. Then I figured, that is just me and why hide it, if he is turned off or scared away by it, best to do it right from the beginning instead of two or three dates later, right?! *Smile* We only spent approximately 2 1/2 hours together because he had one of his friends he grew up with birthday party to get to, which was a good 45 minutes to 1 hour away. I understood and appreciated he squeezed me in instead of making we wait until next week.

The one thing I did find out at dinner that I tried not to act shocked about, was his age. Mind you he has a receding (sp) hairline and not just the start of one, we are talking a good peak has been made...and the way he talks/acts made be believe he was around my age give or take a few years. Boy was I off. Ready for this one...he is 22. Yep, you read that right, I did not mistype...he just one year over the legal drinking age. However, I'm not sure when his birthday is so he may turn 23 soon...very soon?! *Laugh* The thing is, I know that is a huge gap, but I really enjoy his company...he makes me laugh...and I love looking at his eyes and he has the best smile! So at that point I chickened out and didn't respond with my age. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out I am older than 22, but I'm just curious how much older he thinks I am.

So we get back to my place and I'm not certain if he was just trying to get me out of the car quicker or this is just the way he is, but he offered to walk me to my door. Again, that is something I've only seen in movies. *Laugh* We get to my door say a few things and he leans in to hug me...I think it was a hug...that is what I went for anyway, but he did a light hug but kissed my neck. Now did he kiss my neck because he meant to, because he was aiming for my lips and was redirected because I went for a hug and not a kiss, or because he was a little shorter than I'm used to and he couldn't reach my cheek?? I like option A myself, but I'm not certain, I've never had a guy do that, well, unless he was then going to move up from the neck, but we won't get into that!! *Bigsmile*

So now it is day three and I'm wondering if he will call. I knew he had plans on Saturday and I think he had to work on Sunday. I'm not sure if he is the type to call just to call or only calls when he is ready to make plans. I have decided if/when he calls before I make plans with him I will have to tell him my age. I don't have an issue with it, but he may and I figure it is only fair to be upfront with him and let him make that decision.

Oh, another thing we discussed which made me like him that much more...he is against cheating. He was talking about a girl he knows that was 8 months pregnant and her husband went and cheated with their next door neighbor. A while later they got divorced and he moved in with the neighbor. How odd would that be to see your ex-husband living right next door?? So it led into a conversation about cheating and how you may one day be able to forgive, but you'd never be able to forget. My thoughts exactly!!

I know, I could go on and on about our date and that would eventually bore anyone reading this...if it hasn't already! *Smile*

Oh, one other thing...not about him, but related to the date. My friend I've grown closer to that is currently in jail totally disappointed me. He says he will always be supportive of me, will always be there for me, blah, blah, blah. He happened to call me before I started getting ready on Friday night and I was all excited as I told him I had a date. Mind you this is my first real date in 6 years! Long story, but it is true! All he did was pick out the negatives of the date...how I met the guy, not having a plan, etc. To me, that is not supportive. I tried not to be too upset by it since it was only a week or two ago he wrote me and expressed his feelings about me saying he had a crush on me. However, at the same time he said he only wishes me happiness whether it be with him or someone else. I guess those were just words. So I think I am going to hold back on writing him so often. I thought I was being supportive, but he is obviously taking it as more than friendship. Dang men!! *Smile*

© Copyright 2007 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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