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Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life! |
Feb 8, 2007 It may be ramblings, it may be rantings, it may be venting. Be warned. LOL Today has been a decent day. We had a 2 hr delay again. So we slept in a bit and then got up, did breakfast and walked to the bus stop. I decided to take the advice given to me yesterday and make the most of my time with J...he's a good boy and a lot of fun..my nerves are shot but I did my best. When we walked to the bus stop I put him in his boots and snow suit as well as hat, coat, and gloves. He was thrilled to get to walk through the yard.lol. At the bus stop, he threw snow at me and laughed. Then he threw it up in the air and said "Mom it's raining snow!" LOL...I've tried to explain it's not raining snow...it's snowing..but he won't change it and I've decided it's not life threatening..it can be called raining snow..and in his 4 year old mind, it works. We put big sister on the bus and walked back home. It's less than a 5 min walk up the road. Then we made it rain more snow in the yard..at his command. Once we got tooo cold (about 10 min) we came in to get warm. He wanted to leave his snow suit and boots on, because he likes them...lol..so we did. We ended up back outside about 15 minutes later...because "he warmed up really quick!" We stayed out a bit then came in when Mommy coudln't take it anymore. We played Perfection (which he plays like a puzzle) We played Don't Break the Ice, and then we played Candy Land. Have you ever tried to play Candy Land with a child who moves at high speeds anyway? He wanted to race the people around the board. Every move he made had sound effects...funny, very cute..by the end of the game it was grating on my nerves. He built me a lego ship while I made tea. Then he played on the computer at www.pbskids.org He played the teletubbies game. I don't like Teletubbies..but I like the game there because he can actually play it himself without me having to sit right beside him. So I fixed lunch..his choice...we had grilled cheese. I let him pick out a movie while we ate. He wanted to watch something adorable. Yes, those are his words. He wanted to watch his sisters Full House DVD's...lol...So we did. Then he took a nap. THank you Jesus I was going to lose it. We read a story first..as we always do..he does sit still to be read to..mostly..lol While he was napping I decided to do some reviewing. This is not something I"m good at..but it's part of WDC and I know the more reviewing I do, the more people will come visit me...and I know how much I enjoy when people stop by. I try to always be positive and encouraging. But I have to say I'm not overly patient. If there's alot that has to be fixed...I'm not going to do an indepth review. I'm not good enough at it for starters. Spelling I'm fairly good with. Grammar I am not. I leave that for those who are good at it. I try to concentrate on what I thought, how it made me feel, whether I understood it, etc. If I notice anything with spelling or grammar I will tell them, but it is rare that I notice grammar issues..they have to be pretty bad. Occasionally I will advise if something seems to wordy ..but again, it is one of my own flaws and I don't always pick up on it. My point...I reviewed several this afternoon...trying to do more of that as I said. One of the people emailed me back asking what could be improved or what needed to be changed. I emailed back and tried to explain to the best of my ability that I didn't think anything needed to be changed but I did explain what had been confusing to me....I have no problem answering that..I didn't rate the piece lowly..I went back and checked...yet I've had a back and forth email with them this afternoon...I don't know if they are just one that wants to pick a fight or what...I rated the dingdang piece a 4.5! I, personally did find it a bit "confusing" for lack of a better word..but also know that it may be me. I was polite, I was positive, and I have done everything I can, including apologize if they were offended...I know that I have handled this as best I can. Because I am a newbie though...this also makes me not want to go do anymore rating and reviewing. I won't stop..don't get me wrong...but it does make me think twice about doing it. I just recieved another email...and I almost deleted the above..because now it is a moot point. The writer and I ...or actually I..misunderstood..and while I thought she was replying to argue with me on my rating and review..she was trying to explain the informative piece for my benefit. We have made peace and I'm going to let it go..just goes to show you though that it is difficult at times to understand one another in written form...it leaves certain things...such as emotion....out of the picture. I didn't delete because maybe my misunderstanding will help someone else think twice when they are concerned someone is arguing with them...or whatever. I had more to write..but find myself not quite in the mood to write more at this time. I am an emotional being and this all upset me. I also need to go start supper, load the dishwasher and fold some laundry. I'll be back on later this evening....once the kids are in bed and my beloved and I have spent some time together. God bless you all. I am grateful for the ability to apologize ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** I think I need a hug Vicky |