Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/485934-Monday-2507
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1207566
Musings from my mind
#485934 added February 5, 2007 at 2:23pm
Restrictions: None
Monday 2/5/07
Why, oh why do people have such a high opinion of their memories???

My work requires I spent a lot on time on the phone. Numerous times each day, I'll call for someone and am told that they are not available and would I like to leave a message.....so I say yes, and give my name and place of employment and begin my phone number...only to be told...oh, hold on, let me get a pencil and write this down....ARRRGH!!!!!

Seems to me, if they knew they were taking a message, they would have been prepared to write it down. Then, after waiting for what seems like forever for them to scramble to get a writing utensil and paper, I give them the message again. Invariably, they f*ck up the phone #....ARRRGH #2!!!!

Once again, it seems to me that if they were taking a message, they'd take great caution (clean the sh*t out of their ears) to clearly write down the information correctly. Furthermore, if this only happened once in a while, say, when I call a person's residence, I'd be more understanding, but to have it happen when I call places of business multiple times a day, five days a week, it is down right aggrivating.

Doesn't competence mean anything anymore? Holy moly....I just realized that I sound like Lou Dobbs on CNN........ok....I'm done ranting for now.

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