Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/485258-Friday-2207
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1207566
Musings from my mind
#485258 added February 2, 2007 at 6:50pm
Restrictions: None
Friday 2/2/07
I stayed home from work today. I've been so tired and drained lately. I just felt like I just didn't have anything to give anyone else. It felt good. I'm learning how to be more selfish and take better care of me.

Since I'm focusing on me today, I thought I'd sound off on things that annoy me. First of all, watching the news coverage today regarding the tornados that hit south of me, I kept hearing people describe the area looked like "a war zone". I hate that comparison. My experience has shown that the people that use that phrase have never been in a war zone, so they don't know what they're talking about. I've never been to a war zone, so how would I know it compares to that? I could say that it looks like a scene from M*A*S*H*, but that' s about it. I wonder what the thought of those who HAVE been in war zones (bless them Lord) are when they hear people say that. It really irks me. I don't ever want to minimize what true war zones look like, or what those who have been there have experienced. They went, so I wouldn't have to. I'll not take that for granted.

Another thing that really burns my biscuit, is folks that interject the word "basically" throughout their conversation. It's so unnecessary. I see it as a sign of insecurity. They feel the need to use a multisyllabic word to make them appear smarter than they really are. Who with half a brain doesn't see through that? Get rid of that word. Ban it, I say!!!

I have an "at work" gripe. I can't stand it when someone terminates their employment with an agency, and keeps coming back to just say "hi" during office hours. Hey, they made the choice to leave. Don't keep coming back and disrupting the flow of the office. If they want to socialize with those who still work in that office, I feel they should do it at lunch time, or after work hours. Those of us who didn't leave have work to do and don't need them coming by and interrupting that. There's enough interruptions as it is. It's bad enough when they come back to visit. It's even worse when they bring their children with them!!!! I can't do anything about this because management doesn't seem to mind. In fact, I think they enjoy the visits. I just don't understand it. When you're gone, stay gone.

Boy, I'm glad I got all that out. LOL Maybe with a few more hours of rest I'll stop bitching so much and get back to my usual self. Let's hope so anyway. For now, thanks for stopping by and taking a read.

My quote for today is: Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.

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