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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings Members, Writing.Com will soon be adding the ability for members to see which members they have referred to our community, the URL used to find the site and the date on which the account was created. Since this is to be new change, we've added an account preference that allows members to hide their username and handle from the person who referred them to Writing.Com initially. (Their account's creation date and the URL they clicked from will still be provided to the person who referred them.) By default, each member's referral information will be SHOWN to whomever referred them to Writing.Com. If you'd like to change this and HIDE your username/handle from the person who referred you to our community, please visit your My Account -> Change Preferences area to edit this setting as soon as possible. You can visit this area directly at: http://www.writing.com/main/my_account/action/edit_prefs In this area, you'll be shown who referred you to Writing.Com... as far as the system is concerned, at least. If the member who referred you is no longer on Writing.Com, or if no one referred you to Writing.Com, this new preference will have no effect on your account. Thanks, ~~SM |