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Can the crazy save the world? |
Case Number Ch.2 Rave offered India a shirt of his after she had calmed down because her clothing was still soaking wet. She sat on the bed across from where Rave was standing and tried it on. The shirt was too big for her and she had to roll the sleeves up five times before they even reached her hands. She stopped shivering when Rave gave her a hot drink. “What is it?” she asked as she sniffed the liquids sweet aroma. “It’s hard to explain. It’s just a hot drink they have on this planet. It’ll keep you warm,” he said. She was not sure whether to trust him or not. She remembered them always forcing medicine in her. They would disguise it in her food and they would poison her water and make her sick. It was easier for them to control her when she was weak. But this man had not hurt her; it was not him she should fear. It was them. She peered down at it intently with these thoughts for a while when he said, “You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want it.” “Ok,” She said. She was silent for a long time before she decided to speak again. They stayed up the rest of the night talking until morning. He explained a lot of things to her and she began to get a broader picture of the universe. Then she remembered to ask him about her home planet. Maybe he knew; he knew everything else. “What planet am I from?” she asked. “I don’t know. I just met you yesterday,” he said. “No, I mean the human race. What’s our home planet called?” she asked. “Earth.” he said. “Really? Have you ever been there?” she asked. “I used to live there. When I was little.” he explained. “Really? What was it like?” She asked half-excitedly. “Well, I can’t really remember. I was so young. I do remember being at the beach with my mom. We were collecting seashells, she said that no matter how far you go, you can always hear the ocean inside the seashell when you put it up to your ear.” He said. “I know better now though. Its just air moving through it that makes it sound like the ocean. The things a kid will believe.” She had no idea what a beach was and no idea what a seashell was, but she knew she wanted to see one someday. “Can we go to Earth?” She asked. He hesitated. “I don’t think that’s possible.” he said. “Why?” she asked. “Well, um, the earth isn’t what it used to be,” he saw this was not a good enough explanation. Sitting upright, he prepared himself for quite a story telling, “A long time ago there was a war. Some called it the ‘GEP (Genetically Engineered Population) war'. It started when scientists began to ‘upgrade’ humans by inserting genes into an embryo to help with certain genetic diseases. Now I don’t know everything about it, but it went from eradicating genetic disease to designing a parent’s perfect baby. If you wanted your kid to be smart, funny, athletic, tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, the works, anything at all; you got it. For a price. Of course it was illegal for the longest time, so naturally there was a black market for a while. When it became legal society split in half. Poor people; or, as they were called back then 'financially disadvantaged', couldn’t afford these wonderful upgrades. A lot of religious folk just wouldn’t have it. 'God made us this way for a reason!' they claimed. This caused a lot of people to rally up and those damned equal rights activists just wouldn’t shut up. “Well, this started up the poor against the powerful. A war that tore the world apart. In a way, it was like a silent death for society as a whole. It wasn't so much that we fought each other out right- although that did happen. We simply seperated ourselves. United we stand, divided we fall. And that's exactly what happened. Our own planets turmoil became our demise. We were so wrapped up in our own arrogant battle that we never saw the end coming. Eventually Mars was colonized and became a safe haven for the 'Originals', as they reffered to themselves, to live in peace. Earth seemed to settle down and things were quieted down for a few years after that. Actually, Mars and Earth eventually determined themselves as two seperate planets and species altogether, and thus we had real 'Martians'. And to think all of those old science fiction novels you read think that Earthlings developed from Martians...ha, ha. What a joke. Anyway, this would have worked out great had some psycho GEP kid not decided to take a Nuke and fly it straight into the Martian colonies. Destroyed them all. Even I remember that day. Everything was downhill from there on out. A series of things happened afterwards that brought the humans to their near extinction. A meteor shower, compliments of mars, defaced all of China and its surrounding countries. Talk about a world wide black out. Most thought that was the end for certain. But it wasn't just yet. So, while everyone else is losing all hope for a future on earth, some mad scientist guy is devising a plan that was crazy enough to almost work. Everyone was so sick of fighting for power on earth that when someone came up with the bright idea of just conquering other planets instead, everyone went for it. This is where the GEP's turn into GEC's. Genetically Engineered Cyborgs. The ultimate fighting machines. Humans with strength, skill, smarts and reflexes without the drama of human emotion to get in the way. It was a force to be reckon with. Well, other Alien Species far superior to humans got wind of this and decided that humans were too corrupt from their own arrogance and too much of a threat to others to still exist." Rave sighed and looked down for a moment, “A few of the good ones escaped; I still remember the look on my mothers face. I think she knew she was going to die. That was the most frightening day of my life.” “So the earth isn’t there anymore?” she asked, knowing the answer. “No, it’s not,” he said solomnely. “But there are pictures and things that tell all about it to anyone who’s interested I’m sure. We can find them at different places. I’m sure that the space station nearest where earth used to be will have something. We can start looking as soon as the search blows over.” “Really? You would do that for me?” She asked. “Well, sure.” he said. “Why?” she asked. He yawned and rolled over on the bed, "because, you need to know these things." he mumbled before falling into a deep sleep. With her hands placed firmly over her knees and with her knees placed firmly under her chin, India watched Rave sleep. Without faulter, without movement, she sat and watched. Fatigue did not seduce her and no bed linen could tempt her into sleeping. It could not be done. Despite fainting a time or two in the past, total sleep was still not an option for the girl. Quietly she leaned over Raves large figure, which slept solidly beneath the soft, mud colored sheets. There was a warmth about the dark, almost orange-black room and India could not help but feel curious. All the talk of war and destruction nearly had her simple mind spinning. Yet, by the look on her face, it would seem as though none of it phased her. Her interest for that moment was in a single piece of hair that had fallen in front of Raves face. With the stealth of a spy and the delicate touch of any woman, she placed the hair back in its place next to all the other hairs on Rave's head. While hovering over his face, she peered even closer at him. With a deep inhale she breathed his scent. And without knowing exactly why, she placed a gentle kiss upon his cheek. It seemed the right thing to do, and it did not disturb the man. Unable to recall the place it came from, she settled on the thought that her action was based on a tattered piece of memory of affection somehow displaced by the ones who had tortured her so. Without delay, the morning suns arose to show a spectacular dawn. The planet was greeted by three large, friendly orange balls of fire. It was a sight India had never known. "We must be going," Rave said as he pulled himself from the wonderfully comfortable place he lay. "They will still be looking for us." “Do you think I still need the glasses and cap?” she asked in a tiny voice. “Yes. They might be searching this planet for you.” “If they are, and they find me, I don’t want you to try and save me. I want you to walk away,” she said, looking down. “Why? I couldn’t do that,” he argued. She said nothing, but her face was insistant. “No, I had a chance to walk off and I didn’t take it. We’re in this together whether the police know it or not. Whether you like it or not,” he said firmly. “Why are you doing this?” she asked. “Doing what?” “Why are you staying with me? You don’t owe me anything. You don’t know me. I’m not sticking my neck out for you; what makes you think you can trust me?” she asked. “I like to believe in people,” he sighed, trying to comfort her. She smiled slightly, genuinely glad for the first time she could recall. He smiled back but said nothing more. The two of them left the room quickly and without a trace, certain they were not seen by anybody. Rave paid the odd creature for the room casually as to not raise suspiscions. Bored with the monotonous transaction, ***sorry, folks..that's all I have so far. Below this is just copy from the original I want to incorporate into this chapter. It won't make much sense to you*** Upon entering the desert city, the realization of just how dire their situation was hit them. In one clothing store she decided to try on different clothes. Not many things in there were made to fit her particular species so she had them tailored. “Are you sure it’s ok?” she asked. “Ya, everything on this planet is so much cheaper than anywhere else because this climate is not an ideal place to vacation. So the only way they attract a lot of people is by being cheap.” He said. “Oh,” She said. Reassured, she turned back to the little old alien holding the patterned material she liked so much. The lady took measurements and designed a korbe according to the girl’s odd shape. The korbe resembled that of a human dress. It was a dark blue with dark purple shapes in it. The material was soft and versatile. Ray was very surprised at the dramatic change the korbe had on India. It was so much better than the rags she had on before. Her tall black boots were shined and complimented her shapely legs. “I feel so weird in this thing.” She said, grabbing the ends and pulling on them to try and adjust it. “You look good,” he said, glancing over at her. “Are you sure?” She asked. “If you don’t like it I won’t get it.” He said. “No, I want it. I really like it.” She said in defense. “Ok, did you want anything else?” He asked. “No, this is it.” She said timidly. “Ok,” They walked around until India was to overwhelmed to stay out any longer. It was dark by the time they made it back to their room. They stopped at a stand and bought dinner. “Thank you for today,” she said. “I’ve never bought anything before. Well, you bought it. But it was for me and it was nice and I like it.” He laughed to himself a little, “You’re welcome.” He said. “I honestly didn’t know there was anything outside of where I was for years. I was just always in that little black box with a small bit of light showing through in the corner. I remember crying one day because I thought, if this is life, than why am I living? Then I remember I was really sick one day, and they were afraid I would die. As they rolled me away on that small bed I remember looking up and seeing one of their experimental patients going berserk from a new drug they had given him. Then he jumped up and tore down the thick sheets that always covered the windows. It was the first time I had ever seen natural daylight. I knew from then on that that was a sign. I knew I had to get out.” She said. “How did you get out?” He asked. “Oh look our food’s here.” She said, avoiding the question and quickly changing the subject. He decided not to ask again. Instead he talked about something else. “Your meal looks good.” He tried. ** Image ID #1060339 Unavailable ** "The world will always be" ** Image ID #1001831 Unavailable ** The Angels always need your help! You can donate here: "Invalid Item" ![]() ** Image ID #1055850 Unavailable ** ~98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.~ |