Closed for business, but be sure to check out my new place! |
. . . to make me clean my house. Yep. That's my plan for today. Clean. Whoopee. We'll be hosting Christmas at our house this year. It'll just be Dave, my parents, and me, though. That's okay. I kinda like smaller gatherings anyway. Fewer Christmas presents to buy . Dave has to work (the poor, poor soul) today and deal with harried, last minute Christmas shoppers. Luckily, he works at Home Depot, so it likely won't be as Going Postal inducing as WalMart (says a little prayer for David McClain ). I don't like to clean with others in the house. For one, they get in the way, and two, I like to blare music and sing my little heart out as I'm cleaning. I don't have a terrible voice, but I know it would annoy any animals in close vicinity, not just humans. Only my plants don't seem to care. That's why Rufus will remain downstairs until I'm done. Done?! HA!! I haven't even started cleaning yet, not even a load of laundry. I'm too busy wasting my time here, writing a non-sensical entry so I can put off cleaning for as long as I can. . . . Crap, I'm out of even non-sensical subjects. Well, guess I'd better start cleaning. Harumph! |