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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1062373
NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry
#476623 added December 23, 2006 at 8:09am
Restrictions: None
Death: Violent, unnecessary, & pointless
If you’re a Christian, then this is the time of year where your thoughts traditionally turn to the birth of Jesus and what you’re gonna get and give for Christmas – actually one has nothing to do with the other but that is really the way it is – isn’t it?

I guess if you’re some kind of Heathen, and if finances allow then maybe you’re a Mall Rat.

I’m not even going to try to be politically correct – I don’t have a clue what people other than Christians and heathens concentrate on this time of year! I’m simple minded like that – it’s a whole lot easier to be simple minded!

But this year my thoughts are not about the birth of Jesus or what I’m gonna get or give for Christmas. I’m thinking about death and the process of death.

It use to seem tragic when someone died – even of natural causes, after all it was a lost. Now, people die in much greater numbers – violently.

Death is, and always has been, shrouded in mystery.

For Christians, death is concerned with where we’ll go after we die - Heaven or Hell? Seems nobody talks about Purgatory anymore. When I was young… seems there was a lot of talk about Purgatory. I remember arguing with many a priest and a nun, loud and often, in religion class about Purgatory. Since then I’ve read that Purgatory was basically set up and used by the Catholic Church as a fund raiser – figures!

If you’re a Heathen, I guess it doesn’t matter to you if there really is such a thing as life after death – appears you’ve already decided there isn’t.

According to the North American English version of the Encarta Dictionary the word Heathen is:

1. an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible, Torah, or Koran

2. an offensive term that deliberately insults somebody’s non-belief in religion, way of life, or degree of knowledge

Well, maybe some would prefer the word Atheist. According to the same dictionary I mentioned before an Atheist is defined as:

An unbeliever in God or deities

Golly gee, one word is considered offensive and the other word isn’t, but honestly to me they both mean the same exact thing – lack of faith in there being more of anything after our bodies die.

So please understand I’m not trying to offend anyone with any particular use of a word.

Like I said my thoughts have been concerned with death and the process of dying.

Death is not a glorious event to be celebrated as some of us have been lead to believe.

I think a person’s life should be celebrated – and mourning for the departed is certainly understandable and appropriate. It is not necessarily for the dead we mourn – it is what we, the living, have lost as a result of a person’s death - that's why we mourn.

Death is a physically ugly process; I’m sure a quite often painful experience – for those who are dying.

I’m saddened, alarmed, and out and out furious with how much money world governments spend on weapons that have no other purpose than to kill. I think everyone should be furious.

And for all our knowledge and technology – seems we can’t figure out a humane way to administer the Death Penalty either.

Maybe if world governments would spent the same amount of money to cure diseases and stop creating weapons that are only designed to kill - the world could be a much better place.

Explain to me how we can continue to claim to be civilized civilization, when it seems we concentrate much of our energy, time, and technology devising mo’ better ways to kill people?

The nightly news manages to neatly package the announcements of violent, unnecessary, and certainly avoidable deaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, and everywhere else in the world where conflicts are raging.

Maybe if we all better understood the physical ugliness of death, we’d all be more willing to object to it.

The following is what I found concerning death by natural causes (oops, lost the page before I could cite source… sorry!):

Physical Signs of Pending Death

The dying person's hands, arms, feet, and then legs may be increasingly cool to the touch. At the same time, the color of the skin may change indicating that the circulation of blood to the extremities is decreasing and being reserved for the most vital organs. Keep the person warm with a blanket to help make them more comfortable.

Due to changes in the metabolism, the person may spend an increasing amount of time sleeping, appear uncommunicative or unresponsive, and at times be difficult to arouse. Sit with your loved one and hold his or her hand. Speak softly and naturally, even though there may be no response. Never assume the person cannot hear; hearing is the last of the senses to be lost.

The person may seem confused about time, place and the identity of people surrounding him. Identify yourself by name before you speak. Explain clearly and truthfully what is going on around the person.

The person may lose control of urine/and or bowels as the body's muscles begin to relax. Work with your nurse to protect the bed and keep the person clean and comfortable.

The person may have gurgling sounds coming from his or her chest. This is normal due to the decrease in fluid intake and an inability to cough up normal secretions. The sound of the congestion does not indicate the onset of severe or new pain. Suctioning actually increases secretions and causes sharp discomfort. Gently turn the person's head to the side and allow gravity to drain the secretions.

The person may make restless and repetitive motions such as pulling at bed linen or clothing. Don't interfere or try to restrain such motions. To have a calming effect, speak in a quiet voice, lightly massage the forehead, read to the person, recall a favorite place the person enjoyed, or play music.
Urine Decrease
Person's urine output normally decreases and may become tea colored due to decreased fluid intake as well as a decrease in circulation through the kidneys.

Fluid and Food Decrease
The person may have a decrease in appetite and thirst, wanting little or no food or fluid. Do not try to force food or drink into the person or try to use guilt to manipulate them into eating or drinking something. Small chips of ice, frozen Gatorade or juice may be refreshing to the mouth. Glycerin swabs may help keep the mouth and lips moist and comfortable. A cool, moist washcloth on the forehead may also increase physical comfort.

Breathing Pattern Change
The person's regular breathing pattern may change to irregular breathing, shallow breaths with periods of no breathing or periods of rapid shallow pant-like breathing. Elevate the head, and/or turn the person onto his or her side. Hold your loved one's hand. Speak gently.

All of the aforementioned, Physical Signs of Pending Death, serves to explain what is to be expected from a normal death from natural causes (age and/or disease).

The type of death on my mind is the pointless, avoidable, unnecessary death caused by violence, in particular death from wounds and injuries of American soldiers at WAR.

I’m just as concerned about the families of soldiers who die needlessly in War, and those soldiers who witness the violent, unnatural, torturous deaths of their fellow soldiers. (See the suggested reading at the end of this commentary.)

Maybe you think I’m just being morbid, but I can tell you that I’m very, very angry at the way President Bush shows no regard for the lives of the soldiers in our military.

America has an all volunteer military – and that single fact should make each American citizen proud.
The men and women serving in our military and risking their lives overseas fighting for democracy in other countries is a BIG FAT LIE.
The way Bush has disregarded our own Constitution proves he himself has no regard for DEMOCRACY. Additionally, Bush has broken his own Presidential oath of office.

So many of the nightly news people are saying that some people think Americans have lost their appetite for WAR. No, I don’t’ believe that and neither should you. What Americans have lost is their appetite for is fighting and dying without purpose!!!

OUR sons’ and daughters’ have come home from one of more tour of duty in the Middle East – and we’ve heard the harrowing details of battles… as family and friends we’ve seen first hand how war has effected them… this is why Bush’s ratings are in the trash, and it’s not because any of us have lost our appetite for war or are cowards either.

What is our militaries purpose in Iraq?

Are our soldiers fighting for Iraq’s Democracy? Iraq now has a duly elected government. Saddam sits comfortable in prison without all the trappings of his once glorious Dictatorship. IF Saddam was such a big threat – what’s the problem now?

Saddam ruled with an Iron Fist… often times cruel, that’s a fact, but evidently that’s what the people of Iraq understand. So our government sends our soldiers over to Iraq, we dispose of Saddam. NOW WHAT?

Every Iraqi citizen is allowed to have one AK47 and two clips of ammunition. First chance you get - Just ask a soldier that has returned from Iraq how many more weapons they find on their KNOCK AND SEARCH missions. Ask about weapons they found stashed/buried/hidden all over the place. What do you think these weapons are being used for? I’ll tell you – to kill each other as well as every American soldier they can when the opportunity arises.

America is an OCCUPIER… our military is being used to occupy IRAG. Our soldiers are dying violent, unnecessary, pointless, and avoidable deaths.
My son returns to Iraq in February. The thought of the possibility of his dying consumes me! I do not want my son’s life, or any other American Mothers son’s life wasted.

America either needs to get out of Iraq, or get our soldiers out of Iraq and drop THE BOMB. Somebody needs to tell the people of Iraq and the Iraqi government – WE DID IT BEFORE AND WE CAN DO IT AGAIN. Tell the Iraqis to do right or else - Anything less than that is making a mockery of our military. Our soldiers are trained to fight and Kill – soldiers are NOT diplomats. Of course, that’s if you believe the American government has the right to dictate what type of government other countries are suppose to have…

We have the technology to blow this little piece of real estate into oblivion. If I was allowed to decide, I’d not waste one more American soldier’s life. The Iraqis are use to violence. The Middle East has been a hotbed of violence for centuries. I can understand why Iraqis, Iranians, and Syrians die so willingly – they’ve never learned to live and enjoy life. Their leaders have kept them ignorant; and too many of them have chosen to remain ignorant. By their ignorance, they have allowed themselves to be expendable - nothing more than fodder for their government and religious leaders – their problem not mine. (Remember – you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.)

OUR soldiers are not fighting other soldiers – our soldiers are fighting civilians. Our soldiers are being sent into battle to fight people whose beliefs are centuries-old and way, way different for ours. And guess what? It is our very differences that make the citizens of Iraq just like us.

Think – if any country was stupid enough to send their armies to invade America, would you not take up arms against their soldiers? I have no doubt I would. Of course, at the moment I feel the single, biggest threat to America and my son resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C.

I pray that my son will return home safe and sound at the end of his second tour of duty. I have no idea what I will be capable of doing if my son does not come home safe and sound. In the meantime, I also pray that some Iraqis or insurgents will find a way to get to Bush and his regime – and do to them what they are doing to our American Soldiers.

So I do wish you all a very Merry Christmas – Christian and Heathen alike.

Recommended Reading:

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