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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/476366-Dusty-Little-Red-Box
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1170988
Deep and meaningfuls that touch the sole as they come and go.
#476366 added December 21, 2006 at 12:02am
Restrictions: None
Dusty Little Red Box
A lesson, from Mike, on “The Law of Abundance” has had a great impact in my life.

A year or two ago Mike brought in some little red boxes to our group meeting when he was teaching us the “Law of Abundance”.

That little red box, which I took home at the end of the meeting, has been collecting dust ever since.

I keep it in my bedroom (where it gets dusty) and from time to time during the week, I pop in 50c coins that I had been given in change. We were encouraged to put in the box whatever we could, at the time I ‘could’ put in 50c coins.

The idea is to collect money in order to give it away – in a charitable endeavour.

As I place the coins into the box I read the note Mike gave to us on the day, which says:

“Prayer for the Comprehension of the Law of Abundance.

We are all one, connected by a bond
that makes us Brothers and Sisters.
What I have and can do
is for the benefit of others.
My existence depends on your efforts;
yours on mine and we all depend on what others do.
Things that others need will be given to me
so that I can distribute them
in accordance with this Cosmic Plan.”

This little strip of paper with the verse on it was to be read each and every time when the box had coins added.

The idea works along the line that the tighter we hold on to our money the less we have, the more we share the more we have. The Cosmic Law delivers to us that which we need and give, so the more we give the more we get. Therefore by sharing willingly, the more abundance we attract.

I see that giving to charities is an easy enough way to give. There is no brain drain when it comes to who, what, when, or where of the giving.

There are many worthy charities around so the process of giving is just to pick one or two or more each time the little box needs emptying.

When someone wanted a ‘hand-out’ without even trying to help him or herself along the road, they would be unsuccessful. When someone was struggling along, on their own, knowing ‘God helps those who are helping themselves’ then a little extra help along the way was forthcoming.

Sometimes I would come across a worthy cause, that may not be a charity in the official sense of the word, but that in doing my small deed it made a difference in the life of another. I would consider this a cosmic opportunity that had been presented to me to be of service. Sometimes it was possible to do this service anonymously, sometimes it was not, but either way the service was accomplished.

Being benevolent has its rewards. Have you ever found a coin in the street? I know my inner child would get such a thrill and retrieve it as though it is a lucky coin. I know what a thrill I had as a child when I found a coin. Later on I could pass the coin and let a child find it. Now days I like to drop the coin for children or the inner child of an adult to find. Sometimes I may even be around long enough to see the child pick it up. It always puts a smile on their face.

Lotto is an easy charity to give to, as they do a lot of good work with the money we give to them. With those little lotto wins we donate the money back again to lotto the next time or it goes towards another benefactor.

I have lost count of the amount of money that has come and gone from this dusty little red box.

The little red box has a sister box now that I keep my $1 coins in, it is now doing the same job as the little red box.

It has been interesting to find, that over the time since I began taking care of my little red box, my abundance has grown and grown.

In the beginning, I remembered sometimes that Charity begins at home – so when I was short of change, it saved me on several occasions. Later it saved others in small ways. Recently we had a group project that needed a not-so-little input so out came the little red box and the Charity money supplied exactly what we needed.

Now the box is so full that I found I had to be careful when I lifted it. I don’t remember putting that many coins in there but over time it has grown and grown. It is time again to find a charity to empty my dusty little red box, to make room for some more coins.

It sounded like a simple thing to do at the time and the lesson seemed easy enough to achieve but what I have received from taking part on an ongoing basis is that from small coins great things can be achieved. The sense of these achievements far outweighs those small coins that began the process and I feel wealthier than ever before.

Thanks to that lesson, which may have been a little lesson at the time, it has been a lesson that, in my world, has grown and grown, and with it so has my abundance.

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