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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1191863
This is one of my inspirational brochures. I write one a week and email them.
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#475856 added December 18, 2006 at 10:21am
Restrictions: None
Letting Go of Yesterday
Saying Goodbye
Author Unknown

Look to this day!
It is life, the whole of all life.

In its brief course lies all the realities of existence:
         The bliss of growth. 
         The glory of action. 
         The splendor of achievement.

Yesterday is but a dream and tomorrow only a vision.
Today, well lived, makes every yesterday a dream.
Tomorrow a vision of hope.

Look well, therefore to this day!
It is the salutation to your future.
If you have to ask what this poem has to do with saying goodbye, read it again. 

I have a friend whose mother passed away over a dozen years ago.  She grieves for her mother daily. I did not know the lady, I am told that she was a wonderful, hard working and family oriented Christian.  The lady suffered greatly from cancer for quite some time. 
During this time of suffering, my friend’s father was not a particularly kind or considerate person.  He has changed in the past several years and has made efforts to repair his relationships with his children.  But my friend still holds a grudge.
Some years ago, I met a man by knocking him down when I opened the door to exit a store.  I had never seen him before.  About a week later I saw him on the side of the road, with his disabled vehicle and elderly father.  It was an extremely hot day.  I picked them up.  Drove the father to there home and then carried the man to a repair shop where he made arrangements for his automobile.  I completed my chores and stopped by the garage to check on him.  The vehicle was not ready.  I took the man home. 
The following afternoon the man appeared at my home in his repaired vehicle and a nice bunch of cut flowers.  I immediately put the flowers into a vase with water.  I had a nice warm fuzzy feeling every time I looked at them.  Later, they began to wither and dry, the petals became darker and I threw them out.  I never looked at them and regretted flowers that I had not taken care of or had not enjoyed.  I did not grieve for flowers from long ago. I never once looked at that bunch of flowers and thought of flowers from the past. 
Live well, be happy, for today is the day that the Lord has given unto you.  REJOICE, and be glad in it.  We are given this gift from the Lord.  Unlike that beautiful bunch of cut flowers, we look past each of these gifts to the woes and regrets of past gifts wasted or badly spent.  Think of each day as that bunch of cut flowers.  When first received you do all that you can to preserve them and enjoy them each time you glance upon them.  As the gift of that day begins to wither and darken, throw them out in preparation for the gift of the new day.
My friend cannot focus on the fact that her mother is no longer in pain.  She cannot be glad in the gift of each new day.  She knows that her mother is happy and is with her Lord and Savior but she selfishly yearns and wastes today’s flowers by wanting the flowers of yesterday.
Many of us do the same when we think only of tomorrow.  We miss opportunities to make today a good memory by striving to make tomorrow a better day.  There is no enjoyment in this.  As the following bunch arrives they again do not enjoy them but think only of the next.

After word:
This article was written specifically for my friend.  Although it is a true story, I changed only the sex of the party involved.  This gentleman often reads over my inspirational articles and I gave it to him with that excuse in mind.

His wife called me about an hour after I left their home.  She was frantic.  “Janet, he won’t stop crying and he is calling for his mother and you!  Please come!”  Of course, I left immediately.
Entering the home the man ran to me and grabbed me in a hug that I was not sure I would survive.  He was thanking me profusely.  He asked me if I would accompany him to see his father.  I did.  I stayed with the men for more than an hour.  The father is a neighbor of mine and I saw my friend’s truck leave the home some five hours later.

The day after this momentous event my friend called.  He sounded sad and I was worried that the meeting did not go well.  He asked me if my friend in the story was okay or if there might be some way he could help her.  I informed him that I thought my friend would be fine.  I do not know if he has yet recognized himself in the story.  It does not matter.  He is content.  He and his father have a fine relationship and I am thankful.

My motto:
If a person shows you who they are, Believe Them!  Let me show you who I am and what I am capable of.
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