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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/475721-Tis-the-Season
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1030039
This will show our fight with Fibromyalgia, so others can learn that it's real.
#475721 added December 17, 2006 at 5:40pm
Restrictions: None
Tis the Season...
... for the fatigue part of Fibro to take its toll. Again. We actually had some fairly normal days since my last entry. I say fairly because I have to always allow for the fact that both Kenzie and I are in constant pain of some sort, her much more than me. But outside of that fact we had some fairly normal days recently, until this weekend.
         I practiced with the praise band at church Saturday morning after getting my cello back from the shop a couple days before. I'd only had a couple hours to practice Friday night, and it showed.*Smile* I have a long way to go to get back in the swing of things. But with it strung backwards now, to accommodate my CP, I can really get going if I can find the practice time. I'm hoping to be back up to speed by Christmas Eve but I may not make it. Anyway, I digress.
          After the rehearsal ran a bit over, to about 1:00 P.M., I came home, and after a small bite to eat, realized it was MY turn to shut down for a while. I hit the bed about 2:15, and didn't wake up till the phone rang at about 5:30. Good timing. I wanted to be up for the news at 6:00 amyway. Good alarm clock. *Smile*
         When I awoke, however, I realized that the Fibro Fog had struck again. I suddenly remembered that I had had an eye exam scheduled for 12:15 P.M. to check on the pressure. With blindness being a possibility with diabetes, my eye doctor is right on top of things, and checks the pressure in my eyes about every three months to make sure the drops he has me using continue to do their job. Now I have to reschedule that appointment. And it's going to be fun trying to get it in before Christmas. AND - that nap kept me from looking for the outside Christmas lights and getting them put up. Sheesh. And from practicing. Oh, brother! Such is life with Fibro and the fatigue that comes with it.
         Today, Kenzie and I went to church, then made a brief visit next door, for a birthday party for a former neighbor's 1 year old. When we got back, Kenzie sat on the porch a bit while I picked up the last of the leaves in the front yard.
         By the time I'd done that, she'd gone inside. When I came in I didn't see her right away. She wasn't at her PC in the kitchen, nor in the bathroom. That's when I looked in the bedroom, thinking she was napping. She wasn't there either. But I was half right, just didn't know it yet. As I went back into the living room on my way to taking a couple boxes of cassette tapes to the basement, I saw her - asleep in the recliner. I thought it would happen sometime soon; she'd been working hard on cleaning the kitchen the last couple days as well as everything else I mentioned here, and I had figured it would come at some point, just wasn't sure when. This afternoon I found out. It's 5:25 PM now, and the children's play at church is at 7:00, so if she's not up by about 6:15 I'll have to wake her up and see if she still wants to go. We decided at church this morning that we would go, but we never know what Fibro will pull on us. So we'll see how the evening goes. As for the outside lights, I haven't found them yet, and knowing they're here somewhere I hesitate to spend the money for a whole new set. So, we'll see how that goes in the coming week, too.
         Hope all of you are as healthy and happy as you can be going into the final week before Christmas. May the Lord bless all of you and yours not only at this time, but year round. And, for my Jewish friends, Happy Hannukah! See you all here again soon.

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