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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
*chuckles* Well, perhaps lucky for all of you but unlucky for me because I forgot all about my blog. *blushes* It also tied in with a beautiful movie I watched last night called, "Just My Luck" starring Lindsay Lohan and Chris Pine. I can't say I'm all that keen on Lindsay in general but mmm Chris is a cutey even in his dork stage. *grins* Just what I was in the mood for too, a romantic comedy - complete chick flick but after watching a horror (Silent Hill) and an action (DOA) it was definately time for a bit of romance to send me into dreamland. I might even go buy this one to keep on my shelf with the other chick flicks I have on hand at home to deal with my sappy moods. lol I know, Hermione is laughing at me because I don't giggle but I love a good cry-worthy or laugh-worthy soppy romance. ![]() The whole movie is a dramatisation of luck and the way it may or may not affect life. I think a lot of luck really has to do with the way you perceive what happens in your life. Sure it would be nice to feel pretty much guarenteed to win on a scratchy but why leave luck to chance? To me it's like getting wet in the rain, if you're going to be grumpy about getting wet it's going to feel like rotten luck if it rains. I'd rather feel vibrant and refreshed, dance in the rain and know that clothes and hair and shoes will dry, but it's not every day you can jump in puddles. ![]() My consideration of luck is a little silly. I pick up money if I find it but don't really relate it to future luck because finding money is pretty lucky right there. Mostly I let my kids pick up money if they're with me because to them finding five cents on the footpath brightens their whole week. *chuckles* I wish on the first star I see if we're out and about at sunset but with no real expectations of outcome, simply because it's something sweet and child-like to do. I still make a wish when I blow out candles on my birthday cake. I always wait up till midnight on New Year's even if I'm stuck at home with two sleeping kids and no one to bring it in with. (Even when I was married and he would be fast asleep I'd wait up and bring it in alone. ![]() ![]() ![]() I think faith and fate have a say in karma as well. I believe in the three-fold rule, what you give out you get back in folds. In being generous with your time, your material wealth and your spirit you gain so much more then you could imagine. For some strange reason I feel very wealthy and blessed when I give. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I have 'enough' which makes me very fortunate. I believe things come in three's, usually the bad things so if you have two things go wrong, prepare yourself for the third because in being prepared you can reduce the severity. You can't prevent it but you can reduce the impact it has on your life. For example, my mother is known to have arguments with her vehicle and objects surrounding it. She's notorious for three's in her car. The first will usually be a scrap, a little paint chaff against a wall or a pole. Second is often a crunch, generally a slightly harder impact with a pole or a wall. *chuckles* You'd think she'd learn from the first. But... having had two within the month or two she's cautious and watching for the third. The third is usually something beyond her control, another vehicle or car failure. Because she's cautious, expecting it the damage is less severe; she was able to take care to move slower, or watch her blind spot more carefully, or avoid taking a risk she would normally take etc. Anyway, totally fell off the point. Basically if something happens in a two it will end in a three. Thankfully this works for the good and the bad. So if your bank clears you a $10 cheque you weren't expecting, and a scratchy hits for $25 I'd buy a lotto ticket. *grins* You might get invited out for lunch with a family member, next week a friend you haven't heard from in a while calls, and then you meet someone knew you hit it off with right away. Three's. ![]() Superstitions are funny aren't they. There are all sorts of them out there. Most of them are utterly rediculous. Except of course, to the people who believe in them. Superstition depends on faith, if you believe in it then it's true, for you. Like my three's I guess. I believe things happen in three's and for me they do. I don't really believe in the all day good luck aspect of finding a penny so it doesn't have that value to me when I find one. In the movie, "Raise Your Voice" the main character actually finds a penny, wrong side up (I didn't know the see a penny rule required it to be the right side up and I'm not sure which side is considered the right side.) Anyway, to her it's not a lucky penny so she doesn't pick it up. Instead, she turns it over, "Now it can be lucky for someone else." ![]() What sort of superstitions do you believe in? |