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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Odd Spot #61: On average, women say 7000 words per day. Men manage just over 2000. See, we know that women had a lot more to say then men. Of the 2000 words men are allowed about half of them are grunts and various other verablisations that women have had to translate over the years. Their intelligable language deminishes swiftly usually asking for breakfast in the morning and regaling their mates at work about the hot chick they scored with the night before. It's interesting that women say so much in a day. It's curious to me because as a writer I do a lot of my talking online and I'm pretty sure I'd cover a great many of those thousands. I probably surpass them in fact but that's because I talk, and type, a great deal. When I'm not in a low I can ramble and rabbit on very well. Apparently I'm interesting because people keep responding when I talk instead of telling me to shut up or go away. ![]() I wonder how many words we each really do say on average. Individually the numbers must vary a great deal. It would all depend on circumstance surely. Sometimes there are occasions when the opportunity to talk just isn't there. Other occasions when we can chatter away. Perhaps the reason men grunt so much is because they save up their words for Friday night down at the pub with the boys. That could also explain why in general they're useless at saying anything deep and meaningful. Most would find it impossible to write their marriage vows or an eulogy. I also wonder how much of this language actually serves mankind. Do what we say in a day make any difference in the world around us? I know I for one ramble a lot of meaningless nonsense. This entire blog for example. lol I also know that part of my goal as a writer is to ensure I do communicate something that has value and worth to the world around me. I wonder how many of the thousands of words spoken every day change the world. Odd Spot #102: On average a human will spend up to 2 weeks kissing in his/her lifetime. Ok, now this seems pretty lame. 2 weeks? Is that ALL? I'd like to spend months of my life kissing. I mean seriously, out of say 80 years that makes about a minute every day of kissing. A MINUTE A DAY! Sure, some days you'll go without kissing, most of your first 15 years I guess you story up some hours of kissing but really I would hope that there is a LOT more kissing then that in my lifetime. I could spend hours making out with a guy on a good day. Just think about it, hours of your 2 week limit get used up in your teens. How much time do you spend kissing while you're having sex? There is usually a fair few minutes there and l certainly hope I have more than a minute of that most of the days of my life. Where do they get results like this anyway? Who tracks how much time they spend kissing? I look back over the years of my marriage and I couldn't gage how much time we spend kissing. Do people fill in a survey or something? Seriously, only people who barely do any kissing take the time to fill in a survey about how much of it they're doing. I'd rather be doing the kissing then filling in a survey about it. Maybe they take a bunch of test subjects and monitor their day to day kissing practices over seveal months? Do they tap some special sensors onto the subjects so that the signal comes back loud and clear with tongues are tangling? You know I'd rather be kissing right now, then arguing about how deprived we are that on average we only get about 2 weeks worth, 336 hours, 20160 minutes, 1209600 seconds in our lives. Odd Spot #72: Daily, the human race grows by about 214,000 people. Wow, that's a LOT of babies. You know what made me really wow on this little fact though? MOST people don't have babies whenever they have sex. Most sexual intercourse does not create life. So if 214,000 babies are born every day that means a HELL of a LOT of people are having sex. Darn why isn't it me? *pouts* *grins* Think about it, even people trying to have a baby are unsuccessful over and over again. Millions of people are having sex every day. consider that each of these babies has a single carrier, hell go while, some of these babies are multiples from the same carrier, each carrier had sex with someone else. If we just assumed say 200,000 babies were born of 200,000 mothers, that's 400,000 people having sex. That's 400,000 people creating a baby so if they're actually successfully procreating how many hundreds of thousands are protected or unsuccessful? EVERY DAY!!!! Seriously, I want to be in on that action. How many people are there in the world? How many of them are of the age when they are deemed mature enough to have sex and babies? Of those millions of people MOST of them are probably having sex. I know, most of you are groaning like me at those sorts of odds. What's wrong with us that we aren't one of millions having sex? *sighs sadly* One of the many mysteries of life I suppose. The good news is that people are having more sex every day. Population continues to climb. So maybe we'll be lucky and can have sex tomorrow. Any takers? ![]() Odd Spots curtesy of Libra womens sanitary pads. ![]() |