14 Qawl 163 B.E. – December 6, 2006
These questions were in a journaling newsletter I received at my Yahoo e-mail address. The name of the newsletter is Doreenes About Journaling. This newsletter is written by “Doreene Clement" dkcomni@aol.com. These questions are from Doreene’s Book The 5 Year Journal. The idea is to answer these questions about once a year.
Name Three Likes
Chocolate Ice cream
Name Three Dislikes
Lumps in my gravy or oatmeal or any food that’s not supposed to have lumps in it
The high gas prices
Distracted drivers
Name Three Good or Easy Things That Happened This Last Year
Serving on a Grand Jury
Working the election polls during the primary and general election
Being in a medical study
Name Three Bad or Hard Things That Happened This Last Year
Paying a over $200.00 for a moving violation over several weeks
Overdraft fees in my checking account
Not seeing a movie of any type for an entire year
What Did I Do For Myself This Last Year?
Decided to complete my Masters’ degree and changed the program to Instructional Technology
What Did I Do Against Myself This Last Year?
My self-talk
If I Could Change One Thing About Myself, What Would That Be?
More faith in God
If I Could Change One Thing About My Life, What Would That Be?
More money
If I Could Change One Thing About The World, What Would That Be?
That humanity focus on the things it has in common rather than it differences
What Are Three Things I Have Changed or Done Differently This Year?
Decided to complete the Ruhi courses and am in the process
Decided to dress the for myself rather than for the rest of the world, now I need a new wardrobe
Set specific writing and prayer goals
What Are Three Things I Have Kept The Same?
My cats
My car
My computer
What Are Three Things That I was Reluctant To Do, But Did Them Anyway?
Walked from the Red Parking Garage to the justice center when I was on the Grand Jury
Walked from the house to the bank and back again (between three to five miles) when the car was having problems
Ask to barrow money, which I still have to repay
What Are Three Things That I Was Reluctant To Do, But Want To Do This Nest Year?
Ride in a hot air balloon
Ride in the Las Vegas monorail
Go out of the United States