Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/472744-Politicians-are-Stupid-Morons
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#472744 added December 3, 2006 at 8:29am
Restrictions: None
Politicians are Stupid Morons
Yeah well that about sums up one of those ultimate truths doesn't it? I want to say bastards too but since my parents never married it would be an insult to me to put them in the same category. But really, they're selfish and retarded and overall generally just blind to the needs of the people they are supposed to be the voice of.

Ok, so you're all wondering what Rebecca's on her high horse about now huh? *chuckles* Well I'm just peeved. Because I want to write tonight. I'm not going to bed until I've written the first segment of the story Forge and I are collaborating on. BUT... My kids aren't sleeping. Want to know why? Because of stupid, moron politicians.

For years Western Australia has had referrendums asking the people if we should instigate daylight savings. For years it's been a fairly solid "NO" Yet the arguements keep coming up for DLS and this year the politicians decided to have a yap in house about it. After a few days debate they decided to say, "Stuff what the public want, we'll make more money if we can do DLS like the rest of the country do."

Seriously, it's rediculous. Don't they realise that DLS is an outdated custom originating to the days when industry depended on making the most of daylight hours. People would wake up in the morning when the sun rose and wind down in the evening when it set. So business ran to the sun, it made sense to change general business hours in the summer months to counter for the long sunlight hours.

But PEOPLE!!! We've had ELECTRICITY for years now. We no longer function on sunlight because we have artificial sun 24/7. We no longer wake up with the sun we wake up with an alarm clock. We function by the time on the dials instead of the stars in the sky. Daylight Savings no longer makes any sense at all. In fact it makes less sense then ever.

Anyway, tonight I'm particularly peeved because as of 2AM/3AM this morning we wound our clocks forward. So all day today the kids have been rocked out of our routine. They aren't hungry at noon because when it's noon it's actually 11AM. They aren't tired at 7PM because at 7PM it's really 6PM and that's when they usually have their dinner and baths. Tomorrow morning however my oldest will start school at 8:50 same as usual, but it won't be 8:50, it'll be 7:50 which is about when she normally wakes up. Seriously, who thought this stupid idea up? Their routine is out of wack so they can't sleep anyway, AND they have to get up and hour earlier than usual.

The strangest part is that they go to bed an hour earlier in DSL but the sun doesn't. Really, it's 7PM and bedtime but the sun still has another few hours in it. They don't understand why they have to sleep while the sun is still bright in the sky blinding on their bedroom windows. Try telling a six and two year old that retard politicians decided we could all pretend time takes a leap for a few months.

The craziest thing is in three months just when our bodies are getting used to the new hours, they tell us "Oh, it's over now, set your clocks back to normal." And the routines are all messed up all over again. Kids have been in school a month and then we rock their boat again. My kids don't take to having their boat rocked. They're sensitive to change. They've been through enough with the rocks life's thrown in their path already.

So, overprotective mother vibe going on leads me to be seriously upset and annoyed at this pathetic stunt. I understand the arguements FOR DLS but you know what? If NO ONE did DLS they wouldn't exist. Come on have you not noticed that people? Businesses want to be in par with the rest of the country who wind their clocks forward, they feel like interstate business loses an hour but if the other states stopped the antiquated tradition it would be a non-issue.

The crazy thing about it is that they come in with this saying they're "trialing" DLS. As if, once they put it in place even for a trial that's it, it'll go on and on for years. No matter how much people protest it won't put it back to normal. Politicians overrule what their citizens really want. They decide what's best for us as if we can't decide for ourselves. This is why I'm an anarchist. Because people aren't stupid as a general rule. We put our hands on a hot stove and get burned but the majority don't then put their hand back again on the stove. I honestly believe that if as a majority we could decide for ourselves how best to take care of our needs the entire country, indeed the entire world would be better off.

*sighs* Yeah, I'm peeved. In rant mode. And my 2yo is still wide awake on my lap and I'm getting nothing written. Tomorrow I'll be getting up at 7AM like normal, except it's really 6AM *groans* I wish I could just ignore the clock for 3 months until all this is over. But unfortunately it's not so easy. The school expects her on time, shopping centers open and close on the clock, TV schedules go by that there ticker, doctors appointments and friends and dentists and all manner of appointments are all going to based on DLS now. So I'll ride it out and hopefully my kids will get used to the NEW routine and not be up all hours of the night for the next ten years. *sighs*

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