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Inspired by God - written by man. But it's not the Bible. |
Some Golden Time Way back when, In some golden time, I remember it well, When you were mine. Our love Was so strong. We knew it would Last forever-long. Finally, some golden time began to fade; And your wishes I regrettedly obeyed. You come back to me Each night I dream. And thoughts of you Make me glow and beam. As I go back when, in some golden time; I remember it well, When you were mine. Give Me A Dream There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. Give me a dream, And I 'll make it come true. Give me a wish, And I will obey. Whatever it is, I 'll do as you say. Some people say My mind is hazy, And some people Say I 'm crazy. The odds are against me; That much I know, But it's my feelings With which I feel I must go. It may be hard For you to see, But here I am; I 'm only me. I want you so, I want you so, You'll never know How much I need you so. You are my dream, And you'll live on forever. For you are my dream. You are my dream. What Is A Woman She is someone with feelings. She is someone with needs. She is someone who is understanding. She is someone who is caring and concerned. She is someone with self-respect and pride. She is someone deserving of much more Than to be taken for granted. She is someone to be revered for all of her achievements Regardless how big or small. She is someone entitled to much more than she gets. She is a human being. She is love.… And I will remember her…. Always. Joy To My Life You’ve been On my mind For quite Some time. I'm not the kind To play around. To you, somehow, I feel bound. Thinking of you is A very pleasant thing. And joy to my life Is what you bring. Deadly Silence Silence can be deadly. If let go, it can drive you to the edge of no return. If all you can "hear" is yourself, you can become "deaf" to the sound of yourself. Because you don't want to hear what you are saying. What you want to hear is a response to what you are saying. Many times you don't always "hear" the response you want to hear. So, you don't really pay any attention to it (As if you didn't "hear the response.) Quite often, when you ignore a response, you find out later, that you are hearing the response by seeing the outcome of your actions. You find out, too late, that you did, in fact, "hear" the response. Sometimes the lack of listening to a response (such as), "What's been wrong with you lately?" (Your response: "Oh, nothing that matters.") This can be a clue. A clue to a possible problem that, if let go, could result in the serious downfall for a friend. Maybe even in their death; due to suicide. Frustration Frustration can be a real kick in the pants. If you don't deal with it up front, it'll sneak in the back way and before you know it, your under its control. Sometimes we need to face it with a little help. Other times we feel we can kick the pants clean off of it; even though we're not the one who is frustrated. Sometimes we don't even think an entire army could even begin to budge it. All in all, I'd say with God's help and some faithful friends believing in our abilities, we can lick most anything that happens to cross our path. The Vet The man of whom I 'm about to speak, Is a man so cold, Yet mild and meek. He's a man Who knew What he Had to do To keep this Country safe for People like Me and you. This man In Nam, Dodged many A bomb. He watched People die. Many like You and I. They were mostly innocent, Or so you might think; Or would they stab you in the back And an eye never blink. Trust is something There was little of. It was mostly Faith That came from Above.. Most of his tour Was a living Hell. And when he got home, His pride nearly fell. Here he was, Home.... And free. But himself he found He could never be. A Ranger's Wish We all have an instinct to live. And who knows, without the Ranger, We might be In real danger. Their Main goal Was to save a Buddy's soul. So they could All come home And never Feel alone. Rangers Are men Willing to do Whatever, and then, Justify as they need, Their "Dirty deed." What seems dirty To us, is A fight for Survival to them. At least That's the way They lived every day. They come Home for affection But, instead, Find rejection From a Country They All love. Their feelings are.... They wish they were dead. All the while thinking.... "What a shame! How my buddies blood was shed." They feel Anger and Shame. And it's Themselves they blame. Because their country turned its back away, But they still try to live From day to day. All these Things above Are what they got From a country they still love. M.I.A.'s Forever When our Boys came back, It seems to me, They caught a lot of flack. When they got home, They weren't themselves. And most people just shoved Them back on separate shelves. People didn't know Who these men were. Some used to be Like a cuddly ball of fur. But now, they were more Like a keg of nails. Many of them were Sickly and pale. They didn't Act the same; And no one took the time To ask "Who's to blame?" To most of these guys, They'd seen better days. Now they feel like The M. I. A.'s. They know They’ll never be What their families used to see. They know the True fact! They'll never be able To bring themselves back. Reality has This to say; They will always Be "M. I. A. 's." Country Look around you And you will see That Country is as Country can be. It's so Down home And you never Feel alone. It's the real things of life That you face from day to day, That make you know Why life is this way. Of Winds And Wings As these children are the "Wind of Meaning" in our life, beneath our wings, so let us be the "Wind of Hope" in their life, beneath their wings. Lonesome Agony Loneliness carries with it a certain agony. An agony of constant frustration and confusion. It gives a certain air of inferiority and a strong insecurity that you find very hard to get rid of. You find yourself fighting the insecurity on a twenty-four hour a day battle field.... Every day! You wish and pray as hard as you can, in the strong hopes that you will be rid of it; so you can feel a little better about yourself and what you do. Once you think about saying "To hell with you, loneliness! I'm not going to pay any attention to you." And you go ahead with trying to do something, you find yourself saying "Was I really right to do what I just did?" Then the insecurity and doubt hit you in the face like a steel fist. And it seems like too much for you to try and overcome. This sometimes brings about an indecision as to where to turn for security and back-up that what you just did was the right thing. This brings you to conclude that you are inferior for your failure to have the confidence that what you did was really right. Not having someone there to say they are standing by you is a very scary feeling. Believe me.... I know! The Gift Of Giving I'm too deep a person, Or so some might say. But I'm just being me From day to day. I have some problems, As most people do. But I'm really no Different than you. Before I get wrapped up In a great big tangle, I'd better say that I look At life from a different angle. Life has its Ups and downs, But the ups usually Take away the frowns. The little things in life Make it all worth living. But it's the joy I feel In the gift of giving. Dogs Dogs are nice, Oh yes they are. That's why people Come from near and far. To show their dog (Is a real joy). From the biggest, all the Way to the smallest toy. All seem to Enjoy the fun. The goal is the Same for everyone. All the way from the East, Clear out to the West, They all want to see If their dog is the best. So your dog Didn't take first; I'll bet you Could still burst. Because when you get Home you’ll still have “The best of Champions“.... Your dog. Loving Obedience She was good. She was kind. And any of my commands She'd never mind. She was Ever grateful, And always Faithful. Never a whimper, nor a cry; Always carrying that Special gleam in her eye. Forever coming in My direction, For a lot of love And caring affection. These things above And much, much more, Are the memories I'll always adore. How Much Do I Miss My Pet? Sit down and read this And I'll tell you as best I can. She upheld the reputation As the best friend of man. She was Always there And Never complained. She did as She was told, And I never Had to scold. She would listen Intently and Answer with a Look of understanding. As a pup, she was Always under foot. So you had to make sure That you took a good look. As she got older, She slowly learned She couldn't "steal" a drink Of my coffee without getting burned. In her Adulthood, Strong and tall She stood. Proud And dignified. And that, my friend, Is how she died (March 19,1984). (And I still cry when I think about her.) She's Gone There once was this little black and tan, bob-tailed thing that I once saw. When I saw her, I wanted to pick her up. That was my mistake. I never put her down until I got her home. From then on, it just seemed to get better and better. All through her life she seemed to carry this charisma about her that stayed with me. It shown out from her every time I came home. We went for walks and played together, and filled a lot of empty spots in each others lives. I don't care what she was doing; if I called her, she'd come on a dead run. Boy! What good times we had! People would sometimes stop and talk to me about her and watch her workout. Many of them made comment about how well behaved she was for a Doberman. But, facts are facts.... Now, she's gone. Goodbye, Charmin. March 19th, 1984 From A Pup Up As a puppy, she was Always playful, And in her own way, Always grateful. When she Was one, She was Full of fun. When she Was two, And I Was blue, She always Found a way To make My day. When She was three, With her around, It wasn't long Before I found It was Not just me, But Mostly we. When she Turned four, She seemed to Always want more. When we went For a walk, With her eyes She would talk. Seeming To say At the end Of the day, "Everything is Alright." she'd Curl up on the bed Real nice and tight. When she Was five, She seemed So alive. On days when I Was lonely and blue, It seemed to turn out To be just us two. We'd go For a walk And to her I would talk, And with just her eyes, She seemed to say "Everything Will be Okay." When she Was six, There was Quite a mix. Somewhat quiet And somewhat somber, I would Often wonder.... (What drives This animal To maintain Her attitude?) I later Found out What it was All about. When she Was seven It was still Like Heaven. Three months Before she was eight, The day came, I knew I would hate. March 19, 1984, By seven p.m., Charmin was no more. What A Friend! When I was down to the bottom of the barrel, my friend cleaned up most of it only to find me in the bottom. He did most of the work by himself and without my knowledge. He, at the same time, was working on cleaning me up. It has been a long, hard battle and it still has a long way to go before the peace treaty is agreed upon and gets signed, but with his help, I know I can get my name at the bottom of that treaty. All that has been accomplished to this point in time, is due largely to the persistence and drive my friend has shown me. I know I could not have done one half of what has been done without his guidance and constantly telling me that he knows I can do it. Without him , I would not have the things I still have. I owe him much more than a monetary amount. I owe him a lifetime of devotion and all the respect I can muster within me. Even this does not seem, to me, to be a sufficient payment for the self-respect that he has helped me to regain. All of these things he has done unselfishly and without any expectations of repayment of any kind in return. The only true reward that I can think of that would be anywhere close to being justified, would be the undisputed entry of this man into the Kingdom Of God, for he has surely earned it by his deeds here on earth. These words are dedicated to you, Larry. Feelings Feelings can be harsh, Or feelings can be tender. Sometimes your feelings Can be a wound mender. Feelings can be happy Or sometimes sad. Sometimes they're mixed, And sometimes they're bad. Regardless what Your feelings are, They'll always Be yours. Peace (E) Music is understood around the world. I can't understand why, but it is. The notes don't change from one country to the next, but yet it is always known from Bach to Rock. From one country to the next,it seems that music is a universal language. Why isn't the word "Peace" also a universal word? It seems that everyone wants it, but no one can seem to find a way to achieve it. What I think people are not realizing, is that when they say they want "Peace", what they are really saying is they want power. Another thing they don't realize is, the potential power of Peace. To me, Peace has more power than any bomb or weapon that will ever be made. Peace (P) Music is a Universal thing. Most of the time Happiness is what it brings. Basic notes don't Change from Bach To Rock. Why isn't Peace A universal thing? Can you imagine The happiness that would bring? The Representative I happened to see a heart-shaped piece of candy (Chocolate) the other day, and it had a picture of a rose on it. The first thought to cross my mind was that a rose could be a representative of any number of things. One thing could be a pair of wedding rings. Another thing would be a representation of singularity (prior to marriage) to one person. If I were to take more time, I might even be able to convince myself that the list of things a rose could represent might be on the verge of being endless. Liars Never Win My definition of a liar is loser. They lose their friends, and sooner or later, they lose face in themselves. Sometimes they even lose loved ones very dear to them. Lying is not worth what little time is gained in making people think you did or did not say or do something. Lying only prolongs the inevitable confrontation about something said or not said. Done or not done. You will have to explain your actions; regardless. In the end, "The truth Always Prevails."{/left Words Words don't mean a thing by themselves. They need to be put in an understandable, chronological sequence in order to make sense and have some kind of meaning. Some words don't make any sense by themselves because the meaning of that word is not known. What should be done is to find out the meaning of that word, and be very careful to use it only it is needed. That way, a better understanding and appreciation of words can take place. We can't begin to understand life unless we talk about it. And we need words to talk. A Mother-in-law's Stuff With this world Setting a new pace, You don't need a mother-in-law Screaming in you face. Everything stays Calmed down As long as she's In her end of town. When she comes around, There's usually trouble. (But does it always Have to come double?) Oh well, I guess I love my wife enough. Even to the point of putting up With my mother-in-law's stuff. A Likable Enemy To Some Hi there. I'm your friendly fighter of P.T.A. Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers. What's my name, you ask? Well, I have many. Call me whites, crosses, bennies, cocaine, acid, heroine, and many more. So take your pick. I like it when a kid or adult chooses me again instead of going to a D and A Treatment Center for classes and help. Heck, I can give them all the help they need. And besides, that way I have the advantage. They don't have any idea or advance warning about the crippling, deadly effect I can have on their lives. I love it when I get a chance to surprise them. By the time they get the surprise, it's usually too late! Just thinking about it makes me all tingly. I get to give them their final surprise! Ha! Ha! Ha! The preceding has been brought to you by: "The Killing Chemicals United." For My Daughter's Sake Who am I to say what's "good for my daughter's sake?" After all, I never had a chance to raise her, or even see her from the time she was two and a half years old. I wasn't there when she went to school for the first time. I wasn't there whenever she fell and hurt herself, so I could comfort her and make her feel like the pain wasn't so bad. I wasn't there when she needed the comfort of "visiting the dentist for her teeth pulling and denture fittings. I wasn't there when she became a teenager. I wasn't there when no one else was around so she could come to me for advise or just to be there to listen to what she had to say. I just plain and simple, wasn't there. Now this might sound like I am having a lot of the old "Feel sorry for me." kind of attitude type feelings, but that's not the case. All I'm trying to do is face the truth (as we all must do eventually). Who am I? I'm only her biological father. But she doesn't know that. Illusions Illusions are dreams and wishes of our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind wants these thoughts to become reality so badly that it ends up being brought forward to our conscious mind and forces our conscious mind to create these things in our "minds eye"; not realizing that these things are registering in our conscious mind. As they register in our conscious mind, they are a pleasant enough of a feeling to us, and we may wish to make that illusion into a reality if it is at all possible. Once we have turned the illusion into a reality, and satisfied our conscious desire for an illusionistic reality, we have served a second purpose; one of satisfying our subconscious desires. Friendly Acquaintances Believe it or not, some friends are merely acquaintances. Some people have a lot of acquaintances and only a few they consider as friends. The reason they say, is this: because their friends have always been there when they are needed, and their acquaintances made up some flimsy kind of excuse for not being able to help out. Some people have always tried to help everyone they can; acquaintances and friends alike, in the hopes that if they ever really needed help, they could have people they could count on and trust to give them a helping hand. Some people never expect any "special" treatment. Just equal treatment. They try as best they can. Not just with money, but in small ways. Like loaning something they have to someone who may have a need to or want to borrow a particular item. They don't expect a monetary repayment. Only the return, in good condition, of that item which was borrowed. Who knows, maybe someday they may be able to repay that "loan" by just listening in the best interest of a friend. Even something like just listening may mean a lot to some one. Some people consider their life to be a very private thing, and would not like to have their confidence broken. Just having the confidence of knowing that what you are saying will not be “spread allover town” makes some people feel like they have been "repaid." All of these things can mean the difference between being a friend or just another acquaintance. The Faces Of Death The faces of death Have many looks. Each one is worse than The spookiest of books. As time wears on, I begin to see That death is on the Prowl and stalking me. Sometimes I see In that wretched face, A very peaceful, calm, And loving place. Sometimes I see Nothing but turmoil; And I get so angry, It makes my blood boil! I guess what Gets to me the most, Is the fact of how much I fear this wretched Ghost. This ghost is one that Only a few can see. Constantly reminded, It's torment won't let me be. Inhumanity "Man's inhumanity to man." That's quite a saying, isn't it? Try stopping and thinking of what it means today. Over the years, unlike the dictionary (where the definitions of very few words change), the definition “seems” to have changed. I say "seems", because, really, it isn't the definition that has "changed "; it's the peoples values of those words that has "changed" it's meaning. The value of these words is like the value of the dollar to some people. Not worth very much. People don't realize that when they treat others like a dog, they, in turn, end up getting treated that same way. And when someone has been treated that way, they treat others that way, and it starts a chain reaction that keeps on going until the "snowball" becomes a "snow-boulder" that can not be stopped. I wonder if anyone ever thought about a positive reversal. By that I mean, if the same is true of treating people the way they want to be treated. It doesn't make much sense to me that people want to be treated so badly, so, they're going to treat others like a dog that has done something wrong. I don't expect people to do anything but laugh at what I say here, but then again, I can dream, can't I? Or is that something that people forgot how to do? It seems that anything that will benefit others without any return, is "suicidal." If people stop and think a little bit (hey, this was done to help me out. Maybe I can auto-matically return the favor. If I can not help the person who helped me, maybe I can pass the favor on to someone else who can use it. In return, I'll be adding to my reputation instead of subtracting from it. Maybe, just maybe, they might be able to contribute to making the world a better place in which to live. Armageddon Why are people in such a hurry these days? Is it because they (in the back of their simple little minds) know that the time is at hand for making preparations for the final Armageddon (but they don't want to admit it to themselves or anyone else.)? They might as well face the fact! Because they will have no other choice later on. If they face it now, when it gets here, it will be much easier to accept once Armageddon does arrive. Future's Fate All we need to do now is try and put our differences behind us and get on with the task of trying to find more suitable ways to be able to work together in the future. For the future. This is the only way we can insure that our future offspring will have a place to be; let alone having a place. Because if we don't take care of what we have now, there will be nothing for those who follow us in the future (if there are going to be others to follow us .... period). We may not be able to have any offspring if things continue to decline as they are now (meaning Global Warming due to the lack of care for our atmosphere, and other such related things). We must learn now that there is a "clear" and present danger developing in our atmosphere, that if not brought under control now, will be just cause for there being no capability to reproduce. And even if repro-duction is possible, there will be a zero morality rate. Even if there is say a two percent mortality rate, where are these newborns going to go that will allow them to survive? Think about it, people have had a nice planet in which to be born and raised on, and live on. Don't those who will follow us deserve to have the same chance at survival as we had? As I see it; future's fate (to say nothing of our fate) is laying directly and squarely on our shoulders. I'm not saying "Oh, let's go save the whales." Or "Let's save the Seals and Dolphins." What I am saying is let's save everything (including the right of passage for those in the future). The animals were doing fine until mankind stepped in and decided to do things "in the name of progress." That "progress" has cost the lives of countless thousands of animals (including humans) thanks to people not taking enough time to think far enough ahead into the future. Animals have been around for billions of years. Some have gone by the wayside without the human species doing anything. But look at the ratio of natural causes to human causes, and you will probably see that more animals have died because of things the human species has done in the name of progress than animals that have died of natural disasters. I don't have any figures to back up the previous statement, but I'm sure there must be some figures out there, or there wouldn't be people trying to inform us that we are the cause of the loss of some animals. Someday, far into the future, someone will investigate this planet, and ask themselves what we are asking each other today. "Did life exist on this planet at one time? And if it did, what caused it to become a dead planet?" Is this the kind of legacy you want to leave for the future? Or do you want to have others in the future be here to extend an open hand of friendship to others of this Universe? As they say in sports.... "You make the call." My Shadow, My Friend I know someone Who is always there. And with them, Everything is what I share. It makes no difference Wherever I go, whatever I do, Thais someone seems to know. I say not A single word. Being so careful to not Even let a thought be heard. When I get to Where I'm going, I look 'round, And then sigh (not knowing). That upon my arrival, So did they. That's why now, I travel by night and not day. For I sometimes wish To be left alone; I hurry, and scurry, And then look around. And moan. For here he is At the very end. Who is it? Who else. My shadow, My Friend. A Puppies Life There once was A puppy named Muddy, Who wanted so badly To be everyone’s buddy. And wanted to chew on Everything like socks and balls. Whenever he could. In the bedrooms and the halls. Sometimes he would Run away with things, and hide them. Things from mittens To Mother's brand new dress hem. Finally one day came When Muddy learned of other things. Like going out for walks, And seeing children in swings. "What a strange new world." Thought Muddy to himself. "I'm a lot better off than those Funny little statues sitting on a shelf." "Yes sir! You can bet Your favorite ham. I think I'll enjoy Being what I am." The Voice Of A Pen Whether you know it or not, you have a voice; even if you can not talk. This is where your "voice" can be "heard." Through the point of a pencil or ink pen. When it comes time for elections, even though you can not get out to a polling place, you can still be "heard " by an absentee ballot. Or if you have no way to get to a polling place, there is always a way to get there, but the main thing is, your "voice" can still be "heard " from the point of a pencil or ink pen. Let your voice be "heard " the next time elections are held. Why What motivates us to ask "Why?" Most people would say it is the "nature" of some people to be curious and ask "Why?"; want to find out the answer to "Why?" This could become an infinitive statement trying to answer the question "Why?" So I will leave it to each of you who reads the words here written, to give your own answer to the infinitive question of Why?" I think each of us (in some way) will have the "right" answer. Moral Convictions What do we have as a recourse for the inappropriate actions of our governmental officials? Do we just stand by and let them do as they wish without fear of any kind of repercussions for their actions? I say that they should be given one stern warning and then they need to be reminded with a removal from office for the second offense (regardless if the offense is the same as the first or not). These people have got to remember that we are the ones who put them where they are, and we are the ones who can take them back out from where we put them. They are not immune from answering to us for their actions, because they are where they are as spokespersons for the majority. They are to only give the majority opinion on what ever subject matter is being discussed. As for the matter of Mr. Clinton's recent "exploits," I think Mr. Clinton is forgetting that there are children who "look up" to whoever is in the presidential position as a guide or "Mentor" by which these children set forth their own protocol as to how they will conduct themselves when they reach the age of maturity. If these children receive "mixed messages" from what they see on the television and from their parents, this could only confuse them, and then everyone will have a problem, because it will take a lot longer to try and straighten out the con- fusion of the "mixed messages." For the sake of our "next generation," I can only hope that the people of this great nation will try and help by holding firm to their own convictions and remembering that our nation and world are at stake here. Let's give the next generation all the help we can so they can carry on with as good or better convictions (and stronger convictions) than we have now. And what of our beloved Mayor right here in Omaha? It looks like he (Mayor Daub) has managed to get himself in some kind of trouble (whether it is with a contractor or someone who just doesn't like the way Mayor Daub is doing things in or out of the Mayor's Office). A petition against the Mayor is in no way a good thing in anybody's eyes. Regardless who it is, or what they are accused of supposedly doing, you are not looked upon favorably by people when one of these is filed. No. I'm not dreaming, or naive. I strongly believe that anything is possible under any circumstances. It's called having faith in God, and believing that anything is possible, thank you. Don't Have Enough Time Decelerate long enough to see what you say you don't have enough time to stop and appreciate. Who knows; you just might decide to stop long enough to “smell the roses” a little more often. Sure Of Our Path What do we do with the magic? Do we try to figure out, or just Accept it for what it is? Should we Do with it what we can, or should we Experiment a little. Say, try some- Thing different. See where the magic Can take us. Let ourselves go a little. Expand our self-worth. See what we are Capable of. (With a little help from "A friend.") But let's not get carried Away. Getting carried away will only Get us into more trouble than we can Handle. We must be very sure of our path Of intent, and stay with that intent. We Dare not waiver from our original goal. Only in this way can we reduce any confusion As to our sincerity and show That we have our determination set To one thing, and only one thing. Regardless what the goal may be. Don't Worry About What should you do about your life? Try to change those things you want to change; and what you know about those things you want to change but can not, simply don't worry about. Anyone showing non-acceptance of you for those things you know you can not change is not worthy of your time. It Used To Be, But It's Not Anymore Things change so often, so fast, That before you know it, something New last week, is now a thing of the past. It used to be that our High School Was only one block from down town, But it isn't anymore. It used to be that kids were not Allowed to be out late at night, But it isn't anymore. It used to be that our biggest Problem was making sure we Had all our chores done So we could go into town On Saturday night, But it isn't anymore. It used to be that your biggest fear when You got into a fight was if you could actually win, But it isn't anymore. It used to be that your biggest concern Was getting a zit just before the Home Coming dance, But it isn't anymore. It used to be that the thought of Death by violence never crossed your mind, But that's not the case anymore. Nothing from this day-in-age Is as things used to be anymore (What a shame)! The Flames Of Turmoil Why do people think they have to continually fan the flames of turmoil? Is it so they can think of themselves as being that much more "macho?" God sent Jesus Christ to bring us the word of peace. Why and when will people realize that peace means we don't have to go through a lot of chaos in our lives. That things will be much easier for us if we accept the loving peace that God has given to us. Do people think that they have to have constant turmoil in their life to help them become stronger than the next person, so they will feel like they will be able to survive longer than someone else, or what? All nations are (or should I say were) created equal in the sight of our creator. So was (and is as they are born) each human being. What ever brought about this "need" to be stronger than someone (or anyone else for that matter)? I know that in nature, "only the strong survive," but we are of a different category within the realm of nature. With God controlling things, we don't "need " to be strong like the rest of things in nature. All we need to do is to put one hundred per cent of our trust in God and He will be all the strength we will ever need. This piece needs to be read in seperate columns starting at the top left going down, then to the center, going down, and finally, to the right column, going down. I'm no good at setting this up right. Somehow, each word got set up on its' own line starting with the first word. So everything looks off by one line (which it is). I send my appologies for my ineptitude. The last five lines of the right hand cloumn make up a sentence. "Forty Feelings" angry frustrated sorrow apprehensive full sorry at ease happy spooky bewildered hate surprised bored hungry timid confident hurt uneasy confused joy unwanted contempt love upset contented needed wanted disgusted nervous yearning eerie reassured (And just think. empty relieved God gave us fearful sad all the ability to frustrated scary experience each fortunate shocked of these.) "Best" Enemy It's not a good thing To be annoyed by your "Best" enemy twenty-four Hours a day, seven days a Week, four weeks a month (Sometimes five weeks a month), Twelve months a year for some Twenty plus years of your life. This is the best that I can Describe how our young men (and women) Have had to do since their Return from Viet Nam. Now, Add to this, all the abuse These same people take (even Today) from "people" who have No idea, or way to even begin To imagine the horror those who Were there were subjected to. In the name of "Communism", The Viet Cong would even Sacrifice their own small Children and babies. (And they Called our men "baby killers"? I don't hardly think so.) As Jesus once said "Let he who Is without sin cast the first Stone." If you were never there, You could never begin to imagine What it was really like, and you Should have no right to try and pass Judgment on anyone for what they did While in service of this great Nation. Freedom (Spirit) There is no shame in truthfulness And honesty. Only Freedom for your Spirit. Freedom (Soul) There is no shame in truthfulness and honesty. Only freedom for your Soul. Let Him God is willing to richly bless you and Your life. If you will only let Him. Acceptance God has already richly blessed Both you and your life. You Just haven’t accepted that fact Yet. Sugar Coating What do we need to succeed in this world? Do we cover things up and make them look "rosy" for everyone? Or let people see them for what they really are, and hope they will be accepted as they are. What is generally done should not be done, but everyone these days is too spoiled, so we have to "sugar coat" certain things so people will accept them. With all this "sugar coating" going on, I would say that there are a lot of people in for a very rude awakening when our day of atonement arrives, and we are given the cold, hard facts as they really are ( minus all the frills and "sugar coating"). What Gets Cranked Out {indent{I wish I could write more and make it be worth reading as well as worth writing. I can't look at myself in the mirror and honestly say that I feel that my writing is worthy of my claiming it to be mine. I would like nothing more than to be able to sit down and put out the kind of material that the general public would read and be willing to accept as material that they could give their children and say "Now this is good reading material, and something you can learn from." Not “Another 'Want-to-be writer' with material that stinks just like ninety per cent of what gets cranked out these days.” "We" The People Sounds pretty good to start with. But when you get as many "people" as there are in the United States today, you're bound to have a good number of those who say "I have too much competition here. I better look out for my best interest and not 'follow the crowd '." Going with the majority has become less and less popular because of what I call "self-centeredness." "We" the people has now become "Me" the person. Sounds very sad to hear when you think of how our forefathers envisioned this nation far beyond their days. They foresaw a nation of people united for all time in the best interest of all people of this great nation; not in the best interest of a few rich people (who were not happy with what wealth they had and) who wanted to get richer. Actions We are responsible for our actions and only our own actions. No one else’s actions will be responsible for our miscalculation or wrong doings. Bound All good people are bound to three things: Duty, Honor, and Country. Representation Under The Flag As we all know, there are three colors to our great Representative of Freedom: The Blue represents the beauty of our great land, and at the same time, the hard hits and bruises we've taken to get where we are today. The White represents our being the "Good Guys" who try to help other nations when they are struggling for Democracy and self-representation. And last, but not least (by anyone's standards), the Red represents all of the many men and women who gave their life's blood to see to it that we are able to celebrate our Freedom. Why then, do some "people" want to desecrate that representation? Yesterday Yesterday was A time of good. We'd all like to go There again if we could. For each of us as a Young girl or boy, Yesterday was a time of Anticipation and much joy. Yesterday brings with It such pleasure, That no other time Can ever measure. Yesterday is a Little like pure gold. Unlike that gold, memories Are all that yesterday can hold. And, somehow, yesterday Still helps smooth out our pain. So we can pick up And go on again. Home Sweet Home There is No place Else like Home Sweet Home. With family and Friends, we never Feel alone at Home Sweet Home. Our comfort And security Are at Home Sweet Home. Our love And devotion Are to Home Sweet Home. Our pride And dignity Come from Home Sweet Home. Our compassion Is based On Home Sweet Home. Eden may have Been serene, But so is Home Sweet Home. The Mystic Moon{/center What brings the moon such a mystic beauty? How does the moon, in all its splendor, manage to hold us in such a spell-bound manner? Is it because it sits so high in the star lit sky? Perhaps because it is so far away. Is there some kind of unknown power that uses the moon to mystify our minds, and still not reveal itself to us? Or is it all in our minds? Too Good To Be True When you have someone who treats you "to perfection", doesn't it feel like it's too good to be true? Having things done for you just the way you want them done. Having someone there at the time when you need them the most. Having same that someone saying just the right words that give you the reassurance you need. Having that someone there to listen when you tell them about a very special event in your life that makes you want to burst unless you tell someone, and have that someone become so overjoyed with enthusiasm for your good fortune. Or having that someone there to "pick you up" whenever things go wrong. Sharing your sorrow during a misfortune, and being very sincere in their feelings of sorrow for you in your time of need. Having all of these things described in the foregoing is something to feel very fortunate for having. It, to some people, would be too good to be true. A Quotation From The Heartland We, the people of the Heartland, willingly offer every hand, and are also willing to do whatever we can, to help any person. Because they are our fellow "man". We would like to be able to succeed, and in order to do that, we will need to help others. We can't do it alone. In the process of having others help us, we are helping others. Those outside of our "territory" who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in need of help, will receive whatever support they need from "Heartland Helpers" because "Heartland Helpers" look mat the situations of others as though they (Heartland Helpers) were the ones in need of help. They can see how much the help would be appreciated, if it were them in need of help. Hang Your Head Letting people Burn the flag Could turn out To be a real drag. I think those Who want to burn it, Should somehow, accidentally End up in a snake pit. Our forefathers Worked long and hard. So that we could be proud Of this country we guard. If they could only see What's happening now, Their hearts would sag And their heads would bow. All the Sorrow and shame We've brought to this Country's good name, Is enough to Make them behave And want to turn Over in their grave. Don't let a Paltry few Be able to step All over you. Most of the people in This country are real proud. Join them.... and Show it.... real loud ! Self-belief Ever try and keep things to yourself? If you do this enough, eventually you find yourself (if you pay attention to yourself) in a transition. You start to change. And if you don't pay attention, before long, even if you do notice it, it may be too late to correct it, if you don't like what you are seeing as changes. Then you may be "stuck" with what you are. I say "stuck" because it may be very hard to change into what you want because it me become too frustrating when you try so hard to make a "change for the better". And eventually you don't know any more how is the right way to make certain changes. To prevent some of the frustration, take your time. Don't rush it. Always remember.... you didn't get the way you are overnight. Even though it might seem that way. When you start feeling like giving up.... don't! Instead, think of the positive. The end result of what you really want to be. How good it will make you feel when you finally see the person you have worked so hard, and for so long, to become. That way, you will always have the positive ness to go forward. If you don't think it can be done.... ask me. I can tell you from experience that it can be done. I have had some positive help. That's the other key to this explosive result. Having others there to tell you that you can do it. Those who tell you "you can do it" have to be automatically looked at as people who believe in you. If you don't look at them that way, how can you believe in yourself? Dedication = Deterrent When we dedicate ourselves to something, there isn't very much that is able to deter us from fulfilling our obligation to completing the task we have set for ourselves. Try as it might, distraction finds it a full time job trying to stop or discourage us. But if our dedication is sincere and strong enough, that becomes a deterrent to distraction, and we are able to carry on uninterrupted. Please.... Don't Make Me Cry Please.... Don't make me cry. Just listen And I'll tell you why. I cry enough The way it is. I know some day I'll Be wrapped in total bliss. But before That time, I'd like my life to be As ecstasy.... totally sublime. Life is filled to overflowing With pain and sorrow. That's why when I go to bed at night, I pray for a better tomorrow. Mountains High What are mountains? Just a big, overgrown pile of dirt. What is it that makes them so majestic? Outside of the fact they have a mystique all their own as to what they are formed like, and the fact that the view you get when you finally reach the top, is beyond words to describe, there really isn't much left to say about any particular range of mountains. Just because you sometimes find a force you can't understand, that drives you to want to climb a particular mountain, is no reason for anyone to say you are "crazy" for climbing any mountain. People climb "mountains" every day. But it isn't the type that we think of as mountains. These "mountains" are called "day to day situations". To some, day to day situations are "mountains" because they seem to be insurmountable. Some people might look at one person's predicament and say that the person in a given predicament is inscrutable. But what about that same person having the "table turned" on them? What if they have a predicament that seems in surmountable to them? Do you think they would like to have someone else tell them they are inscrutable? No way! But too many people don't stop and think of that. They just open their mouth and say things (sometimes) without thinking ahead. They may feel embarrassed when someone else points out the fact that "the shoe is now on the other foot", but that's what makes us all human. Even the very intelligent are fallible. The Common Denominator Ever stop and think back on when the United States proudly referred to itself as the "Melting Pot" of the world? Well, it seems like that "melting pot" has cooled to a near "simmering pot" today. (If you have cable) watch some of the programs dealing with our history on cable TV. If you don't have cable, ask a friend who does, to let you watch sometime. You'll see that when America first started "accepting" immigrants, there were all types of nationalities who came to this country. German, Irishmen, Frenchmen, Blacks, Scotchmen, Englishmen, people from India, Arabia, Africa, and so on. Now we have people who were enslaved (and wrongly so) saying they wish to "reinstate" their heritage. They don't need to "reinstate" anything. They've always had it. And should be proud of that heritage, but so should they also be proud of being an American. All people should be proud of their individual ancestry, but if we are to remain strong as a nation, we must be extremely proud of being free Americans instead of being a "captive" Iranian, or a “captive “South African, or any other "captive" nationality. The fact that a black man or woman came from Africa, now means they wish to be referred to as an African-American. Besides them, are we to call a man or woman who came from Germany, a German-American, or a man or woman who came from Arabia, an Arabian-American, or a person who came from France, a French-American? Look at these examples for a moment. Or, replace them with any other nationality-American if you wish, and what do you find? They are all some form of nationality-American. The common denominator being American. I am quite sure that if each nationality looked hard enough, each would feel just as the Blacks do. Proud of their heritage. But I see a trend evolving (if we don't unite and stay united) of each group forming its own group and separating from the rest. I am of Scotch and Irish decent, but I refuse to refer to myself as a Scotch-Irish-American. I am an American! Period! If we do not start to think this way, we will surly fall (as a great Nation). Happy And Sad Into this world I came. With nothing To my name. But when I leave, I'll Have become so rich. Being happy or sad, I don't know which. Happy for those I leave behind. For they still have a chance To find true peace of mind. Sad, because I wasn't Able to do more For those so close And that I adore. Happy for those That I was able to help. Sad for those on whom I Left many a verbal welt. I shall answer For each and every one. But when all is Said and done, I will still Be forgiven, Even for the way That I'd been livin'. So, those who knew me, Please don't be sad. For we will meet again, And again we'll be glad. I Am I am what Your parents fear. That's why you are so dear. I am what your Mommy and Daddy hate. Because in my hands, I hold your fate. I am what the older kids Want you to have. Then you and your life, I shall have. I am what others Have grown to love. And once they were mine, We didn't fly high up above. I am to those who Slipped from my grasp, Something to be locked up With a lock and a hasp. So I say to each of you "You cute little tyke. Fear Me! For I am Nothing to like." Silence So Deep Silence so deep Only my soul can hear. Knowledge of this Gives me a strange fear. Silence so deep Only my soul can hear. Trying to tap into this Might make some people jeer. Silence so deep Only my soul can hear. Gives me feelings of frustration, And I only wish I could get ever nearer To the silence so deep Only my soul can hear. Silence so deep Only my soul can hear. A Soap Opera War It seems to me that the war now taking place in the Persian Gulf is, to some Americans, a soap opera war. People want to make sure they don't miss tomorrows "episode." Well, I think a time is going to come when some of these people are going to be awakened rather abruptly by those who have loved ones living each days' "episode" (twenty-four hours a day). I think everyone who looks at it as a soap opera war should re-evaluate their way of thinking. Put themselves in the place of someone (man or woman) who is living this horrifying way every day. I know it's a hard (even impossible) thing to do, but if they could put their mind (and body) in that place, they might be able to see things differently. Sure, it's not every day the United States goes to war with someone (0r anyone for that matter), and this is about as close as some people will ever be able to get (thank God). But it is real and history "in the making," and people (with the help of modern technology) have a chance to receive information about the war "first hand." I'm not against scientific advancement, but along with this advancement comes the ability to "stay tuned" to find out what happens next (what will Hussein come up with now?). Wait a minute! These are real human beings! People! Family Members! Please! Don't think of it, or look at it as a soap opera war. It's not! Thank you on behalf of all the branches of our Armed Forces serving in the Persian Gulf, and the many thousands of family members. Unknown The new year brings us much anticipation. Anticipation of when the government will reopen for "business as usual "; anticipation of whether there will be changes at the job site. The future will never change. It will always remain unknown. We can try to "read between the lines," but that will not work every time. We must try to do what we can at the time, and hope. Always hope that things will not decline. Knowledge {indentWhat do we have to do to convince our young people to wake up and smell the foul air? If we don't do something, and do it soon, our next generation will be lost. Permanently! When the majority of our youth are not able to see those things for what they really are (that which we are trying to point out to them), then we are failing to communicate to them that which is of greatest value! Knowledge! A Wake-up Call When will the people in office in this state and county wake up and smell the garbage? It's high time they did! I don't think they are so "dumb " as to believe that not allowing gambling in Nebraska is going to stop anyone from going across the river to Iowa. That is evident already, and has been since Bluffs Run opened their establishment to casino type gambling. The state of Iowa, and probably other surrounding states are probably laughing at us. And we deserve it, because we have not pushed hard enough on our legislature and county government to get legislation passed sooner to allow this type of gambling. As for gambling bringing in "bad blood," well, wake up people! Gambling has been here for a long time already. Gambling is gambling regardless if it is betting on football, basketball, hockey, horses, or slot machines, or on which one of two ants will get from point "A" to point "B" first. It's here, and it won't go away, so why not "cash in" on some of the proceeds? As usual, we are behind the eight ball when we start, but better late than never I say. Stained Glass Imagine your life as a stained glass window (what ever color you like). As I look at the many people of this world, I can see many windows filled with a full spectrum of every shade of every color imaginable. All of these are then arranged in such a manner so as to make up a picture, but you have to look closely and long to find the picture. If all you do is look at the glass, all you will see is a bunch of stained glass enclosing an opening. But, if you really look, and study the pieces, you will eventually find the picture. This is what I am finding myself doing when it comes to my life. I am trying very hard to study my "window" and find the picture that God has arranged for me to see. When I finally am able to see the picture, I feel that I will then, and only then know what my life is really for (why I am here on this earth). Until that time comes, I will not give up. I will continue to study my window until I either see the picture, or I die. Maybe I have already seen the picture, but have not yet been allowed to acknowledge having seen it, or I have seen the picture and not yet been willing to consciously acknowledge that fact. I don't know. If the later is true, then I hope I am doing whatever it is that I am to do (according to God's will through the picture). I can only pray whatever it is, I am doing it right (in God 's eyes). The Chip What causes some people to carry a "chip" on their shoulders? Why are they not happy unless they can "stir" people up? They seem to derive some form of pleasure from seeing others in turmoil and being upset. What is it that keeps these people in such a negative mood? Is it because they don't know how to let go of a bad situation that they have been involved in or what? Something has been extremely negative and very traumatic for them to continue to be this way day after day, year after year. Instead of acting civil towards others, you can tell when you approach them that you are approaching a negative atmosphere. These people need some form of counseling to help them learn how to handle whatever it might be. "Thrown Together" Waiting is a boring thing. You have nothing to do. Or do you? Whether you know it or not, you can always do something. You can think. And if you are of a notion, you can write down what you are thinking of, which will be giving you something to do. That is why I am writing this. I'm "killing time" while waiting for Jury interviews to take place. It's not my turn yet, so, I am keeping myself "busy" hoping that the time will "pass more quickly" (it won't though). Time will go by at its set rate that man made up a long time ago. As I look around me, I see others doing things (different) to occupy their time. Things they feel comfortable doing (either with others, or things that will not be bothersome to others). It's funny how when people are in a position of being "thrown together" (for a lack of better words), they get back to doing what people used to do. Naturally. Not very often do you find people getting together just for good company and fine conversation. These days people are sometimes lucky if they even know their neighbor's name, let alone know what their neighbor is really like, or what their neighbor is all about. Kind of a shame, isn't it? Friends What would we do without friends? In my case, I'd be doing nothing. Because I'd probably be dead without them. Without our friends, we wouldn't be able to do certain things. Like wanting to go some-where with someone, and have no one to go somewhere with. "Higher" Learning What is this thing called "higher" learning? Learning is done (from the start) at the ground level. We have no information to start with, and we build up from there. As we gain more information, we increase our awareness of how much information "room" we have left. This way, we don't "clutter" our mind with unnecessary things. Time Limit Our life has a shortness to it that we can not now, nor in the future, be able to truly comprehend; because we don't have any way to verbally describe the length of eternity (other than to say that eternity lasts for forever). If we could only be able to put a set length of time to eternity, it might seem to be easier to relate to, but there is no time limit for eternity. Maybe this is why people can not understand when they are told that our time is at hand, or our time is getting very short. Pleasing Things Don't take your memories for granted. Just because you can recall them now, is no sign you'll be able to recall them tomorrow, or even later today. Something may come up to prevent you from being able to remember things you need to remember, or things you might just want to remember because they are pleasing things, and they make you feel good. To lose this ability would be a real tragedy. Unblemished Beauty If possible, lay on the ground on a windless summer day and look up at the clouds passing by overhead. At the same time, remember your last airplane flight. Remember what you saw when you looked straight out? The horizon, right? When you looked below you from that same plane, you saw the ground, and the fields, and all the cars looking like little toys, right? Now add the fact that you have nothing but a small, waist high retaining border between you and all that beauty. What a view! You have no wind to feel or sensation of movement, unless you look down and you use the bottom of the gondola as a "horizon" of sorts, and you see things "disappearing" under the gondola. That is the only way you can tell that you are moving. If you do feel a "puff" of breeze, it's there to let you know you are changing direction. When you are just below say four hundred feet off the ground, you look all around you, and you feel like you have just been "given” the power to make time "stop." Also, unless you speak, there is no sound. Nothing! Nothing but pure, raw, unblemished beauty! It's simply magnificent and breathtaking! A Good Life Where the years have gone I do not know. But to think back on them, Still brings back a glow. We went through Our high school years, And once we knew they Were done, brought some tears. Tears of joy, Or tears of fear, All we could really do Was look to the coming year. As the years went by, We looked back with some regret That better goals We had not set. Now, nothing can Be done, For our battles Are not yet won. We each in our Own way, Look (hopefully) To the day When we can Say with pride Before we Have died, That we have had Our share of strife, And at the same time, We've lived a good life. Written Emotion Titled by Patsi Hersant Being poor can leave you as one of the richest people in the world. Sounds like a crazy statement doesn't it? Whether you know it or not, you are really gaining more than you will ever know. By giving, you are showing that you care. And when you care, you are having a feeling. And when you are having a feeling, you want to express that feeling, don't you? By expressing that feeling, you are releasing emotion. And when you release that emotion, you feel better inside yourself. Whether the emotion is one of joy, sorrow, love, hate, anger, or whatever, once it is out, you feel better. I guess the above statement is the reason why I write so much. Since I can't come right out and express myself, I do it by writing it down on paper. Even if no one ever reads it, at least I have "expressed " or "released " my feelings. Even if no one else cares. Family Family. What does it really mean? Is it only a group of people who came from the same blood line? Or is it an obligation (self-imposed) someone makes to someone else? I would like to say in one sense, it's both of the afore mentioned. To help those of blood, and at the same time, help those of species, being the human race. This is what God considers us, and expects us to do. He expects us to consider any and all types of humans as "family"; because that's what He does. He considers any and all types of humans as family. And He loves us all equally. Regardless of what we have done, or where we stand within our society. What is the matter with us? Don't we think we can meet those kinds of standards? Or are we just too lazy to accept the challenge to at least give it our best and try to meet them. I consider it a challenge to meet those standards. Even though I know before I ever start, that I will never be able to come close to meeting these standards. I still feel I have to try. I feel that if we don't try, or we quit trying, we will have no reason to continue to live. Maybe this is why some people commit suicide. To me, family consists not only of those we love. Now, you take it from here. And It Won't Cost You A Thing Want to sail away to a beautiful place full of nothing but serenity and peace? Only you know where you'd like to go. And only you can take yourself there. You can spend time in any part of this great country, or go to any one of the many exotic parts of this beautiful world. You can make it anything you wish to. Just think. A modern day realistic format, or a far out futuristic format, or maybe back to the days of our fore- fathers. A place with all the comforts of home, or "rough it" with the wilderness wild. Just close your eyes and let your mind take you there. By going there in this way, you don't have to put up with all the "inconveniences." You just close your eyes and concentrate, and before you know it, your there. Oh, sure, you may know that it's just a wishful thought, but remember, you make it what you want it to be. And it won't cost you a thing. Play Areas A door is closed (if you can not open it without turning the knob). A window is open (if you can feel a breeze coming in). A light switch is off (if you can not see any light in the bulb, provided the bulb is a good bulb). So go so many other things in the same manner. Sure, there are areas where some things can be in an either/or, neither/nor position, but for the most part, things are one way or the other. They just can not be both ways. Some people try to look at some things with a half full/half empty attitude, and it (if truly faced) can not be done like that. Sometime down the road, they are going to have to decide one way or the other, and stand by their decision, about a glass being half full or half empty. Trying to straddle a fence line will eventually get you hurt because somewhere down the line, you will slip and fall. And you might fall in a direction you find you eventually did not want to fall in. There are times when it is not always possible for you to be able to have concrete evidence that the glass is either half full or half empty. What do you do then? Can you "make up” some kind of "excuse" to justify why you think the glass is half full, or half empty? This is where the "gray area" turns into a "play area." You can come up with all kinds of excuses to justify your "reasoning," but no one can say "Your wrong about that." It is said that a circle has 360 degrees in it. I say there are as many degrees in it as there are people on this planet. For each of us is going to have ju-u-ust a little different way of seeing the same thing. Future Americans Beware As the school year comes to a close, I think about those students who have just graduated (from whatever school), probably because I had a nephew just graduate last year. Anyhow, it brings to thought a piece I wrote about my high school years, and it goes something like this: It Used To Be, But It's Not Any More Things change so often, so fast, That before you know it, something New last week, is now a thing of the past. It used to be that our High School Was only one block from downtown, But it isn't any more. It used to be that kids were not Allowed to be out late at night, But it isn't any more. It used to be that our biggest problem was making sure we Had all of our chores done so we could go into town on Saturday night, But it isn't any more. It used to be that our biggest fear when you Got into a fight was if you could actually win, But it isn't any more. It used to be that our main concern was getting A zit just before the Home Coming Dance, But it isn't any more. It used to be that the thought of Death by violence never crossed your mind, But that's not the case any more. Nothing from this day-in-age is as things used to be any more (What a shame!) When you reach my stage in your life, you too, will think back on things and times similar to mine. The things to be concerned about will be different in terms of importance, but none the less, there will be other things that high school students of the future feel are of high importance to them, that you would never have thought any high school student would ever have to imagine as being something for them to have to consider so important at their age (provided high school age is still the same then. It could be younger by then; who knows.) I have a great concern for the student and future graduate just trying to envision all of the many possible things that they will have to be concerned with besides getting an education. There will probably be things that make using drugs and selling drugs, and getting A.I.D.S. seem like "child’s play". I honestly feel for the future graduate from high schools not only here in "our town", but across this great Nation. May they always be blessed with 100% guidance from God. And may God give us the wisdom and foresight to prevent these things from happening to our future Americans, and may we only do right and good for them. Protected Sleep Here I lay As I go to sleep Trying to count each Of God's precious sheep. I know I'll be watched By the very best there is, 'Cause I know That I am one of His. And when I arise After a Heavenly sleep, I hope and pray that I am no longer just a sheep. I hope some day to be Like a Monarch caterpillar, and, Have the wings of an Angel. Now that would be totally grand. There will be no reasons to Hurry and scurry. For from that day forward, There will be no need to worry. At Fault Ever wonder why some people don't or can't understand your point of view on some things? Maybe it's because you aren't getting your point across clearly enough. Not everyone can convey their true feelings about a given subject. Not every-one can fully grasp a particular point of view on a given subject either. So who is to say who is "at fault"? Weighing all the evidence in the world, does not mean your lack of ability to understand , or someone else’s lack of ability to convey , is either right or wrong. I'd Die For You Where have you heard these wrdz before? "I’d give my life for you." Was it from your spouse, or a beloved school mate when you were a child, or where? When those wrdz came to my mind at 12:50 am today, I thought about those wrdz, and what came to my mind was “the wrdz that Jesus carried out for real.” Those same wrdz still echo true today. We only think about them at Easter time in the Spring. I think about them this time of the year also, because in order for Jesus to die on the cross as a human being, He had to be born first. And thinking of His birth, meant He would one day be a grown human being, who was chosen to die in the place of criminals. (And for criminals.) So the next time you hear those wrdz, think long and hard before you say where you heard those wrdz from before. Closure I hope you have found this to be refreshing, and enlightening, and maybe even a little inspirational. Never the less, I hope you go away with these thoughts coming back when you see certain things, or hear certain sounds, or someone says something that will remind you of something you read here. At any rate, may you go away with God’s blessings and love. And may many things here pleasantly haunt you the rest of your natural life. May they help you to slow down a bit, and stop, if even for a second, to look a little longer at a marvel of Nature. For everywhere you look, you will see God’s hand in every single thing, be it man-made, or made by God’s Caretaker (Mother Nature). It has been by the blessings of God that I Have had the patience and persistence to Carry on to this point, and now He is Telling me as Jesus said on the cross. "It is finished." I feel a great relief now, for the one for Whom this is made, will have (I hope) The only copy in this style font (Volante). I wanted It to be something special, because she has been someone very special to me for all these years. I hope God has blessed her beyond all her expectations, and will continue to do so; for she is more than deserving of it. May God bless you as much as He loves you, Lindy. I shall sign it simply, for I think you know the rest. John Always remember: ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Remember: Always go with God, for He always goes with you. WRDZ "Registered Author Sig!" ![]() "Invalid Item" ![]() |