Can a 16 year old boy stop the most powerful demons ever from taking over the world? |
Hey everyone! So you may be looking at this page and be thinking, "What the heck? Where's the chapter?". I know I was....then I remembered I was the writer of this story. Anyhow. Now with a recent declaration of awesomeness, I swore upon a mound of burning books that I was going to have to rewrite every single one of my chapters, or atleast modify them, as I recently decided that trying to write 40 demons into a story was rather difficult, so I reduced it 20, much easier as the demons I kept are pretty darn cool. So with that in mind, all the chapters that mention 'The Feral Forty' have to be changed so that it reads'The Feral Twenty'. And if it so happens that one chapter is rather weak, like this one was, I go in like the best Hollywood plastic surgeon and add, remove, flesh out, slim down, define and detail where needed. Now, you maybe thinking to yourself, "Hollywood plastic surgeon? They don't exsist! Hollywood is all natural beauty!". Okay, let me tell you something mister....Joan Rivers is like, 300 years old okay, and the fact that she looks like a woman 1/10th her age, that should be proof enough. Anyway, gotta stop getting distracted here. But due to size restrictions on posts of 150.00kb, I had to make a new post souly for this chapter. This chapter measure 239.74 kb. But not to worry, I have set up a link just for you, my valued reader, to take you to the new page. And here is the link. Enjoy!