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Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #1181209
Can the crazy save the world?
#470249 added November 20, 2006 at 11:13pm
Restrictions: None
The original copy
((This baby is just plain copy and pasted onto here straight from word. I believe I began editing it at some point, but I'm quite sure i didn't get even half way. I tihnk it's 41 pages long at 14 font. Good luck))

Case number

Case number: 101482
Station hospice: 7
Galaxy: Nova
Year: 2460
Status: The last human
Description: 5’10”, 25 years of age, female, medium brown hair, gray eyes, and a slender build.
Whereabouts: unknown- last seen at space station 1256VICTORY.

The large, oblong viewing screens in the cold, emotionless Space Station were screaming everything about her to the public. It did not matter though; she had escaped, and was free. Maybe a year ago or so it would have mattered. A year ago, she still knew who she was. A year ago, she still feared for her life. Things were different now.
She pulled the black hood over her eyes and hastened her pace. The farther she walked the more screens seemed to light up. It was almost as though they turned on as she stepped pass them, as though they received some sort of unseen signal from her. Perspiration dripped from her frantic face. Can’t seem nervous, she thought, they’ll recognize me if I seem too nervous. Breathing deeply a few times seemed to help steady her. She was so close, and it would be such a shame for so much effort to go to waste because of nerves.
Relaxing and keeping from complete and utter panic seemed impossible. Her mind was tense and scattered. Years of confinement had caused phobias of people and noise. The darkness she was so used to have made her eyes and skin highly sensitive to the artificial lights systematically strewn about the Space Station. The noise and chatter about the Station almost sent her into a frenzy. She simply could not cope with the business of it all.
She looked up into one of the lights for a moment and thought; I wonder when the sun went out? They never told me about it. I wonder why? What else did they keep from me? How did all these people survive it?
Suddenly she felt herself black out for a second from a strong force pushing her down. Oh no! She panicked. They’ve found me!
“I’m so sorry,” a man in a black shirt with a long brown trench coat said apologetically. “Let me help you up.”
Not wanting to seem out of place or make the situation worse, she reached hesitantly for his outstretched hand and pulled herself up. In order to regain balance she leaned on him for a moment, pressing a hand upon his chest. He seemed very strong and young. He could carry himself very well and her weight on him did not seem to have any impact whatsoever. He was something to be feared.
When she put her foot down to step away, a sharp, piercing pain ran straight up it and she collapsed forward against him again.
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” he asked, catching her as she fell.
“I think it’s broken.” She whimpered in a low voice, hating herself for not realizing how fragile her body had become.
“I’ll take you to Medic.” he said apologetically as he lifted her and carried her away.
She wanted to scream and struggle and get free, but she was too weak already. The feeling of being carried reminded her of something. Something horrible- something she could not quite remember. Maybe she did not want to remember. What was it? It was in the pit of her stomach and every bone in her body ached with the instinct to run away. Yet she could not. What was it? Helplessness- that was it. The feeling she hated most was consuming her because she was injured and could do nothing about it.
“Don’t,” she whispered.
“What?” the man asked.
“I- can’t.” she tried to talk. She did not know what to say, she could not explain to him who she was, not now. Tears streamed down her cheek when she realized he would take her back to her prison where she would die from the horrible torture.
“What are you trying to say?” he asked as he sat her down on a small white bench in the waiting area of the Medic.
“They will ask you for my name- please don’t tell them-they’ll take me away- they’ll bring me back.” she begged.
“I don’t understand…” he said.
She lifted her hood and removed the dark glasses. When she looked up at him, his expression made her turn away.
“You’re…” he stuttered in bewilderment.
She cuffed her hand over his mouth, “Sh,”
He looked around as she shakily replaced her glasses and hood.
“Please don’t turn me in. I am begging you. I would rather be dead than go back there. Please, right now my life hangs in your hands, I can’t go back there. Don’t take me back…” she begged as she cried.
“But you’re a danger to society, and everybody’s looking for you. If I don’t turn you in I’ll be killed for hiding you.” He said, running his hands through his sandy blonde hair.
“I’m not dangerous! I’ve never hurt anybody in my life. They’re all lies, all of them. I swear. I am one of their experiments gone wrong, I’m the last human- they’ll say and do anything to get me back. Please help me,” she said.
“I just ca-,” he tried to say no, but realized she had nowhere else to go. Her eyes were deep and spoke loudly of the pain she was hiding. She held a steady gaze that he could not keep. Finally he took a deep breath, made a decision and said, “I guess I could- you could hide beside me, maybe, for a while at least.”
Her eyes lit up and she smiled slightly. A sigh of relief came over her and she loosened her fists over the torn black gloves she wore. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he thought for a moment, and then said, “Well, you still have to get that fixed. I’ll sign you in as my sister.”
“But we don’t look anything alike. I mean, your eyes are brown and mine are gray, and our hair. Not to mention we’re two different species.” she explained.
“You only think you’re the last of your kind.” he said with a smirk.
“You mean that’s a lie too?” she asked.
“Well, more like a rumor. They told the public all the humans were destroyed to ease the hostility. They weren’t going to tell them they couldn’t track down every last one and there possibly might still be a small threat. There are still a few out there, no race as strong as the human race was can go extinct like that without doing it to themselves. Their own arrogance is what brought them down. Not somebody else’s,” he said.
“I missed a lot in my time away. It seems that everything they told me was a lie.” she said.
“What did they do to you?” he asked.
“I like to think I can’t remember.” she said helplessly.
“Oh,” he said, understanding.
A nurse walked up to him and led them into a small room. She asked some questions which the answered for her. She knew it would be a smart thing to keep quiet He told the nurse his ‘sister’ was very shy of doctors and felt more comfortable if she appeared hidden, thus leaving on her hat and glasses.
The nurse nodded in insecure understanding and walked out of the room to file the report. A few minutes later the doctor walked in with a small plastic bag and tore it open beside the injured girl. Inside the bag was a gel like substance, bluish in color. “Now I’m just going to rub this on your skin so I can see the injury,” the doctor explained.
The girl tried hard not to jerk away when he touched her. She flinched at his cool touch and stiffened so he would not feel her shaking.
“Ok,” The doctor said. “That looks like a small break. Nothing I can’t fix. Now be very still, this will feel like a small pinch, nothing bad.” He said in a soothing voice.
She took a deep breath as he pulled out the small laser. She tried to stay calm, but as soon as he touched her ankle she jerked away, screaming. She backed as far into the corner as she could.
The doctor stepped back in surprise as the man in the black shirt stepped forward. He reached for her and she clung to him desperately.
“Now, I can’t do this if you’re going to move like that. It’s too dangerous for the both of us. Do you think we can try this again?” The doctor asked patiently.
The girl shook her head and tried to calm down. She buried her face in his black shirt and fought off the flashbacks that kept coming to her every time they touched her.

Her feet…broken…she can no longer run away… Hands… burned…organs in the wrong place…

Sharp pains… she would cry for mercy until she had no more tears left. Why was the needle so long? Why did they tie her down? Everything…so blurry…

“All done.” The doctor said.
She relaxed her death grip on the long brown coat and looked over at her foot. She couldn’t believe her eyes, no pain, no hurt. Only relief.
“It’ll be sore for about a day or so. Don’t run too hard on it or do any major jumping for at least today or it might break again.” The doctor explained.
“Thank you,” The man said as he helped the girl off the bed.
He shook the doctors hand and as he turned to walk out of the room the doctor asked, “Can I ask you a few questions sir?”
He turned from the girl, “Sure,”
“Oh,” He turned back to her. For the first time he realized that she was shorter than him by a few inches. Or maybe she wasn’t. Maybe it was just the way she carried herself. “Can you just sit here and wait for me?” He asked, pointing to a chair in the white hallway.
She cautiously sat down and clung to the chair. “Stay here, I won’t be long.” He said. He closed the door behind him and turned to face the doctor.
“So, what did you want?” He asked.
“It’s probably none of my business, but I was just wondering why she was so fidgety? I don’t know how to ask this but was she ever ab-,”
“Abused?” He finished.
“Yes, I’m sorry-,”
“No, no. That’s ok. She was, she has- a lot of problems.” He said, thinking as fast as he could to come up with something convincing. “She um- her father, actually, you see it’s kind of complicated. She’s my half sister, ya, that’s it. I just got custody of her. Her father just died and we don’t know where our mother is. She came to live with me just the other day.”
“Oh, ok.” The doctor said, totally buying the story. “I’m sorry I just-,”
“You were just concerned. That’s ok. Um anything else?” He asked.
“Uh-yes. How did you say she broke her ankle?”
“She fell down the stairs in my apartment.” He said quickly.
“That’s funny, the nurse said she tripped over your foot.” The doctor said suspiciously.
“Well- she did. She tripped over my foot as we were walking and fell down the stairs-in-my-apartment.” He said carefully.
“Ok, just double checking. You have a nice day now ok?” The doctor said with a smile.
“Ok, thanks,” The man said as he opened the door and walked out. Phew that was close, he thought. He looked at the chair where he had left the girl. She was gone. He became worried and started looking around for her. He wanted to call out her name, but didn’t know it. Oh man, this is bad, he thought.
Don’t panic, she’s around here somewhere. He told himself. He wondered what would make her run off like that. Or if- somebody took her.
He began to walk down the hallway looking into each of the vacant rooms. Finally, a nurse came over and asked, “Do you need some help?”
“Um- I’m looking for someone.” He said.
“Ok, who are you looking for?”
“A tall girl strangely dressed with glasses and a cap. Doesn’t talk much.” He explained, holding his hand up in a suggestion of her height.
“Ok, I’ll go ask someone at the front desk. Stay here.” She said as she walked off.
He waited for a short while when he heard a familiar whisper coming from behind him.
The girl peered around the corner of the hall and whispered something. He turned around and was relieved to see her. “What did I tell you? Where did you go?” He asked harshly.
His tone of voice scared her and she started to cry. “Don’t be mad,” She whispered.
He suddenly felt bad, “I’m not mad. It’s ok. Let’s just get out of here.” He reached out his hand but she withdrew from him. “Please?” He asked.
She took his hand slowly and they walked out of the building. The big man didn’t know what to do next or where to go. He looked to her and she seemed uncomfortable, like she didn’t quite know how to fit in with the rest of the crowd. He tried talking to her.
“So, what’s your name, anyway?” He asked the girl as they walked towards a launching station.
“Name? What’s that?” She asked.
“You don’t know what a name is! You’re worse than I thought.” He said.
“Well, I bet there are some things that I know that you don’t.” She said calmly.
“Yea, maybe. But nothing beats this.” He said with a smile.
“Are you going to tell me or not?” She asked in a frustrated voice.
“Yea, ok. A name is what people call you. You know, instead of just being, ‘hey man’ my name is Ray. I don’t have a last name, so it’s just Ray.” He said.
“Wow, people have last names too?” She asked.
“Yea, well depending on your culture. Some have middle names and united names, which is what you’re called if you get married. And others change their last names when they get married or add the other last name, giving them two last names. I met a guy once whose name took seven minutes to say. But everyone just called him Q.” Ray explained.
“Oh,” She said, “So how do I know what my name is?”
“What do you mean? Your parents are supposed to name you when you’re born, in most cultures.”
“Well, I don’t have any parents. So I must not have a name.” She said.
“Everyone has parents. Even clones have parents. What did they call you where you come from?” He asked.
“Um- I can’t remember.” She said hesitantly.
“You have to remember. You’re not even trying.” Ray said.
“I told you, I can’t remember.” She said sternly with a flicker of red in her eyes.
She startled him a little and he decided it was best not to push her. He didn’t know whether she was the type who blew up when they got angry or would hurt someone. For all he knew she could be just like him and go into blind rages. It was best not to push her. Besides, any secret worth knowing would be worth waiting for.
He bought them an escape to a small planet with a tiny population. They would be able to hide there for a while until things got better and it was safe to leave the galaxy.
The girl was amazed at how different this planet was from the space station she grew up on. She realized then that she didn’t have a home planet. She told herself to ask Ray about that later.
She couldn’t get over how all the buildings were made of a claylike material. Everything seemed kind of dry and a little barren. Yet this species somehow learned to thrive in these conditions. She was amazed at how different everything was from what she was used to.
Ray came up to her and took her hand, “Stay close to me. Don’t wander off, these people aren’t too fond of strangers.”
She jumped a little, but didn’t jerk away, “You scared me.” She said.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
She followed him off the ship with the rest of the passengers onto the small planet and into one of the buildings. They looked kind of like a strip mall, only all the buildings looked exactly the same. They went on for as far as she could see on either side.
Ray walked in and talked to some of the short, chubby little creatures inside.
“Ray, where are we?” She asked nervously.
“We’re on the planet Ymari. “ He said.
“No, I mean what is this place?” She asked, pointing to the floor.
“Oh, it’s called a hoplan. Kind of like a hotel, only different.” He said.
“Oh, what’s a hotel?” She asked.
“Oh dear…”
After a long explanation of where they were and what they were doing there Ray led them to where they would stay. The room was only on the second floor up but the height frightened the girl. Ray had to hold her hand at a distance and slowly drag her down the hall.
When they reached the room she was so afraid the floor would collapse under them it made her sick. Ray had no choice but to change the room to either an underground one or ground level one.
When they were in a room that she was finally comfortable in he took off his coat and threw himself on the bed. The girl took off her glasses and hat and kneeled at the side of the bed staring at him.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing.” She said.
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what a bed is.” He said.
“It’s where you sleep. Or where you’re supposed to sleep. Some cultures don’t have them. Some species don’t even sleep.” He said.
“Ok,” She said, looking away.
“Come here.” He said.
She slowly crawled onto the bed uneasily and sat up on it. “I don’t sleep,” she said.
“What?” He couldn’t believe it. Then he remembered where she came from. She’s probably too afraid to sleep, he thought.
“I don’t remember the last time I slept. I think, maybe it was a couple months ago, I dozed off, and I was so tired. Yet it was weird because it wasn’t a deep sleep, it was like my guard was still up and I could hear what they were saying. It was a dull, dreamless sleep but it felt so good because for a moment I felt free. I felt so far away and-and…” She started crying. She didn’t want to remember anymore.
“Sh, it’s ok.” Ray sat up and put his hand on her cheek. At first she started to jerk away, but she stopped and closed her eyes. She put her hand over his and pressed it tightly against her face. He slowly moved in closer and held her for a while, until she stopped crying, until she fell asleep.
He gently laid her down and stayed next to her. He couldn’t sleep; he had too much running through his mind. What the heck am I doing? Should I turn her in? No, I can’t. What if she’s just lying to me, trying to hit me in all of my soft spots to gain my trust just so she can stab me in the back? No, no one is that good a liar. She’s too consistent with her story. Besides, I would know if she was lying. Who is ‘they’? Who did this to her? I would like to get my hands on the creep who could do this to an innocent girl…
Suddenly the girl jumped out of the bed screaming like murder. Ray leapt to his feet in shock. The girl started to fall and Ray caught her. There was banging at the door and he set her down and ran to answer it.
“Is everything ok in here? We heard someone scream.” A small alien asked.
“Yes, everything’s ok. Just a nightmare that’s all. I’m sorry it won’t happen again.” Ray said.
“Ok,” The stocky creature said as he sped away.
“Oh, lord.” Ray said. She was still out of breath when he came back to her. He felt her forehead and she was practically burning up. He quickly started a cold bath and carried her into the bathroom. He took off her clothing and carefully set her in, being sure to support her head. He grabbed a small cloth and dipped it in the water and placed on her forehead.
Her breathing slowed a great deal and her fever reduced. “Are you ok?” Ray asked. He was reassured that she wasn’t lying now. It was impossible.
“It’s weird how when you’re there you dream of being somewhere else. But when you’re somewhere else you dream about being there. Even when you don’t want to anymore!” She said as she cried.
He wiped her hair from her face and lifted her out of the bath into a dry towel. She began to shiver as he dried her off.

She calmed down and put on some of his clothes. She sat on the bed across from where Ray was standing and tried them on. They were too big for her and she had to role the sleeves up five times before they even reached her hands. She stopped shivering when Ray gave her a hot drink.
“What is it?” She asked as she sniffed the liquids sweet aroma.
“It’s hard to explain. It’s just a hot drink they have on this planet. It’ll keep you warm.” He said.
She wasn’t sure whether to trust him or not. She remembered them always forcing medicine in her. They would disguise it in her food and they would poison her water and make her sick. It was easier for them to control her when she was weak. But this man hadn’t hurt her-it wasn’t him she should fear. It was them.
She looked at it for a long time before she heard him say, “You don’t have to drink it if you don’t want it.”
“Ok,” She said. She was silent for a long time before she decided to speak. “I remember my name.” She said.
Ray was taken totally by surprise. “Really? What is it?”
“You can’t tell anybody.” She said with a straight face.
“Ok, why?” He asked, smiling.
“I’m serious. I don’t want anybody to know my name. I remember it now because it was the one thing I could keep from them. No one else knows it but me. It’s what reminded me who I was whenever I started to think I was losing my identity. After a while I couldn’t really remember what it was anymore. But I remember now.” She said.
“Well, if you don’t want anybody to know it, then why would you tell me?” He asked.
“Because you helped me remember it. And if I tell you my name then it will never be forgotten again.” She said.
“Ok,” he said.
“You can’t tell anybody, remember.” She warned.
“I won’t tell anyone your name.” He said.
“Ok,” She took a deep breath and whispered, “India.”
“India?” He said hesitantly, almost in shock; as if he had heard the name before or figured something out. She began to give him an odd look, so he smiled and said, “That’s pretty.”
She smiled.
They stayed up the rest of the night talking until morning. He explained a lot of things to her and she began to get a broader picture of the universe. Then she remembered to ask him about her home planet. Maybe he knew. He knew everything else.
“What planet am I from?” She asked.
“I don’t know. I just met you yesterday.” He said.
“No, I mean the human race. What’s our home planet called?” She asked.
“Earth.” He said.
“Really? Have you ever been there?” She asked.
“I used to live there. When I was little.” He said.
“Really? What was it like?” She asked half-excitedly.
“Well, I can’t really remember. I was so young. I do remember being at the beach with my mom. We were collecting seashells, she said that no matter how far you go, you can always hear the ocean inside the seashell when you put it up to your ear.” He said. “I know better now though. Its just air moving through it that makes it sound like the ocean. The things a kid will believe.” He said.
She had no idea what a beach was and no idea what a seashell was, but she knew she wanted to see one someday. “Can we go to Earth?” She asked.
He hesitated. “I don’t think that’s possible.” He said.
“Why?” She asked.
“Well, um, because the earth isn’t what it used to be.” He saw this wasn’t a good enough explanation. “A long time ago there was a war. Some called it the ‘mamo- babies’ war. It started when scientists began to ‘upgrade’ humans by inserting genes into an embryo to help with certain genetic diseases. Now I don’t know everything about it, but it went from eradicating genetic disease to designing a parent’s perfect baby. If you wanted your kid to be smart, funny, athletic, tall, blonde hair and blue eyes the works, you got it, for a price. There was a black market for a while, then it became legal and it split society in half. Poor people couldn’t afford these wonderful upgrades and a lot of religious folk just wouldn’t have it. This caused a lot of people to rally up and those damned rights activists just wouldn’t shut up.
“Well, this started up the poor against the powerful. A war that tore the world apart. Soon, other species started joining in and of course the poor lost. The ones who lost were forced to move to mars, along with the ones who thought this unreasonable. So now the human race is very weak and torn completely in half.
“Well, after a couple of years the ‘Martians’ decide to strike out against the ‘Earthlings’. Of course, Earth destroyed mars along with everything living on it. After that, a series of things happened that brought the humans to their near extinction. A meteor shower, compliments of mars, and then after a while of everyone fighting for power over earth, someone came up with the bright idea of just conquering other planets instead. Well, other species got wind of this and decided that humans were too corrupt from their own arrogance and too much of a threat to others to still exist.
“A few of the good ones escaped, I still remember the look on my mothers face. I think she knew she was going to die. That was the scariest day of my life.” He said.
“So the earth isn’t there anymore?” She asked, knowing the answer.
“No, it’s not.” He said. “But there are pictures and things that tell all about it to anyone who’s interested I’m sure. We can find them at different places. I’m sure that the space station nearest where earth used to be will have something. We can start looking as soon as the search blows over.”
“Really? You would do that for me?” She asked.
“Well, ya.” He said.
“Why?” She asked.
“Because you need to see things. You need to know what’s out there. You’ve been hidden from the world for so long, its time you made your appearance.” He said.
She looked down, “Ray, did you ever think that maybe there was a reason that they kept me away from the world?” She asked.
“What do you mean?” He asked in an odd voice. He seemed slightly irritated at her remark.
“Well, um all I ever wanted was to be free, but now that I am, I find that I’m to afraid. If they saw me- the way you did- it would be different. But they won’t, and I think that some things are best kept unseen as well as unsaid.” She said.
“So, after all this you’re telling me that you’d rather be back at that hell hole laboratory, in a little cage, hidden away from the world!” Ray screamed. He had flipped his lid and was suddenly extremely angry from lack of sleep and stress.
Her eyes grew huge and she cowered into a corner. He hadn’t yelled very loud, but she could tell that he was angry with her and it frightened her beyond belief. She started shaking and screaming, “Don’t yell! Please! I don’t want you to hit me; I don’t want to be hurt anymore! Please! Please…please stop yelling…it won’t happen again…” Her voice trailed off and she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around her knees, bracing for impact.
“Oh, god…” Ray suddenly realized that he had blown up at the wrong person. There was no excuse for it this time, and he was sorry. He reached his hand out to touch her, “India, I’m sorry…” But she jerked away viscously.
She sat and silently cried in her corner for an hour and Ray didn’t know what to do. He was so sorry for yelling at her. He didn’t know what came over him; being tired, fear maybe? He knew he had completely ruined whatever trust he had built up in her yesterday. To think he thought she would hurt him.
He ordered some food and attempted to feed her something, but it was to no avail. She was still too upset to eat. He decided to try talking to her.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
No answer.
“I’m really sorry. I am just so tired and I really have no excuse.” He said.
Still no answer.
He decided to just keep talking, “You know, there was once a country on earth called India. I had never been there myself, but it’s still pretty cool. My personal favorite place on Earth was Alaska. Have you ever heard of Alaska?”
She shook her head no and looked up at him. Her eyes and cheeks were red and she sniffled a great deal.
“Well,” He began. “It was the most beautiful place on earth. It always snowed and the mountains were so high, it was breathtaking. I have yet to find a planet to match its beauty.”
She listened to his story intently and smiled when he talked about his embarrassing moments as a kid and all the fun he had. He told her he would like to show her a place like it one day if he ever found one.
When he thought they were both about fully recovered from their ordeal he decided to show her the city.
“Why don’t we go site seeing today?” He asked.
“What’s that?” She asked, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head.
“It’s um- like, it’s what you do when you go somewhere new. It’s a lot of fun, we just walk around looking at the different neat things in the city to see and do.” He tried to explain.
“Oh, ok,” She said unsure of herself.
“I’m sure you’ll understand better when we get out there.” He said.
“Alright.” She said as she stood up, “I’ll go get ready then.”
It was the first time he had heard her speak so clearly. All the time it was either a cry or a whisper. But now he could hear the faintest sounds of joy in her voice. All this improvement, and just in two days! He hoped in time he could build her spirit again and learn her secret so he could know who did this to her. No matter what it took, he would get her payback.
“Do you think I still need the glasses and cap?” She asked in a tiny voice.
“Um, I would. They might be searching this planet for you.” He said.
“If they are, and they find me, I don’t want you to try and save me, ok? I want you to walk away, I don’t want them to kill you over me.” She said.
“Why? I couldn’t do that,” He argued.
“Please,” She insisted.
“No, I had a chance to walk off and I didn’t take it. We’re in this together whether the police know it or not. Whether you like it or not.” He said firmly.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked.
“Doing what?”
“Why are you so good to me? You don’t owe me anything. You don’t know me. I don’t know you either but that’s different. I’m not sticking my neck out for you, what makes you think you can trust me?” She asked.
“I like to believe in people.” He said.
She smiled slightly, “That’s a nice way to be.”
He smiled back but didn’t say anything. He held the door open for her and they walked out of the small room. He took her through the city to different stores.
In one clothing store she decided to try on different clothes. Not many things in there were made to fit her particular species so she had them tailored.
“Are you sure it’s ok?” she asked.
“Ya, everything on this planet is so much cheaper than anywhere else because this climate is not an ideal place to vacation. So the only way they attract a lot of people is by being cheap.” He said.
“Oh,” She said. Reassured, she turned back to the little old alien holding the patterned material she liked so much. The lady took measurements and designed a korbe according to the girl’s odd shape. The korbe resembled that of a human dress. It was a dark blue with dark purple shapes in it. The material was soft and versatile.
Ray was very surprised at the dramatic change the korbe had on India. It was so much better than the rags she had on before. Her tall black boots were shined and complimented her shapely legs.
“I feel so weird in this thing.” She said, grabbing the ends and pulling on them to try and adjust it.
“You look good,” he said, glancing over at her.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
“If you don’t like it I won’t get it.” He said.
“No, I want it. I really like it.” She said in defense.
“Ok, did you want anything else?” He asked.
“No, this is it.” She said timidly.
“Ok,” They walked around until India was to overwhelmed to stay out any longer.
It was dark by the time they made it back to their room. They stopped at a stand and bought dinner.
“Thank you for today,” she said. “I’ve never bought anything before. Well, you bought it. But it was for me and it was nice and I like it.”
He laughed to himself a little, “You’re welcome.” He said.
“I honestly didn’t know there was anything outside of where I was for years. I was just always in that little black box with a small bit of light showing through in the corner. I remember crying one day because I thought, if this is life, than why am I living? Then I remember I was really sick one day, and they were afraid I would die. As they rolled me away on that small bed I remember looking up and seeing one of their experimental patients going berserk from a new drug they had given him. Then he jumped up and tore down the thick sheets that always covered the windows. It was the first time I had ever seen natural daylight. I knew from then on that that was a sign. I knew I had to get out.” She said.
“How did you get out?” He asked.
“Oh look our food’s here.” She said, avoiding the question and quickly changing the subject.
He decided not to ask again. Instead he talked about something else. “Your meal looks good.” He tried.
“I wish I knew how to eat it.” She said.
“Well, here. I think…” He didn’t know either.
The both of them asked and the waiter showed her how. He said it was an authentic dish from Zilli, a small planet north of here.
“Is that a nice planet to visit?” She asked.
“Very nice. Cold, that’s why the meals are so hot. It’s kind of like the opposite of here.” He said.
“Can we go there Ray?” India asked.
“I don’t see why not. I’ve never been.” He said.
“Really? When can we go?” She asked.
“Um, how about in a couple of days. I’ll have to check out some things first.” He said.
Her eyes lit up like never before and she was smiling from ear to ear. She was really coming out of her shell. It was amazing how quickly she could cope.
They walked up to the room and he quickly fell asleep. India on the other hand did not. She lay wide-awake for hours thinking. When she finally did doze off she woke up abruptly to the feeling of falling from a cliff. She walked around, took a shower, and by the time she was done it was daylight.
“Did you sleep at all?” He asked.
“Yes,” She knew he could tell she was lying, “…no.”
“I’m sorry. Would you like to try medicine? They have sleeping pills.” He offered.
“Medicine? I’m sorry; I would rather stay up all night. I’ve had my share of medicine to last a lifetime thank you.” She said.
“Bad suggestion.” He said, thinking. “What about teas or candles? They have lotions and sprays and different exercises you could try.”
“Maybe. I’m kind of afraid to sleep because I have bad dreams.” She said.
“Oh,” He said. He was fresh out of ideas. He decided not to dwell on it; this was something she needed to figure out herself.
“Why don’t we go do something?” He asked.
“Ok,” She said.


They arrived at Zilli after a week on Ymari. Ray warned her that there were an over abundance of a type of flesh eating beetles and to always shake your boots and clothing before putting them on.
“India, we have to go around. This place is flooded with cops.” Ray said as they entered the welcoming building.
“Do you think they’ll see us?” She asked. She became rigid with fear and hid behind Ray as well as she could.
“They won’t look over here if you don’t make a scene. Just act normal and don’t look over there.” Ray assured her.
“I can’t. I can’t go over that way. Let’s just leave. We can still get out of here.” She said. She began to turn around and almost ran right into an officer.
He accidentally knocked off her glasses, “Excuse me miss,” he said as he bent down to pick them up. “I believe these are yours.”
She nervously took them and quickly put them on. As she turned away and stepped over to Ray again the man shouted in realization, “Hey, it’s her! It’s the missing girl!” He grabbed his radio and shouted into it, “I’ve located case 101482! She’s on the planet Zilli in the welcome center. She’s with some man, they’re headed north. I need back up! Now!” He said breathlessly as he ran after them
They ran out of the building as more and more people began to chase them. Ray grabbed her by the hand and they ran as fast as they could down the long street and rushing through crowds of people.
Soon hover cars and bikes were chasing them and they had to take a detour through the woods. Sirens and speakers were going off with a deafening tone. India’s hat and glasses fell off but they didn’t slow down. They came out of the woods onto a crowded highway where the traffic was still. They jumped from car to car to get away and angry people were screaming and grabbing at them.
One man caught India by the leg and ripped her down. She fell to the pavement, scraping her knee. Ray punched the man in the face, knocking him unconscious. Ray picked India up and they continued running.
They dented several cars and when they got to the end of the road they found out why traffic was so backed up. A quake had torn the road in half. It caused a huge cliff that must’ve been a thousand feet high. Traffic directors couldn’t stop the two from running away from the road towards the cliff about a hundred yards away.
The police that were on foot were gaining on them and Ray fell behind to stop them.
“No!” India cried as she turned around to see him, “What are you doing?” She screamed.
“Just go! I’ll hold them off!” He cried as he ran for the cops. He collided with several of them with his fists held out. He caught two by the neck and they couldn’t take him down until at least three of them were injured.
India heard a gunshot as she ran and shuttered. At the edge of the cliff she turned and saw his blood before jumping.
She fell with her eyes closed and arms held out, he’s dead, so I am too. The wind whipped at her long hair and forced tears to stream up her cheeks. She started to gain speed as she fell, but she didn’t feel like she was falling, she felt like she was flying. The force of wind was so strong that she couldn’t move her head to look down.

She never saw the copters coming. They caught her in a net and carried her away, kicking and screaming. When they landed she put up a good fight, but it wasn’t enough. They injected her with a tranquilizer.
She woke up in the silence of the black box that drove her so mad. She looked up into the light and put the back of her head against the wall as she cried. Its over, and they’ll never let me live and they won’t let me die.
She closed her eyes and swallowed. She was back to where she started.
“You’ve been a very bad girl, haven’t you?” One of the women said.
India opened her eyes. “At least I’m not evil like you!” She said. Then she spit in the woman’s face.
“Ah! You little brat!” She reached in to hit her but India grabbed her hand.
“Careful, I might bite.” India said.
India let go of the woman’s hand and snapped and hissed at her.
“Just you wait. We have some new things made just for you.” She said.
“No you don’t. I won’t do it.” India said.
“Oh, you won’t will you? What makes you think you can refuse this? You don’t have a choice.” She said.
“It’s not like last time. I’m not weak and cloudy and you can’t make me do anything. I make my own decisions, you hear me? I won’t take it anymore.” India said.
“Who put those ideas in your head, darling? You think that little adventure of yours was freedom? You think you can take the real world? Let me tell you something, you weren’t made for that world. They wouldn’t understand you like I do. This is where you belong. Right here with me, where we can take care of you.” She said in a deceptively calming voice.
“Stop lying to me!” India cried as she thrust herself against the bars of her cage. She tried to grab the woman’s white lab coat but she was too fast. “Everything you ever told me was a lie! There is more out there! I’ve seen it! Do you here me? There’s more, there’s always more!” India screamed. She heard some of the others whispering, “Is it true? Is there really an outside?” She decided to tell them. They had to know there were better things out there, that they could escape.
India began to scream on the top of her lungs, “Yes! The whole world is filled with beautiful things! Don’t believe what they say! There is more! You can find it! Be strong and we can all break free!”
The woman had run to get help. They quickly injected India with a tranquilizer and she stopped screaming and sat still, pretending to be unable to move. But it was too late, she had already gotten her message across to the others and there was uproar. She could see her influence taking over, but she didn’t move. The tranquilizers they gave her were never strong enough to put her to sleep. They simply paralyzed her.
“You’re in trouble now, little girl.” The woman said.
India stared at her coldly and stuck her tongue out at her.
When all the doctors left to calm down all the other patients India made her move. She opened her hand and sitting there in all its glory was the key she had stolen from the woman. She quickly stuck her hand through the bars and opened the cage. She quietly crawled out and avoided being seen by the distracted doctors.
She crept to the door and pulled on the bar. Locked. She saw another doctor coming and hid beside the door. He opened it and walked in as one walked out rolling a large cart. She jumped in it and hid in the body bag next to the dead alien as they rolled down the corridor.
She recognized the boy she was next to. What did he die from? They killed him. Pierced straight through the heart. There were used needles and half empty bottles of the drug they used to calm her down. She filled one of the needles the way she saw the doctors do so often.
She saw the door to the staff only bathroom and quickly snuck in. She kept her breathing down and stuck to the wall. She peaked around the corner and saw the woman who always terrorized her so much washing her hands. This is too good, India thought.
She rounded the corner when the woman was looking down at the sink and snuck up behind her. India forcefully put her arm around the woman’s shoulder and covered her mouth. She struggled to get free but India tightened her grip. Even though India’s body was fragile, it was clear that the woman was no match for her.
“Hi,” India said. “You remember me, right? I look a little different in the light don’t I?” India heard the door to the bathroom start to open, “great,” she said.
“Hello? I thought I heard someone in here. Oh well.” The person called as she walked into the bathroom.
“You make one move,” India whispered in her hostages ear, “and you go sleepy bye,” She said as she waved the needle in front of the woman’s face. “You know, there’s enough in here to kill you. So you had better cooperate.”
The woman shook her head up and down. After the other person left, India looked outside the stall she had hidden in and saw the coast was clear. “Ok, if you yell once, you’re getting it. You hear me?” She said.
“Yes,” The woman said nervously.
“Ok, where’d they take Ray?” She asked.
“He’s dead.”
“No he’s not. Now don’t lie to me.” India said as she put the needlepoint to the woman’s neck with one hand and pulled her head back by her hair with the other.

“Ok, ok,” She said, breathing heavily. “He’s here. They took care of the gunshot and then he’s going to trial. You’re probably too late, he’s probably being executed right now.”
“Where?” India asked.
“Why should I tell you?”
“Because I’m about to kill you.” India said as she put more pressure on the needle to the point it almost broke the skin.
“Ok, ok,” She said. “He’s in penitentiary station 6.”
“Thanks,” India said as she stabbed the woman with the needle and thrust the paralyzing solution through her veins. She dropped to the floor, choking and gasping for air at first then slowly her eyelids dropped, and she hit the ground, dead. India let the needle slide from her hand. She crushed it under her boot as she grabbed the woman and stripped her of her clothes. She hid her in a stall and removed any evidence that she was there. India calmly exited as someone else was entering. They simply nodded at each other and India was satisfied with her disguise.
When she was clear of all people, she picked up her pace. She didn’t want the security cameras to see her running; they might think that something was up.
Suddenly an alarm went off and a voice was shouting, “Code red! Code red! Case 101482 has escaped! Close all exits and entrances! I repeat! Code red case 101482 has escaped!”
India took off running. There was no sense in hiding anymore. As she passed each hallway she looked for the exit. She lived here all her life yet couldn’t remember where the exit was.
A man saw her running and shouted, “Hey! Come back here!” as he chased after her.
Ya right, like I’m gonna come to you, India thought. She ran faster but he was gaining on her. She turned the corner and stopped.
“Gotcha!” The man yelled as he grabbed the white lab coat sitting on the coat hanger. “What? A trick.” As he turned around he saw her running in the opposite direction. How the heck? But he didn’t think too much about it. He had an escapee to catch.
As she rounded the corner she saw the exit. A big man wearing a security jacket was standing in front of the door holding his hand out telling her to stop. So she picked up the speed. She ran straight for him and as she neared him she jumped into the air and landed her foot square on his face. He tumbled over and she wasted no time crashing out the door and high tailing it down the streets of the space station.
She stowed away on the first ride out of there towards station 6. I did it! Again. They can’t find me this time. I have to free all the others, what they are doing in there is wrong. Those people don’t deserve the treatment they’re getting. They need to be free… Just because they have a unique gift that makes them different from the rest of society doesn’t mean there’s something wrong. She thought. She decided that the best chance of them never finding her is for them to not have a reason too. She didn’t know how she’d do it, but she would. Right after she saved Ray.
She figured it would be a good half hour before she actually reached station 6, so she started passing the time by going through people’s luggage. She found foreign money and tons of clothes. She found some humanoid type clothing and tried it on. She needed a new disguise. She polished her boots and wrapped her hair with some black and white ribbon she found. When her new look was complete she set up a mirror and checked herself over.
India, you certainly outdid yourself this time, she thought. Her boots shined black as night like they were brand new. Her new found blue shorts and tan colored vest with one button and a split below the chest and white wool lining complimented her figure beautifully. She pulled her two long hair wraps to the front of her bare, freckled shoulders and carefully adjusted her gold hoop earrings. The dozens of bracelets covered her branding tattoos well and she was sure no one would recognize her.
The mirror fell and shattered into a million pieces when the ship rumbled with turbulence as it began to land. India stumbled over the scattered belongings and quickly hid when the door began to lift open. Men walked inside the huge cargo area and began to remove luggage.
s***! I thought I had more time to put these things away! She thought worriedly, they’re going to know where I am now when these people report that someone was tampering with cargo. I’m just gonna have to hurry.
She slipped out unnoticed and walked as casually as possible through the crowds of people. She was on the opposite end of the space station from where the penitentiary was located. She watched the screens and walked as a familiar scene unfolded. They were blaring out her identification and this time the reward was doubled and it was dead or alive. She knew that they would announce when Rays execution would be over the large screens. She just hoped they would give her a decent amount of time to get to him.
Then it happened. She never thought in a million years it would happen again, but it did. Maybe it was because all the medication was out of her system, or maybe it was the stress of her situation. But she could feel it, in her chest, the beating of her heart growing louder and louder. She turned into an alley and unbuttoned the vest. She had broken out into a sweat and knew she was feverish.
When she opened the vest she couldn’t believe what she saw. Her skin had become a transparent clear gel-like substance. She could visibly see her pumping heart begin to change. A strong white light emitted from her heart and when she touched it the light came onto her finger tips and she held it like it were a solid substance but it wasn’t. The light began to spread throughout her body and engulf her. It ran down her hand and spread through her body down her legs and up her neck until all that was left was a ball of light.
She felt as though she were no longer completely together. She could feel pieces of herself whirling around inside the light. She finally began to understand the reason why they kept her hidden from the world. She controlled all the fate of the universe. She could see how with one simple move, her power could collapse the universe seven million times over. And a step in a different direction could control the fate of just one. To live forever or to die tomorrow, that is the question. She realized that, had she been someone else, someone not so caring and kind, someone evil, life would have ceased to exist a long time ago. And this thought scared her. This thought must have scared them too, she realized. They knew that if I ever figured out what I could do there would be no stopping me. I can control the universe with the threat of destruction.

She felt herself regaining control and knew that, with practice her power could be homed and controlled. She was not strong enough to tap into her full strength yet, but knew what she had was enough for now. She realized that the light was her life energy. It was what gave her strength, and if she took the life from someone else she would get stronger. But how much could she handle?
She slowly made her way towards the execution room as Ray’s picture showed up on the screen. He looked beaten and his eyes looked swollen and black. He must have struggled, she thought, you should never struggle.

His worn face was drained of all life and his body sagged as though he could not support his own weight. Even though she couldn’t see his hands India knew they were tied together.
She started walking faster when she saw she only had twenty minutes to get to him. Many people were watching the screens awaiting the execution they had been hearing about for so long. Some hated this man they didn’t even know and wanted to see him burn for what he had done. But what had he done? He didn’t hurt anybody. He was trying to save someone and in turn gave up his own life. No one knew the things he had seen though. No one would ever know. The two weeks he spent with that mysterious girl were the most amazing days of his life. He would rather die than take it all back. She had shown him how to be a real person. Not some mindless drone that obeyed the system. She made him really think. She made him think not how, but why things were the way they were. Her innocent ignorance had made him revise his own life. He realized for the first time in his life that rules could be questioned. But it was too late now. Those who were rebellious always died the worst of deaths. And he had been rebellious.
Ray had the life beaten out of him and was told they killed India. He didn’t believe them at first, but then they showed him a gruesome video of her being decapitated. He was convinced she was dead after that. So now there was no reason to live. Even if he did escape, where would he go? He would be wanted for the rest of his life, he couldn’t run from the cops forever. They were too efficient at finding you. There was no hope left for the world, and now he would die, because there was no place to go.
The heavy chains and shackles weighed him down and as they walked down the hallway he had tripped and was unable to get back up. “Stand up you fool!” The guard yelled as he grabbed Ray by the wrists and threw him up through the air. Ray thought his knees might break under the sudden burden of so much weight as he hit the ground. He wished they had. It seemed so old fashioned, the way he would die. Like something from an old history book, only without honor.
He was harshly strapped to a cold metal slab and for the life of him he couldn’t say his last words when asked. He turned his head as the table tilted and watched everyone as they left the room.
One man stayed behind and was saying something but Ray couldn’t make it out. He saw the cold needle go into his wrist yet he could not feel it. The green liquid slowly began to swim through his veins and then the pain came. Small, and dull at first, but then it grew. He felt like his arm was being chewed off and the skin became discolored. The pain became unbearable and he passed out.
“There should be laws against this,” Someone was saying. But who? Now he remembered. India had showed him the tattoos. First the ones on her arms, then she showed him the ones on her body. Tender, he remembered. She always flinched when he touched her bare skin. She said they would cut pieces of her out and make tattoos where a new chemical had been used. They were everywhere. They went from her breast to her shoulders down her arms and under. Down her back and around her butt, down her legs, even on her toes. They were spiral like on her stomach and it almost looked like clothing without wearing any actual clothing.
“I can’t see how anyone could treat somebody like this,” he remembered saying. He knew there couldn’t be laws against it because it would go on anyway. Besides, the system got rich off of these experiments. Many people wouldn’t stand for ending it. The system convinced them it was for health and security reasons. But no one really knew what went on behind those doors. If only those people could open their eyes and see how corrupt the universe had become. But they wouldn’t. It was too late. Everyone was brain washed and there was no escaping the system. It was everywhere you went.
“There are more like me back there.” She said referring to where she had come from.
“I don’t understand why they do this.” Ray said. He looked at her back as the long sleeved shirt slid off. He remembered seeing a few of her tattoos that night in the tub when she was sick with a fever. But her underwear had covered most of her body. He had no idea how bad it really was. There were grooves and implants and scars where infections used to be. The tattoos were all the same colors, blue, yellow and red.
“I am so ugly,” She whispered in despair. He had to look away from her eyes because there was too much hurt in them. “They think of me as a thing, not a person with feelings. To them I am an object.”
We are all objects in this time and space, he thought. He wanted to tell her she was beautiful. He wanted to tell her, to let her into his heart so she could see herself through his eyes that she was beautiful. He wanted her to know so bad it hurt. It hurt him to see her cry, to learn her past. He didn’t know how to comfort her, so on impulse he quickly leaned over and kissed her. It would be his way of showing her she was beautiful.
Surprisingly she didn’t pull away. When he finally stopped to apologize she kissed him back before he could open his mouth. He pulled her closer to him and didn’t realize for the longest time that he had fallen in love. This girl he had hardly known for a week, yet he knew he wanted to be with her forever. He also knew she felt the same, but he didn’t know she didn’t know what love was. She had never been loved, so how could she know how to love?
He watched the hours pass as they lay there with her close to him. He wanted to protect her from the world, to save her from the pain. He tightened his arms around her waist and brought his hands up to hers, by her chest.
She turned on her shoulder to face him. She wanted to ask him a question but couldn’t find words. She tucked her head under his chin and felt him breathing. With closed eyes she tried to recognize this new emotion she had stumbled upon. Nowhere in her memory could she find it. She had never been loved before; she didn’t even know the word.

Ray smelled her hair and kissed her head. India felt his ribs with her hand and suddenly had the desire to get the tattoos removed. She wanted to ask, but knew it could wait until morning, because Ray was asleep right now.

She never did ask him. She never got the chance. That was the first thing that he thought of before he died. He thought of her. He thought of her and what she wanted. There was so much he still wanted to show her. There was so much she didn’t know. So much… so much…
“He’s gone,” A burly man said as he pushed a release button that opened the door.
“It’s a shame. He seemed like a nice guy too.” Someone else said. “Why do they have to go and do that? Why can’t they just obey the system and enjoy life?”
They started to unstrap the dead stiff body from the table and move him to a cart for easier travel when a sudden shockwave burst through the air. It blasted all the glass panes and knocked over every person in the building. It blew up the computers and nothing electronic worked. Watches even stopped. The electricity shut down for a short instant and when everybody came to India was standing in the entrance to the execution room.
“What the heck?” Someone cried when they woke up. He recognized India immediately and rushed up to call security. India raised her hand and lifted him off the ground without even touching him. With some unseen power she sucked the life from the man that she held dangling by his neck. He fell to the ground when she was sure he was dead.
Someone behind her lifted a piece of metal bar, but before he had the chance to swing it at her head, his arms became immobile. He stood there in perplexed fear as he looked at his unmoving arms just sitting in midair. She slowly turned to face him, and smiled crookedly as his face took on the look of pain and he dropped to the ground as the metal bar came crashing down on his head.
She turned around and saw that no one else was going to get up. They were all unconscious. She walked towards Ray and realized that she had been too late. She wasn’t sure if she was strong enough to undo his death without there being a danger to herself.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered to him as she lifted him in her arms. “I should have been here sooner.” She wanted to cry but held back her tears. She kissed his forehead and closed her eyes. The energy she stole from the two men could not replace a soul.
“A long time ago,” she remembered Ray telling her, “They believed the soul took three days to get to heaven. I guess that means your soul takes a while to pack!” He had tried to cheer her up that day for who knows what reason she was upset.
She prayed that he was right because she had no way of bringing him back without it. She gave him the life she took from the other two men, but it wasn’t enough. She started to tap into her own energy and as it drained, she could feel him coming back to her. Her life was leaving fast, and he was coming back slow.
She heard someone running down the halls. They are coming for me! She tried to go faster but she couldn’t. Doors were opening and heavy footsteps came running up each level, getting closer and closer.
Now she could hear their voices. She started to panic and sweat. She felt weaker and weaker and was having a hard time containing her fears.
He opened his eyes.
“Get up! Run, they’re coming after us.” She said to him weakly.
“I don’t understand. How did you…”? He asked
“There’s no time to explain. Now go!” She said as loudly as she could. The fatigue was overwhelming and it almost hurt to talk. She hated being awake and wanted to fall over and sleep.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked, trying to pull her up.
“I’m so tired.” She mumbled. Her eyes were half closed and she began to fall backward.
Ray grabbed her wrists and pulled her up. He turned around and saw them coming. There were so many of them! They had guns and armor and lasers. He turned and saw that India was unconscious. He picked her up with what strength he had and leapt out the shattered window as gun blasts came shooting at the wall.
He fell two stories before hitting a blanket roof, which are common among space stations, and sliding to the ground. The people were startled and stared at him for an instant before going back to their business. He ran through the lower class trading market searching for a place to hide. He knew the cops were still after him and it would really be the end of them both if he were caught this time.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw an ugly old alien of a species he had never seen before waving for him to come over. He stopped and turned to follow her. She led him down a dark alley and into a well-hidden room. She lit an ancient lantern and set it on a counter. She pointed to a bed and Ray set India on it.
The old alien began to mix something in a bowl and Ray walked up behind her intending to ask what she was doing, but she simply ignored him and walked quickly over to the bed.
“What are…” Ray began, but the woman turned around and shushed him. He followed her back over to the bed and watched as she placed some of the odd smelling mixture on India’s tongue.
Ray didn’t quite understand this type of medicine, but it seemed to work. Only a few seconds after placement, India woke up slowly with a look of disgust on her face. The old woman held a bowl up to India and she spit the mixture out into it. Then the woman handed her a cup to drink from. India sniffed the liquid cautiously, and then judging by the look on Rays face she went ahead and drank it.
“How do you feel?” Ray asked as the old alien took the things away.
“Better. What about you? Are you ok?” She asked as she quickly touched his face with sudden concern, like he might not all be there or something.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry yourself.” He said, grabbing her hands. “But I’m still having trouble understanding what happened. I was sure I was dead. How did you revive me?”
She looked down, “Remember when I said that maybe there was a reason they hid me from the world?” She asked
“Ya,” he said.
“Well, this is why. I have a- an-um an…” She couldn’t seem to be able to find the right words to explain what she was saying.
“Ability? Gift?” He tried.
“Ya, ya. That’ll work. Ok, this is hard to explain, so I’ll just say it. To put it in a nutshell, I’m kind of like the grim reaper. I can kill people and I can bring them back. On certain occasions I can see when someone is going to die. In short, I can sort of control fate.” She said.
“Whoa,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “That, that’s a-um, unbelievable.”
“Ya, you think I’m crazy.” She said as she started to get up. “Well, we’re even now and I don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe me anything. So I’m gonna leave now and finish the next thing on my to do list while you go on back to wherever it is you came from.”
“Now wait a minute! That’s not fair.” He said as he grabbed her arm. “Remember you ran into me, not the other way around. I just need a minute to think, that’s all. You know, you can’t just spring something like this on a guy and expect him to understand and accept it all at once. I guess I just don’t see how this works.”
“How what works?” She asked in an agitated voice.
“How you controlling fate works. Anybody can kill a man, but how do you go about bringing back the dead, or better yet preventing it all together.” Ray said.
“It’s hard to explain. I don’t kill people, I just, take their life energy and then they die. Then I can store that energy or I can use it to save someone, like I did you.” She said.
“What about when you said you could ‘see’ when someone was going to die? How does that work? Did you know I was going to die like that?” He asked.
“Remember the night I woke up screaming the first night I spent with you? Well, that was when I saw how you would die, but I couldn’t tell you. I saw you die many different ways, all depending on the choices you made earlier in your life. I didn’t know exactly when you would die, but I did know how.” She said.
“Do you think you could take the life energy from say, more than one being at a time?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, like a whole planet. Or better yet a solar system?” He asked.
“I’m not sure. If I were stronger and had a place to store all of that energy, ya. It would be no problem. There’s only so much energy a person can obtain though. If I had someone to give it to, or somewhere to store it. I know there’s a way to turn the energy to a solid, but I don’t know how to do it. Why are you asking me this?” She asked him as she sat back down.
“I think I know why they did this to you now. It all makes sense. They didn’t want you to know you had this potential, they wanted to steal it from you and use it for themselves. They probably want to conquer the universe and that is how they wanted to do it. That’s why you’re so valuable.” He said.
“I know, I thought of the first part but I didn’t put much thought into it.” She said. “Do you know what this means if they find me? They won’t put me back in that box. They’ll probably kill me.” She said.
“Not if we get them first.” Ray said.
She stood quiet for a moment, then wondered why he was so willing to help her. He didn’t owe her anything; he wasn’t in her debt. He was just a good person. Willing to put his life on the line for what he believed in. India wished there were more people like him in the world.
“How are we going to do this?” She finally asked.
“I was hoping you had a plan.” He said with a laugh. He stood up walked over to thank the old alien for helping them.
She in turn handed him a small brown sack with odd little beads in it. “These will help you along your journey,” she said. “They hold the energy you need to make it through. But beware; only eat one when you need it and no more. Very dangerous indeed.”
They thanked her for her generosity and left. They casually walked down the streets of the old market and for the first time Ray noticed what India was wearing was different.
“Where’d you get it?” He asked, trying to make conversation.
“Get what?” She asked, taken slightly off guard.
“You’re outfit. I’ve never seen you wear it before.” He said.
“Oh, it came with the trip.” She said.
“So you stole it.” He said, smiling.
“No, some very generous donors let me take it. Without them knowing.” She said quickly.
He laughed a little and left it at that. They boarded the next ship out of there and got as far away from the space station as possible. They knew everyone would be looking for them, so they stayed low.

“All I need is a way in,” Ray was saying, “and I think you can do the rest.”
“I don’t know if I can target just the doctors without hurting an innocent person.” India said.
“Then we’ll have to practice your aim, now won’t we?” He said as he looked out the window again.
“Would ya quit being so paranoid? You’re starting to scare me.” India said.
“I’m sorry, I just really hope they don’t find us here.” He said as he walked back over to the small table and sat down.
“Well just, think. There has to be an easier way to do this.” India said.
“Do you think they know you can use your power?” He asked.
“Ya, after what happened when I got you back there? All the windows were busted and there are plenty of witnesses back there to tell the idiots it was me. Of course they know I can use it.” She said.
“I meant to your full capability. Even if you can’t, they don’t know that.” He explained.
“You mean bluff,” She said.
“Now you’re getting it,” he said. He got up and paced back and forth. He couldn’t seem to keep still.
“Is something bothering you?” India asked.
“Ya, but I’m not sure what. I think I’m still a little shook up after what happened.” He said as he rubbed his hands together.
“Come here,” she said softly.
He walked over to her and kneeled down. He put his hand on the top of her leg and looked down. India placed her hand on his head gently. Ray lifted his head and looked into her eyes. He hadn’t realized how dark they’d become.
She moved her hand to his cheek and held it there. She winced a little and suddenly a look of shock came over her face as though she had just uncovered a terrible secret. “Why are you scared?” She asked suddenly.
His eyes grew big with surprise. “I’m not,” he lied, trying to protect her.
“Yes you are,” She said in the same sweet, monochrome voice. “Why?”
“I don’t know.” He said, admitting to his fear.
She moved her hand, “Yes you do,” she said.
He turned away from her and stood up before she uncovered any more. “You didn’t tell me you read minds.” He said sternly.
“I didn’t have to.” She said. “You can read them too.”
He stopped dead still. No one knows that about me, no one. He turned around to face her. “Except you. You- you’re different from everyone else. That I knew from the beginning. I couldn’t get very deep; it was like you had built a wall. I could only read what was on top. How did you know?”
“I didn’t. But when I ran into you and broke my ankle, I saw the way you looked at me. It wasn’t just to debate the repercussions of your next action. Oh no, you gave yourself away to me when you said yes, trusting a potential psychopath instead of turning me in.” She said.
“If you knew this whole time I could read minds, why didn’t you tell me you could?” He asked, stepping closer.
“You weren’t ready to know. You have a dark past and I needed to know if your frustration would get to you.” She said.
“How much do you know?” He whispered, leaning over her chair to get closer.
“Everything, Rave McLain,” She whispered slowly.
He pushed himself away from her forcefully and turned around before she could see his tears. “Why are you playing mind games with me? All I have done is try to help you, and now you’re going to stab my back?”
“I’m not stabbing you in the back! You are the one who kept things from me!” She said.
“What did I ever do to you?! All I’ve ever tried to do is free you!” He screamed at her.
“Oh ya? Is that it Ray? Or should I call you Rave? Just tell me, what’s in it for you?!” She screamed.
“What are you talking about?” He yelled.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about! You’re the one who put me in that hell hole in the first place!” She screamed until her voice cracked and tears welled in her eyes.
“How…” He began.
“How do I know? I just saw everything. You knew who I was the whole time, didn’t you? You’re only helping me so you don’t feel so bad about what you did! I can’t believe you would do this to me! I feel so used.” She said.
“I didn’t use you India! I’m not helping you out of spite!” He yelled.
“Oh yeah? And I’m supposed to believe that?” She said.
“Why are you doing this to me?” He asked.

“Why did you do what you did to me? You are the reason I look like this! You came and killed my entire family! I saw them murdered in my house when I was eight years old. All of them. And it’s your fault this happened to me!” She screamed.
“You think I did that willingly! You know, you’re not the only one that can build walls. Do you want to know what they did to me? They knew I could read minds, and they knew I knew where you were. So do you know what they did? They took my family away from me and told me if I did everything they said to do that they would be ok. But I was foolish. I led them to you, I did what they said, but you know what? They killed them anyway! My whole family!” He burst out crying, “I had a wife, and she was the most beautiful girl in the world. I had two little kids, Michael and Necie. They would be all grown up by now. They were only three and four.” He fell to the ground and buried his face in his hands as his voice faded.
She was shocked. She wanted to take it all back. What have I done? He was so patient to learn the past from me, but when it came his turn I ripped it right from him and threw it in his face. She began to cry.
“I was only seventeen. They framed me. They framed me for killing my own family. That’s when I ran. I changed my name and I ran as far away from there as I possibly could. I started over. I had no other choice.” He said as he slowly sat up. “The reason I decided to help you is not out of pity for myself or because I thought I would get something out of it. I did it because I felt like I needed to set things straight. I can’t fix what happened in the past, but we can both change the future.”
“Why did you hide this from me?” She asked, and then she thought it a stupid question but realized it was too late.
“The same reason you hid yourself from me.”


India wanted to kill herself. She had given up on everything she had ever worked for. For the first time in her life, she felt guilty and selfish. She didn’t know how to handle these feelings.
She sat on the balcony in the pitch black of the night going over the events of the day. Then she wondered how far down the ground was and if the impact would be enough to kill her. Then she remembered she was being selfish.
She sat back down and thought of how there were times when she thought she loved him and other times when she wasn’t so sure. She didn’t know if she could live without him now, yet she had a hard time letting go of the past. She figured she should just give up and call it even. Maybe she would leave in the morning, but where would she go?
But she couldn’t help thinking she had made such a horrible mistake. She didn’t know what had happened to him. How could she have known? Then again he did put her where she was, he did help in the process of screwing her up for life. Yet she couldn’t help feeling so guilty, why did I have to go and do that? Why…
“Thinking about jumping?” Ray asked as he stepped out onto the balcony.
She looked at him despondently, “No.” She said weakly.
There was a short silence before India started to cry. She jumped up and put her arms around his neck and sobbed, saying, “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know! I didn’t…”
“It’s ok.” He said. “I’ve been waiting for you to break down. I don’t blame you for anything.”
“How can you say that?” She asked, lifting her head up and looking at him.
“I knew it was only a matter of time before something happened. I didn’t know it would be this, but I figured something would shake your trust. I don’t know why I didn’t see it, I didn’t think you’d figure it out. I would have told you eventually.” He placed his head in her hair and closed his eyes. He felt like it was his fault for her distrust. He wondered if the doctors had messed with her head and told her anything that made her do this. It didn’t matter, what goes around comes around, and his past was coming around.
She had stopped weeping, “How can you be so forgiving?” She asked, looking up at him.
He wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb and didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t be easy healing. It never was. They had come to far for him to screw it up now. He saw something in her, some small potential, some- unbreakable spirit that shined in her soul and came out her eyes.
“I don’t understand where I went wrong.” She said, letting go and stepping back to focus on him better.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I was sure of myself when I thought I hated you. But somehow, somewhere, someway you turned my anger into love. And once again I am unsure.” She explained, looking straight at him.
He came closer, “Unsure about love? You don’t know what love is, or…”
“I don’t know how to love you. That’s what I don’t know. But I do know you’ve tripped me and I’ve fallen.” She whispered. “Now I want you to show me how to love you.” She took him by the hand and led him back inside the room.
“I need to know one thing, though.” She said as she sat on the bed in the dark room.
“What is that?” He asked.
“Do you love me?” She asked shakily.
“You already know.” He said with a smile she could not see.
“Ya, but I want to hear it. Tell me, in words. Like I can’t read your thoughts.” She said, getting up on her knees and tightening her grip on his hands.
He looked at her. She reminded him of a child starving for attention. Begging for someone to watch her, to play with her, to talk and listen to her. “I love you so much,” He whispered before kissing her.
He leaned forward and she slowly fell backward. He supported himself with one hand and ran the other hand slowly down her thigh. Still kissing, she put her arms around his neck. But when his hand reached her shorts, she pulled away.
“Wha-what’s wrong?” He asked as she scrambled to the head of the bed and grabbed her knees.
“Don’t, don’t touch me there. That’s where- where they…” She realized she couldn’t tell him. It was the one horror story that all the others surrounded. The one that gave her shame and the one that brought her the most pain. It’s what nearly broke her all those years ago.
“Where they what? We’ve done this before. It’s ok.” He said.
“But you didn’t do that last time.” She whispered.
“Ok, I won’t do it this time then either. Here, ya know what, it’s really late anyway. Or really early, however you want to look at it.” He said, glancing at the clock. “Why don’t we just sleep? It’s been a real eventful day.”
“I envy your optimism.” She said.
He simply smiled and laughed under his breath. She undressed and hid under the covers. He kissed her forehead goodnight and fell asleep. Tired as she was she couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Each time she began to doze off she would think of something and be jerked back awake. India knew that tomorrow would be there soon and that she should be afraid. But she wasn’t. Something in the firmness of the feeling of love calmed her, and she found forgiveness in that comfort.
When she woke up Ray was already dressed and about. “Good morning,” He said.
She smiled and stretched and wondered how long she had been asleep. “Good morning,” she yawned. She wondered why people said good morning and goodnight. Why didn’t they say great morning and great night? It seemed silly yet in some way, true.
Ray was strapping on black gloves and ammo to his chest. His big coat covered most of it and what wasn’t covered blended into his black shirt. He stopped and looked up at India, “Plan A,” he said as he tossed her a gun, “Bust in and destroy everything. How’s that sound to you?”
“A little messy, and slightly careless. Why don’t we try something else?” She suggested.
“I know what you’re thinking, and it won’t work. They’ll kill you.” He said.
“You can’t protect me from everything. Besides, if it’s a cause worth fighting for then it’s a fight worth dying for.” She said.
“You’re impossible.” He said, shaking his head as he adjusted his belt. “I’ve heard that somewhere.”
“So, are we doing it?” She asked, ignoring the statement.
“You’re willing to turn yourself in, just to free a couple lunatics?” Ray asked.
“Well, I’m not really turning myself in. And they aren’t all lunatics. They’re the only family I have. Anything real I know I’ve learned from them. They would do the same for me.” She said.
He didn’t say anything. He knew she was right.
She smiled, stretched and got out of bed. They locked and loaded and were ready for action. “You know how to use one of these?” Ray asked as he cocked his gun.
“Do you?”
“I’ll figure it out,” He smiled.
Together they left the building through a back entrance that India had discovered while exploring. They weren’t supposed to go through there, it was off limits, but they did it anyway without being seen.
“Now you realize the second they suspect something you’re history, right?” Ray asked as they walked down the back way to the launching site.
“Yeah, I know.” She said.
“So what are you going to do if they suspect something?” He asked.
“I’ll do what I always do.” She said simply.
“What’s that?”
“I’ll act crazy.”
Ray rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious. If you start a riot they won’t know what to do.” She explained.
“Ok,” He said. He slipped a muggy looking man something and whispered a few words before boarding a small cruiser.
“You sure have some connections.” India said. “I’m impressed.” She looked around the small cruiser and finally sat down in the copilot seat.
“Why thank you,” Ray said jokingly. “Now we’re off to see the wizard.”
“Never mind.”

“That’s it, over there.” India pointed to the small floating port in the middle of space. Her stomach grew tense in anticipation as they neared it.
“That piece of junk? It doesn’t quite look like what I remembered.” He said.
“I know. A lot of things have happened. Ever since the explosion of the western pipes the whole things been falling apart. They won’t dare ask the system for more money because they don’t want to be shut down.” India said.
“Oh ya?” Ray asked.
“Yeah. There are so many flaws in the system. I couldn’t tell you how many of the doctors smuggle and use the drugs for their own personal addictions that are meant for the patients. But they won’t fire them because nobody else will do it, so they keep losing money. It’s awful. This asylum kills so many people for no reason. It’s sick. They told me I was the only one who ever escaped.” She said.
“Wow, they have really gone downhill then. Good, that means they have more weaknesses than you can shake a stick at. They were never totally one with the system, corrupt as it is, but they kept saying that they would find what they were looking for, if I’m not mistaken. I think you were their ticket to success. If they could just drain you’re power and let the system see what they could do, then they would be funded, right? It’s a get rich quick scheme.” Ray said.
“Right. But if they need me so bad, then why are they willing to risk me being brought back dead unless- you don’t think-they’ve already found a way?” She asked in horror.
“Well it seems to be that way. That means a change in plans then.” Ray said.
“What kind of a change?” She asked.
“I bring you in dead, they get you where they want you, we have the element of surprise. Besides, it’s safer that way.” He said.
“There’s no way to fake that. They check to make sure you’re dead.” She said.
He pulled out a gun, “Here then. A pincher. Kind of like a super stun, or better known as temporary death.”
“I don’t know. More drugs. Ray, I’ve been going through withdrawals. I don’t know if I can take this.” She whined.

He didn’t listen to her. With a quick yank he held her still and within a split second her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fell forward. “Ooh, be careful.” He said as he leaned her limp body back onto the seat. “Sorry babe, I just couldn’t risk us getting found out.”
Ray silently prayed that it wasn’t too strong for her screwed up body chemistry. He figured he had about an hour before it wore off. He quietly docked in the bay where several beasts three times his size came out to see what he was doing there.
He raised his arms in surrender, “I have girl.” He said with a fake accent. “101482.”
One of the beasts grunted at another and he ran back inside as fast as his ugly legs would carry him.
“Give her to me.” The beast said.
“Now, now. Not so fast. You see, I am bit of salesman. I need to see money first. I can’t just be handen’ her over without any kind of deal.” He said
The beast glared at him cynically.
“You’ll get your money.” A strangely soft, yet masculine voice said.
Ray looked up. The man carried a large briefcase and knew just by looking at him that this man would do anything to have the girl. If Ray had the girl. He had a slight build and beautifully chiseled face with dark eyes.
“Who are you?” ray asked.
“Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Dr.Dismule and I run this operation.” He said as he walked closer to Ray. “May I ask, who you are?”
“I am Night Starwind.” Ray said quickly, trying not to look suspicious. Ray knew exactly who this man was. He was the guy who killed his wife.
“Ok then, Mr. Starwind. Is she alive or dead?” He asked, lifting one eyebrow.
“Dead,” Ray replied in a sharp, monochrome voice.
The man seemed slightly irritated at this, but it did not affect his conversation. Instead, he waved one of the beasts over to him and whispered something into its ear. It shook its head yes and the doctor seemed pleased.
“Bring out the girl,” Dr. Dismule said.
“I want to see money first, eh?” Ray said, rubbing his fingers together dirtily.
“Of course. Here.” The doctor opened the briefcase he was holding and showed an immense amount of money to Ray. Ray reached his hand out to touch it greedily, but the doctor pulled it back, “Uh, uh. First, the girl. Show her to me so I can see you’re not fooling.”
“Alright, alright.” Ray said. He walked over to the pod and slowly lifted the pod door, praying nothing would fall out that would give him away. He pulled out her limp body and carried it over to the man. “We make quick exchange. No funny business.”
“I’ll set the money down here. Ok? Now you hand him the girl, and you can get the money. Safe, quick, and effective. No funny business.” The doctor said as he backed away from the briefcase.
“Ok,” Ray said as he handed India over to the large beast. He glanced over quickly and snatched up the briefcase. He backed away towards the pod with it and opened the door.

As soon as Ray looked in the opposite direction the Doctor pulled a gun and shot him directly in the chest. Ray flew back, dropping the closed briefcase. He landed a few feet away with blood gushing from the wound. Silent… still… dead.
“Dispose of the body.” The doctor said to one of the beasts. The doctor took the girl, turned, and walked away. It was a shame, he thought, that such a delicate body like this had to be so cold. He wished she were still alive so he could do the things he loved so much to do to her. She would’ve been killed anyway. It wouldn’t have mattered; she was always so soft…
Now that he thought of it, the guy that brought her seemed so familiar. A little older maybe-no, no. It couldn’t have been him. How preposterous to even think that. That kid killed himself years ago. Well, serves him right, he put himself in that position. Stupid kid.
Ah, but his wife. The memory of her beautiful frightened face. Those big blue eyes-wait, were they blue? No, green, maybe. Or were they gray? Maybe a little bit of everything. Her pale complexion and radiant dark hair. She looked very similar to India.
They could’ve passed for sisters. Maybe that’s why he was so attracted to her. Poor girl, after he had his way with Miranda he had killed her. But he couldn’t do the same with India. She was too important. But there was something about her, something about the both of them that turned his sickly twisted mind on.
Miranda’s children had resembled their father too much. He had them killed immediately. But he did Miranda himself. He can still feel the intensity of her screaming rushing through his body. He didn’t realize that he had been squeezing India’s arm.
As he walked through the halls, he realized he needed to calm down. He couldn’t look excited. He couldn’t let them know of his addictions. He couldn’t let them know of how much he had envied Rave McLain’s life. Or, at least the life used to have.
That’s the only reason he chose Rave to find the girl. He knew from the very beginning he wanted to ruin that boy. He had known him since the beginning of time. They went to the same academy together. They were actually friends at one point in time. Then Miranda came along and stole him away. He went off and married that girl. When he saw how happy they were he wanted to crush them. He had always wanted to crush them, and he did.
He crushed India too. But it was too fast. He had wanted her to live a little longer so he could see the fear in her eyes one more time. Oh, how that girl portrayed fear. It glistened like ice from a tower in her cold, distant eyes. It was a beauty he could find nowhere else, a beauty only he appreciated. But now it was gone.

The huge beast walked over to where the scraggly man lay and bent down to pick him up. The second he reached down his ugly hand and touched Ray, his eyes opened. He jumped up and shot the beast with a strong gas gun straight in the face. The beast fell to the ground, unconscious.
“Just as planned.” Ray said as he pulled the busted pouch of fake blood out of his vest and walked into the building. He glanced at his watch. “Thirty minutes,” he mumbled to himself.
He picked up his pace and managed to dodge security. India had told him to let the other patients out first before he came to get her. It would work out better that way. She said they would be in the most protected part of the hospital, so be careful. There were eight corridors filled with all kinds of creatures. Most of them would be afraid of you, and everyone was harmless so don’t be afraid. There’s an emergency button on the wall somewhere that will open all the cages simultaneously, but India had never found it. If Ray can’t find it, there would be a key one of the guards carried that would open them all.
He hurriedly walked down the plain hallways and found a passage that led to some corridors. He counted them, “Eight, this must be the place.” He jiggled the knob, and it was locked. He started to pick it, but someone started walking towards him. He quickly opened it and rushed inside right before a doctor turned the corner. Ray wondered why the security was so primitive, but then he realized it was because of lack of money.
The man stopped and looked into the window. He stuck a key inside the lock and began to turn it. Ray kept as low as he could and looked for a place to hide. But there was nowhere.
Suddenly, someone yelled something and the doctor removed the key and walked off.
With a sigh of relief, Ray started back to the corridors. He peered into the doorway window and began to pick the lock. He slowly opened it and crept in.
“Hey, is anyone in here?” He whispered.
Suddenly tons of creatures of all shapes and sizes came to the front of their cages to see who he was. One of them spoke. “Who are you?” he asked quietly.
“I’m Ray. I’ve come to get you out of here. Everybody.” He said.
“I’m Darwin.” He said, “Do you have a plan?”
“Yes, and if everybody will cooperate, we will all make it out alive.” Ray said.
“Ok, what do you suppose we do?” Darwin asked.
“I’ll figure out a way to unlock these, and I’ll leave. You’ll get a signal and then you’ll run.” Ray explained.
“When?” Darwin asked.
“I don’t know.” Ray said as he played with the lock. “How often do they check on you?”
“Only once today because of the big event. That was in the morning, so no one will be coming in here today.” Darwin said, then he looked down, “It’s really a shame.”
“What is?” Ray said.
“That she has to go like this. She was the best of us. I didn’t even know her name.” Darwin said.
“Well, I can’t tell you her name, but she’s escaping with us. Everything is staged.” Ray explained.
“What?” Darwin couldn’t believe it. “How did you?”
“It’s a long story, I’ll tell you later. Right now I need everyone to listen up. When you get the signal, and believe me, you will get the signal, I want you to run out of here towards the escape pods. I don’t want a single pod left on here. You will have one minute to take off before this thing blows. Do ya hear me?” Ray asked.
“What about the others?” Someone asked.
“I’ll get to them too.” He said. “I need to know if anyone here is Lexinian.”
“I am.”
“Can you turn invisible?” He asked.
“No, but she can.” He said, pointing to a frightened looking little girl in a corner.
Ray turned to the little girl and bent down to her size. She couldn’t have been any more than three. She looked like a dirty rag doll and resembled India in several ways. “What’s your name?” He asked.
“I don’t know.” She said quietly, in an almost inaudible voice.
“Will you help me?” He asked.
“Yes. They don’t even know I’m still here half the time.” She said.
“The people that come in and out all dressed in white.”
“Oh. Can you turn invisible?” Ray asked.
“Yes.” She said.
“Can you turn me invisible?”
Ray opened her cage and held out his hand. She hesitantly reached out and touched it. As she did so, his skin began to change. It seemed to crystallize and he became invisible. It spread like a liquid and soon consumed both him and the girl.
He walked over to a wall and searched for the button that would open all the cells. He looked high and low and even asked some of the creatures but they didn’t know about it. So he had to take his time and pick every single lock, wasting precious time.
By the time he was finished he only had about twenty minutes left and he still had seven more corridors with about fifty cages each. There was no way he could save them all, but he would try.
Upon entering the second corridor Ray found himself surrounded by creatures twice his size. He wondered if it was designed this way for a reason. All the smaller ones in one place, then bigger ones, and so on. He quickly explained what was happening and wasted no time.
Luckily, one of the alien patients was a master lock pick. He helped Ray and they finished in half the time, but it still wasn’t fast enough. The girl kept them invisible whenever security walked by, which made it easier to go fast.
By the time he got to the fifth corridor, he had less than ten minutes to set the bomb and find India and bust her out of that place with the money. He left his new friend to finish the job and took the girl with him.
Invisible, he ran down the halls looking for the core of the hospital. He ran until he was out of breath and his shoulders ached from the weight of the girl. He slowed down a great deal when he realized he had only about five minutes left before it was too late.
Finally, after what seemed like an hour of running, he found it. A white door with windows that led to what looked like a very red room. On the outside there were several signs in all different languages that read, “DANGER: Highly caustic materials. Do not enter without special permission and equipment.”
“I can’t protect you from things burning or cutting you.” The little girl said.
“That’s ok.” Ray said as he attempted to open the door. Then he realized he needed a special card and fingerprint to enter. He was about to give up when he saw someone coming his way. Yes, he thought.
The man walked really slowly and when he finally reached the door, he seemed to have misplaced his card. He searched for a minute, and then finding it in one of his front pockets, the large man slid the card through then placed his hand on the panel. It checked out ok and the door opened. Everything seemed to go so slow to Ray.
He glanced at his watch and saw he only had three minutes left. He would never make it! If there was only some way to stall them.
He walked into the odd room and was disgusted by what he saw. This was the place they made and tested new drugs. There were fetuses in glass jars and deformed body parts all over. Chemicals and toxins were haphazardly placed about the dim lab and the ones that were spilled stayed that way.
Ray came to his senses and quickly got to work. He trimmed the wires and set the small bomb for fifteen minutes. There would be no way to turn this thing off without detonating it, so if they didn’t get out of there in time, they would go out with the rest of them.
“Ok,” Ray whispered as he turned and flung the girl back onto his shoulders. Two minutes and counting, he thought to himself. He hurried out of there so fast that he didn’t notice the cut on his arm that he had gotten from running into a table with broken vials on it. One drop of the drugs inside it could do some serious damage to a person. The only problem was it had a delayed reaction, so by the time he realized something was wrong, it would be too late. It would slowly travel to his brain and attack it, sending him into convulsions and eventually killing him.
Ray reached the room that they were doing the experiment in and pulled out a gas bomb. He threw it through the window and when it exploded, most of the people fell to the ground. A few of them were quick enough to react with gas masks and when the fog cleared they began to fire in the direction the bomb came in. But nothing was there.
Ray set the small girl down out of harms way and became visible again. She started running back the way they came to be with the others when the signal came.
“There! He’s over there!” Dr. Dismule yelled.
Ray had run to India just as she began to wake up and untie the straps that bound her to the table. “Ray, you made it.” She said.
“Hi,” he said.
“I’m gonna kill you for knocking me out.” She said weakly.
He would have replied, but the men started to shoot at him. A bullet grazed India’s side and she screeched in pain. Ray ducked behind the table and began to fire back. He heard one of them go down, and then another. When the firing stopped, he realized he had gotten them all.
When he stood up from behind the table he saw Dr. Dismule standing there, holding India by the neck with a gun pointed at her head. “You are good.” He said, “You’re real good.”
“Let her go.” Ray said protectively.
“Um, no.” He said, backing away.
India struggled and bit the doctors’ arm. He loosened up and she almost got away, but he grabbed her hair at the last instant and reeled her in. He squeezed her body against his and she cried out in pain. “You’re not going anywhere!” He said to her before forcefully kissing her.
She squinted and screamed muffled rebellions, but it didn’t work, so she resorted back to biting him. He pulled back and his lip bled profusely. She smiled at his pain and the blood on her teeth showed through. He smacked her to the ground and she just lay there. He pointed and cocked his gun, forgetting about Ray for an instant.
Ray took advantage of this and pulled out his gun and loaded his last shell. He aimed, fired, and blew the doctors head off.
India still had her head covered when Ray ran over to get her. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet, “Are you ok?” He asked.
“Yeah, I think so.” She said. There was blood covering half of her body and she began to wipe it off. Then she looked over at the gory site of the headless man and asked, “That’s really gross. Was that necessary?”
“That’s the man that killed my family. I have no pity for him.” He said.
“I didn’t ask you to have pity for him. I asked you if that was necessary.” She said.
He looked at her oddly, and then said in a cold tone, “Yes.”
India didn’t say anything. Instead she started walking carefully out of the room. “I’m surprised the alarm hasn’t sounded yet.” She said.
“It will.” He said, glancing at his watch. “We have seven minutes to get out of here. We had better hurry.”
She looked at him questioningly as he grabbed her hand and started to jog out of the room.
As soon as they stepped foot into the hall, the alarm sounded, “Perfect,” he whispered. They started running as fast as they could through the emergency doors as they began to close down upon them. They got lower and lower and soon they had to slide through the last one, clearing it by a second before they made it to the main hallway.
As they approached the barred exit doors, Ray wondered where the others were. He had been counting on everyone he had let out to break down the exit for them. He began to worry as they neared the doors, dodging bullets.
Then, just as predicted but a little late, all the creatures big and small came stampeding through the walls. Some swung through the ceiling while others crashed straight through, running over everything in their way.
They created a huge hole in which everyone escaped through. Nothing could stop them. Ray led India back to where the pod was and they jumped in. They strapped themselves in and Ray started to take off.
The pod flew through space as fast as it could, the timer hit zero and the bomb exploded. There was a slight delay in sound because of the speed of it, but it caught up to them fast. The red and yellow waves chased the pod and despite Rays best intentions it hit them hard. Bracing for impact, India was thrown forward and knocked out but again. Ray was slammed against the wall, busting his arm and ribs up. He managed to make it to the next planet before crashing.
India woke up with a killer headache and unable to see out of her left eye. She touched it and felt blood and pain. Then she remembered Ray. “Ray- Ray,” She croaked. She tried to get up but passed out again. She woke up about a minute later and crawled towards the wreckage where she saw Rays arm sticking out.

She pulled on it, “Ray, Ray I’m here.” She started to panic, so with her one good arm she pushed the big metal plates off of him. When she saw him she couldn’t believe her eyes. His face looked crushed and blood was coming out of his mouth.
She pulled him out and held him in her lap, “Ray, wake up. Please wake up.”
He moved a little, “I-it hurts. In-India.” He opened his battered, bloody eyes as much as he could.
“Sh, sh. Be quiet. You’ll be ok. You’re gonna be ok.” She said desperately as she cried.
“I think-w-we both know-th-that’s n-not true.” He said, choking on his own blood.
“Sure it is.” She said, “I can save you.”
“How? Y-you’re too weak.”
She didn’t know what to say to that. Despite the fact that he was dying, and there was nothing she could do about it, he could still read her mind. Then she remembered the beads the old lady gave them. “I can! The brown bag, where is it?” She started searching Ray for it and found nothing. Then she saw something burning in the corner and reached for it, but it was too late. All the beads were gone and the bag was totaled. Any ounce of hope that she had just gained was shattered.
“I love you India. I love you…” His eyes began to drop.
“No, stay with me. Please! I have something to tell you.” She begged.
“I already know.” He said, lifting his hand toward her.
“How? I hid it from you.” She said as she took his hand and placed it on her abdomen.
“You only think you did.” He said as a tear rolled down his cheek, “There was so much- I wanted to show you.”
“You showed me everything I need to see.” She said, leaning closer to him, setting her head on his.
“Except one thing.” He choked, “There’s a sister planet to Earth-I didn’t tell you about. Take the money and go there. It’s called Sivanalli. You learn its history. I think you’ll like it there.”
“I don’t…” She began.
“Please go,” He said. Then he kissed her one last time, “My final request- be happy…” His voice faded and his head fell back. His heart stopped, as did his breathing.
India held her breath for a second, thinking he might come back. But when he didn’t, she started crying all over again. She held him close one last time, and then set him down. She moved his hair from his forehead, and a few tears fell to clean his face. She supposed that so many years in that horrible place had hardened her. “I love you too,” she said as kissed his forehead and pushed his hair away from his face one last time.
She wanted to give him a proper burial, but didn’t have the strength. She would have to go find help, somehow. She stood up and all she could see was desert for miles. She didn’t even know if this planet was inhabited, and if it was, were they friendly?
She decided that she would have to bury him herself because if she left, his body would be gone by mid afternoon tomorrow. She found some materials and covered herself as much as she could to protect herself from the elements.
The wind is what first woke her. It was so strong and loud that it blew her cover off and sent the sand stinging into her skin. Then she panicked and thought it was the helicopters that were after her again. She quickly got up and tried to look into the sky, but there was too much sand.
“Are you ok?’ Someone yelled. Then she saw him coming. He was a burly looking man in a thick uniform that completely covered him from head to toe.
“What?” She called.
He grabbed her by the arm and said, “Come with me.”
She ripped her arm away from him and asked, “What are you doing?”
“I’m getting you out of here. It’s ok, you can trust me.” He said, offering his hand again.
This time she took it and he pulled her close to him. He pushed a button on his uniform and they were quickly pulled up to the helicopter.
When they got inside there were doctors in white coats with medicine and needles and India started to freak out.
“What’s wrong?” The man asked.
“You lied to me!” She screamed.
“No, they’re not going to hurt you. They just want to make you better. You’re probably dehydrated and I think your ankle is broken.” He said. He took his helmet off to help calm her.
She looked at him, and noticed that he looked a lot like a human. As a matter of fact, he looked a lot like Ray. He had dark sandy blonde hair and beautiful dark eyes. His face was so kind and she trusted him.
“Now I need to know, is there anyone else down there?” He asked.
“Yes,” She said. “He’s dead.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Do you want me to get him?”
He grabbed a small package of something and jumped back off the loud copter. When he left, the doctors started to work on her.
“Hi, I’m Lyni,” One of the women said. “Can I ask you a few questions?”
“Ok,” India said hesitantly.
“Ok. What’s your name?” She asked.
“In- Rave. My name’s Rave.” India said.
“Ok,” The short girl jotted it down on her notepad. “Now, I need you to look at my finger and follow it with your eyes.”
India didn’t understand the point of these questions, but she did them anyway. She learned to trust them and she let them set her breaks and insert an IV. They laid her on a bed and began to wash her up when the man returned.
He came in carrying a big bag that India knew had Ray in it. They traveled back to the city where India was checked into a hospital. The next day she managed to get the strength to go to Rays funeral. All the patients that escaped and their families were there. India had never see so many people in her life. She knew that Ray was watching all of them and that he was glad.
She stayed in the hospital for a week and her savior visited everyday.
“How are you?” Was the first thing he asked each time he came in.
“Better everyday.” She’d say.
“Good.” He said. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” She said, taking note of the odd look on his face.
“How come you lied to us about who you are?” He asked.
“You know why I lied,” She said. She knew he was going to ask her that, so the question did not surprise her. “To protect myself.”
“Did you really destroy that whole plant?” He asked.
“Yes. How did you know about that?”
“Are you kidding me? The whole universe knows about that. Suddenly loved ones are returning home after mysteriously disappearing so many years ago. You should hear some of the stories people are telling. Your act has created a domino effect, now there are riots everywhere and people of all species are trying to shut down the plants. It’s amazing. It’s the most controversial thing in history, but at the same time it’s created the most unity of species ever. Wars have stopped and peace has begun and people are starting to take notice.” He said.
“Wow. Are you serious?” She asked in awe.
“Yes. People are starting to line up outside the hospital just to see you because they heard you were here.” He said.
She couldn’t believe it. Ray would be so proud of me, she thought.
“There’s one thing I want to know, though.” He asked.
“What’s your real name?”
She was glad he asked. She knew he would be the right one for her, because Ray’s spirit inhabited him. “I can’t tell you,” She said with a smile.
“Ok, why?”

The days went by too fast. She told Kade, the man who rescued her, the story of what happened. He decided he wanted to finish what Ray had started. He wanted to show her everything he knew and more.
She told him her plans to move to Sivanali as Ray’s last request and asked Kade where it was. He told her he could take her there if she wanted. India thought that sounded good. They told each other so many things and shared so many stories, but India could not bring herself to tell him one thing. She could not break his heart that way, and she didn’t know what he would do. The entire hospital knew, the nurses and the doctors, even the lady at the front desk knew, but not him.
On the last day of her stay at the hospital he checked her out and brought her to his home. He planned a move to Sivanali and told India that he wanted to live with her.
“There’s something I really need to tell you,” she said.
“What is it?” He asked.
“I couldn’t keep it from you for much longer anyway, but no matter what happens, I don’t want you to feel obligated to me in any way. If you want to leave, that’s fine and if you want to stay, that’s more than words can express. But I don’t want what I have to tell you to interfere with your judgment. Ok?” She said.
“Ok.” He said uncertainly.
She took a deep breath and said, “I’m pregnant.”
His eyes grew huge. He tried to talk but couldn’t find words, “How-who- what?”
“With Ray’s baby. I just found out about two weeks ago.” She almost started crying. She remembered the day she found out was the same day she had blown up at Ray. She had blamed him-she didn’t want his child. That was part of the reason she blew up at him. It was ironic, because he lived when she wanted him dead, and he died when she wanted him to live.
“Are you serious?” He asked.
“As a heart attack.” She said.
He sat down and stared at her for a long time, trying to decide on what to say. Then he found the right words, “I guess this means we need to buy a bigger house.”
She threw her arms around him and started crying. He kissed her temple and had to close his eyes tight to stop from crying too.
“Why don’t we get married?” He asked.
“I told you…”
“I was going to ask you anyway, but now I think we should do it sooner.” He said.
She looked at him and then hugged him again. “My name is India.”
“Beautiful,” He said.
They moved to Sivanali where they had a wedding like they would have had if they were on earth. It was absolutely beautiful with pink and white flowers everywhere and an enormous amount of people, most of them they didn’t know. Only a small handful was Kades friends and family. The rest were all supporters of India and the patients she helped escape from the plant.
When the sun went down, she and Kade danced for a long time. Then someone decided to cut in.
“May I?” A crippled, tiny alien asked. Kade nodded his head and stepped away to the sidelines.
“Darwin!” India said excitedly, “What are you doing here?”
“I had to thank you. I met Ray that day and he was such a good man.” He said, “He was very selfless.”
“I know,” she said. “I loved him so much. Now stop it before you make me cry!”
“I’m sorry,” he said. “But I have a message from the little girl.”
“What little girl?” India asked.
“The little Lexinian girl that kept Ray invisible in the station. He told her to make sure you are comfortable here and show you the sights.” He said.
“Really? Where is she?” India asked.
“Right over there,” He said, pointing.
“Oh, I know her,” She said, “Where’s her family?”
“She’s an orphan. I hear she’s living with the queen though.”
“Wow. I’ll be sure to talk to her. I want you to tell her she had better show me and Kade everything, ok?” India asked.
“Sure thing,” He said.
“Before you go, how’s the family?” She asked.
“Better than I remember. I’m just thankful everyone’s ok.” He said, “Jimes has gotten so big!”
“I should come visit sometime,” India said.
“I would like that.” He said as Kade came back and Darwin left.

After the wedding they moved into their new home and settled down. Kade and the girl showed her around Sivanali, but there was one place she really wanted to go. She wanted to go where they kept the records of the planet so she could read about its history. Kade took her to the famous museum of history.
There were many things and statues and big boards with writing on them that would change into any language by the push of a button. She selected English and started reading out loud.
“Over a thousand years ago, a huge war broke out between two races, the Lexinian and the Entripsey. Legend has it that the war was the longest lasting war in the universe and they fought for so long that they forgot why they even fought after a while.
“The Lexinian began to lose, so as a last resort, they sent all of their children down to the planet earth. When the children grew up, they would realize their destiny and find their way back to Sivanali and defeat the Entripsey.
“When they did so, however, Some Entripsey wanted to stay on Sivanali. For years there was peace, until one of their own destroyed Neeva, the Entripsey home planet.
“The survivors moved to Sivanali, where the two species merged as one. The Lexinians used much of earth’s technology to rebuild their planet after the war. They also have many earth customs. This is why Sivanali is nicknamed ‘new earth’.”
When she was finished she looked up at the top of the wall and noticed some symbols. She asked the girl to translate it for her and she said, “It says ‘any cause worth fighting for is a fight worth dying for.’”
“Thank you.” India said. She knew then why Ray had told her to come here. He had once stood in this exact same spot and read the exact same thing. It was the one last thing he would show her. And it would always be the most important.
“Are you ready to go?” Kade asked.
“Yes,” She said.


Seven months down the road India had a baby boy. He looked like Ray in every way and would not for a second ever let India forget what his father was like. He had huge dark brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. She named him Rave and knew that one day she would tell him the story of his father. Of what a brave and selfless person he was and how he gave his life to save so many others. She thought the universe needed more people like him.
When Rave was eight years old she took him to the beach for the first time.
“Rave, come here,” she called to him.
The small boy jumped out of the water and ran over to her. “What is it?” He asked excitedly.
She handed him the seashell she had up to her ear and said, “Listen, you can here the ocean in it if you listen closely.”
The boy was fascinated by this and ran back down to the water, putting every shell he found to his ear.
He is just like you, Ray. She thought as she watched the sunset over the calm ocean. I think about you all the time. I miss you so much. I love you, you never told them my name. Thank you for everything you gave to me, I love you… so much…

The end

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~98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature.~
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