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In writing any kind of fiction, we have to make choices on what to reveal and what not to. We also have to see from the perspective of our protagonists as well as our antagonists. We have to immerse ourselves into the minds of the truly evil, to think of and to things we would never do in real life. I knew I would be immersing myself into dark places when I chose to write a dark fantasy, and that it would be difficult at times. I can write easily about murder, even killing for the sheer pleasure of it. What that says about me, I don't know . . . and I'm not sure if I want to. Sex, however, has always been a different story. I knew I was capable of writing something more detailed than a simple “They had sex,” but figured I would never go that far. I blush when I watch a sex scene on TV. To write something down taking place in my own mind? No way. I’d get too embarrassed, unable to get past anything greater than “They kissed.” See? Last night I surprised myself. I became so immersed in the point of view of one of my characters - a woman of such pure evil she scares me - I found myself writing a scene bordering on pornographic. When I realized this, I stopped, closing the scene as quick as I could and move on to a different one with a different character. What’s worse is my husband is out of town hunting with his cousin and won’t be back until tomorrow night. That’s another reason I had to stop. I began missing my husband really really bad. . So no more sex in my book . . . at least not until after my hubby comes home. The nice thing about being so taken in by my story, though, is I have hit 20,273 words, and am hoping to type another 1,000 by the end of today. Whether or not that scene will stay after November 30 is way up in the unknown. It moves the story along well and gives important glimpses into my characters. However, I also know I will blush even more if someone else reads it and knows I, shy, prude little me wrote it! Change of subject! *A collective sigh of relief reverberates all throughout Blogville* letgocling won a merit circle in a raffle and was sweet enough to give it to me: Thank you bunches. You made my day, even if I did blubber all over my keyboard. I hope you all had a relaxing Sunday, and have a great upcoming week! |