Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/467957
by X-Bug
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1093300
Raziel's life is somewhat mediocore and lonley, but can one tiny event change it?
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#467957 added November 10, 2006 at 10:49pm
Restrictions: None
Rich People is German for Bastards
Chapter Four: Rich People Is German For Bastards

Raziel looked up and immediatly hit the ground, bringing Corey down with him. A wrecking ball just went directly through the prison, destroying it even more. Corey just stared in awe.

"What the-" Raziel was cut off as Corey brought him back down again as the wrecking ball returned to the machine it was on.

Two people, a man and a woman, dressed elegantly, walked up to them.

"Well done, Corey and Raziel. I must say, with your shape-shifting skills, Corey, and your strength, Raziel, you'd two make quite a formidable force." She grinned as she lit a cigarette.

"What the hell did you just say?" Raziel asked as this woman knew about Corey's big secret and she also knew their names. The woman just cackled as she smoked the cigarette. Corey tensed up slightly.

"I don't know who you are or how you know us, but I'd like to know." Corey said firmly. The lady dropped the cigarette to the ground and stepped it out using her bright red high-heels.

"You two criminals are guilty of some very serious crimes, your dealing with a big name you know." The lady told them.

"Oh, and how are you and your little man over there such big names? Either way, we don't care who you are, or what you want. Just tell us how you knew our names and our secrets." Raziel growled. Her husband got in front of his wife.

"I don't like you talking to my wife like that, we're the Richardsons, we deserve better treatment. Apologize right now!" Mr. Richardson said. Raziel looked at him as if he were joking.

"Make me, shorty." Raziel said as he looked down on the short man. Raziel was around 5'10'' and this man was no more than 5'4''. Mr. Richardson kicked Raziel in the stomach, causing him to lean over a bit, but then Raziel retaliated by grabbing Mr. Richardson's shirt and pounding him against a wall. Mr. Richardson slid to the ground.

"Listen, don't go telling on me to your mommy, but this..." Raziel said, as he chuckled again at Mr. Richardson's height, "... is getting a little unfair. So stay out of the way of the big kids, all right?" Corey and Raziel began to walk away, but another figure walked out of the limo that Mr. and Mrs. Richardson came from. It was a young beautiful girl, no older than 14. Raziel examined her features; nice curves, well sized breasts, and astonishing tan skin and long, curvy legs. Her hair was black, it looked like ink spilling from her head. It was unlike anything Raziel had ever seen in a girl before. As Raziel tried to greet her, she ran up to Mr. Richardson.

"Oh my god! Dad," She said kneeling down to him with a sincere look on his face, but then her expression changed into a grin, "It serves you right, picking on them." She stood up and looked at Raziel.

"Did you do this?" She asked. Raziel just nodded, since he was to nervous to speak to her. "It serves him right. Anyway, I'm Chelsea, nice to meet you." Chelsea said. Raziel swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Oh, uh, I'm..." Raziel was beginning to have a hard time remembering his name, since he was mostly focusing on the bump in his pants. He hoped she wouldn't notice as he tried to hide it by sitting down on the curb. "I'm Raziel."

"Hello Raziel. Well, I'm rather hungry from the ride over here, I'm going to grab something to eat. Want to come with me?" Chelsea asked, hoping he would say yes.

"Um... okay." Raziel replied. Chelsea looked at Corey, who was just standing watching Raziel try to flirt with Chelsea.

"Would your friend like to come?" Chelsea asked. Raziel looked at Corey, who was trying not to laugh at the ridiculous Raziel.

"Corey, do you want to come?" Raziel asked.

"Sure." He said, walking over to Raziel and Chelsea.

"Okay, cool! Let's go!" Chelsea said as she hopped into the limo, followed by Raziel and Corey. "Driver, to Mega-Burger!" Chelsea ordered as she buckled up.

Mr. Richardson got up and ran over to the limo, "I don't want you hanging with my daugter! You hear me? Chelsea Maria Richards, get back here!" The limo took off as Mr. Richardson yelled some more.

Raziel and Chelsea were in the back seat, while Corey was in the passenger seat.

"So... what do you like to do?" Chelsea asked Raziel. Raziel thought for a moment. What did he like to do?

"Well... uhh... I like playing around." Raziel answered awkwardly. Chelsea just smiled.

"Cool. I like skating." She told him. Raziel had a slim memory about skaters, all though he wasn't into it enough to remember the memory itself.

"Raziel, do you play any sports?" She asked him. Raziel thought for a moment, he remember when he was little him and his dad would play catch with a football at the park. The memory hurt Raziel too much for him to even recall it though.

"Not really." Raziel said flatly.

"Do you have any parents?" Chelsea asked. This stung Raziel like a bullet wound to his head. All his memories seemed too painful to share with anyone, no matter how he felt for the person. He sighed.

"No." Raziel replied kind of expresionless. Chelsea could see some of the pain in his eyes and looked with compassion. She rested her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you... okay?" She asked. Raziel let out a hevier sigh. He hadn't been loved in so long, he missed the feeling so much, so dearly, he had been wrapped up in so much other things he forget about the fire burning in his heart.

"I don't know, ever since these things have happened... I've forgot about things I shouldn't of. I always said don't look back, look ahead, but now I'm finding I'm to afraid to look ahead and too frightened to look back." Raziel mumbled as he could feel tears threatning to burst.

Chlesea wrapped her arms around Raziel and rested her head on his chest. "Raziel... you don't have to be afraid... as long as I'm here." Raziel felt a tear drip down his cheek, a tear that felt one so similar to the one seven years ago. Chelsea felt the tear hit her and almost cried herself. She was going to ask about his mom, but she was afriad it would cause him too much pain.

"If I can't look ahead or behind, what am I going to look at?" Raziel muttered as he made his eyes stop producing the tears, which stung his skin.

"Raziel... I want you to look at me. And listen," Chelsea said as she put a finger under his chin, "It must be so hard for you to live like this, but I want you to understand that no matter what, I want to be there for you." Raziel wrapped his arms around her stomach and pulled her closer.

"I don't know really what to say..." Raziel said bluntly.

"Just say..." Chelsea said with a pause, "I love you." Raziel let out a small smile and felt her warm lips press up against his. They broke the kiss as they arived at Mega-Burger. Raziel and Chelsea got out but Corey didn't.

"Corey, aren't you coming?" Raziel asked the shape-shifter.

"No, I think you two should be left alone," Corey said as he looked down an alley to see a younger boy getting beat up by older ones, "besides, I have something to do."

"Suit yourself." Raziel shrugged his shoulders as he walked into the restaraunt with Chelsea. The driver of the limo drove a bit more but Corey got out of the car and headed towards the alley.

"Hey you assholes," Corey yelled as he entered the alley, "Pick on someone your own size." Corey transformed his arm into an axe and swung at an older boy's chest. The axe just barely drew blood, which Corey intended, he wanted to get the bullies off the boy, not kill them.

Corey saw one try to throw a trash can at him, but he cut it in half with his axe and then kicked him in the face. Two more bullies came at him and Corey punched one in the stomach and then transformed his other arm into scissors. He began to snap them back and forth.

"Oh my god, what the hell?!" The older boy screamed as he ran away. That was the last of them, Corey kneeled down to the boy who was getting picked on.

"Are you okay?" Corey asked him. The boy looked shocked for a minute.

"What you did... was wrong." The boy said.

"No it wasn't." Corey said quietly.

"Yes, you became a bully yourself with those boys." He said in a strange monotone.

"I don't bully... I only protect." Corey said as he took off.

Raziel pressed Chelsea's slender body up against his, kissing her. Raziel could feel her breathing get heavier as he noticed he was getting harder by the second. He broke the kiss and looked around the restaraunt; no one was there but Chelsea and him. But he did notice that the workers there were starting to watch them a bit, so they stopped.

"Man.." Raziel said, catching his breath, "I want to continue that." Chelsea laughed.

"I know you do, but I also know you don't want everyone staring at us either." Raziel laughed at her response and gave her a lighter kiss on the cheek. Chelsea went up and paid the bill as the couple was getting ready to walk out of the restaraunt.

"Wait, don't you want change for a million dollar check?" One of the clerks asked.

"What do I care? My parents are rich old people." Chelsea yelled to the clerk. Raziel laughed. The limo was waiting at the curve and Raizel got in. Corey was in the passenger seat again, looking a little scuffed up. Raziel knew why, and smirked.

"So, how was your date?" Corey asked.

"It was good." Chelsea said.

"Yeah, we got to know each other a lot better." Raziel smirked. Chelsea smiled.

"Cool." Corey said.
© Copyright 2006 X-Bug (UN: davey21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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