Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/465979-Prologue---Where-the-ripples-begin
by Runei
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1174370
My fantasy novel set in a roman/medieval land (with magic though very hidden and mystical)
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#465979 added November 14, 2006 at 6:29pm
Restrictions: None
Prologue - Where the ripples begin
Lord Dashar: http://img15.imgspot.com/?u=/u/06/311/16/LordDashar1163021475.jpg

Prologue - Where the ripples begin

Version 0.5 - 5th November 2006
Version 0.6 - 5th November 2006 - After review by caliope (Thanks!)
Version 0.7 - 8th November 2006 - After review by C.C. Moore (Thanks a lot!)
Version 0.8 - 9th November 2006
Version 0.9 - 13th November 2006 - After review by Lon (Cheers mate! Grab a beer!)

Silence... That was the only word the Student could think of that would cover the strange feeling the temple radiated.

Silence... Loud crashes, thundering booms and shouts were easy to hear, but even then, it was as if an unworldly calm had fallen upon The Temple of Solari. The Student had walked the halls as early as yesterday and already then the feeling began to tickle his back. The news of the descending army had reached their ears only this morning, but the Master took it with complete calm. The Student didn't know how, but he was sure that the Master had known of this attack before the army even began to march. It was not like they didn't know that the Dragon Cult would make a move on this last bastion of their faith, but that it all happened now seemed as sad as the day it had all begun three years ago in the Imperial City... He had been there and seen the massacre. Men, women and children were pointed out as members of the Order or the Temple of Solari put in chains, and led away. He had been there - and done nothing...

Fear of his own demise had made him stay his hand and left him with a hole inside. There had been people who fought, but they were outnumbered by the Royal Guard, who slaughtered them on the streets. Only because of the panic had the Student been able to flee the city. So many people dead... And because of lies! Damn them to hell! he thought and smacked his fist into the wall in anger. Because of what happened in the War of Istar, the Cult had seized the opportunity to push the Temple of Solari off its pedestal. Fools and madmen! They had used lies and intrigue and had spun the Emperor around their finger. They had made him see enemies where there were only allies. With a deep sigh, he leaned back against the wall again.

Thinking back on that day gave him a feeling of loss. So many had died or been captured and few had actually made it to the safety of the Temples. He remembered many of his Brothers leaving the Temple with the idea of saving the remaining followers. Although they took many enemies with them, they were all silenced in the end... The Order of Solari had been the first to fall. It was an independent organization, with its center in the Imperial City. The members were ordinary people, who paid tribute to the Temple and trained with weapons, in the few ways the Masters had revealed to people outside the secluded training academies. The High Seat in the city had been attacked that very day, and the leaders of the Order beheaded and their heads hung from the windows in the city as a reminder to all.

The Solari Templars, guardians of the temples, were found and slaughtered by the legions of the Cult. They fought bravely and did not yield - even when chains had restrained them...
He had heard that people believed the true Solari, the legendary race, had never existed - That they were stories made by the temple priests to draw people into the belief.

The Student knew better... Looking at his hands, he could see the markings that slowly materialized as he grew older. Unlike most of his Brothers, his body was almost covered with them - A sign of great power. They were still very unclear, but with age they would become more marked and he would be able to tap into their power - To use them as weapons.

The faint sound of battle could now be heard. The invaders had breached the walls and were now fighting the Solari Templars and possibly the five other Students that had remained when so many others defied the orders of the Master to stay in the temple. The Master had specifically ordered this Student to stay with him, and not raise a blade to kill any person until the battle was over. A mysterious order... but with the obedience he had been taught he had sworn to obey and intended to keep that oath.

There were many secret passages in the temple, and almost every one of them had means to spy into the rooms on the other side of the walls. The Student had hidden himself in a secret room near the door to the altar room and could see through some cracks in the wall. He could almost see the whole room. He had an eye on the door to look out for anyone who might enter, and another on the Master in the other end in front of the altar. It was a very small room, made for the purpose of hiding secret documents. It was empty now. All the books, documents and all other information about the Solari had been removed and hidden in a place not even known to the Student.
As the sound of battle came nearer, the meditating Master looked up from his kneeling position in front of the altar. The banner was awe-inspiring as it was at least twenty feet tall and filled the width of the wall. It was the first thing you noticed when you entered the room. The standard had a depiction of the sun, the symbol of the Solari, who believed the Sun the source of their power.

Suddenly the Master stood. With a flicker of his hand, he held a knife in his grip, and threw it toward the entrance. Just as the portal opened, the knife went through the crack between the two heavy doors and into the throat of a soldier trying to make his way inside. Blood spewed out of his throat as he fell to the ground. The Student hid in the shadows, watching with cold eyes as the Master drew his sword, and began to dance a graceful dance of death. The soldiers who came through, fell like trees ripped up by a storm. The Student knew the forms. The movements were strong and hard, and the style was, with good cause, called "The Great Storm". It gave away defence and focused on attack, but the attacks came so quickly that they were a defence in themselves - keeping the opponents on the defensive. He watched it all with joy and fear. He had never seen the Master fight. They had always fought against other Students, and this was almost unbelievable. Within seconds the floor had a carpet of red blood, littered with the bodies of the fallen soldiers. The Student brushed away a drop of sweat that was making its way down his forehead. It was getting warmer in the small room. With a finishing blow, the last soldier fell to the ground leaving the Master alone on the floor. A quick count revealed the corpses of twenty-seven dead. The Student swallowed. The sword was already sheathed again. 'Your sword is only out when there is danger.' The Student remembered the words of the ancient document. All this knowledge and all of these teachings... What would happen in the future?
At the door, more soldiers stood, but they were all like rocks; astonishment and horror painting their faces.

         "So the great Master of the Temple actually can fight!" A laughing man made his way through the soldiers. He was tall, with dark skin and dark hair. His uniform with its colors revealed him as a Flameguard - One of those protecting the Sacred Flame of the Dragons, as the cultists called it. Something about his stance told the Student that he was their leader.
         "I am honored to have you in my rooms, Lord Dashar." The Master's voice was completely calm. Not a single expression came over him...
         "I see you know me already..." Lord Dashar did not sound happy about the fact that his surprise attack had been known. "Yes, I am Lord Dashar, Commander of The Flameguard. It seems the great Temple of Solari is not as strong as the rumors I have heard." The Student eyed Lord Dashar. The insignia of the red dragon with blue wings could be seen now - The sign of the enemy. He was all out sweating now, the small room becomming very uncomfortable.
         "And what rumors have you heard?" The Master did nothing that gave away his intentions.
         "There are many. We began collecting information right after the War of Istar. A war you did not even participate in when you were the proclaimed saviors of the Empire! A disgrace! You brought your own destruction here by turning your back to the Emperor!"
         "Our ways may seem vague to your, Commander, but there is a reason for all we do."
         "Reason? No, there is only madness in this place. It was we who saved the Empire! We defeated the armies at the Imperial City and freed the soldiers there! We defeated Istar at Duman Fork! And We took care of the remnants of his armies! Without us these lands would be filled with bandits and the Empire would either be poor, or not even exist!"
         "You take pride in your achievements, even though they meant nothing in the end. You do not understand our plans." The Student took a breath of warm air into his lungs and blinked away the sweat that was not running down his face.
         "Enough of this! I am Lord Commander Dashar of the Flameguard! Your guards and your students have all died, and now it is your turn, Master of the Temple!" Dashar drew his sword and took a step. The Student's heart began beating faster in expectation of the impending fight. He was unsure what the Master had in mind. The odds were against him, as he had nowhere to run.
         "You assume much, Lord Commander Dashar of The Flameguard. Titles are worth nothing in a fight, so spare me the knowledge of who follow you. They are weak, and will never understand true power. You are weak, and I could easily kill you." The Student saw a notion of uncertainty come over the Lord, but it vasnished soon again.
         "Kill me? I have mastered all of the five fighting styles of the ancient times in full! No one has ever been able to make me sweat in a duel! You think you can beat me? No! It is you who assume much! You and your-"
         "Silence!" The Master's voice boomed in the hall with power and command, and Lord Dashar fell silent, unaware that he had just followed an order of his enemy's. The Student smiled - Power. He could almost sense the anger that had been there a moment ago, but it was all gone now, and the Master was again calm and expressionless.
         "You see nothing! Your ignorant ways have left you with what you see as five unbeatable styles of combat! Your ignorant ways have left you with a grain of what was once a barn full of wheat! Knowledge brought to you from ancient times, by the Solari! Do you think five is enough for me? For a true fighter, there are no forms, no boundaries, no styles, no blocks, and no attacks! There is only one thing..." Silence fell upon the room. The face of Dashar was filled with curiosity and the Student smiled again. These people were so weak. The Master also smiled; his dark eyes sparkling with something that looked like amusement.
         "In a time where I will not live... A student of mine will tell you our secret - Before he kills you... But you have many years to live yet, Lord Commander Dashar - You have many years. I hope you use them well..."
         "But wha-" again Dashar had not a chance to speak. Suddenly the Master rushed forward, sword unsheathed and ready to fight, and then the dance began. At first the Master was superior to Dasher, obviously teasing him. Soon sweat sprang from Dashar's forehead, and The Master slowed his pace. The fighting was intense, but still, the Master seemed completely calm. He danced around the floor without letting the bodies of the fallen soldiers destroy his grace. Dashar seemed to have great trouble concentrating tyo stay on his feet. In the dark, secret room the Student watched with intensity as the fighting progressed. The Master flowed so quickly from one form to another that it all seemed to blur and became one thing, and the Student understood. This was his last lesson. He was to watch and learn and understand what it was the Master did. He felt an urge to rush out and help, but he had to follow his orders. Dashar began to swing wildly after the Master, who parried without trouble; everything was in favor of the Master as he danced over the floor parrying and attacked almost at once. And then suddenly he stopped. He lowered his sword as Dashar made a horizontal slash against the Master's throat... And hit. The Student shook with anger as he watched the last few seconds of his Masters life. The veins of his body spewed blood onto the floor. The Master sank to his knees... And then he fell... The Student watched as his teacher seemed to try and grab the life rushing out of him. Sadness rushed over him and tears began to break from his eyes and stream down his chin together with the sweat. He was burning up inside and ready to explode in fury and revenge.
He clenched his fists so hard that it had to leave marks in his palms, but nothing could make him look away from the Master, who now lay still on the floor together with the soldiers he had killed.

Silently the Student uttered an oath and felt the anger grow hotter. I have promised not to raise a sword against anyone in the next five years. But I will follow your last commands, Master. Lord Dashar will die to my hand, and he will suffer and cry, as I utter the words he does not know. The knowledge of our Temple will be revealed to him, so that he can see, only moments before his life is ended, and he will know, that he was wrong - In everything.
He could see Dashar standing in front of the Altar and looking down upon the dead Master. He was frowning as he whispered angrily: "What did you know, man? What knowledge would you keep from me?" As he looked around he must have noticed the bookshelves - emptied. "What... is your... secret!?" the last came out as a shout - From the shadows the Student could see the man shake his head in frustration.
         "My lord," the general of the legion entered the room, "My lord the army is ready to leave. We have searched everything. Not a thing remains, aside from that banner." The Lord looked upon the immense banner.
         "Burn it..." he half whispered angrily.
         "As you command."

The Student watched the flames alone. They had removed the bodies and everything else. But the banner burned with roaring flames. None had remained to watch it, not even Dashar, who had seemed to take quite an interest in the destruction of Temple property. Looking at the flames, he considered his next moves. He was well-trained in the ways of politics and deception, and he had a plan. But for now, he let the hate of the burning flames consume him. He was still clenching his fists and was now shaking with anger. The tears streamed down his face. The flames roared and seemed to give birth to more and more anger. He was furious and wanted to scream so loud that the world collapsed! The anger grew and grew, and he felt the urge to run out and find Dashar, but instead he sank to his knees and looked up at the banner. His hands were aching from the clenching but all he felt was the anger growing. It was ready to burst now and he could feel the sensation coming into his head. It was white and hot as iron in a furnace, and all he wanted was to kill. He opened his mouth to scream out his frustration and anger, but then... Everything went cold. The anger disappeared and he was completely relaxed. His hands were open and rested upon his thighs as he took slow breaths with closed eyes. All the anger and frustration was gone as he enjoyed the feeling of... nothing. He was at peace, but a different kind of peace that one would expect. It was a peace of death and a peace of revenge. He opened his eyes in a flash and looked into the flames. He would never feel the anger again and he promised himself to find complete peace when he had fulfilled his mission. But right now, anyone who looked into his eyes would flee in terror. For that was just what they showed - Terror... And the world's ending.

The next part will be: Chapter 1 - A hasty departure
© Copyright 2006 Runei (UN: runei at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Runei has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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