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The story of a girl who finds that her brother and her lives are based on a phrophocy |
I closed my eyes awaiting him to drop his sword but was met with silence. "Ha ha..forgot there were children here for a second.I think they've seen enough bloodshed for one night." The man in white said putting his sword down. Raj and I sighed in relief but soon found the man in whites hands raised as a dark cloud came in front of the moon which was the only light for us to see by.Everything went dark and Raj hudled close to me shaking a bit. "Whats going on?Why is everything so dark?..I cant see" Raj said in my ear terrified. At the same time I was scared as well beacuse unlike Raj I could see perfectly fine through the dark. I saw the man in white raise his sword as the one who took us moved his head around in fear beacuse he couldent see. "Whats going on?"Raj asked me obviously able to tell that I was seeing something he wasent by how calm I seemed. "Dont worry Raj just cover your ears" I told him as i silently watched the man in white smirk and raise his blade again. I looked to my side hoping Raj was taking my advice which was very uncommon for him. In front of me I saw everything grow still and become lumanescent as the man in white ran at our scared captor and with one strike cut his head down the center.I gaged as I heard the sound of bone being broken and blood drip from his body. "Whats happening?"Raj asked me still scared. I was in shock and my stomach turned as our captors body droped to its knees both sides of his head flopping to the side his brain exposed and blood pouring out as his body began to twitch and jerk. The man in white smiled as if he liked watching this souless body flop around like a fish out of water the sides of his head flopping with every motion of his body making a wet grotesque noise.I gasped as I saw this and the man in white turned to me. "Oh forgot your light never dims" he said to me his face trying to go back to a charming,passive look. "Whats going on!!!" Raj yelled removing his hands from his ears and holding on to me as if letting me go would make me disapear. Slowly as the man in white aproached us his sword disapearing again everything grew dim and I felt a sudden tiredness in my body that made me fall to the side. The last thing I heard was Raj calling to me."Sis wake up!!! Lulu wake up!!!!" I woke up to find the sunshine directly in my eyes and feeling a bumpy motion in where I was laying.I put my head back down into a soft white sheet which I thought was a pillow to adjust my eyes. A groggy moan escaped my lips as i raised my head again and found my self staring at a wooden wall attached to a seat i must have been laying in.I heard a soft chuckle from above me and looked up to find I was laying on the man in whites lap! I quickly got up and scooted as far away as I could in panic pushing my body against the other end of the seat which was a window. He only smiled gently at me and said "good morning sleeping beauty.I hope your feeling better" I looked around to find Raj in a seat across from him trying to hold in his laughter.I imediatly rushed to Raj and tryed to bury myself behind him in fear.Of not knowing where I was. "Its ok sis.His names Kir and he's going to take care of us." Raj said as he stoped laughing and pulled something out of his pajama pocket. I cautiously raised my head and looked at what seemed to be a picture of mom and dad but much younger.They were smiling brightly in front of what looked like a pyramid but made of wood and stone.Beetween them stood the man in white seated across from us.I looked up at him and he smiled taking his glasses off anf polishing them with a white scarf he had on. "How did you know mom and dad?" I asked sitting up hugging my legs still feeling a bit groggy. "We go way back.I knew them when we were your age."He said his voice kind and gentle as he looked me in the eyes. I began to blush a bit as the deep browness of them seemed to become a rich hazel when I looked into them. "He's going to take us to a tempole where we'll live" Raj said smiling and rubbing my back. "Hahahah thats temple you mean and ill only take you if you decide to go with me.Right now were on a train which will stop in a hour at a place called simpa in africa where you can get off if you want or continue on with me."He said showing a nurturing kindess in his eyes which reminded me of mom. I sat there thinking, feeling like I had forgotten something important.I tryed to remember what happened lastnight but only remembered up to the park then everything went fuzzy. "We dont have any other place to go Lu! He saved us,and he knew mom and dad so hes gotta be a nice guy" Raj said to me in a pleading voice. I just rested my head on my knees slowly starting to feel normal as the train seemed to steady a bit and I looked out the window at a bright grassy land that I had never seen before. "Mom's dead,dad's dead,and our home was burning." I said starting to cry. Kir pushed forward onto the floor to be eye level with me and pulled out a handkerchief gently wiping the tears from my eyes. "Its ok little princess.I'll take care of you if you let me." He said his voice soothing as silk. He seemed so kind and nurturing so I wiped my eyes and nodded yes. "Yay!!!!" Raj screamed as he started dancing around completly forgetting last night . I stared out the window still hugging my knees bringing my hair to the side of my shoulder wondering why the ends were starting to turn white again. |