Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/465151-chapter4
Rated: 13+ · Book · Fantasy · #1172973
The story of a girl who finds that her brother and her lives are based on a phrophocy
#465151 added October 29, 2006 at 12:37pm
Restrictions: None

Raj jumped to the door 2 minutes before 12.I fallowed behind him still looking at the clock.

"Its going to be more of your birthday then mine" I mumbled behind him.

He hit me on the head softly and said "Im big brother so i have to share the birthday"

I smiled up at him and gave him a hug.

"I love you big bro..even though your only bigger by 12 hours"I said making him laugh.

The clocked ticked 12 as Raj and I ran into the living room screaming " Its our birthday!"

I jumped on dad then mom screaming it at both of them.I was to excited to notice the stillness in the air or the look on their faces.Mom grabed me and held me the tightest she ever did putting my head on her shoulder and wraping me around her.

"You know I love you both so much right?"She asked.

"We know mommy"Me and Raj said in unison.

I felt a sudden uneasyness I had never felt before. I wanted to run but I didint know why.

"Hey!Dont leave me out!" Dad said making me and Raj laugh

"We know daddy"We said.

I wrigled off moms lap to countdown as Raj had dad pinned yet again.Dad laughed then sighed when Raj got up.Me and Raj looked at each other and nodded in agreement without saying a word.

"Ok you tell us whats going on right now!"I stomped.

Seeing how old I was I think it was more of a pad then stomp.

"Nothings wrong Lunestra" Mom said worridly.

She was a bad lier even when she told us about Santa Claus her lip quivered.Dad kneeled down in front of us and held me and Raj tight to him as he said"Raj protect your sister if anything ever happens to us.Your my son so you'll be strong,and Lulu keep your brother out of trouble you have your moms cool head after all"

Raj and I looked at each other from over dads shoulders.It felt like goodbye and we didint know which one of us was leaving.

"I love you dad"I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran to do the same to mom.

"I love you mommy" I said to her and a tear came down her cheek.

I was scared, mom never cried and dad never held us that tight before.I heard dad clearing his throat from behind me as Raj patted his back.Raj looked up at me and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.WHAM! came a loud crash at the front door. Dad yelled for mom to get me and Raj out.Mom grabed us and ran to our bedroom clutching us tight.Me and Raj saw behind her from over her shoulders dad fighting with some people dressed in all black. He growled and started growing sharp fangs as one man in black had a knife and jabbed him in the neck.

"DADDYYYYY" We screamed reaching out to him.

Mom got into our room and closed the door behind us.I struggled to ger out of her arms and Raj stayed close to her sobbing.I didint know what happened to dad but I saw blood come out so it couldent be good.Mom made shure the door was locked and told us to hide in our closet.

"What happened to daddy?"Raj asked tears still coming out of his eyes.

I wanted to cry but I couldent. Even though I knew I should I just couldent cry.Mom too began to cry and she yelled to us to get in the closet and be quiet.We obeyed but not before giving mom a tight hug and kiss.She closed the closet door and told us to hush.We could see her clearly from the wood shutters that made up the door.

"Is this the bad thing?"Raj asked me without having to say a word outloud.

It was one of the things we learned early on from being twins and now it seemed to be very strong.I looked at him and saw that though he looked older he really was the same as me scared and confused. I reluctantly nodded my head yes and we hugged each other tight.We watched in silence as mom paced back and forth in our room.We could hear running in the hall as somone began kicking the door.Mom stoped pacing and stood her ground.Even though she was crying she still looked furious like a cat protecting her kittens except without the hissing but the aura of danger.Me and Raj had never seen her that angry.There was silence and then we heard the lock get shot off my a gun as a group of people in black came in the room.

Mom looked them dead in the face and said as if to me"Remeber they cant touch you if they want to harm you"

Raj looked at me and nodded my head as I pushed him behind me since he didint have the same powers.He began crying again but I squeezed his hand letting him know to be quiet.We looked out and heard a deep voice ask mom where we were.

Mom smiled and said"Im willing to die so that my children may live.I love them that much and owe them that much."

iIwanted to run out and hug her and tell them we were here so they could leave mom alone but I knew I had to be strong and protect Raj.The man laughed and then shot her in the heart.

"MOM!" I wanted to scream but i bit my tounge .

She fell to the ground a tear down her face as she said "I love you" and died.I felt Raj grow tense behind me, he wasent crying anymore and only a tear was able to run down my face.
© Copyright 2006 domonique bouty (UN: marzell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/465151-chapter4