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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1062373
NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry
#462935 added October 19, 2006 at 3:44pm
Restrictions: None
It's a post 9/11 world
I keep hearing people talk about "It's a post 9/11 world." like it being "Post 9/11" just about justifies everything anybody wants to do, is doing, or has done since - especially the current American Government.

Well, post 9/11 or not does not justify the power grab of one American President... but now that Bush has the power, when is he going to be held accountable for his actions?

Not all of our duly elected Senators and Congressmen and women take the time to read Bills that are introduced and passed by Congress and the Senate. How can these elected officials claim to be protecting America when they are so busy they don't have time to read Bills that will become the law of the land? When will they be held accountable for their failures to protect?

Where rubber meets the road in privacy debate
New federal requirements for driver's licenses rev up the arguments


A Dangerous New Order
The New York Times

Published: October 19, 2006


The two previous links are just the most recent examples, in this post 9/11 world, of what we Americans now have to look forward to enduring - a very different America by law. A very different America indeed, and created during Bush's term as President - on his watch, regardless of the oath he swore when he took office.

John McCain had the nerve to joke about committing suicide if the Democrats win the seats necessary to have control over the House and Senate - personally I think that just proves cowardice.

America needs a good old fashioned revolt.

And by my making the above statement I guess that I could be formally considered an enemy combatant, or a traitor.

I'm old and sick, and I suppose prison will only hasten my inevitable death - everyone dies eventually. There’s a good chance the powers that be won’t bother with me, since I have no real influence, or power I can use to change the course America’s current regime is taking. That’s a shame in a way.

On the news the other night, I heard it reported that a mother is quoted as saying about her 22 year-old son’s recent death in Iraq, “I’m proud he died keeping America free.”

I hope this mother never realizes her son’s death in Iraq did nothing, absolutely nothing for keeping America free – nothing at all. Every American soldier’s life that has, and will be cut short because of his service in Iraq should be considered a Murder… a murder that Bush and his regime need to be held responsible for having committed.

Our son’s and daughter’s are being sent into harms way for an illusion - George Bush’s illusion of spreading Democracy.

The news yesterday about a dirty bomb threat involving some 7 NFL stadiums is the reward Bush is reaping for America and his dream of spreading democracy across the Middle East.

How many more Americans must die in Iraq, and probably someday soon in America because of Mr. Bush’s delusions?

The talk is now “not if but when” another attack will be made on America – the powers that be are running the numbers and it doesn’t look good for us. The probability of a nuclear bomb, or a dirty bomb, being used against America on American soil is a far greater reality now than before Bush became President.

America had two opportunities NOT to elect Bush – Congress and the Senate could have stopped Bush but they didn’t - now WE THE PEOPLE will reap the just desserts of Bush’s Presidency.

I watched the news the other night showing insurgent missile attacks on a forward American military operating base in Iraq – the insurgents are not afraid of attacking an American military base?

Our border with Mexico is wide open – what is our American government doing about it? Seems their all too busy worried about being reelected…

My son is scheduled to be redeployed to Iraq in January – his second tour of duty. My son and his wife are expecting their first child in December. I have a personal interest in seeing the war in Iraq come to an immediate end.

Even Tony Blair’s General’s are admitting that their military presence in Iraq is only making the situation worse – when will Americans make the American government realize there is no way to win Bush’s war in Iraq?

Where are the people who marched on Washington during Vietnam?

How did WE THE PEOPLE let Iraq turn into such a mess?

What can be done RIGHT NOW to stop Bush’s insane “Stay the Course” plan?

It’s already too late for nearly 3000 dead American soldiers and their families, and that’s not counting the soldiers who have critical, life altering injuries either.

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