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Rated: GC · Book · Action/Adventure · #1167223
A Navy SEAL, crippled by wounds, is given a chance to be whole again … but at what price?
#461800 added October 15, 2006 at 12:28am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 64

1600 EST

“I look like a stripper in an evening gown,” Brandi complained.

“You’d better stop,” Melissa warned as she helped Brandi adjust her gown. “You look gorgeous; you’re just nervous that’s all.”

“Well, like, if the President wants to thank me, couldn’t we do it some other time?” Brandi said. “I mean like, why in the middle of a dinner for the Prince of Wales?”

“You know why, love,” Melissa said. “If it was just us going to the White House, it might attract attention. This way, there will be hundreds of people there, and we can slip off somewhere and get it done. I think it’s great; now turn around and let me have a look.”

Brandi was stunning, dressed in an off the shoulder A line gown that fit every curve of her body perfectly. It was a shimmering violet silk that matched her eyes. A diamond choker adorned her neck, and there were glittering diamonds dangling from her ears and about her wrists.

“I don’t think the plan will work though,” Melissa said as she looked at her mate. “As soon as you walk in, everybody is going to fall in love with you; it could cause an international incident.”

Brandi beamed at the compliment and said, “They better not try anything, ‘cause I’m taken.”

“So, how do I look?” Melissa asked as she twirled for Brandi. Melissa’s gown was red silk with a sweetheart neckline and spaghetti straps. She was equally adorned with jewelry, only hers were emeralds. The jewelry and the gowns were courtesy of Amanda, who had moved mountains to get the girls and Susan fitted and ready for the dinner.

Melissa was confused by Brandi’s reaction; both the expression on her face and the signals she was receiving through their empathic connection.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Melissa asked.

“You are so beautiful, Melissa,” Brandi said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I just wish … I wish I looked like a normal girl instead of some guy’s fantasy.”

“Who said you’re just some guy’s fantasy,” Melissa said, grabbing Brandi by the waist and pulling her close. “I know it’s hard for you; especially for you, but I love you just the way you are.”

Brandi’s lip started to quiver, and Melissa raised her hand and stilled the quivering with her index finger.

“Now don’t you dare start crying, because then I’ll start, and we’ll have to fix our makeup.”

“OK, I won’t,” Brandi said. “I’m just so glad I have you.”

“Me too,” Melissa told her. “Now get your sexy ass in gear, Susan’s waiting for us.”

“Before we go, I need to ask you to do something for me tonight,” Brandi said, all trace of the dizzy blonde gone. “I’m going to need you to run interference for me for about thirty minutes; there’s something I have to do.”

Melissa’s eyes widened, “Brandi, surely you aren’t going to try ….”

Brandi shook her head. “I’m not going to try anything. He’ll only be a few blocks away; it ends tonight.”


Edward Miller, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, stared icily at the Man as he sat across the desk from him. He wanted him in a cell, but someone higher up had already begun making noise to have him released.

The raid on his home had netted nothing in the way of evidence. The Man had not even put up a fight as agents burst in and arrested him. The smug look on his face now was infuriating Miller.

“I assure you, Director, I had no idea what Mr. Mercer and Mr. Mitchell were up to,” the Man said. “As I’m sure you are aware, I rarely visit the lab in Nevada. When the violence took place there, I was at my home.”

“Yes, we’ve interviewed your household staff,” the Director said. All of them had confirmed that their employer had been home the entire time; they probably even believed it. With the alien technology, he could easily have given them whatever memories he desired. Miller knew the Man had not been there, but it had taken them two days to even locate the address of his private residence, giving him plenty of time to make it back after he escaped the lab.

“And the incident at UCLA?” Miller asked. “Two of your agents attempted to abduct a student, and your men started a firefight. And don’t try to tell me it was self defense; we have dozens of witnesses that confirm your people fired first, without provocation or warning. The property damage is in the tens of thousands, and it’s a miracle no one was seriously hurt or killed.”

“We were pursuing a security risk that falls within our mandate,” The Man replied. “And in case you have forgotten, over a dozen of my agents were killed.”

“Your mercenaries, you mean,” Miller said bitterly. “As far as your mandate goes, your organization is not and has never been empowered to make arrests or detain individuals. You should have contacted the Bureau, and you know it.”

“If you wish to charge me, go ahead,” The Man said smugly. “Of course, that will undoubtedly lead to information coming to light that is best left hidden.”

Director Miller stared calmly at The Man, but inside he was seething. It was true. Despite the evidence they had that the organization had exceeded its authority, his hands were basically tied by national security issues. If they had something that directly implicated this man in the plot to subvert the government, then action could be taken, but he had covered his ass well.

“Maybe I can’t charge you, but your organization is finished,” Miller said. “We will be watching you. If you learn anything about the whereabouts of Reginald Mercer or Evan Mitchell, I expect you to inform me immediately.”

“Of course, I will,” the Man smiled. “I think it’s time for a vacation. I look forward to some time to relax.”

“Get out of my office,” Miller said. “You make me sick.”

The Man left, a smug grin on his face, and moments later the intercom on the Director’s desk buzzed.

“A package just arrived by courier for you, Director,” a young woman’s voice said.

“Bring it in, Julie.” Miller responded. His secretary entered, dressed smartly in a navy blue blazer and calf length matching skirt. She set the package on his desk and turned to leave.

“You look very nice today, Julie,” Director Miller complimented her.

“Thank you, Director,” Julie said with a big smile. “It’s sweet of you to say so.”

The Director returned to the report he had been reviewing when The Man had come in. It was several minutes before he turned his attention to the package that had been delivered.

The bulky envelope was unmarked, other than an internal security stamp indicating it had been scanned and cleared. Shrugging, he opened it and dumped the contents out on his desk. There were several thick file folders and a half dozen DVD ROM disks. Each of the DVDs was labeled with a date and time and had a corresponding file. He opened one of the folders and scanned the contents. His eyes widened at what he saw.

The file was a transcript of what transpired on the corresponding DVD. Miller found the DVD that matched the file and placed it into his computer. As the video began to play, he saw the man that had just left his office, along with two other men who were still at large, Reginald Mercer and Evan Mitchell.

“Everything is in place?” the Man asked. The meeting was in a briefing room; according to the transcript, it was located in the complex in Nevada.

“Yes, sir,” Mercer replied. “The SEALs will be parachuting into the area within the hour. The intelligence regarding the two companies of Republican Guards nearby has not been passed on to the mission planners. The SEALs will be totally surprised when they are hit.”

“You’re certain there will be sufficient time to acquire the artifacts?”

“No problem,” Mitchell said. “We will be monitoring the loading progress. The Iraqis will be alerted when the aircraft are nearly loaded. They should hit the base right as the planes are preparing to take off. The SEAL platoon will move to defend and should be able to hold them off until the cargo is clear.”

“But the SEALs will be eliminated, correct?” the Man asked.

Mitchell laughed. “At almost twenty to one odds? Those swabbies will send a lot of Iraqis to Allah, but they will be overrun. Besides, Anderson will order his men out when the planes start to roll; the guy’s got a hero complex.”

Miller stopped the video and picked up his phone, pressing the intercom button to buzz his secretary.

“Julie, was there any routing information with this package?” he asked. There was no response.


Miller rose from his desk and walked to the office door, opening it and looking into the outer office. Julie, dressed in a forest green suit, was stirring groggily behind her desk.

“Julie, are you all right?” Miller asked as he moved to her side.

“Wh..what?” The young woman seemed disoriented. “I thought I saw … me? I … I’m sorry, Director I … I must have fainted.”

“You were just in my office!” Miller exclaimed. “You brought a package ….”

But she had been dressed in blue! Miller snatched up the phone and stabbed a button.

“Get a security detail and some EMT’s up to my office immediately!” He barked. Then he saw the note on the desk.

Thanks for the compliment, sweetie! Tell Julie I’ll have the outfit cleaned and returned, and let her know I’m sorry I had to break into her apartment to get it … I had to look the part! Use the videos and files to wrap things up. I think you’ll find some faces in those videos that aren’t listed in any files. The underlings are yours, but The Man is all mine.
A Friend

Miller snatched up the phone again. “Get another security detail to the garage! Put the building on lockdown immediately!”

Somehow, he knew it was already too late.


The Man rode the elevator down to the parking garage of the building, thinking it was time they made their move to put someone from the organization in the head spot at the Bureau. Miller needed to be retired. The man was lily white, but that had never stopped them in the past. He would get someone working on the proper evidence for a scandal first thing in the morning. If they had access to the optical programmers, he would just fix the problem that way, but for now they did not, so he would use the old fashioned method.

He reached his car and opened the door, setting his briefcase on the passenger seat as he slid in. Yes, he would get someone on the problem in the Bureau, and he would turn his attention towards that blonde pain in the ass. She was out there somewhere, and she would be under his control or dead. If she thought she had more than delayed his plans, she was sadly mistaken.

“I wonder if the bitch is even worth the trouble,” he muttered.

“Oh, you have no idea how much trouble I can be,” Brandi purred from the back seat. She was a bit out of breath after her mad dash down the fire stairs to beat the elevator. Out of breath for her at any rate, which meant she was barely breathing hard.

The Man’s hand darted for the gun under the dash, but it was not there. Then he felt the cold steel press against his temple.

“Killing me will change nothing,” he said; sweat beginning to form on his forehead. “Others will step in to fill the void. We have people everywhere; we’ve been placing them for decades.”

“Yeah, I know,” Brandi said. “I had a little chat with your computer the other day, and the Forerunner computer too. I just delivered several hours of video evidence to the FBI; meetings between you and your buddies Mercer and Mitchell, others with a number of wealthy and influential people. There’s even one with the Deputy Director of the FBI; Director Miller is not going to be happy with that.”

“How did you .…”

“It’s a gift, one you gave me in a way,” Brandi stated. “There’s enough evidence to get you the death penalty; treason is really, really bad.”

“You’re very naïve if you think that will happen,” the Man said. “A public trial would only embarrass the administration and put you under a microscope.”

“If I believed it would get you what you deserved,” Brandi said, “I would let that happen.”

“It will never happen,” the Man said.

“I know,” Brandi told him. “You’re above the law; but you’re not above me.”

“It doesn’t have to be this way,” the Man said. “We can give you ….”

“What?” Brandi snarled, pressing the muzzle of the gun into his head. “Money … power … you think I care about any of that? The only thing I want, you can’t give me, you bastard. I want my parents back.

“You think you’re so secure, pulling the strings from the shadows. You think no one can touch you, but you’re wrong. I can touch you.”

“Shooting me here will raise a lot of questions,” he tried to reason.

“Oh, you really have no idea what I can do,” Brandi said in a voice that was like ice.

The man felt the pressure of the muzzle disappear. Then he felt a soft hand slide down the side of his face. Brandi loosened his tie, unbuttoned his collar, and then slipped her hand down onto his chest.

At first, the tingling sensation he felt was pleasant, yet it sent a wave of pure terror through him. Then pain gripped his chest like a vice. His left arm became numb, and he began struggling to breathe. The touch of the hand disappeared from his chest, and he heard the girl exit the back seat. He pulled out his cell phone and tried to punch in the panic code, but his right hand stiffened, and the phone fell from his grasp.

Brandi opened the front passenger door and leaned in, replacing the gun in the holster under the dash, and then opening his briefcase. She dropped a thick packet of papers and computer disks in it and then closed the case.

With his right hand, the fingers stiffened and claw like, the Man reached up and pulled at his tie, struggling to draw breath. Then there was a tremendously sharp pain in his chest, and he let out a long, ragged gasp before the blackness claimed him.

By the time the building was locked down, Brandi was long gone. The security detail found the body and searched the car. Documents and computer disks from the briefcase confirmed and expanded on the information the Director had received. Before news had broken of the unidentified body found in the garage of FBI headquarters, warrants were out and more arrests were being made. No mention was made of an attempted coup; the arrest warrants listed a variety of charges.

A full autopsy was performed on the body of the person known only as ‘The Man’. The coroner found massive blockages in four major blood vessels of the heart, and the heart muscle showed signs of serious damage from the reduced blood flow. It was strange, as the deceased, though nearing eighty, had been in otherwise perfect health, and there had been no prior complaints of chest pains; the medical records provided showed no history of heart problems of any kind. Still, the massive blockages indicated a problem that had been building for years. What other explanation could there be? The cause of death was listed as natural, resulting from a massive coronary.

Oddly, the security cameras in the garage all had malfunctioned during the exact time of the incident. A complete check was run, but the system seemed to be in perfect working order.


“Melissa, have you seen Brandi?” Susan asked. Though her gown was a more traditional black, it was no less gorgeous than the girls’ gowns, and she too was appropriately accessorized.

Melissa smiled at the man she was speaking with, Nigel something or other. He was part of the British consular party, and she had to admit he was quite cute; the accent was sexy too.

~ Oh boy, this is going to take some getting used to. ~

“Excuse me just a moment, Nigel,” she said, turning to Susan. “She slipped off to the powder room a while back, and then I think she got snagged by someone for a dance. I’m sure she’ll find her way back here soon.”

“And here I am,” Brandi said. She glided towards them with a sensual grace that caused every eye in the room to follow.

“Wonderful,” Susan smiled. “The Admiral sent me to find you both. The President is ready.”

A brief moment of panic flashed across Brandi’s face as she said, “Promise me you’ll step on my foot or something if I start going all ditzy.”

“You can count on me, love,” Melissa said as she slipped her arm through Brandi’s. She turned back to Nigel and smiled.

“It was lovely chatting with you, Nigel.”

Susan led them through the crowded room as Brandi and Melissa continued to be the center of attention; due in part no doubt to their obvious affection, which they displayed without reservation.

“So is this the real dress, or is it you?” Melissa whispered.

“It’s the real thing,” Brandi said. “You know I can’t do dresses yet.”

“Your pulse is racing, for you anyway,” Melissa said. “What did you do, run back?”

“Sprinted is more like it,” Brandi said. “It was only seven-tenths of a mile; a nice easy run. Now the Mogadishu Mile, that was a run.”

Melissa looked at her for a second and said, “I never knew you were in Somalia.”

“Sweetie, I’ve done a lot of things you don’t know about,” Brandi giggled.

“So which one were you in the movie?” Melissa asked.

“The handsome one, of course,” Brandi said.

“Hmm, that narrows it down,” Melissa said. “I hope you didn’t run down Pennsylvania Avenue looking like yourself.”

Brandi turned to face Melissa, her face shocked, “Of course not, I’m a professional ... I looked like the First Lady.”

Melissa shook her head. “I knew it was a mistake to let you shake her hand.”

Of course, Melissa knew that Brandi wasn’t serious, just as she knew that she had accomplished her task. Brandi had claimed she wanted to establish an airtight alibi, just in case she needed it. Since they had been logged in for a dinner at the White House the whole time, it would be difficult for anyone who didn’t know her to connect the incident to her. Melissa knew the real reason though; she just wanted to show off.

Karen was waiting for them with the Admiral and a tall handsome man in his mid thirties. He looked very dashing in his tuxedo, and Melissa squeezed Brandi’s arm as they approached, sharing a look with her lover over the way Karen’s arm was looped comfortably in his. As they drew near, she disengaged and came over to give them both a big hug.

“You two look absolutely gorgeous,” Karen said. “Brandi…I just don’t even have the words!”

“I’ll second that,” the man with Karen said, making Brandi blush deep red.

“This is my boss, Kyle Laughlin,” Karen said, introducing her friends.

“I’ve heard a lot about you both, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Kyle said, gallantly kissing Melissa’s hand.

He did the same with Brandi, holding her hand for a moment after the kiss and looking her in the eye.

“It’s truly an honor, Brandi,” he said

“Thank you for all you’ve done,” Brandi said. “Most of all, thank you for watching out for Karen.”

“That was definitely a pleasure,” Kyle said. Brandi turned to Karen and gave her a ‘We have to talk’ look, which made it Karen’s turn to blush.

“Have you ladies enjoyed the evening?” Admiral Hammerstein asked.

“Yes!” all three answered as one, resulting in a round of giggles.

“Admiral, does the President know ….” Brandi started.

Hammerstein looked at her and smiled. “He’s been fully briefed. He also signed an Executive Order this morning. You have the full support of the White House.”

“Oh, that’s nice,” Brandi said. “Maybe it won’t be necessary; if we’re lucky he’ll just keel over dead … OW!”

Brandi turned and stuck her tongue out at Melissa, who had just elbowed her sharply in the ribs.

“Is there something wrong, girls?” Susan asked.

“Melissa’s jealous ‘cause I’m attracting all the attention,” Brandi said.

“Right.” Melissa giggled. “Like I’m not used to that.”

Susan gave Brandi a stern look, and the blonde bit her lower lip and said, “Sorry, Mom, I’ll behave.”

“I’m sorry that Amanda isn’t here.” Susan said, still eyeing Brandi. “We would have been lost from the start without her.”

“Amanda prefers to remain in the background,” Hammerstein said.

“I can relate to that.” Brandi sighed. She was having a good time, but the attention was far more than she had ever expected or wanted.

“The President is ready to see you,” an aide said as he approached the group.

They followed as the aide led them from the East Room and through the White House proper. As they entered the West Wing, they were met by a distinguished looking man in his late fifties who introduced himself as Alexander Carson, the President’s Chief of Staff. He briefed them quickly on what would be taking place and then escorted them the rest of the way to the Oval Office.

The ceremony was very low key; only the President, the Chief of Staff and the Secretary of State were in attendance, all dressed formally for the gala, which was still going on in the East Room. The President shook hands with each of them and thanked them for their part in foiling the plot to overthrow the government.

Last of all, he came to Brandi, warmly shaking her hand.

“Miss Williams, I don’t have the words to express the gratitude I and this nation owe you. Nor do I have the words to express the sense of guilt and responsibility I personally feel for the ordeal you have faced. To be honest, it is incomprehensible to me that such a thing could even be possible, and yet there is no doubt that it is. I know that no mere token can possibly repay you for your sacrifice, but perhaps in some small way this can begin to.”

The President turned to the Chief of Staff, who passed him a large wooden case and a framed certificate. Brandi turned to look at the Admiral and then Susan, both of whom were smiling. She had only been told that the President wanted to thank her personally, not that this was an awards ceremony. Beside her, she felt Melissa squeeze her hand as the President began reading.

“A devoted citizen and courageous patriot, Miss Brandi Williams has championed the causes of liberty and democracy. With honor and steadfast determination beyond her years, she has defended the security and integrity of the United States. Her actions and sacrifice go far beyond what can and should be asked of any citizen, and it is my great honor to present to her, on behalf of the American people, this Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction. This nation will forever be in your debt.”

As Brandi accepted the medal, her friends applauded, and she looked at each of them and realized she had been the only one who did not know this was going to happen. Everyone had been in such turmoil for the last few days that she had totally missed any indications that they were hiding something.

“Mr. President, I … I don’t know what to say,” she said, struggling to hold her emotions in check. “I couldn’t have done it without my friends … my family … I … I … dammit now I’m gonna start cryin’!”

The President smiled and turned to the Secretary of State, who was struggling to contain her giggles. She handed the President a handkerchief with the Presidential Seal embroidered on it, and he offered it to Brandi.

“It’s quite all right, Brandi,” he told her as she accepted the hanky. “Your friends told us you would.”

© Copyright 2006 Scott Ramsey (UN: scottramsey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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