Each snowflake, like each human being is unique. |
"Invalid Entry" Some people faint at the sight of blood, some people faint at the sight of needles, and other people, like me, don’t faint at the sight of either or for that matter anything else. Actually, the sight of blood doesn’t bother me at all and I’ve had some close encounters with it several times during my life. My earliest memory of seeing blood, was the sight of my own blood. I’m not sure how old I was at the time, but I was still in grade school. There was a swing in my grandparent’s yard, beside the garage. Behind the swing was a cloths line. Someone (I don’t remember who if I ever knew) hung a wire with a sharp end on the cloths line. I was playing on the swing one day and decided to play Jane (of Tarzan and Jane fame). I swung high enough on the swing to grab the wire. One I grabbed the wire, I let go of the swing. Naturally, my hand slid off the wire and I cut the ring finger on my right hand really bad. My grandmother wrapped the finger in a towel and my grandfather drove us to the emergency room. The doctor sowed the finger up and we went home. I still have the scar today. In fact, thinking about it I was probably lucky the swing didn’t hit me in the head, but it didn’t and I survived. You know I extremely fortunate to be alive, considering some of the stupid things I did when I was a child. |