Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/459879-ponders-Blog-Entry-Time-Again
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#459879 added October 7, 2006 at 9:56am
Restrictions: None
*ponders* Blog Entry Time Again?
*looks at the clock* Yep close enough about time to toss up a few hundred words in here and pretend it's interesting. No idea what to talk about exactly and I guess it doesn't much matter. For some reason some people still read it no matter what it says and most people are clever enough not to bother.

I feel like I got a lot done today. I managed to finally announce and award the winner for the Tools of Poetry workshop week five. I created and sent out the Congratulations C-Notes to everyone who completed the assignment successfully and I've created and set up week sixes C-Note as well ready for Tuesday. I still want to review each of the poems submitted but I haven't been able to find my reviewer frame of mind yet. Hopefully if I focus on doing that I can accomplish a lot of reviews tomorrow.

Today, I managed to sort my inbox as well. It was nearing one hundred reviews and I've managed to clear them all. I've done quite a bit of editing based on the comments in the reviews and send my pretty little, "Thanks for your review" dragon all around WDC. *Smile* It's good to look at my inbox and see only a few emails in there, none of which are comments.

There are a few Persevering Poets Present tasks I still want to get done. One of them is the article on Tennyson for the Poet of the Week discussion. I need to create a Poet of the Week Book to keep the articles in. I also need to create a logo for the Poetry Form Seminar and an accompanying book for the descriptions of those forms as well. I'm also still trying to work up some regular discussion on the Ponder Poetry board. It seems pretty quiet there most of the time. I also feel like I'm leading a bad example by not giving reviews to the items which people have asked to have reviewed. Perhaps I should also consider having a group request review forum as well. *ponders* Lots of group related things to do.

I wrote a new poem today. In a form I'd never seen or tried before called The Ghazal. It's an interesting and very difficult form but I think my poem, while not brilliant, was at least successful. I hope to practice the form some more and see what else I can come up with.

I've also been keeping up with my Daily Writing Challenge entries. I keep making a mistake on the subject line because I press O and grab one of the existing subjects lines from my drop menu then update the wordcount but sometimes I've forgotten to update the day number. Today for example it says O2 - 250 = 252 words. When it should say O7. I've done it on an earlier entry as well. Today I also forgot to put my word count at the end. It's frustrating because normally I wouldn't hesititate about editing these things however the DWC doesn't allow us to edit. I'd lose points for doing so. *frowns* I hate having to leave mistakes in things.

I'd also like to write more poetry. I feel creative and there are contests I think I could enter and I haven't been producing as much content as I would like. For that matter I want to work on more short stories too. I need to return to plotting my NaNo Novel or at least decide which of the ideas currently chasing about in my head to go with. THat needs to be done before the month is over because come November I'll be writing up a storm. I guess with all this on my plate I really could allow myself to put off The Dating Game until December or January.

Oh, and Josh fell off the trampoline today. *Frown* Bumped his head and had a good long cry and a cuddle. He is fine though. Thankfully at his age he still bounces and the trampoline isn't very high off the ground. Thankfully he landed the grass side because the other three sides could have really hurt him. It makes me think maybe I should move the trampoline. But since we've had it for so long and today was the first incident perhaps it's just a once off and he's learnt from it.

Anyway, I'm calling this a blog entry. It's almost 10PM and I'm fairly tired. I might head to bed and watch a movie. Got to do a little shopping tomorrow even if it is Sunday. Out of a few important things like milk. *makes mental note to get some milk in the morning*

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