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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/458532-Not-Enough-Spoons
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1030039
This will show our fight with Fibromyalgia, so others can learn that it's real.
#458532 added October 1, 2006 at 8:59pm
Restrictions: None
Not Enough "Spoons"
         The last 24 hours were one of the busiest time periods we've recently had. But it was all a great pleasure. Problem was, all that activity caused us to use up all our "spoons" and then some. But we both agreed it was worth it.
         It started with my daughter's soccer game at noon Saturday, which they won, 7-0. Literally right behind that, we went to a four-hour Praise concert at 4:00 PM, and listened to six different Praise bands from four local churches, including our own. Needless to say we enjoyed all the performances (and I'm being totlaly honest when I say our band was the best *Smile* )
         Our band had performed last. By now it was 8:15 PM, and we headed home. But we were too keyed up to go straight to bed, as was Tiffany. I ended up going to bed about midnight (Tiffany had gone at 11:00). Marilyn hit the sack at 1:15.
         This morning, Marilyn got up about 5:45 to pick Derek up from work at 6:30. She got me up at 8:00, and got Tiffany up at 8:15 because we had to go to the early church service. No choice this Sunday because Tiff had a soccer game at 1:00, too close to the end of the second service to chance going to that one.
         After church we came back here, Tiffany grabbed a bite to eat and packed up her clothes, changed into her soccer uniform, and we were off to today's game. This time they won 9-0. *Bigsmile*.
         Following the game, we got home ASAP, Tiff changed clothes again, and all three of us went to a teilgate party at our church parking lot at 3:00, then watched the Bengals play the Patriots on the church's big screen. That's when the Fibromyalgia started to kick in. About halfway through the second quarter, Marilyn's energy was gone, and she shut down, going to sleep, with her head laying on the table in front of us. Despite the rowdy noise of a typical football crowd, she went sound asleep for about 40 minutes or so. Not long after, I started yawning, and thankfully, by the time she awoke, halftime was only a few short minutes away. When it came, we decided to head home, since I had to have Tiffany home by 6:30 for her grandfather's birthday. And the Bengals being behind 14-6 helped a little.
         Now, it's 8:30. Tiff's at her grandparents, Marilyn and I are relaxing a bit before she takes Derek to work. My legs are killing me; they have most of the day. But I wouldn't change a minute of this for the world. Other than the arguments with my ex in the last 24 hours. But as for Tiff, Marilyn and I? I wouldn't change a second of it. It's the most active family time we've had in a while. And it was great. It was worth running out of "spoons". I won't have any trouble going to sleep a bit later, that's for sure.
         Hopefully I can gain enough spoons back to handle a typical day tomorrow and get recharged for the rest of an unusual week. Hopefully, we both can.Marilyn and I have a one-time class at church on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week, and I have an office-related class at an offsite location during the day Thursday and Friday. Sheesh. More "tough" (for us) hours. But the Lord will see us through. That much I can be sure of.

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