Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/458143-down-in-the-dumps
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#458143 added September 29, 2006 at 9:26pm
Restrictions: None
down in the dumps
I just took my name off the list for the Daily Writing Challenge. The idea of having a minimum word count each day seems okay, but to have a maximum and penalize a writer for going more than 8 characters over seems ludicrous. And that's my nice word for it.

I've been thinking about the NoWriMo, but that sounds like quite a time committment. And what do you have when you're done? The pride that you've "written a novel." Maybe so. Since I've never particularly aspired to writing novels, I'm less enthusiastic than some perhaps. November is such a busy month anyway.

Do I sound down? I am. Haven't blogged much all week. Have spent time with friends, which was my priority. And exercise. That's another priority. I played Scrabble after work today with a friend, and felt stupid. It took me so long to find plays, I felt physically nervous.

Called my kids to tell them about the cruise I'm planning to take them on in December. Even that didn't excite me. I hope it does them because I have to pay tomorrow.

My only good word at Scrabble was "opining."

Say, who can tell me what a chapbook is? I thought it was slang for a book with chapters.

Time to go fix dinner. I'd better do some writing soon to cheer myself up!

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