Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/455591-Chapter-3---Trust-a-Dog
by ryc
Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1114631
So we know a few things now... or do we? Continuation of The Empress's Man (Book 2).
#455591 added October 26, 2006 at 4:37pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3 - Trust a Dog
You are sure of this?” Top’s concern rang clear in Tina’s head.

Aye. I’d say Mike was imagining things but…” she left the unsaid where it should be. They both knew Mike didn’t miss often and when he did, he owned up to it without excuses. Besides, no one on Top’s team made excuses. There was no room.

Not surprisingly, Top didn’t say anything else or share what he had on his mind. Tina was use to it after three years with the man. Ben, who had been with Top the longest, had once told her it had something to do with his past.

Her thoughts drifted as they made the mind numbing trek back to the mansion. The first and foremost thought was an old argument she’d been having with herself. Leaving Top. Tina had been thinking about starting up her own team for a while but hadn’t had the guts to take the plunge. Loyalty was the biggest excuse she gave herself, but she knew better. Top had been right the night he had promoted her, as usual.

”You doubt yourself and your abilities. Don’t. Lives will be lost if you do. Don’t think. Do. Trust your gut.” It had probably been the most he had ever told her on a personal level. Okay, it wasn’t that personal but it was compared to what they normally talked about.

She eyed Squad Leader Kyle as they forged their way through the cool wet night. Chad had taken point and she was watching their tail for any shadows. She doubted that there would be anyone, but it was one of Top’s ‘rules’: expect the unexpected. Her thoughts drifted to what happened back at the warehouse. Kyle hadn’t hesitated on killing the Lord and she knew most people would have--even if they knew their Lady was in trouble. It was taboo.

While High Lord Victor didn’t take in ‘outsiders’, she suspected that Kyle wasn’t Kalian. He had the south written all over him: the eye contact, the way he walked, and his mannerism.

Her thoughts drifted back to Top and the mysterious woman in his room. Anna. Normally she wasn’t envious but she couldn’t help it, and she felt childish for it.

I’m just as pretty as her.

Realizing she had just reaffirmed her envy, Tina growled.

Who is she?

Anna was a slave. She was almost certain of it--even if she didn’t dress like it. Who she was and what her relationship was to Top, she had no clue. Friend, lover, informant--the possibilities were endless.

Tina’s eyes drifted to the two long legs that jutted out from Kyle’s elbow. High Lady Lola. She had heard of her only by reputation--a party girl who liked nothing better but to spend her father’s money. Turning her into a Queen was a job she didn’t think even Top was up for, no matter how much she respected the man.

They passed the last gate and entered the driveway of Lord Victor’s mansion.

Approaching.” Jack’s voice came as a whisper. It was just like him to spot her before she did. He had sharp eyes.

The soldier she had passed earlier with Top took one look at their party and darted off back toward the mansion, metal clicking as he ran.

A good ten spans later, Jack came into view. He was resting his shoulder against the archway that protected the main entrance, keeping himself out of the cold rain. The flirting degenerate gambler had a swagger about him that begged her to slap him. While he was a pain in her ass, she respected him for his skill. If it came down to it, she would prefer him over anyone when it came to a knife fight. Behind him, the door opened and a man as large as Ben strode out into the rain, pointedly ignoring Jack. Tina immediate saw the Lieutenant’s stripes.

“What in the seven hells happened?” the man bellowed. His long strides sent water splashing across the cobblestone.

Chad made an abrupt stop and fired off a salute. Kyle was about to do the same until she pushed him forward.


She caught Jack grinning from ear to ear. He still hadn’t moved from his position, the lazy bastard.

“You will not move another inch until you tell me what happened, Squad Leader. Is that Lady Lola?” the Lieutenant exclaimed.

The brute had ignored her and it only added to her mood.

She pushed Kyle again, forcing the Squad Leader past his superior and out of the rain. When the brute reached for her arm, she glared him down. The soldier hesitated and Jack laughed.

“He is rubbing off on you.”

Tina turned her glare to Jack as they crossed the threshold. ‘He’ was Top and she didn’t like the idea of taking on his mannerisms one bit. “Lieutenant. Clear out her room and arrange a guard.”

“Aye Cap. You boy. Stop standing there. You aren’t being paid by the hour,” Jack said as she passed him.

Chad blinked dumbly at Jack before stumbling after him and the rest of the party, leaving Lord Victor’s Lieutenant gapping dumbly in the rain.

“Captain?” Kyle asked over his shoulder as they took a left.

She ignored him. “Where is Ben?”

“Boss had him do a SWOT. Fletch is on his way back and is angrier than a wet cat. As for the Boss he is with the Captain getting details. I’m supposed to make like a soldier for you, darling.”

“Can the foreplay. What you have for personnel?”

“I love when you talk dirty.” She could almost feel Jack’s grin. “The blueblood has a hundred dogs. Half are dedicated to Peacekeeper duty. The other half is either on patrol, or in the sheets.”

Kyle made another turn and she found herself in the middle of an atrium. She looked up toward the ceiling when she felt rain lacing her cheeks. The moon appeared through a large gaping hole.

“Fletch is going to have a kidney stone when he sees this. What about lapdogs?”


Tina’s eyebrows shot up as she turned her head to Jack. The Kalian shrugged and pointed his chin to Kyle. Turning back she said, “Why do you not have bodyguards assigned to the family?”

They had left the atrium and were in the west wing. Kyle stopped at a particular door and turned to them expectantly, Lady Lola drooling on his shoulder.


“Lord Victor wanted their privacy. We weren’t allowed near them unless they walked off the grounds.”

Jack motioned for Chad to follow him and they walked into the room. Kyle waited patiently in the hallway, looking Tina up and down.

“What is going on?” he finally asked.

“Clear, and no other entrances,” Jack said a moment later from somewhere inside.

“Put her to bed.”

Kyle frowned and made as if to speak again but, smartly, thought otherwise. He disappeared into the dimly lit room, leaving Tina to wait outside. When he came back out, Chad and Jack were on his heels.

“You two have first watch,” Tina said pointing to Jack and Chad. When her finger landed on Jack, it stayed. “Two hour shifts for the dogs. Four for you.”

He grunted but, surprisingly, didn’t say another word.

Lola is in.” Tina sent the thought to Top.

Captain’s quarters.

“Show me to the Captain’s chambers.”

Kyle sighed and turned back the way they had come. “This way.”

They walked in silence for a time and Tina took in the layout of the mansion, memorizing every turn. Sensing the Squad Leader on edge, she toiled with the idea of throwing him a bone. She knew she’d want the same if it were her.

“Can you keep your tongue?”

“I wouldn’t be here if I couldn’t,” he replied defensively.

“War is on the horizon. We are preparing.” It was part of the truth and he would have to accept it.

Kyle turned to look at her, his frown back. “Even so. Since when did the High Lord Victor hirer mercs?”

She gave him the once over. “Since when did the High Lord Victor hirer Ce’lians?”

He hesitated for only a heartbeat before nodding at the unsaid point. “Everyone has secrets.”

“That they do.”

They came upon the Captain’s office to find the Captain, Top and the Lieutenant that she had seen earlier in the midst of an argument.

“That’s her!” the large man said pointing to Tina.

The look Top had on his face was one she didn’t care to see--ever. Thankfully, it was directed at the brute.

“Captain Tina. Please wait outside,” Top said all too calmly.

“Captain? Who the hell do you think you are?” the Lieutenant demanded.

“Lieutenant Resden, you will hold your tongue!” Lord Victor’s Captain roared.

Tina obediently stepped out from the doorway and heard the door shut behind her. The voices muffled to a dull mummer but the occasional word could be heard. Of the few words they could make out, the word ‘woman’ came to their ears more than once.

“So that’s Top.” Kyle said conversationally over the screaming.


“His bark is bigger than his bite, huh?”


There was a loud crash and Kyle made a move for the door. She held her hand out, stopping him. “I wouldn’t.”

He looked down at her hand and then stepped back to his position along the wall.

There was another crash and then a scream.

“What the hell is going on in there?” Kyle muttered.

“I’d imagine your Lieutenant is having a very bad day.”

The door suddenly opened and the Lieutenant’s massive body came rocketing toward them. Tina sidestepped just as the man crashed into the solid stone wall. Unfortunately for the Lieutenant, the wall was harder than his skull. Kyle stood there gaping at the heap of arms and legs.

“I’m glad we have come to an understanding, Resden,” Top said as he came to the door. As predicted, the man didn’t look ruffled in the least.

Tina looked past John to see a pale looking Captain slowly sitting down.


Tina snapped her eyes away from the Captain and rattled off her report.

When she finished, the Captain leaped to his feet. “You did what?!”

“Good work,” Top said to both of them. It was probably the third compliment he had ever given her.

Tina straightened. “Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t get use to it.”


Ben came around the corner and Top turned to the Captain. “Make sure your former Lieutenant keeps to his own business. I don’t want to waste my time disposing his body.” He motioned for the three of them to follow him and started walking in the other direction.

“Let’s have it Ben.”

Tina heard Resden groaning before they turned the corner.

The large Ghourdian sighed. “Almost as bad as the last job, I’m afraid. This place is like Caprian cheese that mice have gotten to. With that, the strengths aren’t much. There is a hidden escape route that only the Captain and Lord Victor know about. Tactically, the west wing is probably the best defended. Push comes to shove, that’s where we would want to be. Weaknesses, there are a plenty. Structurally, they went for beauty. Front entrance and the entrance by the stables are the worst.”

Top nodded as if reaffirming his thoughts. “Opportunity?”

Ben shrugged. “A few things. There is an old well that’s in-house. I’d recommend digging it back up but it would be near the kitchen--two weak hallways in-between the kitchen and the west wing. Fletch told me coming in that the parameter could use a lot of work but it would be do-able. Most of it will be changing the guard’s pattern and the bluebloods. The front entrance could be rigged to a one-time-shut--give or take a week of work. I have a cousin that could do it discretely. As for the stables, it would be the same patch job as the main entrance.”

Their boss gave out a loud sigh. “I’m guessing there are plenty of threats.”

Ben gave a great laugh. “As you always say, nothing is ever easy.”

Top merely grunted.

“Well, the rooftop is the worst. If I were to assassinate, it would be from up there. Plenty of entry points but it is difficult to get up there. I’ll have Fletch take a look.”

“How long are we looking?”

“My guess? The patch job work on the main entrance and the stables will be the longest. Give or take, ten days to be ready. As for training the nuggets… Your guess is as good as mine.”

Top led them to a large practice field that looked like it was used by the local dogs. “Morning meetings are here. Fletch should be getting back soon. Have him do a run down on the rooftop and the parameter. Gather up the dogs that are out now and get them updated on the change in management. I want a seven day change over.” Ben winced at the short time but he didn’t dare argue. “Contact your cousin tonight and have an update ready for me by sunup.”

Sensing a dismissal, Ben nodded. “Aye.” He smiled at Tina before taking up a jog back into the mansion.

“A long night ahead of us,” Tina remarked as Top took in the field in front of them.

“Aren’t they all.” He stood there in silence and Tina started to feel uncomfortable. It was unlike him.

“You have three days to pick your lapdogs and train them in our ways. You have Jack to work with but I want him doing public relations when he isn’t babysitting.”

‘Public relations’ was his way of saying spying and eavesdropping--the other skill Jack was best at. He turned and his eyes latched onto Kyle as if just realizing he had tagged along.

The Kalian straightened next to her when he saw Top wasn’t looking away.

“Squad Leader Kyle Banner… Banner isn’t a royal name so it’s safe to say you are a Ce’lian.”

What is he doing?

“Tell me, Kyle. What are you thinking?”


She suppressed a smile when Top didn’t repeat himself. He never did.

“Um. That you are a merc, sir.”


The Squad Leader shifted his weight uncomfortably under Top’s steady gaze. He had a way of making you feel stupid. “That--That you are Ce’lian. Perhaps in the Blood.”

“Am I wearing a glove on my right hand to hide the tat…like you are?”

Tina looked down and realized he was right.

The Blood? Shit.

It became clear to Kyle that they knew and his mouth seemed to work without reason. “No, sir. Um. I think it because you know what you are doing, sir. Like-Like you have protected a King before, or killed one. Only men with certain military training use SWOT analysis, like the Blood or the Vanguard. And you are obviously Ce’lian.”

Tina looked at Top as if seeing him for the first time.

The Vanguard...Could it be? That would explain a lot.

Top ignored her and continued his interrogation on Kyle. “The Captain said very little of you, only that you were his best. The problem is, the Blood were said to be loyal…”

Kyle straightened again, this time as if he had been slapped. “I am completely loyal to High Lord Victor, sir.”

It was then that Tina knew what he was doing. Top was a walking lie detector, he was trying to see if he could trust him.

But why? We never trusted anyone before on the other jobs. Rule number two, trust no one.

Slowly, Top nodded. “Tina, take him under your wing. He is your new Second. Make sure Jack has replacements and get some sheet time. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Kyle and Tina looked at each other wordlessly.

Didn’t see that one, did you T?
© Copyright 2006 ryc (UN: evolvedsaint at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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