Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/455041-Posting-in-the-Morning
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#455041 added September 15, 2006 at 8:30pm
Restrictions: None
Posting in the Morning
Now my brain is back with me I remember why I decided to write my blog before bed each night. *chuckles* Morning's are a nightmare for time. Usually there is some sort of plan that'll interrupt my morning and drag me away from the computer. So, I'd started writing in the evening to ensure that my entries each got written. Blog before bed was like I couldn't go to bed until I'd blogged.

Today my sister is coming over to take me and the kids out for a bit of a visit. It's a beautiful day so we decided we'll make it a picnic in a park nearby, maybe a short visit to the library and then hiring some DVD's. That means my time here is limited because she wants us ready to go when she arrives in about an hour.

But today is something different. Normally the morning is interrupted with having to get my daughter to school on time and then some days I don't come back to the house after that before noon or even afternoon. Thursdays are shopping days so those mornings are always too hectic for blogging. In fact, come to think of it, no wonder I'm always wiped out by the end of the day. *chuckles*

Last night I was going to talk about "adopting the neighbours kids". *grins* At the time I had a raging headache from too much sun at my daughters sports day followed by a few hours with three extra kids in the house. Having one child under your roof is a huge shift, having two is a little more effort but having five isn't really a big deal except for the noise.

One of the kids is Kaylie's age and in her class at school. They live two doors up the street. He has two sisters who are younger and Josh and Kaylie had a ball playing with them firstly outside, then on the dance mat inside and finally on the computer.

Sometimes I worry about those kids. Their family lives a different lifestyle. I keep going to say their aboriginal but their nationality really doesn't have too much to do with it. I guess for the most part their family and their family's before them were raised very differently. These kids grow up street and environment wise but with little respect for things. (in general)

Caleb and his sisters however a delightful children. I'm always concerned to see them playing out on the street unsupervised. Caleb the oldest is six and his sisters are four and two and all three wander freely around the neighbourhood. The trouble is while I know their home situation isn't ideal I also know that he has a very caring grandmother who makes an effort to ensure they're dressed, fed, and that Caleb goes to school.

Occassionally they turn up on my doorstep asking if Kaylie can come out and play. *chuckles* It's actually a surprise that they ask if she can "come out" because she's never allowed to play out the front unless I'm out there with her. What I do instead is invite them in. Yesterday my two were already playing outside on the swing set and the trampoline and they had fun out there before coming inside.

*sighs* Still, sometimes I really wonder about the parents who don't care about their kids. Sometimes I start wondering what it might be like to go into foster care. But I don't think I'd be able to handle it. I'd be dealing with kids who's family life has always been in turmoil and I'd know that eventually these kids go into new families or return to their original family. I don't think I'd be able to let go and I wouldn't stop worrying that maybe they've gone to something even worse then they came from.

So I just go on taking care of my own two, to the best of my ability and on occassion bring in the neighbours kids, give them something to eat and a safe place to play until dinner time when I feel obligated to send them home to their family.

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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