Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/450528-Chapter-One
Rated: 18+ · Book · Horror/Scary · #1148645
Karen has a weight problem then along comes a helping clawed hand.
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#450528 added August 25, 2006 at 9:20am
Restrictions: None
Chapter One
The room smelled of cinnamon. My stomach growled and the thought of food made my mouth water. Heaving my huge bulk out of the armchair I made my way to the kitchen. The kitchen was small and square with barely enough room for a cooker and fridge/freezer, but I loved the brightness. Yellow tiles lined the walls and when the sun from the window above the sink shone through it made the small room glow yellow.
I looked in the fridge, noticing how empty the shelves were I sighed. I’d need to go shopping later, a task I hated. People always stared at you when you were fat, watching everything you put in your trolley and making snide remarks “no wonder she’s so big if she eats all that crap”. Grabbing the remainder of a big bar of chocolate and a can of coke I went back to my comfy armchair and switched over to Trisha, my favourite chat show.
I woke up to the theme tune of Emmerdale, my back burning from having slept in the armchair. I grunted and pushed myself up; switching Emmerdale off I headed for the bathroom. I couldn’t believe I’d slept away nearly a whole day, what was wrong with me, now I’d have to rush out and go shopping at the busiest time.
I ran a brush through my short brown hair and looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I looked bloated and ill. The pain in my back was now a dull throb and not for the first time I wished I didn’t have my life. Wished with all my heart that I was somebody else, no that I was thin, that I could eat what I wanted and not get fat. Then maybe Kevin would come back.
I felt the tears flow with the thought of Kevin. Why had he left me, I knew there must be more to it than the fact I was fat, he’d said he loved me just the way I was. Liar, liar, liar, he was not worth it. Suzy and Mum were right; I’d meet someone else, eventually. I looked again at my reflection, staring into my own brown eyes, not one spark of life left.
I grabbed my black coat, car keys and braced myself for the cold wind as I made my way to the car. Stuffing myself behind the steering wheel I manoeuvred my belly so that I could move the steering wheel freely. Gritting my teeth I stuck the car in reverse and was on my way to Tesco.
Once in Tesco’s I ducked my head and pushed my trolley, luckily enough I knew where everything was off by heart so didn’t really need to see where I was going. I could feel people watching me and I wanted scream at them “I’m not THAT big”. I watched enough TV to know that there were bigger people out there, especially in America but the UK wasn’t far behind.
I virtually ran round the store dumping food and drink into my trolley. I walked down the sweetie aisle and nearly ran over Kevin.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”
I swung my trolley round and nearly hit him in the ankles, apologising profusely again and turned quickly and walked away, as fast as my dumpy little legs would take me. I felt my cheeks burning and made my way to a check out, ignoring Kevin who I could hear calling my name.
I’d never been so embarrassed, so ashamed that he had seen me like this. I wasn’t a fool, I knew what I looked like and I knew I wasn’t happy. I’d lost the one man I loved over my weight and now I weighed more than ever. But the thing that burned me up the most was that I’d lied to my whole family and told them Kevin had dumped me because I was too fat. When really he had finished with me because he was tired of trying to make me happy and he couldn’t watch me eat myself to death anymore.
Back at the car I realised that I had left without buying any crisps or chocolate. Fighting the overwhelming urge to go back in I decided now was the time when I needed to help myself. Going without crisps or chocolate wouldn’t kill me and maybe I wouldn’t feel like crap anymore.
I slammed the front door and rushed to the ringing phone, probably my Mother.
“Hi Karen, its Kevin”
My mouth fell open in surprise and I was completely lost for words.
“Karen, you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m here. I was just surprised is all.”
“Yeah me too. It was good to see you Karen, even if you did run off, I don’t think I ever saw you move so fast!”
Kevin’s laughter carried down the phone and I felt the tears in my eyes. Why was this so hard? I knew he wasn’t making fun of me, only having a joke like old times. But I wasn’t having a good day I admitted to myself, I was unhappy.
“I’m sorry Kevin, I have to go. My dinners in the oven.”
With that I hung up, packed my shopping away and settled back down in my armchair. It was getting late and for the first time I wasn’t hungry, munching on some left over crisps I flicked through channels. Feeling sleep drag at me I felt my eyes slip close and the sleep took over.

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