Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/448264-Next-day-in-the-life-of-Wren-and-Bernard
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#448264 added August 15, 2006 at 7:57pm
Restrictions: None
Next day in the life of Wren and Bernard
“See, Wren, didn’t I tell you not many people would want to volunteer what they believe in?”

“Yes, Bernard. So you did. And why did you say that?”

“Because I wouldn’t.”

“You wouldn’t want to say what you believe in? Whyever not?”

“I don’t want to have you thinking poorly of me, judging me.”

“I wouldn’t be. That’s not the point.”

“Well then, what is the point?”

My point was that we, all of us, have things that we believe in, that matter to us. Things that make us who we are, so to speak. Those things don’t all have to be God, apple pie and Motherhood, Bernard. “

“But you’d think I was crazy if I said I believed in Bicycle Camp, wouldn’t you?”

“Bicycle Camp? Yes, I would. I’ve never heard of it before. It can’t be all that important to you.”

“Of course not. I just made that up. But see, you thought I was silly for saying it. Didn’t you?”

“Try to say something that really does matter to you. I don’t’ think I’d think you were silly for that.”

“I believe in you, Wren. “

“Oh Bernard, you are a love. That may be a pretty silly thing to believe in though. Say something else.”

“All right. I believe in aerospace education.”

“Well all right then. That’s very true of you. You put thought and time and energy into aerospace education. It is something you believe in. Good work.“

“Now, what do you believe in?”

“You mean besides God?”

“Yes. You didn’t let me off that easy.”

“Okay then. Among other things, I believe in listening to people. I believe in giving people their space. I believe in everybody’s right to believe what they believe and feel what they feel.”

“Like right now?“

“Of course right now. What do you mean?”

“I’m feeling irritated because while you’ve been blogging and chatting, I’ve been gathering the trash and putting away the rest of the chicken.”

“Well, dear, you have the right to feel irritated if you want to. Help yourself. I told you I would put away the chicken.”

“But I want to go to bed.”

“So who’s stopping you? Go to bed.”

But we did get some good answers, even if there weren’t many. It gave people something to think about, anyway. And maybe, when they least expect it, they’ll hear themself saying, “I believe in ___.”

© Copyright 2006 Wren (UN: oldcactuswren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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