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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #1062373
NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry
#447719 added August 13, 2006 at 5:25pm
Restrictions: None
London Terrorists' Plot - Restrictions/Check Points
So medicine and baby formula are allowed on airplanes...

In light of the newest reported terror plot from London to blow up nine or ten transatlantic flights I have to wonder… who says that the terrorists’ can't devise a way to insert a fake liner or false bottom in a can of baby formula or a bottle of medicine?

I’m suppose to believe that these terrorists are sophisticated enough to acquire liquid explosives, charismatic enough to recruit and convince each other and others to commit suicide and mass murder to make some kind of political point or protest… and I am expected to trust the two major governments leaders, Blair and Bush, who are mostly responsible for the seriously flawed foreign policies in the Middle East, and ignore the fact that neither of these governments have caught Bin Laden, or the fact that they plotted, planned, and started the war in Iraq… yea right!!!!

I'm just as concerned about standing in the long, crowded lines for security checks as I am about actually getting on a plane... seems to me the terrorists could kill as many of the same eventual passengers with one or several of their bombs, including those highly intelligent baggage checkers, while just approaching the security checkpoints at airports, or while standing in one of, or several of the long, crowded lines all around the airports in various countries. Its total insanity... dead is dead regardless if people are on the ground or in the air.

The people, Bush, Blair, the Homeland Security Guy, and all of the other government big wigs, who claim they are protecting the flying public, and in charge and control… don’t fly American, Delta, Centennial Airlines, or any other public airline, now do they?

And we all know how secure checked baggage is, right? So, a terrorist can check a bag and then quickly and quietly pass through all the security check points, and then detonate it from their seat on any particular plane, well can't they?

I have seriously hesitated to make these comments, and make them publicly but if I, a simple housewife, can think of these horrible ways the terrorist surely can. Someone, anyone dead set on committing mass murder can think of the same things, well can’t they?
Where are the chemicals these terrorists were planning on using? Have the authorities found any stock piles or proof of purchases of large or small quantities of liquid explosives? I think it is a fair question since there were no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq?

When police make a major drug bust... there are usually pictures of stacks of money, and stacks of drugs, well aren't there? Forgive me for being a Doubting Thomas, but the news reports I listened to the other night said that this group of terrorists had been under intense surveillance and that they would have never been able to pull off their latest plot to blow up international flights. But still we’re told to be afraid, very afraid.

Well, I’m waiting for the government and airlines to impose some very serious restrictions on the flying public. For example, I’m surprised that we are not all told that from this point on anyone wanting to board an airplane will all have to have their stomachs pumped, allow the highly trained security screeners and baggage checkers to perform an anal probe, and then require that all passengers must disrobe as the newest regulations require we all fly naked. Or maybe the flying public should be allowed to fly in a drug induced coma – and awakened from their drug induced coma upon arriving at their destination. Imagine how much money the airlines could save – no more concerns about pesky passenger creature comforts such as meals, snakes, pillows, blankets, or in-flight entertainment.

I can just imagine it… passengers’ board the plane, the pilot, co-pilot, and flight attendant don their gas masks… the passengers are then gassed into oblivion for the duration of the flight. Voila! Potential problems of possible terrorists’ attacks thwarted. Works for me!!!

At this point I’m sure some of you maybe thinking that I am not taking the terrorists’ threats seriously, let me assure anyone reading this that I absolutely take the terrorists’ threat seriously.

The point I’m making is that even with extreme measures the airlines and the respective governments are dangerously playing the law of averages with the flying publics’ lives– for profit.

Young Muslim rage takes root in Britain
By Kevin Sullivan and Joshua Partlow

Updated: 3:43 a.m. CT Aug 13, 2006

Basically, the above article mentions that part of the problem is with people who have immigrated and came to live in countries, like Briton and the United States, as failing to assimilate/integrate. Of course, the foreign policies of the British and United States governments of creating forced democracies in the Middle East are playing a huge role in breeding of home-grown terrorists’.

I happen to think that immigrants who fail to assimilate or integrate into the societies of their new host countries, be it Briton or the United States, are probably only part of the root of the problem. Seems the majority of those arrested in the latest terror plot are second generation of immigrants.

Now it seems that the proudly democratic governments of Briton and the United States have somehow twisted and re-interpreted the meaning of the word Democracy into something that appears to be more like a Dictatorship than a Democracy. It’s the new “Do-As-We-Say-Do” attitudes of a President and a Prime Minister, specifically Bush and Blair.

Proud fellows Bush and Blair, so proud they have lost touch with the people they were elected to represent, and both seem too proud to admit their own mistakes.

Just because these two leaders convinced their respective governments to allow them to start a war in Iraq, and we all know now false information was given as the reason, what does Bush say? Bush says, “It (the invasion of Iraq) was still the right thing to do.” I was always taught that doing the right thing for the wrong reason – is not the right thing to do, but I guess that only applies to a commoner… and not a President of Prime Minister.

Eye for an Eye Methodology
If the terrorists continue on their path of an Eye for an Eye Methodology, then surely the entire world will end up blind.

Of course, the United States President supported Israel’s starting a war… Bush is a war monger, after all. Bush’s solution in dealing with Iraq, a country that was mistakenly reported to have weapons of mass destruction and was preparing to use them, was to invade Iraq as a pre-emptive strike against global terrorism.

America is not an innocent victim, but a great number of American citizens are, and for some unknown reason the terrorists evidently must believe that by killing hundreds or thousands of innocent Americans the current American President and his crew of cronies will care, and possibly change foreign policy. We all know that’s not going to happen, right?

Hey… TERRORISTS’ – Here’s a clue… President Bush does not care about American citizens, and your continued unwarranted attacks on innocent American civilians are allowing President Bush to continue to promote and sell his War on Terror.

Hey… TERRORISTS’ – I think your all cowards. It’s much easier, too easy actually, to plan to blow up plane loads, nine or ten plane loads, of unarmed civilians than say plan an actual attack against the political leaders who are actually making all the foreign policy decisions that ya’ll say you’re fighting against. Shame on you all!

Just so I’m not misunderstood, or accused of promoting attacks against any governmental leaders and officials – especially American Government leaders - I’m not. I’m just pointing out that it has long been a crime to kill civilians.

Are heads of government’s civilians? So, you kill all the civilians, and whose left? The answer to me seems to be, “The soldiers who make up the armies and the guys whose job it is to lead those armies, and who make the decisions to send their countries armies to war in the first place.”

Daily I’m faced with the evidence that demonstrates America is at war; I do watch the news! But with a simple television remote I can immediately channel surf and find any number of television programs that seem to demonstrate that only a small fraction of the world’s populations are actually at war. I find this fact very disturbing.

Home Shopping Networks have not missed a beat. Malls around the globe are still conducting business as usual. UPS and FedEx are still making routine deliveries of merchandise. I’m still able to sit at my dining room table, surf the Internet, and not have to worry about bombs dropping like rain on my neighborhood.

Me, my family, and so many others all across America are far removed from the actual ravages of the wars our countrymen are fighting in, and this fact is the simple, horrific truth.

Watching, reading, and hearing about so much death and destruction in war torn countries, like Iraq and Afghanistan, and now Lebanon and Beirut, has, in a fashion, desensitized an entire nation. Seems hardly anyone takes notice of a single individual’s death – especially a civilian’s death, and especially if that death was a result of natural causes.

Newspapers still publish obituaries daily. We repeatedly hear about soldiers who are paying the ultimate price in service to their county. Death is being neatly packaged for the general consumption of the reading and viewing public, and I’m finding all of this to be tragic and alarming.

America is at war, and our Congress and Senate have been debating changes to minimum wage laws. Of course, the proposal to increase minimum wages failed. Of course it did!

America is at war, and Bush still finds plenty of time to vacation at his ranch in Texas.

Currently many of America’s politicians are preparing for elections – even the wars are not really over-shadowing their quest for re-election – war appears as just another election hurdle for those wanting to be re-elected. Seems the politicians want to make sure that whatever their position is on war it’s on the side that has the most voters who will turn out and vote for them. Although the voter turn out in most communities is far less than the voter turn out was in Iraq.

The Army has quickly and quietly raised the age requirement for enlistment at least twice now.

I see no end to the conflicts that are raging around the world.

I’ve heard and read news reports that America is planning on helping to rebuild towns and cities destroyed in the path of the latest conflicts, while New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast regions are still pretty much left to fend for themselves.

Osama Bin Laden is still a free man... and there is still that pesky question about his name not being on the no-fly watch list, but the plane carrying singer Cat Stevens was diverted… Surely, we all feel safer now!
Cat Stevens Held After D.C. Flight Diverted
By Sara Kehaulani Goo
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 22, 2004; Page A10


I tend to agree with what this guy said in the last two paragraphs of the following article at the following link:

Liquid as Weapon? For Many, a Scary Thought by JIM DWYER
Published: August 11, 2006


Excerpt from the above article:

At news Web sites, readers posted their thoughts on the developments, and one man writing on The New York Times’s Web site counseled avoiding the risks of travel in favor of the pleasures of home.

“I really do not understand why anybody would want to go anywhere,” Bill Threlkeld wrote. “Stay home. Read a book. Tend your garden. Make love. Drink wine. But most of all — stay home.”

And the following article ought to demonstrate the stupidity of Bush and his current Misadministration:

Bush sought to cut $6M in screening technology
Amid U.K. terror plot, administration targeted anti-terror technology funds

Updated: 1 hour, 58 minutes ago
Time NOW: 3:50 pm Central

On a more personal note:

Yep, Yep… think I’m going to go check on the delectable Boston Butt Pork Roast I have in the over, and shortly after that I’ll go play with my newest toy… it’s called a “Knit-Wit” (How appropriate!) I got it (the Knit-Wit) at Wal-Mart. "No knitting knowledge required" printed on the packaging. (Although I do knit... I thought this "Knit-Wit" thingamajig looked like fun) I guess the NO KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED phase is also a phase that can apply to the current Administrators (think President, Vice President, Secretary of State, Homeland Security Guy, etc…) who are currently running our American government. Ya'll do know that America can't win the Global War on Terror, don't you?

Now America got this Iranian President problem... ya'll think gasoline is expensive now - just wait!

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