Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/447504-Why-should-this-surprise-me
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#447504 added August 13, 2006 at 6:54pm
Restrictions: None
Why should this surprise me?
When I first found WDC I kept wanting to talk to someone else who enjoyed it here too, and who knew her way around. Barbs and a number of others have always been knowledgeable, friendly and generous with their time and information. Trying to attract other friends to give it a try has not been so easy. It is a little daunting at first, if they ever make the first click to get themselves here. Getting them in the store, that's the first fundamental of advertising. Even without the difficulties of finding a parking place, etc., fewer people than I expected have been willing to give it a try.

So, I was so excited to set Bill up with his free account last night. He immediately wanted to blog, and since I haven't gotten that part arranged yet, set about posting his own static item and calling it a blog, editing it for each new entry.

When I get the "Updated" thing figured out, I suppose he can move it to a regular blog. By then he'll probably need to change the name to: Flying Circles Around Wren.*Smile*

So, today I wanted to see if anybody looked at it, and who, etc. (Thanks, Charles and the rest of you.) And I wanted to tell him how to get into people's ports to return the favor, and find their blogs, and all that stuff I thought I had wanted someone to do for me.

Guess what? He doesn't need my help. And if he does, he'll ask. And guess what else? I wouldn't have liked him standing over my shoulder urging me on either. Revelation!

See his blog at

 BeechSportBill - Keeping up with Wren  (E)
Every day my Blog is getting Better and Better!
#1143512 by BeechSportBill


So, on an entirely different note but for want of another topic, here's the only poem I ever officially submitted to a magazine, "The Saturday Evening Post," when I was about 13.

"Latin Will Be So Helpful," Mom Said.

I spotted an ad reading, "Nominal salary."
Needed a job, so I dashed to the phone.
Too late I have found that a nominal salary
Means "in name only" and not "name your own."

Needless to say, it didn't get published. I don't think it left me scarred for life, but I do wish I'd get at it and submit something somewhere. Isn't there a group for that?

Isn't there a search on this site that will help find things like that without my having to read about every group on here?

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