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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1141293
Stories revolving four people who are in love...
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#446189 added August 7, 2006 at 4:55am
Restrictions: None
If Tomorrow Never Comes_5
Ryan was still unsure until one day, fate decided it for him.

He was in the editorial room, doing his work, when suddenly his heart constricted. Pain and shock stilled him. He clutched at his chest, he recognized this as just a mild attack. Quickly, he fumbled with the medication he always carried with him in his pocket. Popping a few pills into his mouth, he stilled his actions, willing the pain away.

That was the condition Aria found him in when she stepped into the room. Ryan hunching over a chair, his face clearly showing him in pain.

Quickly stepping into the room, Aria assisted him into a chair. "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

Mortified to have her find him in an obvious attack, he quickly thought up a lie. He rested his forehead on his arms, which were crossed on the desk. "I'm alright now. Just a slight headache."

Looking at the pile of work in front of him, Aria looked back at him, "Did you stay up all night to complete these? Was that why you nearly fainted?"

Gritting his teeth, he snapped at her, "I did not nearly faint. Furthermore, why should you care what happened to me. Go away. Avoid me like the plague, just the way you have been doing this whole week." He couldn't help it. He just had to vent his frustration as well as fear out.

Biting back a retort, Aria glanced away. She had not realized that such were his feelings, and that he would notice the way she had been acting.

When he groaned as another wave of pain hit him, Aria quickly said, "Don't move. Just go to sleep. You need it badly. I'll just finish some of these for you."

Ryan mumbled a reply, then settled himself more comfortably in his chair. The pain had begun to subside, and the medication was making him drowsy.

When he awoke later, he was looking into Aria's eyes. He realized that she had been watching him sleep. He had felt her touch on his lips.

Clearly shocked to have been caught in the act, Aria started to speak.

Giving in to temptation, Ryan put a hand on her cheek.

Cupping the back of her head in his other hand, he gently tilted her head up. Gazing deeply into her eyes, he kissed her.

Unknown to Aria, this was his first kiss. He was spellbound by the turbulent emotions that were caused from such a simple kiss. If this was the way all kisses were, he had missed out a lot in his years. However, he knew that such sensations could only be when he was with Aria. From the first moment he met her, he knew she would be his only one.

He marveled at how soft and silky her lips were. Ryan did not try to deepen the kiss, instead he experimented by brushing his lips gently across hers a few times.

Aria's lashes flew open when she felt tiny licks of his tongue at the seam of her lips. But as the warm feeling spread through her, she slowly parted her lips for him to explore.

Seizing the opportunity, he deepened their kiss. He reveled in exploring her warmth, feeling the sparks flew when he touched his tongue to hers for the first time.

They parted moments later, both dazed from the kiss. Aria reached up and rested her fingers on his lips.

She removed her hand and got ready to walk off. Ryan sprang up from his seat, quickly grabbing hold of her wrist.

"We really need to talk," he said, his voice unsteady.

Shaking her head, Aria tried to shake his hand off, but he wouldn't let go. "Promise me, meet me in the garden near the back gate tomorrow. After school. I will wait for you."

She quickly shook her head. Ryan tighten his hold on her, "Promise, or I won't let go."

Desperate to get away from him, Aria nodded frantically. When he let go, she dashed for the door. Before she exited it, Ryan said, "You don't have to pretend anymore. I know exactly who you are now."


On the day of the meeting, Ryan was feeling on top of the world. Soon, he will be able to meet with Aria, and they will be together.

When the last bell rang Ryan rushed from his class, anxious to get as quickly as possible to the meeting place.

The garden was quiet when he reached. This came as no surprise to him because not many people passed the spot.

Ryan stood in the middle of the garden, his face facing up the sky. A big smile lit on his face. Why did the sky seemed so blue and the sun so bright suddenly? He took a deep breath out of his surroundings. Why was it that the air smells like some exotic scent? Looking around him in the garden, he noticed flowers he had never seen were there before. All these time, how could he have missed out all these vibrant colours?

Was he really so blind, so senseless before?

Time passed as he stood there waiting for Aria. He got very tired; his back and legs aching. However, he dared not move from the spot. It was as if he could prevent himself from accepting the harsh fact so long as he didn't move.

Suddenly, Ryan's face paled. Pain shoot out from his heart, spreading like bush fire all over his body. He fell hard on his knees, his hand clutching at his chest. Frantically, he searched for the bottle of medication in his pocket. But he fumbled, and the bottle fell on the ground, rolling out of his reach.

He tried reaching for it, but he couldn't move a muscle. Slowly, he fell flat on the floor. Tears rolling silently down his cheeks.

It was not from the pain, or his impending death. Not really.

One thought flashed through his mind before he surrendered himself to the darkness within.

Aria did not come.


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