Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446180
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1141293
Stories revolving four people who are in love...
#446180 added August 7, 2006 at 4:46am
Restrictions: None
A Different Realization_1
David Frankley. What an enigma, thought Meg.

Meg was sitting on the bleachers that overlooked the field. The school football team and cheerleaders were having their practice there. Consequently, David was running up and down the sidelines with his camera, trying to catch some shots of them in action.

Meg wanted to give David a hand, but he waved her away, saying that she'd only be a bother. Thus, Meg was sitting alone enjoying the view, while David was down there, running up and down like a mad dog.

She propped her elbows on her knees and then cupped her chin with two hands. Her hackles were raised at the idea that she could be anyone's bother. David had no idea how competent she was, or how much experience she had gained from her active involvement in school. What did a recluse like him know about teamwork?

However, she couldn't deny the fact that David was indeed a superb photographer. She had seen the proof of his ability in all the school's magazines. He had the talent to capture people's innermost feelings unnoticed on film. For that, she had to give him credit.

Looking at David, she couldn't help but think of Ryan as well. The simple thought of Ryan brought a soft smile to her face.

Ryan Frankley, the love of her life, as well as David's fraternal twin.

If no one had told her about their relationship, Meg would never have guessed. The two of them were as different as day is from night, physically as well as mentally.

Physically, Ryan was like a fairy prince with his neatly combed back blonde hair and smiling eyes. David on the other hand, had dark hair that looked as if it had never been combed before and sturdy glasses that were forever slipping down his nose. Ryan's face was always gentle and smiling, where as David had a permanent frown marked between his brows that made him looked harsh and angry.

Mentally, Ryan was the kind of guy who could run in any circles and still be popular. He had the ability to bring out the best in everyone he met. Every guy wanted him for a buddy, while every girl wanted him for a boyfriend.

As for David, he shied away from contact with people he didn't know. The number of friends he had can be counted on one hand alone. Though he had a face that looked angry all the time, he was actually a very patient person and had never raised his voice before. David's passion in life was photography. Photography was the only source he knew how to use to express his feelings.

"Yoohoo, Meg! Wake up!"

Startled out of her reverie, Meg looked up to see her best friend standing by her side, an amused expression on her face.

"I thought David was so boring that it turned you into a stone," Aria said, taking the seat beside Meg. "What have you been thinking? You were staring into space."

Meg chuckled over Aria's remark on David, then said, "I was just thinking no any other two people could be more different than Ryan and David."

"True," Aria said, after a thought. "I was so shocked when you told me that the two of them are twins."

Meg nodded, and thought back to the day she told Aria that. It was after their first committee meeting with Ryan and the gang. It was in that meeting that she gave up the chance to work alongside Ryan and chose instead to work with David in the photography department. She thought that by working with David, she would get interesting tidbits on Ryan, but alas, all was for nothing. As far as David was concerned, his only living relative was his precious camera. Meg believed she knew more about Ryan than David did.

Meg sighed. "It was useless. I shouldn't have chosen to work with him. Nothing about Ryan ever came up."

Aria looked at Meg with a thoughtful look. "Actually, since you're really so into Ryan, you should have just gone up to him and tell that to him in his face. You don't have to go around gathering information you don't need."

Meg nibbled uncertainly on her lips, then said, "I think Ryan might have someone else in his mind."

Shocked, Aria exclaimed, "What!"

"What I meant was he was always very kind to me, and attentive, but he was like that to everyone. Even you!"

Blushing hotly, Aria diverted her gaze from Meg. "Crap! He was never kind to me!"

Scandalized by the thought that Ryan could be unkind, Meg rose to his defense, "Of course he was kind to you! Remember the first day you were here? He was the one who made you fit in!" Casting a sidelong glance at Aria, she added, "Anyway, I never knew what happened between the two of you. Nowadays, both of you rarely speak to each other."

Angry now, Aria said, "Nothing! Like I told you, I just don't think highly of him anymore, and vice versa!"

With that, Aria walked angrily away, leaving Meg to gape at her retreating back.

What is it with that girl? Meg thought. Sometimes, she just had no idea what went through her head, though they were close friends.

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