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NO more humor... just more tragic, sad, sick, twisted goings ons - Sorry |
Some FEMA employee somehow had the power to award enough money that somebody got enough money FOR FREE to have a sex change operation... (see: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-fema15jun15,0,1306432.story... ) Other FEMA employees, I think 72 of them, were arrested for stealing money meant for hurricane victims... Offshore accounting is robbing the tax system... Yet, our Congress and Senate is squabbling over some poor waiter or waitresses tips... What is wrong with this picture? Workers' tips at issue in congressional minimum-wage bill By ERICA WERNER Associated Press http://famulus.msnbc.com/famulusgen/ap08-02-000753.asp?t=apnew&vts=8220060848 Seems to me it is time to take our government out of the hands of the rich and powerful who have never really worked a day in their lives - at least not as a waiter or waitress. Tax Cheats Called Out of Control By DAVID CAY JOHNSTON Published: August 1, 2006 http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/01/business/01tax.html?ex=1154664000&en=713de5d05... Also, more of the same at the following link: http://www.globalpolicy.org/nations/corrupt/2002/0326evasion.htm Seems the great, all powerful American Government cannot insure that taxes can be collected fair and equally. I know I'll never have enough money to dodge taxes. So, the majority of us honest people have to carry the burden for those the IRS can't seem to collect from. What is wrong with this picture? I got audited a couple of years ago, and the IRS gave me 30 days to dispute their findings that I owed them $10,000.00. Odd that is exactly what we had in our savings. Faced with being unable to argue with them, we gave them our life savings, although we know we didn't owe it. But we couldn't afford to fight with the IRS. So, now that we have given them our life savings... I hope they'll leave us alone...no point in trying to save money... They can't get what a person doesn't have... I still find it amazing that the amount the IRS said we owed exactly matched what we spent years and years saving... And now I'm expected to believe that they can't do anything about this offshore banking tax dodge stuff... yeah right... I think we all need to be outraged... we need new people to run for political office... we need to stop this madness that has become the American Government... and we need to let people who WORK for tips KEEP THEIR DAMN MONEY... if I find that your service to me warrants a TIP I don't think the American Government has the right to tax it. And I think everyone of these public servants (I'm being sarcastic...) needs to work for minimum wage... and TIPS... Oh yes, I'm pissed... |